After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story- New voters welcome

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After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story- New voters welcome

Post by Patdragon » Sat Nov 19, 2016 4:19 am

Thank you for those that started off the voting for the SPECIAL stats in recruitment. For a brief explanation of what going on here please check out the recruitment area. This thread is a free for all some anyone can vote at anytime. I plan to post at least once a week and it doesn't matter if you miss a vote.

.[tabs:STATS ]
S: 3 P: 6 E: 4 C: 6 I:7 A: 5 L:7
[tabs: Equipment]
Vault 77 jumpsuit [small bonus to melee]- Worn
Vault puppet - Worn
[tabs:Perks ]
Puppet hand- You always wear a puppet on your right hand . You talk to it sometimes and it gives you advice. This gives some other people the creeps but it gives you sound advice in combat and tactics. It is a little homicidal though so the advice is not always to your best interests.[/tabs]

Welcome to the wasteland -

2082 ÔÇô Spring - After you left vault 77 you have managed to survive the last few years fighting off slavers, raiders and various mutates. That was up until a fateful day when you encountered one to many radscorpions .
You fought them off until you collapsed from exhaustion and injuries. Thinking you were going to die you held up your puppet hand and ask him to save you once more. Attempting to suck out the poison didn't seem to work so the puppet said ÔÇ£ We need a miracleÔÇØ before passing out as well.

Luck however must have been on your side that day as your body was found by John Bloch and his gang of raiders. For some reason they saved you and brought you back to their farm base in Arizona.

Why did they save you?
Vote A ÔÇô
1. You had some tech on you they wanted to know about.
2. One of the raiders thought you had a pretty face.
3. They recognised the puppet on your hand and wanted to know if the rumours were true.
4. One of the raiders recognised you from before the war.
5. You must have woken up at some point and said you were a doctor before passing out again.

Whatever the reason in the last two years you have healed, joined these raiders and stayed with them. They actually turned out to be an ex ÔÇô military unit from before the war that was stuck out here when the war began after their HQ and vehicles got wipe out. In that time they have banded together with some local ranchers in semi beneficial arrangement. The ranchers provide food and shelter and the unit provide protection and and influx of cash.
You were considered an oddity at first as you refused to part with the puppet and never seemed to take it off, but since then you have proved your value and while still not completely accepted as were weren't in the unit to begin with you are finding your way and surviving better than you would alone.

2084 ÔÇô Summer - Currently you are in a cave trying to get some sleep because as soon as dawn breaks you will be raiding a farm base of one of your fellow competing raiders in the area. There are 6 of you in the cave. Two on guard duty and four trying to get some kip. Four others are out scouting the farm to confirm numbers and defences. As you try to sleep you worry that you selected the wrong equipment from the armoury before you left. You will be stationed on the at the back of the house in the shrub. Your not expecting to see much action as the attack will come from the sides and front, but you might be able to pick off a few that flee.

What did you pick?
Vote B
1. Sledgehammer, Spiked leather armour, 10mm pistol, x6 10mm ammo.
2. x3 frag grenade, x1 spear, stim pack
3. 10mm SMG, x 32 10mm ammo
4. Shotgun, x6 ammo, x 6 explosive ammo, brass knuckles.
5. .44 magnum with speed loader, x12 .44ammo, Knife,

After deciding you did indeed make the right course you drift off to sleep. Only to be awoken for you shift at watch. You were the lucky one, you had continuous sleep and would be wide awake when the dawn came. As you sit and take watch at the mouth of the cave with the other raider, a man named Greg. He's the quiet type and doesn't talk much and sort and seems to be suffering a little with bad skin. He's always scratching and his skin flakes off constantly, you can't actually tell if its some radiation effect or just bad eczema, either way he an ugly mean f-#@er and know how to handle himself well. You wouldn't really call him a friend but he at least doesn't bother about the puppet. Time passes until maybe an hour before dawn and right in the middle of you deciding to take a leak by ta ledge away from the cave mouth you hear a noise. It's the sound of scrapping footfalls on rock coming from below you just over the lip off the ledge. Greg doesn't seem to have heard it yet as he's a little further away back at the cave mouth.

What do you do?
Vote C
1. ÔÇ£Pstt GregÔÇØ loudly and hope Greg hears and comes over while pulling out a weapon.
2. Finishing peeing and pay it no mind.
3. Turn around and pee over the edge onto the noise.
4. Try to hold it in as to not make a sound.
5. Jump off the edge and onto the noise in attack mode.

