Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:00 am

Feytala wrote:I just wanted to know if Katrina even realizes her gender has changed... To which the answer is no. :D

And if we ever come to the issue of reproduction we have either been very good or VERY lonely :P
Honestly if reproduction becomes a part of things I think the forum rules alone would necessitate that it be a behind the curtains type thing. Sort of a "the next day, so and so has a nest full of eggs" Sure, nesting and egg laying in most egg laying species doesn't happen that super fast, but for the sake of a story element it would just poof into existence overnight.

As to discovering your gender, i've made it pretty clear last time that i'm not afraid of covering basic needs as a "sorry, i'm going to go relieve myself in those bushes" kinda thing. I forget which npc but I think I even made one of them piss himself in fear. Once things are moving along if you want to establish your raptors gender within the story itself you can just have your raptor go into a bush and in the process of relieving themselves learn their gender, no details necessary beyond "oh, i've found out i'm this gender".

The big thing is that while blood and death are fine in the forums [and the comic, which is probably why it doesn't have a negative impact], I feel as if crossing the boundary of descriptive sexual material would go too far. I'm not a mod or admin, so can't make the final call, but as the GM of RaH, I'm going to ask that we keep details pertaining to descriptive gender bits, etc, vague and behind the curtains.

You could do a kinky private message thing if that's what you and someone else want and could even roll with external raptor dongs in said pm [i've seen things >.> There IS art out there to suggest raptors have dongs in similar fashion to gators/dolphins, aka its kept inside till needed.] if it'll make you happy. I've got nothing against that, but don't need to since it'd be private anyhow.

I assume everyone is okay with that?

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:35 am

Bjorn is totally gonna discover that he doesn't have something dangling between his legs.... that's after he realizes that he's basically walking around naked...

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Feytala » Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:28 am

I am proud of Katrina staying calm and trying her best to work with the team instead of what... Certain other people... Seem to do. I want to give her time before including the next story element... If at all.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:55 pm

Time for another small boon opportunity! Two, in fact! You will have till 4am EST to submit your answer as whether someone guesses the first one correctly will impact the story.

Lilly doesn't know it, but she has a secret that she would gleefully share without another thought that would make you cry a bit. What is her unknown secret? Closest answer wins the boon; 1 guess per player

Second opportunity, and this one won't affect the story even if no one gets it:

What was Farah's occupation before her arrival here in the Wild? Closest answer wins the boon; 1 guess per player

Edit: I should clarify the closest answer bit. "Closest" doesn't mean that if no one actually comes close that i'll arbitrarily select something and say " you get the boon". If no one is at least partially correct, no one wins the boon. I hope that makes sense.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by nikohl » Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:05 pm

Not sure what would make me cry... she had friends and family, she wasn't dying...*shrug* I say Lilly 'wanted' this to happen, in a way. Dino fan kid bullied in the real world blowing out candles? Yeah, she wished herself here.

Farah was a teacher.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:10 pm

^I figured thT was too obvious and not nessicarly secret since we knew it ooc?

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by nikohl » Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:33 pm

What, like "gilroy was a serial killer"? :roll:

(Edit - I'm not sure what you think we know OOC, either. Lilly was blowing out her candles, yes, but my guess is this was her wish.)

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Feytala » Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:24 pm

Just asking... What means "Boon" ?^^

Lilly... Hrrrrm... As my other options are already said... Maybe she was sick as a human ?

Farah... Mmmh... I'd say, wife and mother. :D

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by SamWiser » Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:15 pm

As for Lilly, I'm going to say dead dad.

I'll take a shot in the dark for Farah, and say IT consultant. Why not?
Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:07 pm

@Feytala - A boon is basically a thing that is helpful or beneficial, like finding money on the street or a friend randomly giving you cake. In the case of the RP, its a one time use ability your character gains through OOC events like this one. I figured it would be a fun way to spice things up and make the game more interactive for both your character an yourself as a player.

I'll PM the winner what their boon does as well as how to redeem it within the RP itself, usually with a phrase you would type at the beginning of your post. I'm not going to require anyone to keep the boon they receive a secret, but doing so will likely make redeeming the boon much more interesting for the group as a whole, rather than them knowing that you can at any time do X thing.

@nikohl Your Lilly answer isn't close, but I would love to incorporate that into her backstory if you don't mind. I'd even gladly give you a boon to use if you'd like and allow me to!

