Home of all attempts to translate Goblins into another language.
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- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:39 am
http://goblinscomic.com/comic/page-26-2019 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: This looks weird. Like the bad 'Get Ready to Roll Up a New Character', kinda weird.
Minmax: Kin, are you in there? Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out!
Kin (thinking): Yes! Yes!
Minmax: This looks like a puzzle sorta deal. Forgath was always the one to handle the puzzle stuff.
Kin (thinking): You got this, Minmax. It's a simple 'Line Up the Colours' puzzle.
Minmax: Hmmm.
Minmax: Okay, so there's colours on each head and colours in each hand...
Minmax: Oh, I get it. I have to match the coloured balls to the coloured heads. Green goes to green, white goes to white.
Kin (thinking): Yes!
Kin (thinking): He's got it!
Minmax: Nnn!
Kin (thinking): Wait. What is he doing?
SFX: Crunch
SFX: Carunch
Minmax: Come on, get on there. Green goes to green.
Kin (thinking): I'm going to die. I'm going to die in a tiny room that has nowhere to pee.
sketches of panels 8 and 12
http://goblinscomic.com/comic/page-1-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin (thinking): Maybe they're friendly.
Kin (thinking): Are you things friendly?
Kin (thinking): Yeah, no. They're not friendly.
Kin (thinking): Whew.
Kin (thinking): That wasn't so bad.
Kin (thinking): Except there are a scwillion of them on the door.
Kin (thinking): In Minmax decides to start bashing his way in here, I'm in big trouble.
Minmax: Kin's in big trouble. I can feel it.
Minmax: Don't worry, Kin! I'm coming to save you!
SFX: Clonk Whomp
SFX: Whump Cloonk
SFX: Clonk Wommp
- (Kin looking shocked)
sketch of Kin in panels 1,5
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:40 am
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-4-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Fumbles: So Kore just jumped into the river? How does he swim with all that armour on? Do you think he drowned?
Complains of Names: I don't think he can drown.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Fumbles: So what now? Do we go after Kore to save Chief's soul, or do we try to get the Axe of Prissan into hell before the demon deity comes out of it?
Complains of Names: You tell me. you're the Goblin who can see into the future.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Fumbles: Yeah, but you're the...
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names: I'm the what?
Complains of Names: The new chief?
Fumbles: Well... I mean.... We need a new chief.
Complains of Names: We need a Goblin chief. Look at me, Vorpal. I don't even know what I am anymore.
Complains of Names: Touching the Axe kickstarted something in me. I'm becoming more demon all the time. I don't know what I'll be when his finishes.
Complains of Names: I'm scared, Vorpal. I've never been so...
Complains of Names: ...
Complains of Names: Snif
Complains of Names: Anyways, Thaco should be chief.
Fumbles: He's too old.
Thaco: I heard that.
Complains of Names: How's Ears doing?
Thaco: Not good.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names: Is he still...
Thaco: Whining? Yes.
Big Ears: Well, there's no reason to be giving me your magic blindfold!
sketchof panel 10
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-5-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Thaco: Your head is made of gaping wounds and we're out of healing magic for the day. In the morning, we'll hit you with a few Cure Light Wounds spells and you can give it back to me then, okay?
Big Ears: I guess. I just don't like taking your magic items away from you.
Thaco: I know, youngling.
Pawlush: Hello?
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Did you guys hear that?
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Pawlush: Please help me.
Big Ears: Could that be Chief? Maybe his soul is still in the room!
Thaco: It's definitely not Chief. Sounds like someone else.
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): I think it's coming from somewhere over here.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Big Ears: I don't hear it anymore.
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Yeah, I think it stopped.
Forehead Fumbles: Monst..
Pawlush: Hello?
Forehead Fumbles: Monst..
Pawlush: Please.
Pawlush: Can anyone hear me?
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Mon May 25, 2020 6:42 am
* not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-6-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Wait. Is that...?
Thaco: It's a chunk of Kore's head. It must've come off during the battle.
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Ew.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Big Ears: Maybe some of the souls trapped in Kore, are still in this little piece of him.
Forehead Fumbles: Monste..
Pawlush: Yes. I'm trapped in here. I've been trapped in Kore's Hell for so long. There was a flash of yellow light and my prison got... smaller somehow. The other souls around me, sorta slipped away. I think they were lucky enough [to] escape and pass on. I'm stuck here though.
Complains of Names: Maybe we should take the talking piece of skill with us and leave, we dont' know if Kore is coming back.
Pawlush: Kore is coming back? Yes, I agree with the grumpy sounding voice. Please take me away from here.
Thaco: Complains, come and help me with this door.
Complains of Names: Grumpy?
Complains of Names: Do I have a grumpy sounding voice?
Thaco: That's a joke, right?
SFX: Kkkk
original image with missing "to"error in panel three
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-7-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'O) (?): What are they?
Complains of Names or Thaco (?): I dunno.
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): They look like some kinds eggs or sometthing, but with symbols in them.
Forehead Fumbles: ...ter
Complains of Names: Don't touch them, Fumbles.
Thaco: They look Gnomish.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Pawlush: Gnomes don't lay eggs.
Complains of Names: Well obviously, Gnomes don't lay eggs, we're not stupid.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names: Do Gnomes lay eggs?
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names: Alright, let's move on. Everyone stay low and don't touch the Gnome eggs.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Big Ears: So can you see anything from inside that piece of Kore?
Pawlush: No. Only darkness. I can hear everything clearly, though. Including the The Grumpy One.
Complains of Names: I'm not grumpy!
original image with errors extra "The", first image coloured and shaded by Ellipsis again, giving her more enjoyment of creating the comic
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-8-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Speaking of seeing darkness... Thaco, your magic cloth is broken. I keep loosing sight through it.
Thaco: It's a Monk item. If you're holding a weapon, it loses its power. Give me that, genius.
Big Ears: Oh yeah. I forgot.
Big Ears: So new friend, if youc an't see us, do you even know what species we are?
Pawlush: Well you're not Gnomes. I know that.
Pawlush: Perhaps the grumpy one is some kind of infant Hill Giant?
Complains of Names: You know that I can hear you clearly, right?
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): snicker
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Big Ears: That's Complains of Names. He's a Goblin. We're all Goblins.
Pawlush: Even you?
Big Ears: Of course. What did you think I was?
