I'm assuming the duties of Trapper-Keeper Keeper, much thanks to Badge for running this the last few years.
The armory represents a communal pool of items, either abandoned by past GAL members, or contributed to to common good by those who don't need that item.
Below that, you will find information about each character, along with the items they are carrying, the items they have in storage, and the items the are willing to trade. The tabs below are in alphabetical order based on your forum name. Items are tabulated after the completion of an adventure, once your goblin has returned to the GAL, not during. If you feel that some information is missing please post in this thread with quoted proof and I will make said changes.
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- Skull Mask
- Rat Corpse
- Mysterious Map: Puzzling!
- Spear: 2H, ATT +1
- Shield of Corrosion Resistance: 2H, DEF +2
- Barrel Lid
- Magical Components Bag
- Healing Salve: Heals 2d3 HP, single use
- Pirate Treasure Map
- Swamp Hopper Vest
- Mosquito Mouthparts (2)
On Loan:
- Leather Armour: DEF +1
- Pirate Captain's Hat: Temporarily gives one enemy a -2 DEF reduction by saying something ÔÇ£pirate-yÔÇØ. Cooldown = 10 turns.
- Simple Axe: 1H, ATT +1 ATT
- Silver Cloak Pin: Forged in the shape of a wolf's head
- Bark Armor: DEF +2, vulnerable to fire.
- Pointy Stick: 2H, ATT +1
.[tabs: Alaen]
Name: Lurks In Shadows
Color: #404040
Gender: Male
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Lurks always had a talent for staying unseen and seaking around. He heard tales of adventurers gaining vast riches and decided to put his skill to use.
Quest Count: 0
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ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: ArchLichBurns]
Name: Temporal Anomaly Phenomenon (TAP)
Color: #808080
Gender: Roll a 1dX to assign gender at the start of each quest.
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the teller has told him that she should not exist, but yet ve does. They do not know why xe is here, but she hopes to find out what his destiny is. Life has been confusing for tap, or at least life that they know, tap is unsure if they were an experiment gone wrong, goblins that cease to be, from another dimension, or whatever explanation they can think of. To find out what (s)he is, they will travel to the ends of the earth and other planets if possible.
Quest Count: 0
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Head: Pirate Captain's Hat: Temporarily gives one enemy a -2 DEF reduction by saying something ÔÇ£pirate-yÔÇØ. Cooldown = 10 turns.
Body: Leather Armour: DEF +1
Main-Hand: Simple Axe: 1H, ATT +1 ATT
Off-Hand:Hide Swamp Hopper Shield: 1H, DEF +1, 15% chance to break
- Silver Cloak Pin: Forged in the shape of a wolf's head
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
Name: Senor Costa Fluctuantes
Gender: Male
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Senor Fluctuantes is a mysterious gentleman from the south, who flirts with everybody and everything.
Mudhoney Curse: if he drinks or touches mudhoney he will turn into a badger until the curse is removed.
Quest Count: 3 [Q3, ?, Q8]
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Body: Steel-Reinforced Leather Armor: DEF +1, 75% to give additional +1 DEF
Arm: Iron Bracelet: Provides minor resistance to some mind altering effects
Hand: Ghost Gloves: Allows ATT/DEF vs. ethereal creatures, 2x/adventure can phase gloves through solid material for 1 turn.
Waist: Fancy Scabbard: Improves BloodsongÔÇÖs mood
Main-Hand: Blood Song: ATT +4 (ATT= 1 + Q, where Q = number of quests wielder has completed). CURRENT STATUS: Psychologically damaged and moody as a result of being fused to a chunk of troll flesh, at the end of each turn during combat has a chance for an abrupt moodswing to: Terrified: ATT = 0, Stable: ATT = normal, or Bloodthirsty: ATT = normal + 1. If she triggers a moodswing, roll 1d3 to determine her new mood. Her chance for a moodswing is increased by 3% for each combat turn in which she is used to attack while Terrified, and is decreased by 3% for each combat turn in which she is used to attack while Bloodthirsty, or verbally reassured (and not used to attack) while Terrified. Current Moodswing Chance: 66%
- Mosquito Grass: Unlit (10 turns remaining)
- Mosquito Mouthpart
- Magical Glasses: Allows wearer to see magical auras
- Spork
- Pretty Pink Tiara
- Badger Skin (2)
- Small Bags (2)
- Bone Blade: ATT +1
- Mosquito Wings (2)
- Stinky Silk (2)
- Bone Shield: 1H, DEF +1, % chance to give attacker -1 ATT for one round
- Dried Bit of Meat
- Halfling Corpse
- Apprentice Blacksmith's Hammer: 1H, ATT +1, can be used to repair minor dents or other damage to metal items. Has sentimental value to Mantagar Ironhorn, who gifted it to Costa.
- Wand of Vampiric Touch: As a major action, can be activated to drain 1 HP from a target (ignoring DEF), adding it to the user as a temporary HP that is lost in 3d5 turns. These temporary HP are ÔÇ£owedÔÇØ and are lost last. A wielder alive entirely on ÔÇ£stolenÔÇØ HP gains LifeSight, and a wielder at full health entirely on ÔÇ£stolenÔÇØ HP will fuse with the wand.
