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Shadow of Silver Ropes, looking for 1-2 player(s)

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:17 pm
by SGTdude
I am taking a moment to announce the project that LAYF and I are currently working on, but this isn't really a recruitment thread per se, so please read carefully.

Shadow of Silver Ropes is a fantasy game that is in a setting that could probably be best described as generic fantasy with DnD influences, but is not under a particular ruleset. That is because there are no regular rules.

This is a writing game.

This is not a stat based, turn functioning, level up and get the loot game. The best category for this game in my opinion is: cooperative - literary. With that statement being made, it should be obvious that one sentence posts will not be the common thing in this game, but more to the point: they will not be accepted. For that reason it has been decided to make this game invitation only at first.

This is an invitation only game.

Out of interest for this game both being fun for others to play in as well as being a joy for others to read, invitations will be given out based primarily on writing ability. That being said, I will also make this important point. This game is at all times open for applying, but the player spots will open mostly one at a time and at unspecified intervals. when a spot is open we the GMs will inform the player who gets in. Other players will remain in a "under consideration" status until such a time that a new spot is open, at which point we will review the applicants who are still interested. Please understand this is not a contest; we are just trying to put together a good case. With all that said we welcome our first player who will be able to join shortly, relatively speaking.

Welcome ThinksLogically!

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:42 pm
by SGTdude
Lets talk about the rules.

I said there were no rules and there are not according to typical games. There is no things like "you can't move silently and wear metal armor," or other standard practices from DnD. The first rule is this:
If you can write it happening well enough, it can happen.
Yes, we are in fact giving a lot of freedom to players. There certainly is room for a character to write themselves becoming the grand poobah of all power and dominating all of reality. However we like to think of it instead as removing the fences: You dont have to worry about rules in order to do something you want to do any more. You are free to write your character and develop them. This brings us to rule 2.
This is a character driven game,
and no character is more important than another.
LAYF and I are cooking up some major plot arcs, but we are both fully expecting each player to bring their own unique story to the game, and with that a whole new set of sub-arcs to explore. The characters of this game are what is going to make it great. This stands in contrast to when you play in a game where you make a character and wait for something really great to happen. The characters will make the events happen either great or insignificant. If the writing is done well that is.

You can do anything, and so can the others.
Work together.

The only thing that can not be done is auto-hitting another player. You can one shot kill a monster if you want, just explain it well. If you decide to fight another player, you must give them a chance to respond and act. You cant just do things that override their control of their own characters. If this were allowed, the game would be a constant mess of contradictory and retroactive posts, each 1upping eachother. Instead the goal is to work together so that each player involved has a chance to create an interesting character, and develop that character through the events that the characters experience together. So the unwritten rule doesnt just end at pvp action; its considered pretty rude in a game like this to do something that would quench another character's action. Im spending more time on this rule because it is really the most important and I want to explain how it works clearly. Think of this game like a dancing show: every character gets their chance in the spotlight and every other character supports the one who is taking their turn in the spotlight. If I were playing a strong warrior and one of the characters who was facing there nemesis in combat, it would be highly inappropriate for me to have my character go over and one shot them, going "See! I helped!" Because it is up to each player when and how they die, they have to be able to struggle with their own growth as well. Helped by other players, but not interfered with or interrupted.

This game will be a challenge because there is so much freedom. But with a cast that is determined to write a good story and help everyone else involved make their character shine, there should be no issues that can not be worked through.

Any other rules will be established as a result of mutual agreement by the players, but these should pretty much cover it.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:53 pm
by SGTdude
How To Apply
Because this game is not like other games, application is also not normal. First thing is understand that you are not going to just make a character and post it here and get in. So of course anything less that that will likewise be summarily rejected/ignored. The prime manner of selecting candidates is consideration of writing ability and so the application should reflect this ability. This may change slightly over time but understand that the application is effectively a writing sample that will be evaluated by the GMS, which are LAYF and myself.

Round 1

In this round all applications should take the form of a scene that depicts a character suddenly finding themselves in a very unfortunate set of circumstances. The genre and other specific details are completely up to the applicant. There is a length requirement of at least one decently sized paragraph. There is no length limit but there is also no special consideration for extra long applications. Each application will be considered based on the writing and how well they manage to accomplish the requested scene.