Pawlush: You just sounded like some sort of Celestial being, to me.
Big Ears: What? You mean line an Angel?
Pawlush: Yes.
Big Ears: Ha ha. Hardly. I'm just Big Ears, the Goblin.
Pawlush: I am Pawlush.
Big Ears: And what species are you, Pawlush?
Pawlush: Try to guess.
Big Ears: Hmmm... Drwo?
Pawlush: No.
Big Ears: Um... Wemic?
Pawlush: No.
Big Ears: Well give me a hint.
Pawlush: I have horns.
Big Ears: Uh... Minotaur?
Pawlush: No.
Big Ears: Merfolk?
Pawlush: Merfolk don't have horns.
Big Ears: Then... um... Are you some kind of horned Merfolk?
Pawlush: You're not a very good guesser, are you?
Panel 4: sketched (image), half-coloured (image)
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-9-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Pawlush: I'm a Gargoyle.
Big Ears: A Gargoyle? You mean those living statues?
Pawlush: That's actually a myth. We're flesh and blood. We just have a hard, outer shell that looks similar to stone. That, combined with our love of keeping perfectly still for long periods of time, means we're often mistaken for statues.
Big Ears: You love keeping still? That doesn't sound very fun.
Pawlush: Oh, but it is. The first few days are okay, but it's the weeks after that, that are very pleasurable.
Big Ears: Are you saying you hold perfectly still for weeks at a time?!
Pawlush: Months, usually.
Big Ears: Months?! You mean you just sit there and do nothing for months?!
Pawlush: The older Gargoyles do it for years.
Thaco: Doesn't sound so bad to me. Sitting undisturbed in the peace and quiet. Nothing to do but look around and watch the world go by.
Pawlush: Look around? Oh no no. That's far too much movement. That would ruin it.
Big Ears: But don't you get bored?
Pawlush: "Bored"? I'm unfamiliar with this word. What does it mean?
Complains of Names: Bored, is crawling through a field of a scwillian Gnome eggs, with no end in sight. There's no walls or anything. It just goes on forever.
Fumbles: Maybe we're supposed to do something with the eggs.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names: Fumbles!
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:25 am
* not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-10-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: No!
Thaco: Is he dead!?
Complains of Names: I... I don't know. He's just... gone.
SFX: Fwosh
Forehead Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Monster
SFX: Fwup
Forehead Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Monster
Forehead Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Monster
Vorpal: Please don't call me Fumbles anymore. I've never liked it.
Big Ears: Umm... Alright Vorpal. But are you okay?
Thaco: What happened to you? Where did you go?
Vorpal: Someplace bad. it was about my character sheet. It's hard to explain.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: Well try to explain!
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-11-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: I mean, what happened to you, might be important.
Complains of Names: I think...
SFX: Tink
Complains of Names: Oops.
Complains of Names: Uh oh.
SFX: Fwosh
Thaco: Complains!
Vorpal: Oh no!
Forehead Vorpal (formerly known as Fumbles): Monster
Thaco: He's going to come back, right?! Like you did?!
Vorpal: That depends on how well he knows himself.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
SFX: Fwosh
Complains of Names: Raaaah!
Complains of Names: Snif
Tumbleblade: (three lights on)
sketch of panel 8
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:18 am
* not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-12-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Thaco: Complains, is that your I.M.E.?
Complains of Names: Huh?
Forehead Vorpal (formerly known as Fumbles): Monst..
Complains of Names: Yeah, I guess my individual magic effect is bigger now, because I leveled up. I'm a level 5 barbarian now.
Fumbles: I leveled up, too. Now I'm 4/11ths of every class. Maybe everyone who survives her, gains a level.
Complains of Names: Maybe.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Big Ears: Is that... a mark of leadership?
Complains of Names: Oh yeah. I forgot. I'm your chief now.
Vorpal: What?! But there was never a chiefing ceremony!
Complains of Names: Sigh. technically there was. She chiefed me to prove a point. It's so stupid.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: Well, I guess She has the authority to do that. So you were chiefed out of spite. That actually fits you.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: Is that Her horn tip?
Complains of Names: Yeah.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: Ouch! That really hurts!
Vorpal: Well, don't touch the inside of it, dummy. That's an angel horn, and you're part demon.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Thaco: What the slippery hell are you two talking about?!
not fully shaded image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-13-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Narration (by Complains of Names): Thaco raises a good point. All of us should really know what happened to us after we touched the Gnome Eggs. I'm starting to think that each of us might have to go through this.
Narration (by Fumbles/Vorpal): Yeah, I guess you're right, Complains. I mean Chief. Umm... Chief Complains.
Narration (by Complains of Names): "Complains" is fine, Vorpal.
Narration (by Vorpal): Right. Okay, here's what happened.
SFX: Fwosh
Trolls Mortals: Hello, little one.
Forehead Fumbles (Vorpal): Monster
Vorpal: I... who are you? What are you?
Trolls Mortals: In a way, I am a Goblin like you. I am what our species looks like if it has not been mutated by the decay of mortality.
Vorpal: Are you... the God of Goblins?
Trolls Mortals: If I were, you'd be dead. Any mortal who looks upon a god, disintegrates. No, I am one of his angels.
Vorpal: Wow, a real Goblin angel? So have you met the Goblin God?
Trolls Mortals: Yes.
Vorpal: What's he like?
Trolls Mortals: Grumpy.
Trolls Mortals: He says every Goblin is using spears wrong.
panel 3: sketched image, coloured image
Trolls Mortals' name is actually Gellin
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-14-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Trolls Mortals: So anyways, any mortal who ends up here, must face an angelic or demonic mentor, based on their species. And because I'm still paying for a law that I broke a long time ago, I'm currently the Goblin mentor.
Trolls Mortals: So I've got a copy of your character sheet here and I'm going to ask you one question about what's on it. If you get it wrong, I'll pull the lever on my left, dropping you to a painful death, okay?
Trolls Mortals: If you get it right, I'll pull the lever on my right, ascending you to the portal above, which will return you to where you came from.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal (formerly known as Fumbles): But I thought Angels performed miracles and made people happy because they feed off the joy of others.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Trolls Mortals: We do.
Trolls Mortals: I'm not hungry right now.
Trolls Mortals: Now pay attention because I'm only going to ask you this once.