- Orb of Eldritch Flame: Can be activated as a major action to deal 1d3 damage as an Eldritch Blast that ignores DEF. Attempts to heal eldritch wounds have a 25% chance to fail per HP. Cooldown of 2 Turns. Each use decreases durability (eg, it has a finite number of 'charges').
ITEMS in Storage: 1/20
PlayWitch, Vol. 1
Willing to Trade
Name: Without A Past
Color: #F55F88
Gender: Male
HP: 5/5
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Without A Past has no story to share, amnesia having stolen from him any story he may have had. All he remembers is his name. As far as he's aware, he'd been wandering for a few hours before finding the adventurers' inn, and remembers nothing before that.
Quest Count:1 [Q9]
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- Sickle Sword: 1H, ATT +1
- Sickle Sword: 1H, ATT +1
- Torch
- Mirror Shard (2)
- Sturdy Chain: 8 feet long
- Mattock: 2H, ATT +1, pierces armor
- Brass Trade Gears (8)
- Enchanted Cuffs: two sets, linked. One pair controls the second, shocking the wearer of that set if the word "Cow" is spoken
- Bandages: Heals 1d2+1 HP, single use (4)
- Trap Tool Kit
- Satchel
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: GathersIngredients]
Name: Walks With The Wind
Gender: Female
HP: 5/5 (+1 with Necklace = 6/6)
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As oldest of many childs to two clanless goblins, who, prior to settling down, had taken a couple of adventuring levels, Walks With The Wind had always been most inclined to get out of the little hut full of siblings she was sometimes supposed to watch over and she quickly grew fed up with the saying "You should know better, you're the older one" from either parent whenever she was in dispute with one of her numerous sisters or brothers. Every outdoor task was so much better than being stuck inside having to listen to the constant ruckus the younger ones made, no matter how mind numbingly boring it might have been. She dreamed of going further than the limits of the little secluded valley they lived in, and explore the world, maybe someday even take on some adventurer levels of her own.
She befriended the creatures (sentient or not) of the valley whenever she found them, desperately searching for someone she could relate to, or to tell her something from the world out of her boundaries, or just spend time with.
As a result she is very open minded and will try peaceful talk, if there is any chance in it succeeding, no matter how her vis-a-vis looks like.
She also has a talent for magic, some of it innate (her parents were a druid and a ranger), some "tricks" observed/learned from the magical creatures in the valley. She can't cast any spells yet, but it is only a matter of time until she gets the hang of it. Maybe being in a dangerous situation will set it free.
When she finally came of age, she told her parents that she wanted to go and explore the world, find some excitement, something that has been missing in her life so far. Her parents, reminded of their own past, smiled benevolently at her and allowed her to go. They gave her some equipment gold as well as a little bit of advice, knowing too well that she would want to find out most things on her own. They weren't worried, they had taught her well, and were confident that Walks would make her way in the world.
Quest Count: 5 [Q1, Q4, Q6, Q9, Q10]
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Back: Wolfskin Cloak: DEF +1. Very fine quality, provides protection against the cold.
Neck: Silver Necklace: Increases max HP by +1
Rings:Ring of Deathshielding: 25% chance to protect wearer from deathblow. (More description
- Iron Shield: 1H, DEF +2
- Shortbow: 2H, ATT +1, ranged
- Arrows (10)
- Torch (extinguished): 1H, +1 ATT if used as weapon; 5% chance of setting an enemy on fire; 10% chance of breaking.
- Skull
- Length of Rope
- Knock-Back Axe: 2H, +2 ATT. Chance to knock an enemy prone (must spend a move to stand back up).
- Crossbow
- Torch
- Surface Forest Branches (8)
- Cloth Sack
- Gold Nugget,
- Silver Nugget
- Copper Nugget
- Quartz
- Sapphire
- Ruby
- Emerald
- Bandage: Heals 1d2+1 HP, single use
- Medicated Bandage: Heals 4 HP, single use
- Trap Tool Kit
- Small Mirror Shards (15)
- Medium Mirror Shards (2)
- Surveillance Gem: Allows the Lady Of Shifting Shadows (LoSS) to watch the holder of the gem
ITEMS in Storage: 1/20
- Holey Shield: 1H, DEF +0, Small metal shield with large hole in it, in need of repair
- Spear: 2H, ATT +1
- Leather Tie Cord
- Vial of Worm Blood: Can be assumed to create the same parasite/host relationship that Dies had.
- Most of a Brown Curtain (85%)
- Crusty Grungy Smelly Mugs (6)
- Metal Curtain Rings (4)
- Small Chest: Seemingly indestructible.
- Rat Corpse (2)
- Pointy Stick:1H, ATT +1
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Narshe]
Name: Tinkers with Stuff
Color: #DAA520
Gender: Female
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Tinkers was born and raised in a tiny Goblin farming community far from "civilization", where their only contact with the rest of the world came once or twice in a generation from travelling Goblin traders. Since Tinkers' people didn't really have any technology more advanced than sharp sticks for digging and crude stone axes, even typically useless junk like broken pots and metal spoons were considered rare and valuable goods.
Tinkers was lucky enough during her youth to have not just one, but *two* parties of merchants pass almost every year; from them, she learned all about strange creatures like humans, trolls, and orcs that were said to live outside their little valley. The same merchants were happy to get rid of piles of broken garbage, which Tinkers picked up and started to repair for use by their village. Having spent a couple of seasons this way, her curiosity finally got the best of her, and she decided that there must be more than this provincial life. Deciding that she was never coming back again, Tinkers scraped together whatever coin she could "liberate" from her village (not that they had anything to spend it on anyway), and hit the old dusty road looking for adventure.