Voting closes next Thursday.

If any extra questions please be free to ask.
Last edited by Patdragon on Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:18 am

A: 5
B: 5
C: 1
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by LAYF » Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:51 am

A: 4 layf
A: 5 burns

B: 2 layf
B: 5 burns

C: 1 x 2 burns & layf
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by GathersIngredients » Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:57 am

A: 4 layf
A: 5*2 (burns, Gathers)

B: 2 layf
B4 (Gathers)
B: 5 burns

C: 1 x 2 burns & layf
C: 3 (Gathers)
Krulle wrote:My bad memory allows me to enjoy positive news far more often!
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by spiderwrangler » Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:50 am

A: 4 layf
A: 5*2 (burns, Gathers, spider)

B: 2 layf
B4 (Gathers)
B: 5 burns, spider

C: 1 x 2 burns & layf
C: 3 (Gathers, spider)
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Feytala » Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:49 am

A: 2 (Feytala) (1)
A: 4 (layf) (1)
A: 5 (burns, Gathers, spider) (3)

B: 2 (layf, Feytala) (2)
B: 4 (Gathers) (1)
B: 5 (burns, spider) (2)

C: 1 (burns, layf) (2)
C: 3 (Gathers, spider, Feytala) (3)

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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by twistedstraka » Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:52 pm


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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Patdragon » Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:14 am

Voting close - update to come.
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Patdragon » Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:13 pm

Your Continued Story in the Wasteland -

.[tabs:STATS ]
S: 3 P: 6 E: 4 C: 6 I:7 A: 5 L:7
[tabs: Equipment]
Vault 77 jumpsuit [small bonus to melee]- Worn
Vault puppet ÔÇô Worn
.44 magnum with speed loader
x12 .44ammo

Puppet hand- You always wear a puppet on your right hand . You talk to it sometimes and it gives you advice. This gives some other people the creeps but it gives you sound advice in combat and tactics. It is a little homicidal though so the advice is not always to your best interests.

[tabs:Previous vote results]

Vote A Results
1. (GOOD)
2. (CHA)
3. (AV)
5. You must have woken up at some point and said you were a doctor before passing out again. (BAD)

Vote B
1. (BAD)
2. x3 frag grenade, x1 spear, stim pack (STR)
3. (PER)
4. (AV)
5. .44 magnum with speed loader, x12 .44ammo, Knife. (GOOD)

Vote C
1. (GOOD)
2. (AV)
3. Turn around and pee over the edge onto the noise. (LUCK)
4. (END)
5. (BAD)[/tabs]


You turn around and start peeing over the edge of the ledge onto the noise and quite quickly hear a ÔÇ£What the fuckÔÇØ from a familiar voice. It's Reggie, one of the scouts that went out earlier tonight to check out the farm house.
You start laughing in a low chuckle spraying the last few drops about while Reggie complains and is quick shocked. When you say ÔÇ£Gotta keep watch at all timesÔÇØ a familiar saying from Reggie when he was training you, the other man beside him begins to grin slightly. While a slightly older gent, he still definitely looks to be the man in charge just from the way he hold himself and of course the sniper riffle he has. The other man is John Bloch the leader of this raiding party/ ex military unit.
He calms Reggie down and they approach the cave camp. He complements you on your good eyes. Believing you must have spotted them down the path to pull off this prank.

You've pulled several pranks and elaborate lies before and the first one you did you only vaguely remember creating as you were still healing from the poison and wounds of the radscorpions.

2082 ÔÇô It was only moments after you awoke after being rescued that the fear set in. Not only had you kind of misled your saviours in your nearly dead state about being doctor but they might find out the truth about you and the puppet. It was luckily still on your hand so that was a saving grace, who knows what he'd get up to alone.
There was only one way... well non violent way you were going to survive these raiders while they fixed you up and that was...

Vote D -
1. Tell them the truth... Your actually have doctorate in something non medical.
2. Make them believe you have amnesia and you'd forgotten how to doctor.
3. Pretend to be a doctor until they find out.
4. Tell them you were actually a Psychiatrist, that's an easy one to bullshit about right.
5. Ask the puppet for his suggestion and go with that.