Trolls Mortals: What's your name?
Vorpal (formerly known as Fumbles): Really? That's it? That's the question? This is easy!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: I am Se...
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: Oh, I guess I'm F...
Vorpal: Wait. I...
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: This is hard.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Trolls Mortals' name is actually Gellin
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-15-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Trolls Mortals: Everyone thinks it's going to be easy but it never is. It's okay. I believe in you, little one.
Vorpal (formerly known as Fumbles): Well the thing is, I'm pretty sure that I know what's on that paper, but... y'see, when I became my clan's teller, I think I got a wisdom boost...
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Trolls Mortals: You did.
Trolls Mortals: Wow, a big one.
Vorpal: ... and it's helped me realise that I don't like the name given to me. That name is based on mistakes I've made and not who I am.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Trolls Mortals: Believe me, I understand.
Trolls Mortals: I know what it's like to be seen by others as something that you're not. You are the foremost authority on who you are. No one else, in all of existence, knows more about you than you do. So it's silly to let others define you. Being yourself is dangerous, but you have every right to try.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: My name...
Vorpal: ...is Senor Vorpal Kickass'o!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Trolls Mortals: I am so proud of you.
Trolls Mortals: But that's wrong. Your name is Fumbles. I gotta kill you now.
Vorpal: What?! But... but you said...
Forehead Vorpal: .onst..
Trolls Mortals: I told you. Being yourself can be dangerous. Sorry, little one.
SFX: Shunk
sketch of panels 1,3
Trolls Mortals' name is actually Gellin
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-16-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Vorpal (f.k.a. Fumbles): Aah!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Trolls Mortals: What?
SFX: Fwosh
Trolls Mortals: But Goblins can't do that. How did he do that?
Trolls Mortals: Oh, a magic item. Of course. "Potion of levitation applied to a... false mustache"? That's a new one.
Trolls Mortals: Well good for him.
sketches of panel 4, and panels 8,9
Trolls Mortals' name is actually Gellin
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-17-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Narration (by Complains of Names): Okay, well here's what happened to me...
SFX: Fwosh
Trolls Mortals: Hello, little one.
Complains of Names: Er? Who are...
Complains of Names: Wait.
Complains of Names: Snif Snif
Complains of Names: Aw, you stink! How can you smell so bad?!
Trolls Mortals: Yeah, you kinda reek too. Almost like you're a demon. But that can't be. Only goblins appear before me. Lemme check your character sheet.
Trolls Mortals: Well look at that. You're "part demon". I've never seen that before. Well how can you have a goblin soul if... Oh, I see. The transformation magic is acting like a virus. Seems a bit contrived, but whatever.
Complains of Names: This is unbearable. You smell like boiling ogre pee! Can you just tell me how I can get back to my friends?
Trolls Mortals: I'm going to ask you a question about your character sheet...
Complains of Names: You smell like a rotting corpse, except the corpse is inside my skull.
Trolls Mortals: Okay. Can we cool it with describing my smell? It's starting to hurt my feelings. Angels and demons just repel each other. It's just science or nature or something.
Complains of Names: You're an angel? Well, you don't seem to be having much trouble dealing with my smell.
Trolls Mortals: That's because you're only part demon, little one. To me, you only kinda stink.
Trolls Mortals: Okay, so if your answer matches what's on your character sheet, I pull the lever on my right and you return to where you came from. If you get it wrong, I pull the other lever and you fall to a painful death.
Trolls Mortals: Ready?
Complains of Names: Um...
Complains of Names: I...
Complains of Names: ...sure?
Complains of Names: Are... Are you gonna ask me something, or...
Trolls Mortals: I'm trying to find a good one. Let's see. Has a problem with anger... Has an odd kink for females with hair... Mother is dead... Father was meant to be chief..
Complains of Names: Y'know, that is a suspiciously large amount of information on what looks like two sheets of paper.
Trolls Mortals: It's very small font.
Trolls Mortals: Okay, I've got one. Now pay attention.
Trolls Mortals: Could you be a beneficial chief for your clan?
uncoloured panel 1, drawing lines, line modulation with lines removed
Trolls Mortals' name is actually Gellin
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-18-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Oh please. That''s not even a character sheet question.
Trolls Mortals: Of course it is. I know the answer, based on what's here in your character sheet.
Complains of Names: I thought you were going to ask me what my charisma bonus is, or something like that.
Trolls Mortals: Okay first of all, it's adorable that you think you have a charisma bonus. Secondly, I'm not going to argue with you, sweetie. If you refuse to answer, I will assume that you don't know and I'll kill you, m'kay?
Complains of Names: Fine. Whatever. The answer is no. No, I couldn't be a beneficial chief or any other kind of chief. Our old chief made me an 'Empty Goblin' as punishment for breaking our traditions. So I can't officially hold any position of power within the clan. Now send me back, before I die of stink.
Trolls Mortals: Sorry, little one. But that's wrong. While it's true that he made you an Empty Goblin, he later performed a ceremony with you, selecting you as the next chief and even giving you a mark of leadership.
Trolls Mortals: The truth is that you'd make an amazing chief who would've elevated your clan to unmatched, legendary status.
Complains of Names: Are you high?!
Trolls Mortals: Well I mean...
Trolls Mortals: a little.
Caption (Complains of Names): Chief never performed any ceremony like that with me!
Caption (Trolls Mortals): He did.
Chief (Flashback): Gasp!
Caption (Trolls Mortals): It was just before his death.
Complains of Names: The...
Complains of Names: blood?
Complains of Names: No.
Trolls Mortals: Yes.
Trolls Mortals: Nothing personal, little one.
SFX: Shunk
originals of flashback panels 7,8
Trolls Mortals' name is actually Gellin
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-19-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Gellin: Aw. Come on.
Complains of Names: You're wrong!
Complains of Names: Ya can't just touch my face and be done with it! The blood print was just a blood print!
Complains of Names: Selecting a chief requires a proper ceremony!
Gellin: No! It totally doesn't! Sure, some ceremonies require tests or whatever, like the teller ceremony,
Gellin: but somewhere along the line, you mortals decided that they all have to be some big production with decorative fire and long speeches and stuff!
