Delayed updates

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Delayed updates

Post by Greyman » Tue May 16, 2017 11:28 am

Before anyone rolls their eyes, this isn't a rant about the update schedule.

I don't use Twitter so if Thunt posts a tweet saying a comic will be missed until next week, I don't know about it. Plus living in the UK and busy work schedule means I don't often get to see the streams.

So what I'm proposing is, if Thunt mentions an update will be missed, that someone who gets the info, posts it in this topic so I (and other uninformed forumites) will avoid frantically checking on Monday/early Tuesday.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Guus » Tue May 16, 2017 11:50 am

But there is a Twitter feed right under the current page, that show his tweets. So you don't have to go to Twitter, you only have to scroll down a little bit further (and if you want to know more, just click on his Spiderman image to directly go to his twitter page). That's a lot easier to do than go to the forum and check the right thread, not even taking into the account the trouble someone else has to go through to tell you something that is right there on the website's front page.

I would advice you to just check in about every wednesday though, because if it's not up by then, chances are there won't be an update that eeek :shrug:
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Greyman » Tue May 16, 2017 11:56 am

Sorry forgot to add, Twitter feed is blocked in work.

Though I've checked the feed from my home and not seen anything, only for someone to mention Thunt dropped it in his Twitch Stream. Thunt also tweets/retweets a lot, so his feed can get a little...chaotic.

If no one thinks it's a good idea, that's cool, was just a request/suggestion. I thought it'd a good way to centralise the information for everyone.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Morgaln » Tue May 16, 2017 12:00 pm

The twitter feed on the front page has a delay, though, it often doesn't display the latest post(s).

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Guus » Tue May 16, 2017 12:03 pm

Ah, that does complicate things. Ah well, maybe someone will take your suggestion, it at the very least cannot hurt. I don't really feel inclined to pick that up though, I know myself and then I'll focus too much on "yet another update missed" instead of the taking it as it comes attitude I have right now.

And you are right Morgaln, but if you tend to check on Tuesday as well as monday it should be there by then :)
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by RocketScientist » Tue May 16, 2017 1:58 pm

I just read through his feed. There's nothing about when the update will be up. There's a bit about him having an OCD problem where he draws/redraws details, and a bit about him being exhausted last night. Idk if that's useful information for you.

And please, before anyone decides it would be a good idea, let's not turn this into a complaint/insult/mental-health-issues-aren't-real thread. Somebody feels the need to make one of those every time he is late, saying the exact same thing they said the last time he was late. Nobody enjoys late/missed updates. But everything people are going to say has already been said ad nauseum. Enough.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Guus » Tue May 16, 2017 2:03 pm

I feel smart, but I'm pretty sure I'm an idiot.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by AXIS » Tue May 16, 2017 6:18 pm

I think it's best just to "not expect regular updates" from Thunt.

I mean the guy has a LOT of mental problems, and they often have a big effect on his schedule.

Just mentally prepare yourself for that, and your enjoyment of the comic will be much higher I think. Treat the comic as a bit more of a casual read. Check back in Mondays and if things aren't there, just let it chill for a few days instead of hitting refresh.

I mean I wish the updates were regular as clockwork and his mental problems all went away too, but that's just not going to happen. Not in the short term anway.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by WearsHats » Wed May 17, 2017 12:39 am

He's said that this page specifically has a lot of detail. At least the pencils are up. Hopefully we'll get back on track (more or less) soon.
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Overshot » Wed May 17, 2017 12:36 pm

I'm interested in the opinion of something from the people on the forum.

If it were up to you, would you trade drawing quality for faster updates with more story?

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Shardstorm » Wed May 17, 2017 4:59 pm

For myself I don't care if Thunt is late. I like them every week, but I read them when they're up. I'm more worried that it'll effect his professional relationship with Cheyenne Wright. Keeping Cheyenne onside keeps the colour quality high, consistent, and removes some of the work from Tarol. That last one being the most important I feel, and the setback of losing him and pushing more work back onto Thunt would be bad for him I expect.
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by RocketScientist » Thu May 18, 2017 8:29 am

Well, I'd definitely trade the perfectionism of getting that one hand just exactly right. I'm pretty sure nobody cares about that but him. And, I mean, I read the black and white pages, where his art wasn't even in the same league that it is now. OTOH, it seems to me that he draws to fill up the space, plus some. So if he has a week to draw something, he'll take a week and a little bit over that. I don't know that there's anything that can be done to speed him up. He's gotten tech, he's gotten advice, he's gotten help, and he's still working at the same speed. At this point, that's probably just the Speed of Thunt.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by WearsHats » Thu May 18, 2017 10:38 am

Well, things did speed him up. Tech sped him up. Advice sped him up. He redesigned the characters by spending days drawing them, seeing what was slowing him down the most, and changing/paring details to streamline the process.

Unfortunately, tech didn't just speed him up. It gave him opportunities to add more detail and technique. Likewise, as his art style evolved, he started adding more time-consuming detail. If he just kept the art style static, he'd be cranking pages out every other day. But he won't give it less than his best. (I have mixed feelings about that. I like the pretty art and I can respect wanting to do your best. But I'm in it for the story and would be satisfied with less detailed art.)