Travelling light and living off the land, Tinkers stayed close to the roads but not on them, lifting rumors (and when convenient, purses) from other travelers, and came to learn of an "inn" where young goblins could make their fortune. Deciding that destiny had finally called, Tinkers boldly made her way to the Bugbear & Flea to join the Goblin Adventurer's League.
Once there, though, her erstwhile courage deserts her as she enters what is likely the largest and most magnificently appointed building she has ever seen. Feeling too scared to run away, and almost too scared to move forward, she quietly and unobtrusively makes her way to the bar, looking confusedly at the stools. Unsure of whom to speak with, she looks around, staring half at the floor, and mutters "hello" to everyone she can see.
Quest Count: 0
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ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Nerre]
Name: Remedies the Pain
Gender: Female
Backstory: Remedy is an apprentice healer, learning to brew potions, use herbs, treat wounds and also cook. She has no magic talent, so she is looking for wisdom and acquiring magical items that might help her with becoming a teller when she is older. She is very ingenious to make up for not being as strong or gifted as the heroes, legends, leader and tellers of the clan.
Quest Count: 2 [G3, G8]
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Head: Conical Helmet: DEF +1
Body: Leather-scaled Chainshirt: DEF +2
Neck: Tarrasque Scale Amulet: Each time an attack would deal damage to the wearer, reduce the damage dealt by 1. Does not prevent non-attack loss of HP effects. If the wearer has missing HP, each turn they have a % chance to regain 1 HP at a rate of (Missing HP x 10%, for example a 3/5 HP goblin would be missing 2 HP, so have a 20% chance to regain 1 HP).
Arm: Iron Bracelet: Provides minor resistance to some mind altering effects
Waist: Belt and Pouch
Legs: Black Linen Pants: a few sizes too large
Feet: Dwarf Boots
Main-Hand: Iron Gladius: 1H, ATT +1, % chance for +1 additional ATT
Off-Hand: Bone Shield: 1H, DEF +1, % chance to give attacker -1 ATT for one round
- GOLD: 29gp
- Wooden Foot Filled Boots
- Dress
- Bone-studded Wooden Club: 1H, ATT +1, 25% to cause 1 bleed damage next round
- Dark Blue Robe
- Black Silk Shirt (bloody hole)
- Slightly Dirty Dwarf Pants
- Walnut
- Swamp Hopper Vest
- Patch of Troll Hide
- Human Right Hand
- Big Paw Pup Paws (2)
- Mosquito Corpse
- Muddy Shirt
- Muddy Pants
- Human Teeth (6)
- Soiled Underclothes
- Rat Trophies (claws, teeth, tail)
- Mosquito Mouthparts (13)
- Mosquito Wings (15)
- Mosquito Exoskeleton (6)
- Human Rib Bone
- Black Padded Tunic
- Leather Breeches
- Belt and ÔÇ£BottomlessÔÇØ Belt Pouch
- Leather Boots
- Underclothes
- Elegant Rapier: 1H, ATT +2
- Yellow, Orange and Indigo Prismatic snake corpses - Fangs contain natural magic that matches color
- MotherÔÇÖs Twisted Staff: 1H, ATT +0, When used to attack (regardless of dealing damage), has a 50% chance to cause opponent to make their next attack on a friendly target. Target also has a 50% chance to become nauseated, spending the next round vomiting (cannot attack, -1 DEF). If both effects are triggered, the next round is spent attacking a friendly, and the subsequent round is spent vomiting.
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Nikohl]
Name: First-of-All
Gender: Female
HP: 6/6
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All was born to that often-mentioned tribe with the teller who ruins naming ceremonies. The teller was about to start on one of his epic rants, and that's how All got her name. She has grown to be quite shy and generous because of constantly being called First as a child, and prefers to be called All.
Quest Count: 3 [Q2, Q5, Q8]
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Face: Veil of Protection: Darkvision, Immune to sight and sleep effects while worn.
Body: Chainshirt of Retribution: DEF +2, Attacks against the wearer have a 10% chance to deal 1 DAM to the attacker. If the attack deals damage to the wearer, the armor has an additional 20% chance to deal 1 DAM to the attacker.
Back: DreamerÔÇÖs Bow: 2H, ATT +2, +25% chance of causes sleep to target even if target was not damaged.
Arm:Iron Bracelet: Provides minor resistance to some mind altering effects.
Hand: Gloves of Bashing: If unarmed or wielding a bludgeoning weapon, the wearer does an additional 1 DAM on attacks that ignores target DEF
Legs:Fancy Spidersilk Pantaloons: flowing and iridescently grey, confers minor resistance to temperature extremes
Feet: Boots of Levitation: Activation allows vertical but not horizontal movement (3 x height/turn; max 10 rounds/adventure, doesn't need to be consecutive.)
Main-Hand: Echo Mace: 2H, ATT +3, Damage from Mace vs. creature happens again automatically on next round, regardless of attack.
- Burning Wand: Deals 2 DAM, ignores DEF due to gear. This wand has 3 charges and cannot be recharged as every use will make the stick burn away.