Gellin: Here. I'll show you. As a senior Goblin Angel, I can perform any ceremony. Boom. You're a chief. See? No grand speeches and no long prayers. And by the way, no one is listening to those ceremonial prayers. They're boring! And stop beginning your prayers with "Oh Great Goblin God, I beseech thee" or whatever. He hates that. Just say "Hi" like a normal goblin.
Complains of Names: Did... Did my stats all go up a bit?
Gellin: Yeah, that's what happens when you become a chief. And not that it matters, but now you have a charisma bonus.
Gellin: And now because you've side stepped the trap, which admittedly is just the worst design ever, I have to kill you myself.
SFX: Fwawsh
Gellin: And that really just ruins my day.
page with wrong text colour
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-20-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: You... you dare?
Gellin: Look. It's nothing personal, little one.
Complains of Names: That's the problem! It's never personal! Adventurers attack us not because we're seen as dangerous, but because we're an inconvenient chore! We're seen as less, and therefore undeserving of the respect that an enemy deserves!
Complains of Names: And now you, an Angel of our own kind, has the gall to treat me no differently than an adventurer would?! Like an insect to [be] flicked off your arm?! I'm gonna cut you into pieces!
SFX: Fwoom Fwoom Fwoom
Gellin: Aw, look. I didn't mean any disrespect, little one. It's just that you're no match for me and honestly I hate that I have to kill you. But y'see, I've sworn to uphold...
Complains of Names: Rraaawr!
Complains of Names: Rraa!
Gellin: What is this? What's happening right now?
Gellin: Wait. Are you seriously attacking me?
direct image link
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-21-2020 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Gellin: Oh, is this that thing that mortals do, where you try not to die, even if it's unavoidable? I've never understood that.
SFX: Thunk
Gellin: Besides, only an unholy weapon or Demon can hurt an Angel. I doubt you do any damage to me, since you're only part...
Gellin: Hey.
Gellin: Hey, is that my horn?
Complains of Names: Nnn!
Gellin: You cut off my horn?
Gellin: Do you have any idea how long this takes to grow back? Long enough that by the time it does, I'll have forgotten how I lost it!
SFX: Shunk
SFX: Fwosh
Gellin: I am so bad at this.
first posted image which still had missing details.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:09 am, edited 5 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:04 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-1-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: So Chief spent his final moments, officially recommending you to be chosen as our next chief.
Big Ears: That's so beautiful.
Big Ears: I'm so proud of you, my chief!
Complains of Names: Whoa. Okay. Uh... Thanks big guy.
Vorpal (previoulsy known as Fumbles): I should pray to the Goblin God and thank him.
Complains of Names: Sure, go for it.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal (praying): Oh might Goblin God! Protector of the Goblin kind! I offer humble thanks for...
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: Nope.
Complains of Names: He hates that. Just talk to him the same way you'd talk to one of us.
Vorpal (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Right.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal (praying): Hey G.G. Thanks for the new chief.
Complains of Names: Better.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Thaco: You know... They say that Angel blood has healing magic. Maybe that horn will heal Big Ears' wounds.
Vorpal (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Um... anyone else noticing that the Gnome eggs seem higher than before?
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: I don't think there's any blood in this, though. It's just horn, all the way down.
Thaco: It's worth a try. Big Ears, touch this to your wounds and see if it does anything.
Complains of Names: Hey!
direct image link
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-2-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Well okay. I mean if it works, we have a powerful healing item, right?
Big Ears: Ow ow OW!
Big Ears: Here goes nothing.
SFX: Thwork
SFX: Fwashh
Big Ears: Gasp
Big Ears: What...
Big Ears: Hey! Hey look! My ears My ears are back!
Big Ears: The flesh it gave me is blue, but it healed everything! Every scar! Every missing finger!
Vorpal (formerly known as Fumbles): Cool!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: But where did the horn go? Did you just absorb it?
Big Ears: Snif
Big Ears: Snif
Complains of Names: Snif
Complains of Names: Snif
Big Ears: Complains, you smell disgusting.
Complains of Names: Ears, you stink.
direct image link
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-3-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Vorpal (Fumbles, Senor Vorpal Kickass'o, SVK): Wait, does this mean you're part angel now?!
Thaco: That's impossible. You don't just turn into an angel by touching a...
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Thaco: Ew.
Thaco: Gorss, Ears, your slimy blood is all over this.
Big Ears: Sorry, Thaco.
Pawlush: Heh.
Big Ears: What are you laughing at, Pawlush?
Pawlush: I knew it. You are an angel.
Complains of Names: Hey, if we're supposed to each face the angel lady in order to get out of here, we'd better hurry up. These gnome eggs are going to be out of our reach, soon.
Big Ears: Yeah, that's a good point. I guess I'll go next.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
SFX: Tink
Gellin (Trolls Mortals): Welcome, little wwwwhat the hell?!
Gellin: Is that my horn all over your body?! Did you fuse with my horn?! How?!
Gellin: How did you do that?!
Gellin: That is not cool!
sketches: panel 4, Thaco in panel 1
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-4-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: I'm sorry, M'a'am. I really didn't mean to fuse with your horn. I was just trying to heal my woudns and it sorta.... became a part of me.
Gellin (Trolls Mortals): You're lying.
Pawlush: Rude.
Big Ears: I promise that's what happened!
Gellin: Firstly, angel blood can sometimes heal mortals in certain circumstances. Angel horns don't heal, and they certainly wouldn't fuse with a mortal unless that mortal was stupidly, ridiculously lawful good.
Gellin: And you're not...
Gellin: Holy crap. You're stupidly, ridiculously lawful good.
Gellin: Wow.
Gellin: You are so selfless and pure. What a sweetheart, you are. Gimme a second. I wanna read this.
Big Ears: Um... Ma'am?
Gellin: One moment, sweetie. Almost done.
Gellin: Hey cool, you're gay.
Gellin: Me too.
Pawlush: Are you gay?
Big Ears: Uh...
Gellin: Oh Gods, were you not out to your talking backpack? Gosh, I am so sorry.
panels 5-8 uncoloured, panel 10: raw lines, clean lines, uncoloured
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-5-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Pawlush: I am not a backpack.
Big Ears: Yeah, he's the soul of a Gargoyle, trapped in the skull shard of a cursed Dwarf.
Gellin (Trolls Mortal): Okay I found you. You're listed as an item that Big Ears is carrying. That must be why the magic brought you both here at once. Says your name is Plush.