The other thing is that he fidgets. He knows he does it and he's embarrassed about it. But it's difficult for him to control. He's talked about it a few times on Twitter and the livestream. He gets this feeling in his head like something he's drawn isn't quite right and it just needs one little tweak to make it right and it's so damn close to being right... and he gets caught up in fixing it, constantly feeling like he's just right on the edge of having it... and then he looks up and sees that literally hours have gone by.

So... yeah. Speed of Thunt may be right.

Then again, he's also still juggling G:AR and other projects. And things like getting a chunk of his skull replaced.

Anyway, I'm happy to read it at the pace it comes out. Faster updates would be nice, but pretty art is pretty. I'm not going to worry about it too much either way.
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Glemp » Thu May 18, 2017 12:02 pm

Well, Cheyenne sped him up as well since Thunt no longer needs to worry about shading.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu May 18, 2017 12:43 pm

I remember making that letter for the banner. If I look at it now I am kind of horrified at how bad it is.
Back then I didn't really like it all that much, either, but I looked at it and I could honestly say "this is probably as good as it is going to get with my current skill level". So I was happy with that.
I have learned a thing or two in between then and the time I did the wedding card front. And it shows. I hope that I have gotten at least a little better since then. And today, I know I still am nowhere nearly as good as other people.
But then again, I don't have to earn my money with my art. I just do it for fun.

So I cannot relate to what Thunt is going through at all. But do I get the bit where you want it to be as good as you can possibly make it, whatever that means.
And I can vividly imagine that the better you get, the harder it would be to "let go" and allow art that is NOT up to your personal par go public.

In any case. I'm here for the story, the characters, the art, the community, all of it and more.
And I will be here as long as there is any of that left to see, left to come back to.

I have come to terms with Thunt taking as long as he takes. There's no way to hurry it, so I have to accept the pace he sets.
But I can understand everyone who has trouble doing that.
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Krulle » Fri May 19, 2017 2:06 am

WearsHats wrote:The other thing is that he fidgets. He knows he does it and he's embarrassed about it. But it's difficult for him to control. He's talked about it a few times on Twitter and the livestream. He gets this feeling in his head like something he's drawn isn't quite right and it just needs one little tweak to make it right and it's so damn close to being right... and he gets caught up in fixing it, constantly feeling like he's just right on the edge of having it... and then he looks up and sees that literally hours have gone by.
A trick I once used: When I restarted/redid the same thing for a third, because I knew I could do it better, and while it's close to perfect, next time it'll be, I've set an alarm for 20 Minutes. If I used the time up, and I haven't hit the sweet spot I thought to be right around the corner for me to grasp, I took ten Minutes to look at the different solutions I did and pick the best one of them. IF there was time left before limit date, I may return to the detail, but usually I forgot about it.

Taught me alot about myself.

Furthermore, with Thunt's workflow and subsequent colouring and shading, the perfection may not even be visible after final touches anymore.
But he objectively knows, but can't get it converted to a subjective feeling his actions follow...
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Overshot » Fri May 19, 2017 2:21 am

The only thing that kind of worries me, is the fact that he will obviously keep getting better at drawing, since he does it so much.. But then it's just gonna take longer and longer for new pages to come out, right? God, I wish we could go back to the days of two updates/week, that was just so good.

The story of Goblins is just so amazing, and it seems to happen so slowly.

I guess it's just me being way too interested in what's gonna happen, especially now when so much is happening :)

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Greyman » Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:03 pm

I've checked Twitter and can't see anything, has Thunt mentioned anything on Twitch?

Or is he having some downtime, health pending?

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Glemp » Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:46 pm

Progress update: The Patreon sneak peek has just gone out.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by WearsHats » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:06 pm

Glemp wrote:Progress update: The Patreon sneak peek has just gone out.
For those not familiar: That means patrons can see pencils for the next update, which is scheduled for this coming Monday.
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Glemp » Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:08 am

Yeah, I should have explained more but I don't like sounding privileged. Still, I should have included the website release date regardless.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by Synch » Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:48 am

I literally don't give a shit when it comes out eh. There's plenty of other webcomics to read. If its every week, or every month, or once every 2 months I just don't care anymore :) Seems the easiest way to deal with Speed of Thunt!
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:58 am

While Synch has a point, and that sums up more or less the way I handle the irregularity of the updates, it's very valid for a person like Greyman (not using/having access to other platforms) to ask if any information has been made available elsewhere. Especially if done in such a polite and non-aggrevating way. :thumbsup:
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Re: Delayed updates

Post by CrimTheCold » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:22 pm

Long time lurker that registered just to speak up. As far as I am concerned Thunt can take as long as he needs for any update. That being said I worry for him when any update is taking a while and always appreciate it when I find any information about the current state of things on the forum. Thunt's comic as well as a few other webcomics helped keep me going through some extremely bad depressions a while back so any amount time he needs to take is fine by me. I will still be here.

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Re: Delayed updates

Post by WorldWarIV » Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:33 am

I really got to stop coming here every Monday. I'm almost always disappointed.

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