- Speaker Stone (complete)
- Anger Berry
- Arrows (16)
- Small Bag
- Sleeping potion - Causes 1+1d3 turns of sleep when consumed. One use. (2)
- freeze-explosive - Causes 2DAM to 1 enemy and 1DAM splash damage to nearby enemies. Chance to freeze the targets. One use.
- Miniature Stormcloud: With an eye!
- Pocket Portal: Can be used to hide one item (any size). Stored items can ONLY be retrieved by the person who put them there
- Turtleshell Buckler: 1H, DEF +1 when using ranged weapons. When using melee weapons, each round the wearer can choose to attempt to use it defensively (retains +1 DEF, but attacks are made at -1 ATT), or attempt to fight offensively ( +1 DEF bonus is lost, but attack is made without penalty).
- Healing Potion (4)
- Small Hard Purple Berries (6) - constipation and then the runs
- Grey Mushroom, small - fevered chills
- ÔÇØBig PawÔÇØ Large Right Paw
- ÔÇØBig PawÔÇØ Left Forelimb and Large Paw
- Potion of Stomach Settling (Blue Potion) (6 doses): Drinker is cured of any nausea effects, and is immune to nausea effects for 2d5 turns.
- Potion of Ill Thirst (Green Potion) (4 doses): Drinker is overcome with parching thirst, and will attempt to consume any nearby liquids for 1d3, to the exclusion of any other actions.
- Potion of Burning Lust (Pink Potion) (5 doses): Drinker is overcome with lust towards the nearest creature of relatively similar physiology for 1d3, to the exclusion of other actions.
- Potion of Feigned Death (Grey Potion) (3 doses): Drinker falls into a death-like state for 2d3 turns.
- Stoppered Vial of Healing Potion: Heals 1d3 HP, single use (2)
Shared Loot with Steals:
- Tin of Delicious Sweets, Unopened
- Circular Red Gem, Pretty
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
[*]Fishing Rod
[*]Blue Prismatic snake corpse - Fangs contain natural magic that matches color
[*]Bowl o' Gruel
[*]Stoneware Crock of Mudhoney: Minor healing properties
[*]Parchment Letter to Mother
[*]Parchment Letter to Garvin
[*]Swamp Hopper Spears (5)
Willing to Trade
[tabs: NoLandKing]
Name: Tells Bad Jokes
Gender: Male
HP: 5/5
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Tells is from a tribe that live mountians. Ever since he was young Tells love to tell jokes. No matter what he doing he would always tell a jokes to the other goblins that he meet. The problem with this is that Tells jokes were bad. Every jokes he tells would make the rest of the goblins sigh in annoyance because the Jokes were so bad. One day the tribe had enough and made up a plan to get rid of him. The Tribe Chief give Tells a "Journey Quest". His quest was to join the Goblin's Adventure League and gain both fame and glory for his tribe. If he complete this quest he would get a statue made in his honor. The tribe in breakneck speed send Tells on his way in hope that they never see him again.
Mudhoney Curse: if he drinks or touches mudhoney he will turn into a badger until the curse is removed.
Quest Count: 3 [Q3, Q5, Q9]
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Face: Crystal Mask
Back: DruidsÔÇÖ Cloak: DEF +1 vs animals)
Rings: Ring of Sanctuary: If you haven't attacked in a current combat, you have a 50% chance to avoid enemy aggression as long as other opponents are available
- Harpoon: 2H, ATT +1 on land, ATT +2 in water
- Backpack
- Rope: 50 feet
- Pen and Ink
- Biscuits
- Water Flask
- Dagger: 1H, ATT +1
- Alchemist Fire Bottles: ATT +4, single used, ranged (probably best)
- Red Sphere Ioun Stone: +2 Dex (huh? dodge chance??)
- Torch
- Satchel
ITEMS in Storage: 3/20
- Small Bags (3)
- Mouse Spear: 2H, ATT +1
- Torch Snuffer
Willing to Trade
[tabs: PatDragon]
Name: Forges for Food
Highlight: #000000
Gender: Male
HP: 6/6
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Originally the tribe fortuneteller couldn't tell what Forges destiny was it kept changing every time see foretold. As such she thought to name the new goblin after an useful job, he would search the surrounding areas for food, However from the same tribe as First of all fortuneteller was ill that day with a bunged up nose and instead of forages for food the rest of the tribe heard Forges for food. This was a small problem as no one in his tribe was a blacksmith, but he tried his best which to be honest sucked. He became disheartened and started to travel to other tribes to how to forge but again no nearby tribe did that sort of thing. The final tribe he went to was known for making paper and had the biggest goblin library of 210 books. He found one on forging and read and copied it eagerly, it was here he found his true talent, his copy was near perfect and the librarian ask if he could stay and copy out more, he did until all 210 books had a copy. He was given 10 gold and left for his own tribe. On arrival home he tried working metal but it did not go well and his tribe had no use for someone who copies things on paper. So he left and happened upon the GAL.
Quest Count: 3 [Q3, Q6, Q9]
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Head:Circlet of Accuracy: Improved accuracy with ranged weapons
Body: Leather Jerkin: DEF +1
Back: Sharp Looking Man-purse (backpack)
Neck:Preserved Human Ear Necklace
Rings:Talker's Gold Ruby Ring: Minor fire resistance
Feet: Leather Boots
Main-Hand:Mace: 1H, ATT +2
Off-Hand:Metal Shield: 1H, DEF +2
- Rope
- Human Bones
- Healing Potion: Heals ? HP, single use
- Important Looking Letter (2)
- Wand of Mischievous Consequences: Chance for victim to temporarily become: blind, deaf, silenced, confused, asleep, berserk, etc. Effects last 1d2 turns.