Pawlush: It is pronounced "Pawlush". Although I do like the sound of "Plush". Sounds like two ancient boulders, smashing into each other very mighty.
Gellin: Okay, well I'm sure the other Goblins explained the rules to you, so here's your question.
Gellin: Are you a hero?
Big Ears: A hero? Oh geez, no.
Pawlush: Wait! Don't answer!
Gellin: Oooo. Sorry little one, but that's wrong. You are a true hero in every sense of the word. Please believe that it pains me to kill you, but I'm already going to be in so much trouble for messing things up with the other Goblins.
Pawlush: That's not fair! You played on his humility and tricked him!
Big Ears: I'm sorry I failed you, Plush. Whatever she's about to drop us into, I'll do my best to protect you.
Gellin: Actually, it's just 5th dimensionally echoed darkmatter that'll crush you into a singularity. There's nothing for you to fight. That's really sweet, though.
Pawlush: Wait!
Pawlush: You wouldn't kill your own child, would you?
Gellin: What? What are you talking about? I don't have any children.
Pawlush: It was a part of your body that turned Big Ears into a partial angel. He has been reborn and now he is part you!
Pawlush: He is literally your flesh and blood!
Pawlush: Whether you like it or not, you are his mother.
SFX: Flap
SFX: Flip
unshaded image, without hellstrands
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-6-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Pawlush: I can't see anything, what's she doing?
Big Ears: She's just standing there, looking stunned.
Gellin (Trolls Mortals): sigh
Gellin: Screw it.
Gellin: Take this, little one.
Gellin: I want you to break that, if you ever need me.
Big Ears: How much trouble are you going to be in, for this?
Gellin: Meh.
Big Ears: I think you're lying. I think you'll be in a lot of trouble for this.
Gellin: "Meh" isn't a lie, sweetie. It's not even a word.
Big Ears: You know what I mean. If you're going to be punished for this...
SFX: Fwosh
Gellin: I'm a mom.
Last edited by
Krulle on Mon Dec 02, 2024 12:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:13 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-7-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Caption: Moments later...
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (formerly known as Fumbles): So she just gave you one of her jewelry things?
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Thaco: In order for me to reach the Gnome eggs, I'll need a boost. Maybe if we stand on each other's shoulders, so I can reach them before it's too late.
Big Ears: Yeah. She considers me her offspring because I'm made of her flesh.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Thaco: Hello? Is anyone even listening to me? They're getting higher and we're running out of time.
Complains of Names: Thrust me Ears, you could do better than her, for a mother.
Thaco: Alright, I've had enough.
Complains of Names: Hey!
SFX: Fwosh
SFX: Thwup
Gellin (Trolls Mortals): Hello little one, I'm sure you know the drill. I've read your character sheet. Here's your question.
Thaco: No.
Gellin: Uh... What?
original published image, after correction
sketch of panel 1, b&w panels 1-3, sketch of panel 6 (superhero landing)
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-8-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Thaco: That's my answer to your question. No. If I'm right, send me back. If I'm wrong, kill me. But I'm not playing your stupid game. I'm too old and I've got things to do.
Gellin (Trolls Mortals): I... Wait, so you'd rather die, than spend one round answering a simple question about yourself?! Why? Why throw your life away?
Thaco: Stop wasting my time. Am I correct or not?
Gellin: Okay fine!
Gellin: You happen to be correct!
Gellin: But that was profoundly stupid. You could have been... Are you smiling?!
Thaco: I command you to send me back.
Thaco: Little one.
Gellin: You command me?!
Gellin: You dare to command me, you insignificant mortal?!
Thaco: I do.
Gellin: Nnnnnn!
Gellin: Fine.
Gellin: Ass.
SFX: Shunk
SFX: Fwosh
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:15 am
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:19 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-13-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Hi. I...
Minmax: ...why are you here? I thought you were taking the Jade Teapot to...
Kin: There's my good boy! I'm so glad you're okay! I've missed you!
Minmax: You did?
SFX: Flap Flap
Kin: I'm so proud of you my little dragon! You did such a good job.
Kin: Yes you did.
Kin: You did such a good job.
Kin: That's my good boy.
Kin: Where are the Goblins?
Minmax: They were all killed in a trap, back there.
Minmax: Vorpal is dead.
Kin: What?! Oh Gods! Oh. Minmax. Are you... Are you OK?
Minmax: It's good to see you.
first publ. image, with error re. Kin's hand (four fingers)
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-14-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: It's good to see you too, Minmax.
Kin: So... This isn't easy to say, but the reason I came to you was because there's something I need to say. I...
Kin: I...
Kin: Um...
Kin: These creepy red vines are much more prominent than they were, earlier. Should we be concerned about their growth?
Minmax: Huh? Oh. Those are hellstrands this demon deity called The Sacred [caused], but that's not his real name, otherwise I could just take control of him by saying it. But The Sacred is trapped in an axe prison. But the axe broke. But now The Sacred is turning our realm into a layer of hell and once it's done, he'll be able to come out and torture every living soul but what is it that you wanted to say to me?
Kin: WHAT?! Your entire world is going to end? Minmax, we have to do something! Where is this axe, now?
Minmax: The Goblins had it when they fell into a pit and died.
Kin: Okay, step one is finding that axe. Step two is taking it back to hell, so when The Sacred escapes, he's back where he started.
Minmax: The Goblins talked about doing that. But it's too hard. Getting into hell is like... impossible.
Kin: I might know a way. I know a specific demon's real name. If I can summon him, I can ask for his help.
Minmax: Wait. You know a demon's real name?!
Kin: Yeah, from back in the Maze of Many. We met an alternate version of the demon you called Not-Walter, remember?
Minmax: Oh yeah, I forgot all about Not-Walter!
first published image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-15-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: We don't know how much time this world has left. We'd better find that axe.
Minmax: Kin. I... I need to know why you're here. Walking away from you, was the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm not over that. I'm not over you. I'm not smart enough to understand what's happening, but seeing you again... it hurts. Why did you come back?
Kin: I came back because...
Kin: you left me.
Minmax: What?! Kin I... I left you because you told me to! I'd never have left you if...
Kin: No, you misunderstand. I'm not explaining myself well. Let me try again.
