Kickstarters worth sharing

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Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by LAYF » Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:18 am

Fellow Goblinites. We all love to share, and Kickstart often have a lot worth sharing.

So to meet with your wishes of having a place to share your Kickstarter findings, here is a thread for that.
In here you may post about Kickstarters, and from time to time. This the first post will be updated with a list of active, upcoming and expired Kickstarters that you, the users have found.

When you post about a Kickstarter, be sure to include a link and a description about why you like this Kickstarter.

Please note, this is the ONLY place on the forum to share Kickstarters (unless its Kickstarters for your own comics)
Kickstarter threads found other places will be moved in here.
Current Kickstarters: wrote: the-way-of-the-tiger-gamebooks Announced by Boneguard, his description is here
Ends November 1, 2013

Orbis Terrarum RPG Announced by Fifty, his description is here
Ends November 30, 2013

Future Kickstarters: wrote: NONE
Ended Kickstarters: wrote: Beyond eyes Announced by Dagazzard, his description is Here
Ended October 30, 2013

Reaper Bones II Announced by Maiandra [ ... 087#p74087]Here[/url]
Ended October 27, 2013

Standing in the Stars : The Peter Mayhew Story Found by RocketScientist, her description is Here
Ended 14 th Sep 2013

Pirates & Dragons Found by Boneguard, his description Is Here
Ended 11th Sep 2013

Marooned - the Graphic Novel Found by ThroughTheWell, his description Is Here
Ended 21st Aug 2013
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-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by boneguard » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:11 am

As I was behind this I'll go with my find.

It's and RPG called Pirates & Dragons. As the name says, you have Pirates and (Cinematic) swashbuckling combine with fantasy, sorcery and dragons in this setting. It's a d100 system (so those familiar with Renaissance d100, Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest or BRP should be able to adapt fairly easily). Also, as they already have 2 games line at their active, they have experience in the world of RPG despite this being their first Kickstarter.

Personally, I was attracted to the concept, it's sometihng fresh with a fun premisse and I always enjoy a good d100 game.

They had to cancel it as they were too far from their goal. So instrad of going for full publishing at large, they decided to relaunch it under a more modest (and reached) goal and provide it as a PDF and Print-on-Demand Via DriveThruRPG
Last edited by boneguard on Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by ThroughTheWell » Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:21 am

Current Kickstarter: 4 days left as of post
Marooned - the graphic novel
The author put his webcomic online for free for something like 5 years. It is a space opera, and it is relatively clean, by which I mean I can only think of a couple of scenes that start to be scary violent. No sex, no bad language. Some romance, some kidding and put downs. There are nearly 400 pages, with the addition of the Spare Parts extras book. I'd call it mainly a drama with action and humor. What can I say? It is good, and you can follow the links to see for yourself. Hmm, he's restricted the online bit to the nearly last chapter. Still, you can get an idea of what it is like. For the book, I think he upgraded some of the art.

It has made it's funding goal, but one of the stretch goals upgrades people to hardcovers.
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:29 am

Hi guys,

I don't know if I'm allowed to post to a "soon to be a kickstarter" project here? (let me know if not and I shall take this down and go hang my head in shame!) :oops:

Anyway me and another guy have been writing an independent RPG for a few years now and we're a couple of weeks away from finishing (at which point this will become a real actual Kickstarter ;) )

We think we've got a good thing going, lots of fairly realistic cultures mixed with a healthy dose of fantasy and magic, and some hopefully clever and unique ideas like our Metier thing.

Plus, for a non-professional effort I think we've got a really good looking document?

..anyway here's the facebook page link: Orbis RPG
If you think it might be up your street give a watch, then you'll be in on the ground floor when we go to Kickstarter.

Anyway, thanks for looking in anycase :D
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:41 am

fifty wrote:Hi guys,

I don't know if I'm allowed to post to a "soon to be a kickstarter" project here? (let me know if not and I shall take this down and go hang my head in shame!) :oops:

Anyway me and another guy have been writing an independent RPG for a few years now and we're a couple of weeks away from finishing (at which point this will become a real actual Kickstarter ;) )

We think we've got a good thing going, lots of fairly realistic cultures mixed with a healthy dose of fantasy and magic, and some hopefully clever and unique ideas like our Metier thing.