- Book of Evil Badness: Vol. 1 & 2
- Bejeweled Dagger: 1H, ATT +1, additional +2 frost damage vs fire creatures, ignores return damage from attacking fire creatures
- Damaged Trap Tool Kit
- Torch
- Elixir of Brittleskin: ranged, single use, reduces target DEF by 1d3 (3)
- Potion of Recovery,
- Human Finger Bone with Two Amethysts (Description can be found HERE)
- Elixir of Healing: Heals 1d6+3 HP, single use
- Bandages: Heals 1d2+1 HP, single use (2)
- Black Gold Scorpion-Amazon Fountain Centerpiece
- Bone d8 Die (2): When rolled, something happens!
- Satchel
ITEMS in Storage: 1/20
- Potion Token: Redeemable with the Mouse Chef
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Quarg]
Name: William the Red
Gender: Male?
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William the Red, wanted to cook. He loved cooking from a young age as a small goblin in the clan. The problem was that he had all these 'fancy' ideas, like crusts, and puddings, and sauces. I mean what goblin really wants to waste perfectly good wine on a sauce when you could just as well get sauced on it yourself? The other problem was that William had a temper...which is why when he caught the Chief of his Clan drinking up his wine supply, he chopped him up and baked in in a stew and served him to the the rest of the clan...
Yeah, he has a serious rage issues...and they tend to be homicidal.
Quest Count: 3 [Q1, Q4, Q9]
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Rings: Ring of Water Form: Allows wearer to turn body and belongings into water for 3 turns. Cooldown = 15 turns.
- Rope
- Pirate Hook: 1H, ATT +1
- Chainmail Shirt: DEF +2
- Long Sword: 1H, ATT +2
Withering Touch: 1H, ranged, deals 1 DAM that ignores target DEF. Cooldown = 1 turn (Charge= 1 Turn; Cast = 1 Turn, repeat) *Cannot ÔÇ£holdÔÇØ a charge. Can be overcharged for additional damage to target at cost of damage to wielder (Complete effects of this unknown).
- Iron Shield: 1H, DEF +2
- WizardÔÇÖs Robe: DEF +1 vs. Magic
- Healing Salve: Heals 2d3 HP, single use
- Wand of Slumber: Will temporarily send one creature to sleep. Contains 3 charges (and will recharge automagically on return to the GAL)
- Bo Staff: 2H, ATT +1
- Wealthy Family Banner
- Amethyst
- Medium Pressure Plates (15)
- Carved Ebony Box
- Amber Wand (Cursed): (Find description HERE)
- Bandages: Heals 1d2+1 HP, single use (4)
- Trap Tool Kit
- Torch
ITEMS in Storage: 2/20
- Shield: 2H, DEF +1
- Trunk: contains sleeping spores
- Skull
- Animal Pelt: This looks to be of high quality and relatively valuable.
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Runsaround]
Name: Holds-A-Hat
Color: #00BFBF
Gender: Male
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Holds-A-Hat was never much like the other goblins in his tribe. They had names like "Grows-the-grain" and "Slays-the-mage". Driven by his confounding lack of a clear destiny, Holds-A-Hat just fell into adventuring.
Quest Count: 0
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Body:Bark Armor: DEF +2, vulnerable to fire.
Main-Hand:Pointy Stick: 2H, ATT +1
- Hide Swamp Hopper Shield: 1H, DEF +1, 15% chance to break
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: SpiderWrangler]
Name: Laughs Creepily
Gender: Male
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As might be expected for one so named, Laughs has an odd sense of humor, often finding things amusing that others don't get.. or sometimes find appalling. And yes, he does have a creepy laugh.
Quest Count: 4 [Q3, Q4, Q6, Q10]
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Head: Ninja Outfit (hooded mask (This must be worn as a complete set = DEF +2))
Face: Fake Beard
Body: Ninja Outfit (long shirt(This must be worn as a complete set = DEF +2))
Neck: Preserved Human Ear Necklace
Legs: Ninja Outfit (Pants(This must be worn as a complete set = DEF +2))
Feet: Ninja Outfit (Soft shoes(This must be worn as a complete set = DEF +2))
Main-Hand:Lance of Terror: 2H, ATT +3, A lance of such terrifying appearance it cannot be looked at without causing all those around to quake in fear of the bearer. This lance is intimidating and may cause weaker enemies to flee.
- Spider Venom Sac
- Spider Legs (10)
- Mangled Spider Legs (8)
- Spider Front Half
- Spider Back Half
- Mangled Spider Front Half (20)
- Mangled Spider Back Half (2)
- Drunken MasterÔÇÖs Brew: +15 to balance check, +10% miss chance, + 20% dodge chance, lasts 12 turns (1 swig, too much at once may cause detrimental effects (same as any other alcoholic beverage))
- Wizards Hat
- Healing Salve: Heals 2d3 HP
- Goblin Ear (Dark Grey)
- Samurai Sword: 2H, ATT +3
- Throwing Axe: 1H, ATT +1
- Throwing Axe: 1H, ATT +1
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Synch]
Name: Leaves No Trace
Color: #747474
Gender: Male
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Very little can be discerned Leaves No Trace, looking at him reveals only a dour personality and a thick cloak with hood. He doesn't seem to speak, and whether that be for physical reasons or just out of choice remains to be seen. He favours stealth and intrigue, seemingly out of desire to live up to his goblin name.