Kin: When you grabbed my leash and took control of me, you betrayed my trust. I saw you put your happiness ahead of mine and I thought I was seeing the real Minmax. So I told you to leave. And so you did. Even though you knew it would break you, you left me. You put my happiness ahead of yours.
Kin: Grabbing my leash was awful and selfish. But I don't think that one brief moment represents what you are.
Kin: But all of the next moments... The moments where you recoiled... All the moments after that, where you apologised over and over, not to try and gain my forgiveness, but to try and ease my pain...
Kin: And finally, the moment where you broke yourself to leave and give me peace. That moment wasn't a brief mistake like grabbing my leash, but a decision you selflessly made and stuck to. That's the real Minmax.
Minmax: But... How can you know how much I was hurting when I left?
Kin: Because... I felt it too.
Kin: When you left, it also broke me.
Kin: I miss you, Minmax.
first published image
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story!
it's fully funded, and all realistic stretch goals reached!
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:21 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-17-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Fwashh
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (p.k.a. Fumbles): Thaco!
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (p.k.a. Fumbles): You made it!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
SFX: Fwashh
Big Ears: A door.
Thaco: A weird door.
Big Ears: Looks like you were right, Complains. We needed each to face that challenge to leave this area.
SFX: Creeee
Vorpal: Neato.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: So which way do we go?
Complains of Names: I dunno. Red?
SFX: Creeee
Vorpal: What is it? Show me! Oohhh, more doors. Neato.
Complains of Names: Why!
Complains of Names: must you jump on me?
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Thaco: Hmmm.
Thaco: This might repeat a few times. I say we stick to the left, to avoid getting lost.
Vorpal: Leftward, chiefly steed!
Complains of Names: I am this close to banishing you from the clan.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
first publ. page: https://www.goblinscomic.com/comics/163 ... Page17.jpg
second publ. page: https://www.goblinscomic.com/comics/163 ... Page17.jpg (still online, last panel, Vorpal's balloon has been shifted leftwards)
last panel as B&W preview
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-18-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Caption: An hour later...
Complains of Names: ARG! This is so frustrating!
Big Ears: I hate this. We've gone through like... a hundred hallways and they all look the same.
Thaco: We had things under control, until you got bored and wanted to go right. That's when we started getting lost.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal Kickass'o (p.k.a. Fumbles): Nu uh. Because we went three hallways right, then decided to go back three hallways and go left.
Complains of Names: Wait. These walls. The stones.
Thaco: We actually went back four hallways, before turning left. Or was it two?
Vorpal: So we're officieally lost.
Thaco: Kinda, yeah.
Complains of Names: No. It can't be.
SFX: Creee
Big Ears: Chief, where are you going? We shouldn't split up.
Complains of Names: Wait here.
Vorpal: What is he doing?
Big Ears: I don't know.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: Maybe he had to make poops.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
SFX: Slam
Complains of Names: I knew it!
Complains of Names: There aren't hundreds of hallways, there's only two! We've been looping through the same two hallways, over and over!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-19-2021 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (previously known as Fumbles): What? That cant' be.
Thaco: hmm
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: I assure you, it be.
Thaco: So the question is, can we get out of here or are we doomed to be stuck in here forever?
Big Ears: Maybe we have to go through the coloured doors in a certain sequence.
Pawlush: Or maybe there's a secret door around here.
Complains of Names: Actually, that's a good point, Plush. We'll look for secret doors before we try other theories. These walls are more detailed and harder to search, so three of us will look in here. Ears, you check the other hallway.
Big Ears: Sure thing, chief.
Pawlush: It's a shame that I can't see anything. Gargoyles are good at finding secret doors. I'd be able to help.
Big Ears: Being a Gargoyle sounds neat. You make me want to learn all about them.
Pawlush: Gargoyles are neat! We're very solid.
Big Ears: Solid? Aren't most creatures solid?
Pawlush: Well we use the word "solid" to mean a number of positive things. You see, the more "solid" or "stone-like" a Gargoyle's body is, the more glorious they are. So we also use "solid" to mean "good" or "happy".
Big Ears: So it's kinda like... whoever has the hardest outer body, is the most popular and best looking?
Plush: Sort of. But we never use the word "hard" in this context.
Big Ears: Why not?
Plush: Well go ahead and try.
Big Ears: Okay. So how hard are you?
Big Ears: Oh! I see what you mean.
Pawlush: Yeah. That unfortunate double meaning has caused a lot of confusion amongst my species.
first published image
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- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:23 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-1-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Okay, so what's the best way to find a secret door in a stone wall? What am I looking for?
Pawlush: You're looking for subtle changes in the grain of the stone, changes in colour, details that at first glance, seem decorative.
Big Ears: Well, there are some lines in the wall over there.
Pawlush: Sounds like a good place to start, Angel.
Big Ears: hmmm
Big Ears: grunt
SFX: Sshhwoop
Big Ears: Hey it worked! A door opened!
Pawlush: Hooray!
Big Ears: Wow, this hallway shouldn't fit behind that door. There's a lot of magic going on here. I mean... just look at this place.
Pawlush: I literally can't.
Big Ears: Oh right. Sorry.
Pawlush: What's that humming sound?
Big Ears: There's some kind of energy wall blocking the way.
Pawlush: There is?
Plush: Well don't touch it!
Big Ears: How'd you know I was gonna touch it, Plush?
Plush: I had a hunch, Angel.
first published image (flat colours), first shaded one
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-2-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Pawlush: We probably should go get the other Goblins.
Big Ears: yeah, I agree. I just want to test something, first.
SFX: Fzzworp
Big Ears: Uh oh.
Pawlush: Uh oh? What was uh oh? What was that fzzworp sound?
Big Ears: I um... I tossed my magic shield through the wall of energy.
Pawlush: And?
Big Ears: It fzzworped.
Pawlush: Well, why did you test it with a magic item?
Big Ears: I had nothing else to throw.
Pawlush: There aren't pebbles around or something?
Big Ears: Well no, I...
Big Ears: Oh.
Big Ears: Actually yes.
Big Ears: There are lot of pebbles.
SFX: Fzz
Big Ears: Hey, the pebble didn't fzzworp. It just went through without a problem.
Pawlush: So... I guess it only fzzworps magic items?
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:24 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-3-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Pawlush: Angel, I... I think you should throw me through the fzzworp wall.
Big Ears: Why would I do that?