@archlichburns This is the ooc chat. This whole bonus event thing is meant to give you something to do outside of the rp, too. Your knowledge OOC is what will help you here! Info that is discovered this way I already plan to give your characters soon after, so don't feel like this will make you meta game things.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:14 pm

Don't act like I didn't participate in this one! :P but okay thanks. I have been trying not to get meta and rp mixed up as much as I used to.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by nikohl » Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:21 am

Of course you can use that in her back story if you want to, Mere :thumbsup:

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:50 am

Lily's secret: she had some sort of cancer (maybe brain) in human form and would have died soon, so getting to live on a dinosaur is actually a good thing for her? But she didn't know that, so she doesn't appreciate it (yet).

Farah's job was nurse or doctor
(she seems unfazed by death and gore with Gilroy and she stopped licking her wound after the initial instinct kicked. Also she's helpful to people who need it, but that could be motherly instinct. :shrug: )

I hope I'm still in time to guess, I didn't stop to check which time system you were referring to, Mer. ;)
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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:52 am

Well, time is up and no one guessed close to Lilly's unknown secret! It'll come out in due time, but for now it remains an unknown!

As to Farah's occupation, Nikohl came closest with teacher. To be more specific she was a history teacher! She's only barely familiar with the history surrounding viking lore, thus how she interacted with Bjorn with limited clarity.

@Gathers you were in time. At first I thought not, but then I realized the forum is on an earlier time zone.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:34 am

Mereneth wrote:Well badge, i'd thought about it and while it makes sense to be possible I'm not sure if I want to allow it or not. I would certainly want to deny any futuristic century 'characters'. I'll put more consideration into it when one of you actually dies.
Worth pointing out that badge is indirectly responsible for hammond's existence in the story. Old influence, but influence it was!

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:18 am

Thanksgiving is coming up in the states, so no penalties for not posting will potentially accrue until after Sunday the 27th. Enjoy the awesome food and time with your family, but do feel free to continue RP!

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:43 am

Yeah, A Future character sounded like a great idea at the time, but it makes more sense that it is under your control as a npc. I'm not sure I would have been able to play it as well. I like Bjorn, he's going to be able to blunder around and ask otherwise silly questions, as he assumes all of you are from his era...why would he assume any differently.

Speaking of which, when Hammond mentions Loki, is he just speaking outloud for anyone who is listening, or is he directing the question at Bjorn?

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:26 pm

Bjorn is proving to be an interesting character so far. I'm really liking the interactions he has with Hammond; the two continue to miss that each other are not talking about the same thing, but each are giving it due reverence so as to make the other believe that it IS what they're talking about. As to your question, he's somewhat directing it at Bjorn but offering the question to the group as a whole at the same time. Bjorn is the focus of the question and expected to end up answering, basically, though I like where you're taking him!

On the subject of thanksgiving again, for those who are going to still be a bit active i'm going to continue posting for roleplay and come monday actually progress the story to the water goal that everyone has, for the most part, agreed should be their next step


I've added a spoiler note that will update as the game progresses. I've also been working on some fun Major boons to grant eventually and a mystery guest to meet a bit later.

I am really stoked to be writing in this setting again and hope you are all enjoying it as much as I am.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Feytala » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:57 pm

I am curious though... What is Thanksgiving, really ? I mean, how is it celebrated ? All I know comes from popular movies and there it is usually "We meet and eat a huge turkey".^^

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:11 pm

It depends if it's a Christian family or non-religious family.
I mean... The eating is correct..

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:41 pm

More or less a large meal with family.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:19 pm

Arch Lich Burns wrote:More or less a large meal with family.
Pretty much this. Tons of different food is prepared, though there are some such as turkey involved for nearly everyone. Its a reason to get together and eat/visit with family; preferably as many as possible. The intent is to be thankful for what you have, most importantly what family you have and for the life we live, be it a struggle or bountiful.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:41 am

btw. if the group is moving (I'm assuming we are or soon will be setting off towards the water), Lauren will pick up the leg again and take it with her. I just don't know where to fit that into the post(s), so I'm writing it here.
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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Thu Nov 24, 2016 5:24 pm

anyone else get randomly logged out?

I plan to write up a post tomorrow, btw. Had a brain fart and was unable to finish what I tried to last night.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:29 pm

We're at a turning point! Will our new pack split up, however briefly?

A good many of our raptors are interested in checking out the site of the slain mega fauna, while only a few are more interested in water.

Before I work up the post, Is everybody set on their course of action?

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