Quest Count: 3 [Q4, Q6, Q8]
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Face:Spidersilk Mask: dark grey, confers minor resistance to inhaled gasses and toxins
Body:Black Leathers: DEF +1, +2 vs melee
Back: White Rat Cloak
Arm:Iron Bracelet: Provides minor resistance to some mind altering effects
Rings:Ring of Swift Slaying: This ring affects a melee weapon it is in contact with, conferring to it a +1 ATT bonus and a 10% chance to ignore target DEF. Special Ability: Swift Slaying: If a blow with this weapon would reduce an enemy below 0 HP, an attack may be applied to a randomly determined adjacent enemy (excess ATT + 1). If no enemies are nearby, this ability has no effect.
Legs:Black Leathers: DEF +1, +2 vs melee
Feet:Black ThievesÔÇÖ Shoes
- GOLD: 20gp
- Dagger: 1H, ATT +1
- Poison Dagger: 1H, ATT +1, 25% chance to poison an enemy
- Short Bone Blade: 1H, ATT +1
- Large Shield: 2H, DEF +1
- Berserker's Axe: 2H, ATT +3, DEF -2
- Crossbow: 2H, ATT+2 ranged, +1 melee
- Bundle of Iron-Tipped Bolts (6): Once shot, cannot be recovered or reused
- Mushroom: Purple with white spots (2)
- dried jerky
- dirty, bloody rags
- Grey Mushrooms: 1 large, 1 small - fevered chills
- Small Hard Purple Berries (2) - constipation and then the runs
- Stinky Silk (large swath)
- leather pouch
- Violet Prismatic snake corpse - Fangs contain natural magic that matches color
- Shrouding Cloak: DEF +1, Conceals wearer in shadow, making them harder to hit.
- Fever Dirk: +2 ATT, chance to bypass DEF, chance to deal additional 1 DAM, if triggered, target is fevered for 1d3 turns (loses 1 HP/turn)
- Green Prismatic Snake: Fangs contain natural magic that matches color
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Tea]
Name: Naps in Front of Doors
Gender: Female
Quest Count:
► Show Spoiler
- Steel Knife: 1H, ATT +1
- Chain Mail Shirt: DEF +2
- Sword: 1H, ATT +1
- Iron Chalice
- Torch Snuffer
- Torch (unlit)
- Badger Bones
- Small Bags (3)
- Adventurer'sÔÇÖ Book
- Blue Gem: Tear-shaped (holy crap it's magical.)
- Burning Shirt: DEF +1, DEF +4 vs fire, 2 times/adventure activate to become fire for 5 rounds. (Attackers take 1 fire damage when you are attacked in melee)
- Dagger of Insight: 1H, ATT +2 ATT, 25% chance for 2X damage
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: Theis2]
Name: Steals the Tequila
Gender: Definitely a male.
HP: 5/5
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It all seems rather hazy.. But I bet it was fun!
Quest Count: 3 [Q2, Q5, Q8]
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Body: Scaled Mailshirt : 3 DEF
Neck: Amulet of the Fish - water breathing
Arm: Iron Bracelet: Provides minor resistance to mind altering effects.
Waist: Belt of Cool: Reduces other item cooldowns by 1 turn, must be worn 5 turns before it works.
Legs:Lucky pants: The rather plain looking brown pants are actually quite lucky and have 3 effects
- 1x/adventure = Wearer may declare himself lucky, something 'lucky' happens per GM's discretion.
- 1x/adventure = Wearer may declare someone other than himself unlucky, unluckiness happens per GM's discretion.
- At the end of every adventure/quest a single gold piece is found in the back pocket.
Main-Hand:Burning Blade: 1H, ATT +2, 25% chance to burn enemy. If triggered, roll 1d100: 1-70 = light burn, loss of 1 HP; 71-85 = moderate burn, loss of 2 HP; 86-95 = enemy is partially engulfed in flames, losing 2 HP this round and 1 HP each subsequent round, and has -2ATT/-2DEF 96-100 = enemy is completely engulfed in flames, losing 4 HP this round and 2 HP each subsequent round, and has -4ATT/-4DEF. Attacks made against an engulfed enemy have a % chance to burn the attacker (20% for a partially engulfed enemy, 60% for a completely engulfed enemy) using the same 1d100 burn roll thresholds.)
Off-Hand:Chief PlannerÔÇÖs Shield: 1H, DEF +2 or ATT +2, if attack is made with the bladed edge, the DEF bonus is lost for one turn. 1x/adventure, gives DEF +1 to all allies in the same area for 3 turns.
- GOLD: 3gp
- Crossbow: 2H, ATT +1, ranged
- Crossbow bolts (5)
- Potion of Shrink
- Mushroom - red with a purple edge - ATT +1 for 3 turns
- Mushroom - brown with darker brown rings - DEF +1 for 3 turns
- Mushroom - white with black and red stripes - heals 1 HP
- Mushroom - yellow with silver specks - gets you really really high and you may see things
- Flame-shaped Gem: Warm to the touch, used to get past strangler mold
- Bottle of Tequila: Stolen goods?