Pawlush: Well, your Angel mother said that I count as a magic item.
Big Ears: Exactly. So it could kill you.
Pawlush: Listen, Kore killed me a long time ago. Since then, my soul has been trapped in his prison, which is nothing but pain. But then you separated me from that and it's been so much better. But I don't want to remain trapped in this bone shard until the end of time. This anti-magic wall is a rare opportunity to truly escape Kore's imprisonment.
Big Ears: What?! I'm not going to just kill you, that's ridiculous! What if later, we can find a way to get you your body back?
Pawlush: And what if you can't? What if Kore finds us and puts me back in his prison? Or what if this bone shard gets shattered and then I'm trapped in a much smaller piece? What if damaging this shard causes me ongoing pain and there's no way for it to ever end?
Big Ears: Look Pawlush, you don't know me that well, so I'll explain this to you. I don't kill my friends. I protect them.
SFX: Poke Poke
Pawlush: What is that thumping sound?
Big Ears: I'm poking you in the face, for emphasis. You can't feel that?
SFX: Poke Poke
Pawlush: No.
Big Ears: Okay well trust me, it's really adding validity to my point.
SFX: Poke Poke
Pawlush: But you're not killing me, though. I've already been killed. You're setting my soul free. You're performing a miracle. Isn't that what angels do?
Big Ears: I... I can't.
Pawlush: I understand. I'm asking too much of you. I apologize.
Big Ears: Plush, I...
Pawlush: I need to stop talking to you now.
Big Ears: k
image, panels 1 and 2 uncoloured (tweet)
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-4-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Geez Ears, thanks for telling us you found a secret door!
Complains of Names: Don't mind us, we're just in the other room, searching for the secret door that you already found.
Big Ears: Sorry chief, I got distracted.
Complains of Names: So what are we looking at?
Big Ears: It's an anti-magic wall. We have to figure out how to get past it without losing our magic items.
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Mon..
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Mon..
Big Ears: What?
Vorpal Kickass'o: What's wrong?
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Mon..
Big Ears: Sigh. Plush needs me to do something that I'm not comfortable doing.
Vorpal: Then don't do that thing.
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Monster
Big Ears: But if I don't do it, then I'm controlling his life in a way that I have no right to and I'm basically kidnapping him-
Vorpal: Then do that thing.
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Monster
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Monster
Vorpal: Do all paladins over-think everything or is that just you?
Big Ears: I don't know.
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Monster
uncoloured last last panel
comic image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-5-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: So what do you think?
Thaco: My only magic item is my blindfold, so maybe I can just take that off and walk through the wall to see if there's anything on the other side that can help us.
Complains of Names: Well don't do that, you'd probably die, since Goblins are magical creatures.
Thaco: Wha?
Complains of Names: You know... Goblins are magical creatures.
Thaco: No we're not. Who told you that?
Complains of Names: Everyone knows that. We're partly magic, like Dragons or Vampires or whatever.
Thaco: No we're not! We don't have breath weapons, we don't have a mind control attack, and we don't live for thousands of winters! We're just ordinary flesh and blood!
Complains of Names: Your face is ordinary flesh and blood!
Thaco: Is that supposed to be a burn on me? That's the exact argument I'm trying to make, you living belch!
SFX: Fzzworp
Complains of Names: Ears, what was that? What did you just throw through the anti-magic wall?
Pawlush: Angel? I...
Pawlush: I think something unexpected, has happened.
comic image
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:26 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-6-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Plush! you're alive! I didn't kill you!
Thaco: Plush, is there anything on your side, that looks like it might remove the anti-magic wall?
Complains of Names: I'm so confused.
Pawlush: Um... no. There's nothing.
Thaco: Damn. I was hoping there'd be a lever or something.
Pawlush: What's a lever?
Thaco: It's a handle that'd probable be sticking out of a wall. Looks like it could be moved up or down.
Pawlush: Oh.
Pawlush: Then yes.
Pawlush: There's exactly that, right here.
Thaco: sigh
SFX: Clunk
SFX: Zzwoomm
Pawlush: Hello.
Big Ears: I'm so happy you're alive! So this is your body? You look great!
Pawlush: Well it's the right shape and size for my body, but... it's not solid. For some reason, it's made of squishiness.
Pawlush: It's repulsive.
comic image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-7-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (Fumbles): Wow, it really is squishy. And you skin is so dry. Feels like cloth stuffed with cotton.
Complains of Names: Maybe when the skull shard was destroyed, your soul rebuilt your body as best it could, but the process wasn't perfect.
Pawlush (Plush): Well, then my soul created something bothersome.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Pawlush: Listen Angel, I want to thank you for throwing me through the anti-magic wall.
Pawlush: I know that was extremely difficult for you and it means a lot to me.
Big Ears: Oh, your're welcome. So what happens now? I mean... you could just join our party, if you like.
Pawlush: Actually, you're planning to hunt down Kore, to try and save the soul of your trapped friend and I'd rather just avoid that. I can't risk going back into that awful prison. Plus, you're on a quest to take that cursed axe, into Hell itself. No offense, but... yeah, I want no part of any of that.
Big Ears: Of course. Um... But since there's really only one way to go, you may as well travel with us until the path splits.
Pawlush: Oh that's a good point. We'd better get moving then.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
SFX: Snap
Vorpal Kickass'o: Come back to us, big guy.
Big Ears: Huh?
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
comic image
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- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:28 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-8-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Senor Vorpal Kickass'O (a.k.a. Fumbles): Whoa. A lot of cobwebs in this spot.
Thaco: I guess spiders really like this door.
Vorpal: They're not spider webs though, they're cobwebs.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Forehead Vorpal: ....ter
Vorpal: My magic staff! No! How can cobwebs cut my staff like that?!
Complains of Names: wwhh
Complains of Names: Looks like physical things can't break these "cobwebs", but they still react to wind, normally.
Pawlush: Hmmm. I think I can use my wings to create enough wind to move the webs out of our way.
SFX: Flip Flip Flippy Flip
Pawlush: Wha? My wings. My wings are so tiny and weak. When my body was solid, I had huge, powerful wings.
comic image, uncoloured panel 4, another version shown on the drawing tablet breaking down
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-10-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Wow, that worked really well.
Complains of Names: ok everyone, even through they're on the ground, do not touch the cobwebs.