Plus, for a non-professional effort I think we've got a really good looking document?

..anyway here's the facebook page link: Orbis RPG
If you think it might be up your street give a watch, then you'll be in on the ground floor when we go to Kickstarter.

Anyway, thanks for looking in anycase :D
Just realised I should probably put a bit more here about it?

So here's the blurb from the facebook page + there's quite a few sample pages on there for anyone that wants a look.
Orbis RPG is a new fantasy role-playing rules system and setting..

Welcome to the latest incarnation/edition of Orbis Terrarum, a fantasy RPG has been developing for several years. This new edition is looking better than ever so we hope you'll follow us now, and join us later this year when we get to a full release of rules and setting.

We're a fantasy game set in a realistic, living world and ecology. We like to call the genre "gritty heroism" - this is low fantasy, not Tolkein, with a lot in common with classic pulp adventures like those of Conan, Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, Nift the Lean, and other heroes of sword and sorcery. No elves or dwarves, but vibrant human cultures and history. Science and magic have equal weight - alchemy and scientific method function alongside and compliment the magics of Geomancy, Earthpower and Daemonology.

Although things are generally bloodily realistic, both rules and setting allow for heroism as well as grim practicalities.
We've a relatively realistic system, but PCs are tough enough to justify feats of daring do as well as the usual err, slight scumminess and 'practical' protagonists that previous years play tests have brought out!

Ours is a skill based system, mainly using d100 rolls - although we're not prejudiced against any shape of dice and they all get used somewhere (we have 'em, might as well use em!). Rather than 'levels', player characters have the option to increase both skills and various kinds of combat training (speed, toughness etc). Magic, from fiery runes, daemon-summoning, druidism, alchemy, kirurgery (magical surgery, I guess you could call it) and divination are available to anyone, although we've also made sure that there are viable character options for just about any profession - athlete, linguist, healer, huntsman, rogue or scholar (to name but a few).

There are no elves or dwarves and the like, but for centuries men have called creatures from Beyond the world, from strange spaces and dimensions beyond their own called Pandaemonium, or the Daemon Sea. Some people call them a plague, others servants of the divine: Daemons, spirits, gods...
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:49 am

Quick update, I'm working hard on the new version of the world map at the mo, here's what it looks like so far:
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My co-writer is about half way through the last chapter which is GM section and secrets of the world.

Thing is I know some people who've become disillusioned with the Kickstarter thing when projects don't come to fruition.
So we really want a finished product before we go to kickstarter, that way I know we will be able to deliver! :D
Last edited by fifty on Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by ThroughTheWell » Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:14 am

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:59 am

Yep OK Throughthewell, all C&C appreciated! :) - I'll see you on the map thread in a bit...
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:05 am

If anybody is interested: Standing in the Stars : The Peter Mayhew Story

There are 59 hours left to go in this kickstarter as of when I just clicked on it at 10:00 am-ish US Eastern time September 12. They're making a Chewbaccumentary. (Yes, I just made up that word.) I'm not involved with it, and I haven't decided if I can give any money toward it yet. But a friend of mine linked to it on FB, and I thought there were probably a lot of Peter Mayhew fans here.

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:29 am

He-he.. "Chewbaccumentary" ... :)

An update on the goings on in our writing, down to the final 5 bits before we get a "proof of concept" done, then off to Kickstarter we go!

I must admit I'm a complete novice when it comes to setting up Kickstarter projects, so if anyone has any good advice then all gratefully received! :)
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:39 pm

Well we've got a cover artist sorted in the form of Ollie Cuthbertson, and Gary Chalk (of Lone Wolf game-books and Talisman boardgames fame amongst others) doing some of the internal artwork for us :)

We're still on track now to launch the Kickstarter by the end of this month so keep your fingers crossed for us! ....Exciting times :D
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by LAYF » Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:23 pm

Cool, I like his style, and I'ts cool that you got a pro artist on that.. means a lot for a project... I can only say good luck :)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:09 am

Thanks LAYF! :)
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by Dagazzard » Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:45 pm

It's not really on Kickstarter, it is on Indiegogo, but since that's basically the same....