- Bone Blade: +1 ATT
- Hickory Nut
- Ashes of a Human Female
- Acorn
- Black Padded Tunic
- Black Leather Cap
- Black Leather Breeches
- Black Leather Boots
- Grey Knitted Socks
- A straight, slender stick
- Dead Pups (4)
- Swamp Hopper Boss corpse
- Insectoid Creature Corpse (Reg Jr.)
- Mushroom: Purple with white spots (2)
- Severed Rat Head (missing its teeth)
- Mangled Mosquito Corpses (10)
- Mosquito Corpse without legs, wings or mouthparts
- Flask of Clear Healing Booze
- Flask of Amber Healing Booze
- Pendant of Hanseath: Consumption of alcoholic beverages puts the wearer into a rage, increasing ATT at the expense of DEF, and giving them a small boost in temporary HP for 2d4 turns.
- Wand of Light: When activated, deals 1 DAM that ignores target DEF. Target has 50% chance to be blinded for 1 turn. Cooldown 2 turns.
ITEMS in Storage: 13/20
- Wooden Cup
- Spear: 2H, ATT +1
- Spear: 2H, ATT +1
- Pouch of Holding
- Torch Snuffer
- Simple Axe: 1H, ATT +1
- Dagger: 1H, ATT +1
- Dagger: 1H, ATT +1
- Dagger: 1H, ATT +1
- Dress
- Small Bag (2)
- Talking Crystal Skull
Willing to Trade
Shared Loot with All:
- Tin of Delicious Sweets, Unopened
- Circular Red Gem, Pretty
[tabs: WearsHats]
Name: Mines Flagons
Gender: Male
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Many years ago, there lived a goblin by the name of Grabs Booty. Upon reaching adolescence, the young goblin attempted to live up to his name. This habit saw him kicked out of his tribe as soon as he reached the age of maturity. Wandering alone through the world, young Grabs would surely have been doomed had it not been for two incredible strokes of luck. First, he happened upon the buried treasure of a very successful pirate. Second, he somehow managed to find an honest human to help him retrieve the treasure (instead of just killing the goblin and taking the loot for himself). And so it was that, in living up to his name after all, he became very very rich.
Grabs used his wealth to found a new clan. At first, the idea of nouveau riche goblins did not go over well. But Grabs was rich enough to be considered "eccentric," and he saw to it that his children grew up to be "civilized." He established a few simple rules for the family. First, the children were to get the finest education money could buy. Second, in keeping with their ancestor's origins, upon reaching maturity, they were to be kicked out of the house to make their own way in the world. Third, as proper civilized folk, they must never go out in public without an interesting hat.
And so the townsfolk gradually began to tolerate, perhaps even accept, this new breed of goblin. They always knew that a goblin with a hat on would be a fine, upstanding citizen and not a dirty monster to slaughter for XP.
Mines Flagons is the latest of the line to reach maturity. His education has made him what some might call a "gentleman adventurer" (though others might well have different preferred terms...). When speaking, he tends to be polite, verbose, and grandiose. (Or, as some might put it, though never to his face, "something of a prat.") His experience of the world comes mostly from books. He did tolerably well at fencing practice, but hasn't really ever had to actually fight, and does so only as a last resort. As a gentleman - excuse me, gentle goblin - adventurer, the Goblins Adventurers League seemed an ideal place for him. Adventure! New chums! Loot! What more could he ask for?
Quest Count: 2 [Q1, Q8 ]
► Show Spoiler
Head: Pope-Peller Hat: Can heal any creature 1HP as a major action, when not in combat, move action can be used to heal a second time.
Body: Steel-Reinforced Old Leather Armour: DEF +1, 75% to give additional +1 DEF
Neck: Dawnstar Token: Wearer exudes calm, and gains a bonus when attempting to resolve situations peacefully or calm aggressive enemies.
Waist: Belt of Fisticuffs: +1 ATT when unarmed
Off-Hand:Steel Reinforced Wooden Shield: +1 DEF, 50% to gain +1 DEF.
- Torch (unlit): 1H, ATT +1 if used as weapon; 5% chance of setting an enemy on fire; 10% chance of breaking.
- Dawnstar Robe: DEF +1, Bears the symbol of the broken god, Dawnstar.
- Gnomish Rope: 48m long and very strong. Acid-proof for 10 turns, not flame retardant.
- Gnomish Rope: 2m long and very strong. Acid-proof for 10 turns, not flame retardant.
- Shoulderblade Swamp Hopper Axe: 1H, ATT +1, 10% chance to shatter
- Slightly Split Iron Shod Quarterstaff: 2H,+1 ATT, 25% chance to gain +2 DEF, 10% chance to split further
- Sack of Iron Filings (1 uses remaining)
- Holy Symbol of Pelor: Broken
- Oilcloth Wrap: keeps things dry
- Mangled Mosquito Corpse
- Reasonably Large Leaf
- Mosquito Grass, unlit (1 turns remaining)
- Pelvic Swamp Hopper Axe: 1H, ATT +1, 10% chance to shatter
- Knobbed Mace: 2H, ATT +2 , chance to stun target for 1 round
- Ring of Identification: Reduces user's HP by 1/1 for X turns, after which they regain 0/1 HP. After activation, it falls off the finger, but empowers that finger to identify one magical item. The X turns is determined by dice roll, depending on how many times it has been activated that quest. 1st time: 2d4; 2nd time: 3d6; 3rd time: 4d8; 4th time: 5d10; etc. After each activation, a % roll is made against the cumulative number of turns the ring has affected a user (regardless of different users), if it fails the roll, the ring remains on the finger and can not be activated again this quest. Current cumulative turns:
- Staff of Spell Storing: 1H, ATT:+1, 25% to give +1 DEF, a spell effect cast into the stone may be later cast as a free action.