2084 -
John goes around waking everyone up and starts explaining the details of what they saw.
The farmhouse has a single dirt road that is open space leading to it from the front. There appear to be 6 men and 2 females sleeping in the farmhouse. While two other guards keep watch, making 10 people in all. One is in a crappy built guard tower on top of the house with 360 view and the other does rounds around the house every 30 minutes or so. To the right of the road is a load of rocks of various sizes that have rolled down from the rocky cliff. To the left of the road scrubs and bushes.
Everyone is to sneak into their designated position and begin the raid when he takes out the tower guard with the riffle. This is a no prisoner raid. This is part revenge and a part acquisition raid, going after their weapons and food stocks.

You all leave the caves and head out towards the farm and your designated spots. The moon is half full and it is only a little cloudy. You split from the others a fair distance from up the road path as they head to their positions.

Where and how do you go?
Vote E-
1. Go straight to your designated spot of course. The one round the back of the farm house where the crops are growing.
2. Go in a long safe sweeping around the whole farm to your designated spot at the back.
3. Screw the plan walk straight down the main road to the farm house.
4. Go to the left side of the farmhouse instead where the scrubs are.
5. Go to the right side of the farmhouse instead where the rocks are.

Vote F- Free form vote
What is your name? What is the puppets name?

Make two name suggestions but don't say which is for which. I will pick my favourite five and next turn we will vote and the winning vote will be our name and the second place vote will be the puppets name.

Voting closes next Thursday.
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Feytala » Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:47 am

I KNEW telling "I am a doctor was bad", because everyone would jump the obvious "Ooooh, free good skill !"-Decision :D

Also, the peeing on our allies head actually worked... I love this game...

Okay, new votes !^^

D-1. We are pretty smart, so, yeah... And they WILL find out, sooner or later... And with our luck, they already have a Psychiatrist...
E-1. Nobody likes they guy who comes late or leaves his post. Even when I am itching to take 3... (On a sidenote, do cute Females count as prisoners or aquisition, here ? :P)
F- Quincy and "Actually... I/He steals the names of my killed foes. SO they have really NOTHING left. You basically steal their very SOUL. And you never know when such a name might come in handy... The true name ? Lost in time and madness... (Actually, it's to embarassing. Parents must haven been dead-drunk."

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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by twistedstraka » Sat Nov 26, 2016 1:42 am

F Late and News

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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by GathersIngredients » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:03 am

Party & Monkey
...or Party and Pooper (if we can make multiple suggestions)

Why isn't "I was being delirious because of the poison" not an option? :lol:
Krulle wrote:My bad memory allows me to enjoy positive news far more often!
Excited for the Dungeon Eyes, Ricki and Lara kissing!
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:40 am

F Grumblepants and Octavius
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by LAYF » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:34 pm

Over and out
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:24 am

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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Patdragon » Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:33 am

Voting closes in 1 hour and I update maybe tonight/tomorrow.
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Patdragon » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:50 am

Your Continued Story in the Wasteland -

.[tabs:STATS ]
S: 3 P: 6 E: 4 C: 6 I:7 A: 5 L:7
[tabs: Equipment]
Vault 77 jumpsuit [small bonus to melee]- Worn
Vault puppet ÔÇô Worn
.44 magnum with speed loader
x12 .44ammo

Puppet hand- You always wear a puppet on your right hand . You talk to it sometimes and it gives you advice. This gives some other people the creeps but it gives you sound advice in combat and tactics. It is a little homicidal though so the advice is not always to your best interests.

[tabs:Previous vote results]

Vote A Results
1. (GOOD)
2. (CHA)
3. (AV)
5. You must have woken up at some point and said you were a doctor before passing out again. (BAD)

Vote B
1. (BAD)
2. x3 frag grenade, x1 spear, stim pack (STR)
3. (PER)
4. (AV)
5. .44 magnum with speed loader, x12 .44ammo, Knife. (GOOD)

Vote C
1. (GOOD)
2. (AV)
3. Turn around and pee over the edge onto the noise. (LUCK)
4. (END)
5. (BAD)

Vote D
1. Tell them the truth... Your actually have doctorate in something non medical. (INT)
2. (AV)
3. (BAD)
4. (CHA)
5. (GOOD)

Vote E
1. Go straight to your designated spot of course. The one round the back of the farm house where the crops are growing. (Average wins so defaults to second highest)
2. Go in a long safe sweeping around the whole farm to your designated spot at the back. (GOOD)
3. (CHA)
4. (END)
5. (BAD)

Vote F
Winning names that were suggested
Actually my name is currently...[/tabs]
2082- You debate over what to do in the quiet room you've been placed and you finally decide you will tell the truth if somebody asks about you being a doctor. Admitting your actual degree at some point in the future may prove useful but for now your happy to be alive.
After about an hour of consciousness somebody finally comes into the room. This surprises you some as you didn't hear them coming and when they finally say ÔÇ£So your awakeÔÇØ you jump half out of you skin and regret it immediately as your body aches in pain.
As you look up to the voice you see it is a man wearing a lab coat and holding a clip board. Would almost look like the doctors of old if it wasn't for the fact he currently supported a very colourful Mohawk and nose ring.