I think this is project is pretty cool. =] There are 24 days left.

Basically, you have to guide a blind girl who is looking for a stray cat which used to visit her but disappeared. The map is revealed as she touches it, smelles it or hears it. If you try to take her somewhere dangerous, she won't go and will trust you less, so in that sense it's like the usual "life bar" is replaced by trust. I think it is a great concept and the art and music are beautiful.

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by LAYF » Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:02 pm

Looks cool, and interesting concept. its added to the list :)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by Maiandra » Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:04 pm

Last year ECR posted a link in the random banter thread in games, to the Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I was very, very happy about that, because I wouldn't have known about it otherwise. It was very successful, and there is now a Reaper Bones II. If you are at all interested in gaming miniatures, and are not already aware of them, go and have a look. It is a great deal, especially for people in the US.

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by LAYF » Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:40 pm

Really great link Maiandra :D
it's added in the first post as Open kickstarter :D
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:54 am

Man, that would be really cool if not for the $50 postage + customs fees to the UK...

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by boneguard » Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:54 pm

After Almost 30 years, they are doing a Reprint of The Way of the tiger gamebooks. If, like me, you remember those, they were these awesome gamebook where you played a ninja going around and claiming your rightful Throne, but book 6 ended on a cliffhanger unresolved since then.

Now they are planning to reprint them in hadcover 6"x 9" books (so less cramp), clearing out some of the issues, as well as adding a Prequel (Book 0) and resolving the Cliffhanger of book 6 by writting a Book 7. 3 of the stretch goals has already been met and there's 13 days left to get more goodies.

Growing up I loved gamebooks, especially this serie (I still have them) and I'm really happy to see them being reprinted and that they will finally wrap it up. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

PS: On the off chance that they reach $100 000, they will keep writting more book after book 7. :) A guy can dream.

PPS: They will also release a Way of the Tiger RPG, but that's not in the KIckstarter.
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by ThroughTheWell » Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:36 pm

I admit, The Way of the Tiger looks cool. $30, gets you pdfs of the 2 new books. I'd have called them choose your own adventure, but it also looks like there is some dice rolling. Boneguard, tell us more about the old gamebooks.
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by LAYF » Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:06 pm

Also a really nice find Boneguard... It's been added to the list :)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by boneguard » Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:09 pm

ThroughTheWell wrote:I admit, The Way of the Tiger looks cool. $30, gets you pdfs of the 2 new books. I'd have called them choose your own adventure, but it also looks like there is some dice rolling. Boneguard, tell us more about the old gamebooks.
In French they are called "The book in which you are the Hero" and it describe it well. And "Choose your own adventure" is another good way to describe them.

Essentially you play the roll of the main protagonist of the book and the book is divided in various numbered sections. You usually start with number 1, and then it will go back and forth through the book from one section to the other until you either Die, fail or complete the Adventure. They usually use 1 or 2 six-sided dice for the purpose of combat against the opponents found in your way or sometimes fro puzzles/choice.

There used to be quite a lot of games books in the days divided in various Series: Fighting Fantasy (60+books), The Way of the Tiger (6 books), Lone Wolf (28 books), GrailQuest (8 books)' Cretean Chronicles (3 books) and a lot more.
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:55 am

fifty wrote:Well we've got a cover artist sorted in the form of Ollie Cuthbertson, and Gary Chalk (of Lone Wolf game-books and Talisman boardgames fame amongst others) doing some of the internal artwork for us :)

We're still on track now to launch the Kickstarter by the end of this month so keep your fingers crossed for us! ....Exciting times :D
So we've just made it by the end of the month and the kickstarter campaign is live!

Please head over and take a look and if you like our efforts then perhaps offer us your support in making the project a success! :)
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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by LAYF » Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:01 am

Nice to see it up Fifty... Its added to the list, and it looks cool so far :)
Edit: I'd also advice you to put a link to this post in your signature, thus, adding to the chance of a view :)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Kickstarters worth sharing

Post by fifty » Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:43 am

:oops: Ahh yep good point LayF!

We've just hit 50% so we're really pleased :cheer:

But I'm sure there's a few more goblins fans that might be interested to come and have a look?
Orbis Terrarum - British swords, sorcery & science - now on DrivethruRPG :)

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