Horror Games, I played one...

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Horror Games, I played one...

Post by Tayvin » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:07 pm

My Dad loves being scared, he enjoys getting the adrenaline and the feeling of scared when he watches a movie or plays a video that is set in the 'horror' genre and does its job. I do not like being scared, and I avoid horror stuff in general because being scared is not a pleasant feeling and I don't know why my Dad and other people with a similar liking for it do.

So, the fact that I was watching videos on people playing scary games was odd, but the even stranger thing was that today I decided to install and play one of those games. The horror game in question was called SCP: Containment Breach. If you haven't heard of it, look it up on youtube or the internet or just watch the trailer and install the game yourself if you're crazy (Don't worry about money, it's free). This game is based off the SCP Foundation writings, I highly recommend checking those out, especially if you're planning on playing the game.

Anyways, so I played that game and freaked myself out, why? I don't know, maybe I'm slowly turning into my Dad or something. Has anyone else played the game? Has anyone read up on the SCPs? What's the scariest in your opinion? What's the scariest game you've played? Scariest monster or being?
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Re: Horror Games, I played one...

Post by ThroughTheWell » Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:09 am

I'm not a fan of the horror genre, and haven't played the game you mention, but I thought I'd point out that LAYF is starting a play by post text based horror game over here:
I mention it because he only has 2-3 players at the moment, and it looks like a game that would get better with many more players. It also looks like it might be 'light' on the horrorish horror, just by virtue of it being text and not video. So if you wanted an easy introduction to playing it, this seems like a good choice.
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Re: Horror Games, I played one...

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:31 pm

I like a lot of horror. Not so much the torture fests like Saw, or the plot-free slashers, but the rest is good. I haven't tried that game, though. Is it an FPS? Those give me motion sickness.

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Re: Horror Games, I played one...

Post by Buta » Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:23 am

I quite enjoy horror in most formats but its more for the braveness factor than adrenaline. I have a preference towards psychological horror since I can be squeamish to physical horror but I dunno, I can tolerate it in small doses? There are some hilarious horrors out there that are mostly physical (Cabin in the Woods was a good one) but the really good ones, they're not common IMO.

Gaming wise, same.

I dunno... I wasn't always keen. As a teen/kid, I used to avoid this stuff like the plague but now I just see it as something to interpret and explore.

Edit: Touching back on interpretation, I loved doing hobby studying of the Ring story. I also started on the Grudge but the resources were bit harder to track down compared to Ring. Ring has comics, novels, several films... Etc.. Which kept me delightfully busy. I love seeing the ideas people come up with to scare others. :)

Really enjoyed The Conjuring released recently! I now want to learn more about that. :D

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