ÔÇ£You shouldn't move, your injuries were quite severe and the poison is still in your system making you weak. My name is Gary, stay still try and answer me some questions. You life may depend on your answersÔÇØ

We'll start with a simple one - What is your name?
Vote H ÔÇô No good/bad or stats just a name choice, however the second highest vote will what we call the puppet.
5.Actually my name is currently...

The questioning continues and you tell him as little about your past as you can while still trying to work what they plan to do with you. When the question of your skills come up you truthfully admit you are not a doctor. However you do think you might have other useful skills.

What was your actually in doctorate in?
Vote G
1. Geology
2. Animal Science
3. Performing arts.
4. Law
5. Business

He looks at you with a quizzical face and nods in that way butchers do when they evaluate a piece of meat. ÔÇ£I'll be back shortly with some food. Try and sleep some more while I'm goneÔÇØ
When Gary heads out of the room he closes the door. You can hear muffled voices talking just behind it but can't make out what they are saying. You are still hurt but you think you could maybe manage to get to the door to listen...or perhaps you should take the mans advice and sleep.

What do you decide?
Vote I
1. Go to sleep.
2. Crawl out of bed and sneak to the door to listen
3. Search the room for a weapon and hide it ready for use.
4. Shout out and say something to the voices.
5. Stare out the window for a bit.


2084 ÔÇô You begin heading towards the back of the farm in a pretty much straight angle cutting close to the house but quickly spot that there are barbed wired defences and the glint of freshly dug holes maybe indicating mines or traps that you can't disable. So you decide to take a long sweep around the wire fence instead looking for a weak spot. As you circle around the compound you come across what looks to be a sloppy job of a half finished trap. The hole is dug, but it looks like someone just left everything else on the ground. Maybe they were called in for dinner or something. You find a spade and a landmine on the ground which are ripe for the picking and you carefully stow it away in your pack (You acquire a landmine and spade).

You carry on heading to the back of the farm and find a place to crouch down and hide. You can see the back exit of the house clearly and the guy on top of the house in his guard box. You can also see what appear to be a barn/ garage with an old vehicle inside which seems to beginning to rust.

All you have to do here is wait until you see him drop from Johns riffle and then pick off anyone who comes out the back. As you wait you eyes wonder a little and you scan your immediate surroundings a little more. There's rocks, dirt and crops. The crops you are hiding looks to be a type of sickly corn, having survived this long it must have been something special about it. Most other crops had died from the radiation. An odd shaped rock catches your eye and you shuffle over to it for a better inspection and find out it's not actually a rock. It appears to he a handle. You wipe your hand over the earth mildly and see there's actually a trap door here. It doesn't seem to have been used for a while though judging from the dirt.

What do you do?
Vote J
1. Ignore it for now and carry on waiting and keeping watch.
2. Try to open it quietly and go look inside
3. Knock three times.
4. Use you newly acquired landmine to blow it open.
5. Ask the puppet what to do.
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:59 am


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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:18 am

Krulle wrote:My bad memory allows me to enjoy positive news far more often!
Excited for the Dungeon Eyes, Ricki and Lara kissing!
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by twistedstraka » Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:29 pm


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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:35 am

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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Feytala » Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:23 am


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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Patdragon » Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:35 pm

Voting closed. Will see if i can do a write up on the flight.
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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by Patdragon » Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:04 am

Your Continued Story in the Wasteland -

.[tabs:STATS ]
Name: Octavius
S: 3 P: 6 E: 4 C: 6 I:7 A: 5 L:7
[tabs: Equipment]
Vault 77 jumpsuit [small bonus to melee]- Worn
Vault puppet ÔÇô Worn
.44 magnum with speed loader
x12 .44ammo

Puppet hand- You always wear a puppet on your right hand . You talk to it sometimes and it gives you advice. This gives some other people the creeps but it gives you sound advice in combat and tactics. It is a little homicidal though so the advice is not always to your best interests.