There is currently room in the game, in the near future, for 1-2 more players. Players that are selected will be announced here. Every time a player is selected, a new round of applications will begin as soon as it is determined there is room for more players.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:06 am
Aside from Thinks, we also currently has one player who needs to figure out if she can/will join. when we have her answer we will post here!

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:18 am
by SGTdude
Just wanted to say that that other player is something I was aware of and the invitation was handed out before the application process was in place. So we are looking for one person at this time. That is why I struck through the numbers above and changed it from 1-2 to just 1.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:02 pm
by BadgeAddict
The large beast let out a low growl that sounded like a mix of pain and irritation as it began to pace slowly in his direction. Its yellow eyes gleamed with a primal hunger that sent shivers down his spine. Sam winced as he held his side where the beast had clawed him. He should have known better than exploring this far from camp. His knife could be seen in the bright light of the full moon, stuck deep within the beasts shoulder. He had hoped to wound it or drive it back; instead he had only pissed it off. Cold sweat beaded up on his brow as his heart pounded loudly in his ears.
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Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:53 pm
That is a good entry Badge :)
You are added to the list...

of course, more text is always fine to read. but not needed!

She who was thinking has accepted.

We welcome BeanDip into our story- :D

Also, be prepared, it will not be long before the intro chapter will be published her on the forums, so tighten your socks and hold on to your seatbelts... We will see you on the west side!

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:20 am
by nikohl
I'm not sure I understand why this is in the games forum. If it's a collaborative story writing effort, and all roleplaying is done via PM, and complete chapters are posted in their entirety once they're done... Why isn't it in the fanfic/creative corner forum?

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:16 am
by SGTdude
This thread is in recruiting because we are in fact trying to get at least 1 player at this time.

As for why its in games...the decision to move this game to the forums and run it normally is under deliberation. Maybe it would be better in writing. I will let a mod make that c all.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:37 am
by thinkslogically
I think it would need to be a decision by you and LAYF sarge. Only you guys know what you're planning for this and can decide one way or another whether this is really a game or not. Besides, you can still ask for collaborators over in the writing thread and you might well get some more folk interested over there too :)

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:13 am
Well... being both a mod and GM in the game, I really considered this back and forth.

And the end result is, It is a game (With a high level of writing collaboration)

I know that you guys do not see the whole process at the current stage, but it has many of the elements of a game, such as GM(s), players, a ruleset(Light but there) and (a) plotline(s) unknown to the players.
Much like Cavemen; SotF. with the exception the the real playing is not going one on the forums currently.

But also as SGT said, the decision to move this game to the forums and run it normally is under deliberation. And if we take that decision, I would like not to move it from one forum part to another for this little reason.

So, yea; that is my reasons. should one of the Dedicated games mods disagree I'll of course listen to them.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:20 pm
by SGTdude
Just wanted to point out that this game is seeking 1-2 players at this time. If it looks interesting, you should apply.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:35 pm
by Quarg
OCC: Entry based on last provided instructions, hope you enjoy it.

It was an elephant.

Major Barker ponders that rather than seeing spots when getting blinded by a sudden blue light, she was hallucinating an elephant in the road.

However, it was an elephant dressed in armor. An elephant that appeared to have some sort of rocket pack along its side. And the elephant was marching up the long slope towards her. An elephant not from her subconscious, but one of flesh and blood...and steel apparently.

ÔÇ£What the F*** is an animal from some steampunk zoo doing in the middle of the damn Test site!ÔÇØ Major Barker barked. But her mind was still trying to get over the preposterous idea that there was an elephant. No make that two elephants..three elephants?
Alright we have an elephant squadrondetachment?coming up the road at mearmed and armored elephants, She muttered to herself before picking up the radio and thumbing the broadcast button
Ops Center.Ops Center. She called outbut there was only static in reply. Her eyes went across the valley, to where Ops Center lay at the far distant mountain pass.

Ops Center wasnt thereit was just green forest. forest two parts of her mind finally caught up and started sharing information. She was surrounded by treesnot dense treesbut small, shrubby ones growing out of tall grass. Not really a problemexcept that this should be high desert, cactus and sagebrush, and armadillos. It was not supposed to be trees and grass, and elephants.

