The wishing fountain - everyone can play

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:01 am

"Anyone know which is the right fountain?"

Lacking any other information, he'll go dip out a cup full from one of the fountains that no one else is currently at, and give it a sniff test first.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:18 am

Choices checks out the wax fountain. It looks like it's filled with honey. It smells sweet and yummy.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by NotStickFigures » Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:21 am

Agrees quick steps far away from the reaching claw.
Now that more of the lower part of the room is visible due to no more coins, can he see anything new?
"No idea, just don't drink from that one. He points to the one that Questions has drank from and is making her molt.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:30 am

He fills a cup and has a sip.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:55 am

"It most certainly isn't this one" Questions points at the bones one, then dumps out her nose from the cup, refills it with steel fountain water and takes a sip.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:03 am

Agrees moves away from the claw which misses all of them repeatedly much to the annoyance of the claws owner.

Various items stand out against the brown sea of sand. Whatever he might have been able to see into the other room is blocked by a giant claw.

Choices fills up a cup of delicious honey and takes a drink. Through a painful to watch series of changes, he morphs into a goblin sized honey bee.

Questions dumps out the cup, and as she points and talks to the others, more of her skin falls off, revealing more of her bone structure. She dips a bony hand into the container, bringing up a cup full of silverly liquid and takes a drink. She instantly feels stronger. What bones of hers that were showing have turned to metal, she feels more resilient.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:25 am

"Hey, this is pretty cool. It seems to turn your bones into metal. Does anyone want to have some of that?" Questions offers the steel fountain water to anyone in the room, then dumps out any remains still in her containers back into the steel fountain. She refills them all with water from the Obsidian fountain now, and takes a sip from that.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:45 am

Bee-Choices buzzes over to the best smelling of the remaining fountains and lowers his mouthparts into it.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:49 pm

Questions begins to collect water from the obsidian fountain but soon finds an issue. The water is both lava and not lava.

When the lava interacts with metal, like with her arm, it starts to get hot/red and begin melting. The metal of her bones, of which about 50% of her body is now only bones, seems to be made of something stronger than the urns and cups which begin to melt almost instantly, spilling their liquid into the floor where it disappears.
Choices flies over to the fountain, sticks his mouth pieces in and begins drinking, around the same time that questions ensures that she gets at least a mouthful. (How exactly it works as she only has half a stomach, and that being the top half, is questionable).

Both Choices and questions hears in their mind "hey! You found me, what's your wish?"

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:30 pm

"I wish to be exactly the way I was when I entered this room for the first time except I retain any information I learned in this dungeon so far and on top of that always have knowledge of which fountain is going to be the wishing fountain next."

(That should hopefully get rid of the muncher and the "undead" condition, as well as the missing health points. I'm curious if knowing which is the NEXT incarnation of the wishing fountain is going through, as the rules state the defence mechanism of the fountains, but not that no knowledge/premonition about them can be gained. ^^)
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:55 pm

"Hey, this being a bee is pretty sweet, but I think it'll get old eventually. I wish to be a were-bee so I can change from goblin to go-bee-lin to bee and back again whenever I want!"

((Like Animorphs!))
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:03 pm

Choices suddenly knows that if he focuses, he can turn back into a goblin and that he can do the same to return back into a bee.

(Questions, please choose just one of those 3 things to be your wish, or something else.)
(Ex: I wish I had my original body back. would turn your body back to normal while leaving your mind intact.)

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:06 pm

Choices lands and concentrates on being a goblin. Pleased that he can do so, he concentrates and shifts to a horrific goblin-bee hybrid before skip-buzzing to go see if there is any treasure to be had.

((Looking for something in this room without going and facing the yelling guy that would be wearable as he shifts forms, a necklace or the like.))
Last edited by spiderwrangler on Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:09 pm

Also questions and choices have leveled up.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:10 pm

(I'll gladly take your Example: I wish I had my original body back. would turn your body back to normal while leaving your mind intact.)

(Come to think of it, I'd rather go with "I wish to always be able to correctly predict all the properties the wishing fountain will have after the next time the room changes.") :)
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by Krulle » Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:48 am

A Goblins stumbles into the Wizard's room.
While standing up, he starts talking "I heard there's a powerful wizard here, who can help me to learn proper walking, without stumbling every few steps."
Finally seeing the Wizard standing there, Stumbles says: "Can you please heal my stumbling, oh mighty Wizard?"
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:27 am

Choices focuses good and hard and ends up somewhere in between bee and goblin. Almost like a goblin wearing a bee costume that is just too realistic. The stinger on his butt twitches excitedly.
He then looks for a necklace or other bauble.
He finds:
A spiked collar
A simple leather cord with a large cut emerald.
A silver chain with a pentagram.

Questions makes a wish and doesn't feel anything until the fountains rearrange themselves. All of the fountains in the room are made of white marble and gathers suddenly knows that all of them are wishing fountains. She is now only a silvery metal skeleton.

The wizard looks at him and smiles. He hands him a cup. "Right through this portal you'll find a fountain that can make you whole again.. Being me back a cup".

The goblin finds himself in a strange situation, one goblin looks normal. One looks like the love child of a goblin and a bee. There's also a silver skeleton in the room, and in the doorway is a claw 5x bigger than he is.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:22 am

That spiked collar looks awesome!

Makes-Bad-Life-Choices grabs it and puts it on, wondering what it does.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:27 am

Choices grabs the spiked collar and fastens it around his neck. All over his body hard metal spikes pop out from his skin, ready to protect him from danger.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by NotStickFigures » Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:54 am

"Hey, all of the fountain look alike this time. That's new!"
Looking over at the new goblins, "Bee goblin, you might wanna slow down on the magic stuff. Not all of it is good, you've been kinda lucky you are not dead yet. And new guy. What out for that claw. It's an angry dragon. It thinks we are here stealing stuff. WE ARE NOT. (he yells in the direction of the claw).

Agrees goes to the central fountain and dips a cup in to take a look at the water.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:04 am

Agrees takes up the role of leader due to his seniority of living goblins and tells the others how it is.

He then takes a cup of water and looks at it. It looks like plain water, Crystal clear.
Last edited by BadgeAddict on Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by NotStickFigures » Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:19 am

(sure call me the senior goblin, certainly a death sentence..HA)
He will fill a second cup with the water and then he will drink half a cup down.

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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:30 am

Choices hops and buzzes over to Agrees, "They all look the zzame, but are they zzafe?"

He'll dip a cup from the same one as Agrees, but watch the other goblin to see if it keels over dead first.

((That wasn't in character.))

Choices hops and buzzes over to Agrees, dips out a cup and shouts, "Cheerzzz, bruh!"

He'll chug alongside the other goblin.
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by Krulle » Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:51 am


"I've been told a fountain here can make it so I stumble less? Does anyone know which one?"
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Re: The wishing fountain - everyone can play

Post by GathersIngredients » Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:24 am

"Welcome. Up to now, only one of five fountains was the wishing fountain, the others always had different effects, sometimes deadly. They used to look all different and every time one of us had found the wishing fountain, the room changed, and different fountains - with different effects - appeared. This is the first time they all look the same.
Also don't be scared of me, I used to be a goblin, and I would very much like to return to being one, in case I can't drink the water any more, I would very much appreciate it, if someone could use their wish to return my body into the condition it was in, when I first entered this dungeon. I'll be sure to return the favour, once I am able to."

Questions picks up two cups (assuming the last ones and the urns all melted), fills them both with water from the closest fountain and tries if she can still drink in her current condition taking a sip from one of the cups.
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