- Wrap of the Swamp Witch: When wearer would take damage, has a 25% chance to prevent all damage (6 turn cooldown). When wearer would take damage, has a 25% chance to gain 2 HP before damage is dealt (6 turn cooldown).
ITEMS in Storage: 1/20
- book with a star on it
Willing to Trade[/tabs]
► Show Spoiler
Name: Flings Forks
Color: orange?
Gender: Male
Backstory: nothing yet
Quest Count: 0
Name: VengefulOne
Gender: Male
HP: 5/5
► Show Spoiler
VengefulOne never understood his name. He was always a nice guy, friendly with everyone, even a pacifist. His name just didn't make sense. Then one day he received word that his twin brother RighteousOne had fallen in combat. Suddenly, he was filled with a deep rage. He just wanted lash out at everything. He now understands his purpose in life and he intends to fulfill it.
Quest Count: ? [Q7, Q9]
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- Flaming Trident: 2H, ATT +2, partially as fire damage. Will be extinguished if it comes in contact with water.
- Throwing Axe: 1H, ATT +1
- Gnomish Spotlight: 60' range Continual Light
- Mace: 1H, ATT +2
- Torch
- Brass Buckler: 1H, DEF +1
- Lead-Weighted Mace: 1H, ATT +2, chance to break bones
- Bandages: Heal 1d2+1 HP, single use (4)
- Rope with Grappling Hook: 50 feet
- Silver Throwing Dagger: 1H, ATT +1 melee, ATT +2 thrown
- Satchel
- Keg Pack: Has liquid and non-liquid Storage capabilities
- Stone Sculptor's Toolbelt
- Towel: soaked in beer barfl
ITEMS in Storage: 0/20
Willing to Trade
[tabs: DiesasaYoungling]
Name: DiesonanAdventure
Color: #BF8000
Gender: Male
Backstory: Adventure has always been on the lookout for an adventure to go on, just so he could walk back into camp with a bunch of sweet loot and rub his not dyingness in his tellers face. When word of the GAL made it to his camp he snuck off in the middle of the night.
Quest Count: 1 [Q4Esc, ]
Pro: Using a major action Host can drink blood and be healed 0, 1 or 2 Hp and parasite will be sated for 3 turns.
Con: Each turn that goes by in which parasite is not sated, Host will lose .1 Hp.
[tabs: I'mBob]
Name: Another One
Gender: Male
Backstory: None yet.
Quest Count: 0
[tabs: LooksAtYouFunny]
Name: Red Ears
Gender: ?
Backstory: none yet
Quest Count: 0
[tabs: SaruSama]
Name: Soars the Skies
Gender: Male
► Show Spoiler
Soars is from a tribe with a notoriously flaky teller. This teller is known to ... indulge, in certain mushrooms and mosses usually reserved for special rites and ceremonies quite frequently. As a result many of the tribe have quite confusing names, like Tastes too Loud, Sounds like Purple, and O GOD THE SPIDERS ARE EVERYWHERE. Soars however has taken his name as inspiration and has always believed that unlike the rest of his clan he would live up to his name. Knowing this would never happen at home he took off into the wilds to learn new skills and hopefully one day live up to his name. During his wanderings one of the first things he heard about was the Goblin's Adventure League and rushed to see what it could be about.
Quest Count: 1 [Q4, ]
- Simple Axe(+1 ATT) (1-handed)
[*] Spear (+1 ATT) (2-handed)
[*] Shield of Corrosion Resistance (+2 Def)( 2-Handed)
[*] Barrel Lid
[*] Bark Armor (+2 Def, Vulnerable to fire)
[*] Magical Components bag
[*] Healing Salve (+2d3 Hp)
[*] Pirate treasure Map[/highlight]
[tabs: SGTdude]
Name: Odd Duck
Gender: Male
Backstory: The goblin wandered into the locale as though he was lost. The bartender immediately asked "Who are you?" When he answered that he couldn't say, the bar tender said, "You're an Odd Duck." Taking the name as his own, Odd Duck wandered around, occasionally popping back in for a short stay.
Quest Count: 1 [Q1, ]
Skull Mask
Pointy Stick (+1 ATT)
Leather Armour (+1 DEF)
Rat Corpse (x1)
Silver Cloak Pin: Forged in the shape of a wolf's head
Mysterious Map: Puzzling![/tabs]
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Righteous One]
Played by: ChuckDaRighteous
Death Story: Everything was going swell until his 3rd adventure when he drowned and then was quickly devoured by flailing swamp tentacles.
Drinks A Lot]
Played by: Kida
Death Story: On his second adventure, he felt compelled to attack a giant and due to the lack of any help my his comrades was smashed to death by said giant, what horrible comrades he had, not to help a man even though he makes a poor life decision.[/tabs]