The elephants were getting closer. The Major grabbed the stick shift and flipped it into reverse. As she turned to look back up towards the pass, well things just got worse. The nice two lanes of blacktop were now a rutted track with grass growing up in the middle. She winced as the Tarsus slowly climbed its way back up the hill. As the vehicle attempted to slowly put distance between itself and the approaching war elephants, Barker swore about government bean counters sticking her with this thing rather than a Humvee, or a Bradleyor even just a WWII Jeep!

As she swung back around to check on the distance between her vehicle and the pachyderm squadron, she noticed another road. Back at the test site a similar road had gone down to an old mercury mine abandoned ages ago. Now, who knows what was at the end, but it was out of the path of the elephants. She stopped and shifted back into drive. Then the Major gripped the wheel of the white Taurus and piloted it slowly down the trail.
As she did so, Major Barker looked back over at the approaching elephants.

They had stopped going up the road to the pass.

They were now angling towards her and cutting across open country to cut her off.

Barker sworeGod I hate Mondays

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:42 pm
by SGTdude
Quarg, you are now being considered.

LAYF I will send you some links. Keep in mind that this is not an invitation, its just an opportunity for you to peer deeper into the rabbit hole.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:03 pm
by Davis8488
Samuel nearly vomited as the soft orb was forced into his throat, but he managed to swallow without choking. That accursed viper's shill voice filled the dank tower room as surely as did the smell of molding straw. "Tell me where they are or I'll have him feed you the other one too!"

As his vision cleared Samuel could see his captor pacing the room, first a pale blur with a glimmer of jewelry, and then the oddly over dressed snake of a man. Once again Samuel found himself wondering what kind of idiot dresses like that to go torture someone. Sure, he wasn't an expert in giving torture, but even before his recent experience Samuel would've guessed that light colored silk wasn't any better attire for torture than for digging a ditch. The gaudy figure stopped pacing when he noticed the prisoner's gaze focus on him, and he then stared intently, eager for an answer. Samuel smiled in spite of his broken body; Talmund was getting frustrated, angry even. Despite all appearances the paladin was winning. It took a minute, but Samuel found his voice. "Go ahead. You'd be doing me a favor if I couldn't see your ugly face again." What was Solaris' official stance on his paladins taunting their enemies? Samuel felt that it might not exactly be well received by the elder brothers in the Order, especially old Nathaniel, but the Order did preach that "peace is power, and anger leads to folly", so it seemed like a valid tactic at the time. "Tell you what, Tallie, why don't you do it yourself, if you've got the stones?" Talmund wouldn't touch him. Whatever the usurper told himself, Samuel knew his adversary didn't have the nerve to stain those fancy silk robes he loved so much.

Talmund snarled at the warrior on the table, dripping blood and sweat. The inability to just kill this thorn in his side maddened him, but he needed to know where his Alexia and her cohort were hiding."No, you can keep the other eye for now. I want you to be able to see it when I kill my sister in front of you." Talmund walked to the door, and then threw a whip to Gormund, his assistant. "Beat him until I get back. It's time for my lunch."

When Talmund had been gone for a time Gormund lowered his whip. "My arm needs a break. Here have some of my water."

Samuel struggled to catch his breath. "Thank you friend."

"You know, I don't like beating you. You're a good man. Why don't you just tell him the truth and die in peace?"

Samuel laughed. "Gormund, I don't enjoy the beatings either, but I wouldn't be very good at hiding people if I just told their pursuers where they were hidden. Think of it this way, you feel you must do what you wouldn't because your lord demands it. I have orders to keep Alexia safe."

"When you put it that way, I understand. Orders is orders." Gormund stood. "Speakin' o' which, break's over. Sorry friend."
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Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:08 pm
by SGTdude
Davis, 2 things:

1) I can pretty much guarantee (as rules GM) that if you get let into the game you wont be allowed to run the character you have come up with here. You will be expected to come up with something fresh and relevant in regards to the setting. So keep that in mind.

2) While we are not looking to add a new player/character at this exact moment, it is possible that we could be up for adding one shortly. So I would say check out some of what we have already done in this game to get the feel of it for now. And keep your eyes on your inbox.

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:32 am
So... we are looking for one.... possibly two players currently....
any questions feel free to ask me...

Re: Shadow of Silver Ropes, looking for 1-2 player(s)

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:01 am
by SGTdude
For reasons i wont go into, I will say that I am backing out as of this moment. The reasons have to do with me, and not the game. Interested parties should know the world that has been built for this game is: FRIKIN AMAZING!

Sorry for dropping so suddenly.