The Great Entertainer You focused on performing arts when you were at university and became very good at acting, singing, ventriloquism and other stuff. When you are entertaining, distracting or even lying to other people you are more likely to get a better result.

[tabs:Previous vote results]

Vote A Results
1. (GOOD)
2. (CHA)
3. (AV)
5. You must have woken up at some point and said you were a doctor before passing out again. (BAD)

Vote B
1. (BAD)
2. x3 frag grenade, x1 spear, stim pack (STR) Lost tie breaker
3. (PER)
4. (AV)
5. .44 magnum with speed loader, x12 .44ammo, Knife. (GOOD)

Vote C
1. (GOOD)
2. (AV)
3. Turn around and pee over the edge onto the noise. (LUCK)
4. (END)
5. (BAD)

Vote D
1. Tell them the truth... Your actually have doctorate in something non medical. (INT)
2. (AV)
3. (BAD)
4. (CHA)
5. (GOOD)

Vote E
1. Go straight to your designated spot of course. The one round the back of the farm house where the crops are growing. (Average wins so defaults to second highest)
2. Go in a long safe sweeping around the whole farm to your designated spot at the back. (GOOD)
3. (CHA)
4. (END)
5. (BAD)

Vote F
Winning names that were suggested
Actually my name is currently...

Vote H ÔÇô No good/bad or stats just a name choice, however the second highest vote will what we call the puppet.
1.Octavius (Your name)
5.Actually my name is currently... (The puppets name)

Vote G
1. Geology (AV) - (Average ties so defaults to second highest)
2. (GOOD)
3. Performing arts. (CHA) Bonus Perk unlocked ÔÇô The Great Entertainer)
4. (BAD)
5. (INT)

Vote I
1. (AV)
2. (AG)
3. Search the room for a weapon and hide it ready for use. (PER)
4. (BAD)
5. (GOOD)

Vote J
1. Ignore it for now and carry on waiting and keeping watch. (PER)
2. (STR)
3. (AV)
4. (BAD)
5. (GOOD)[/tabs]

2082 - You scan the room from the bed looking for a weapon you can use and hide but the room mostly deprecated and empty. The most obvious ÔÇ£WeaponÔÇØ you could use is the lamp beside you on the dresser. Rolling over onto your side you quietly pull open the dresser draws to look inside and only see some old men's clothes and a book called Deans Electronics. Not finding any type of weapon you decide to just pull the lamp closer to the edge so if needed you can grab it easily if needed. You still feel drained and now do begin to feel sleepy but you try and stay awake while resting just in case. After about half an hour the door to your room opens once more. With Gary and another man entering.
The new man speaks.

ÔÇ£Good afternoon Octavius. My name is John Bloch and I'm the leader here and I have one very simple question to ask. Why shouldn't we kill you now? You are apparently not a real doctor which is why we dragged your ass away from those giant scorpions in the first place and quite frankly we don't need no stinking arts performer around. So tell me why should we let you live?ÔÇØ

He leans over you as he says this being quite threatening.

How do you answer?
Vote K
1. Grab the lamp and attack
2. Mention it'd be a waste of the resources they've used to help him so far, if he didn't return it somehow.
3. Convince him your performing art skills are indeed useful.
4. Beg and sound pathetic.
5. Say nothing. Trying to stare him down.

2084- You look to Actually my name is currently Jim Davis almost asking him what to do about the trap door and as you looks at him he exclaims ÔÇ£What?ÔÇØ mildly angrily and you withdraw your question and go back to looking for the signal of the attack.

Time passes and it feels like ages before you see the guard on top of the building slump down suddenly. Waiting for a little longer as that was the signal for the frontal assault you shiver a bit in the cold as you wait out back for any escapees.
About ten more minutes pass and lights start to appear in the building as commotion and screams start to be heard.
The back door bursts open and a man holding a shotgun starts running out.

What do you do?
Vote L
1. Fill him full of lead.
2. Wait and watch where he goes.
3. Run out of cover and attack him with your knife.
4. Stand up and say ÔÇ£Hello, I'm lost can you help me?ÔÇØ
5. Delay shooting him to see if anyone follows him.

Just two votes today as been traveling countries. So will say make this a quick one and voting closes Thursday.
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Anger is fleeting, Remorse eternal...
- Karn, Silver golem

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Re: After Vault 77 - A Fallout Voting Story

Post by twistedstraka » Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:33 am


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