The Great God School Challenge: fit every single assignment into a single image (or as many as possible). (I'm aiming for every single -1, adding animation might make this a bit too visually cluttered, so someone else get over here and try to beat me) (whoever can get everything +the small dungeon +the animation into a single really don't think I have the power to declare you the Ultimate Lord of Awesomeness, so lemme get back to you on that, 'kay!)
As the fortnight approaches, and I am nowhere near being done with this, I'm going to do a work in progress every fortnight until I finish the darn thing (I'm now severely determined) also, this has gone from short project status to quite a bit larger than that so I'm pulling out all the stop in an attempt to making something worthy of taking however long it's going to take. I therefore present you with the sketch in progress.
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needs more random clutter.... otherwise, this is finally something that could work (this is either attempt 5.2 or 6).
#2. Finally putting things in perspective, and the first appearance of the aforethreatened crate.
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the colorful thing is a clock in progress.
#3. way beyond a fortnight. not dead. not abandoned. just, put down for awhile. Now being picked back up.
IV. In Which Roman Numerals are Better and Splitting the Room into Two Panels. Considering switching over to a Photoshop/Illustrator combination.
Whatever the next number is: I swear I finally figured how to get myself away from the brick wall I was up against (oddly, it just so happened to be a brick wall I was trying to get to cooperate) when Illustrator decided that it wanted nothing more than to let out a small cough, splutter, and die (i.e. it crashed and doesn't seem to have any intention of letting me make any progress on that particular document, again). Tea: you were kinda derailing it anyway, lair, not were seriously considering graphing various parabolas along the walls... A: point taken, round three.
27 September 2014
Not dead, just time to drag this reanimated corpse up off the floor. Good news, after however many tries I actually have a pretty good idea of where Tea HQ is, bad news, I get about halfway through drawing said HQ and I lose interest in the idea. *eyes pile of reanimated corpses* hence, er....all those poor blokes.
Tea: I'm invoking my ability to take things to the letter, therefore, your stewardship of my role in this trainee god thing has been much appreciated, but, now it is time for you to step down.
A: Wha-I haven'-have I?
Tea: a little.
A: oh, guess I could ferry you off to a pocket-dimension and let you have that, as long as you don't mind sharing it with a band of telekinetic kittens I think I shoved in there.
Tea: aren't I supposed to have a cat for a nemesis?
A: er,...that's not for an assignment or two, it should work.