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Art Project: The Lords of the Nine

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:49 am
by Jotunheim
Hello there!

Way back in the day when I was a wee lad of about 20 and I had started out learning how to paint, I had this crazy idea of doing an illustration for each of the Lords of the Nine Hells in D&D canon. At the time I only got to about 3, and as I had just started painting, they were not that good.
The images can be found here (One is slightly nsfw): The other day, I got to think that I might be at a point where I could do the characters justice now, so I'm redoing the project, starting out at the first archdevil and moving my way up to the ninth.

The arch fiends are as follows:
1. Bel, Lord of Avernus, the First Layer
2. Dispater, the Iron Duke, Lord of Dis, the Second Layer
3. Mammon, The Lord of Greed and of Minauros, the Third Layer
4. Fierna and Belial, Lords of Phlegethos, the Fourth Layer
5. Levistus, Lord of Stygia, the Fifth Layer
6. Glasya, Daughter of Asmodeus, Lord of Malbolge, the Sixth Layer
7. Beelzebul, Lord of Flies and of Maladomini, the Seventh Layer
8. Mephistopheles, Lord of No Mercy and of Cania, the Eigth Layer
9. Asmodeus, King of Hell, and Lord of Nessus, the Ninth Layer

As I'm doing them numerically this time around, I'm currently working on Bel. He is described like this:
"Crimson scales cover this large fiend, from its bestial head to its clawed toes. From its back spread great bat-like wings. Foul green venom drips from its teeth, sending up streams of smoke wherever it falls. Cinched around its waist is a belt of a dozen shrieking angel heads, their necks neatly severed by the massive flaming sword the creature holds in his clawed fist."

So far I've only sketched the basic layerout of the painting down. Next I'll be adding color.

Re: Art Project: The Lords of the Nine

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:03 pm
by LooksAndSmiles
Tagging here to follow. Looks promising.

Re: Art Project: The Lords of the Nine

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:34 pm
by Jotunheim
Thank ya. I've done some colour work on Bel now.


Re: Art Project: The Lords of the Nine

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:18 pm
by Jotunheim
Did some more work on this. For those interested in my process the flames on the blade are an example of doing effects early because they're important to the composition and the lighting layout.

Re: Art Project: The Lords of the Nine

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:17 am
by Jotunheim
It's coming along pretty well. With the perspective on the army Bel might end up being slightly bigger than he is actually supposed to be, but eh :D He's an arch devil of war. He's allowed to be bigger than your average pit fiend.

Re: Art Project: The Lords of the Nine

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 6:59 pm
by Jotunheim
I've had a busy couple of days, what with a gig with the band and some other things keeping me occupied, but here's the progress on this painting. Everything is more or less where I want it to be (though the hands are still very much in the doodly "Hands go here" stage).