Forehead Vorpal (a.k.a. Fumbles): Monster
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o: Ow!
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!
Forehead Vorpal (a.k.a. Fumbles): Monster
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o: Ouchie
Forehead Vorpal (a.k.a. Fumbles): Monster
Complains of Names: What did I say, Vorpal? What did I just say?
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o: Um... Not to touch the cobwebs unless I'm very careful?
Forehead Vorpal (a.k.a. Fumbles): Monster
Complains of Names: Nope. That's not what I said. Let me see.
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o: Hey careful.
Forehead Vorpal (a.k.a. Fumbles): Monster
Complains of Names: It's like 1 Hit Point of damage, you'll be fine.
Forehead Vorpal (a.k.a. Fumbles): Monster
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:31 am
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-11-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: I still don't get it. How are you suddenly such a higher level?
Kin: I'll explain it one more time. So the MoM was all about alternate reality versions of ourselves, being in the same place and fighting, right?
Minmax: Wait. The MoM? Are you talking about the Multiverse of Madness?
Kin: What? No. I'm talking about the Maze of Many. Where we watched those from alternate realities, die brutal deaths, remember?
Minmax: It still sounds like you're talking about the Multiverse of Madness.
Kin: I don't know what you're referring to. I'm talking about the MoM. It had a terrifying, all powerful, psionic, super villain who was killing people from alternate realities.
Minmax: Yeah. That's the MoM. The Multiverse of Madness.
Kin: No it's not. They're two different things. Our MoM had a pocket dimension that existed outside of all other realities and it had alternate reality zombie versions of...
Minmax: Ih huh. That's totally the Multiverse of Madness.
Kin: No! I teamed u with an alternate of myself, who'd broken reality. But who turned out to be evil, and...
Minmax: Kin, you're still describing the Multi...
SFX: Crack
Kin: How can you be confused by this? You were there. We concluded that adventure by making smart, realistic decisions, specific to our situation.
Minmax: Oooh. Yeah okay. Then that's not the Multiverse of Madness.
SFX: Crik
Kin: Wait. You're messing with me, aren't you.
Minmax: Lil bit, yeah.
Minmax: Sorry.
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-12-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Well this looks... colourful. What does the turkey writing say?
Door: Speak True Speak False
Kin: You mean the turquoise writing?
Minmax: Yeah.
Kin: "Speak True"
Minmax: And what does the white writing say?
Kin: "Speak False"
Minmax: Sorry, what does the turquoise writing say?
Kin: "Speak True"
Minmax: And what does the...
Kin: "Speak False"
Minmax: Right, right.
Kin: You okay now? Got it memorized?
Minmax: I totally do.
Minmax: Okay heh, just tell me one more time...
Kin: Snicker
black and white preview: tweet,
the first page on the new tablet, named Tabletha
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-13-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: So my current theory is that maybe we need to speak a truth and then say something untrue in order to open the door. We've said six true things since we've arrived at this door, so I'll try saying something that isn't true and see if anything happens.
Kin: I am Princess Blanket! The Queen of Blanketland!
Minmax: Hmmm. Nothing happened. Wait. How can you be a Princess and also be a Queen?
Door: Speak True Speak False
Kin: Silence usurper! Princess Blanket cares not for your judgement! Princess Blanket cares not for guilt or stress! Princess Blanket never procrastinates and never ever has morning breath!
Minmax: Uh... Kin?
Minmax: You okay?
Kin (Princess Blanket): Princess Blanket cares not for this "Kin". I must away to Blanketland. My people need me.
b&w sketch of panel 1, image without shading, image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-14-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Title: Princess Blanket
Title: Queen of Blanketland
Kin: I am Princess Blanket. Princess Blanket is strong and unafraid. Princess Blanket is never socially awkward.
Minmax: Kin, what are you even talking about?
Kin: Princess Blanket never tells an unfunny joke. Princess Blanket never misses anyone when he's not around.
Minmax: Wait what? When who's not around?
Minmax: Do you mean me? You didn't... miss me?
Kin: Princess Blanket never feels guilt for standing up for herself. Princess Blanket doesn't...
Minmax: Kin!
Minmax: You're not Princess Blanket. you're Kin Silkscale. Remember?
Kin: Huh?
Text on door: Speak True Speak False
Kin: What happened? Why was I hallucinating about being a fictional character that I'd just made up?
Minmax: I dunno.
color=turquoise]Speak T...[/color] Speak False
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-15-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: So I was touching your turquoise armour when I declared myself to be Princess Blanket. You were in contact with your own armour when you said I was Kin.
Minmax: Okay?
Kin: So what if anything we declare while touching turquoise, becomes true?
Speak True
Kin: I think we need to test this. Try saying something that isn't true, Minmax.
Minmax: Okay.
Kin: But nothing too...
Minmax: You have legs.
Kin: ack
SFX: Thud
Minmax: You okay?
Kin: Ah! It feels like my tail has been sliced down the middle! This feels disgusting!
Kin: How do you control both legs at the same time?
Minmax: Same way you control your arms, I guess?
Kin: I can't make them do what I want. They only bend in a few places.
Minmax: Whoa! Kin, I can totally see...
Kin: You can see my vagina. I know. I don't care. Please give me back my tail.
Kin: Minmax?
Minmax: Right! Sorry! You have your tail.
image, the artist's view during creation of the page: tweet
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:34 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-16-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: Oh I missed you, tail. I'll never take you granted, again.
Kin: Minmax, I think we should change the colour of your armour, before we have any accidents.
Minmax: So anything I say, comes true? Wow! I'm literally a god!
Kin: No!
Godly Minmax: Without perception, time is static!
Godly Minmax: It is a medium in which reflections of consciousness misunderstand their existence!
Kin: Minmax?
Kin: Uh oh.
first image (flat), image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-17-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: No way. There's just no way. That kind of omnipotent magic can't exist, can it? No no no no. This could be bad. This could be so bad.
Kin: Minmax is a human and not a god!
Minmax: Aaah!
Minmax: Aaah!
Minmax: Aaaaahhh!
SFX: Baaaazzzoorrrp
Kin: Minmax!
Speak ...k Fa
Kin: Are you ok? You weren't really a god, were you?
Minmax: I experienced all of time, from its beginning, to its end. In one, brief, infinite moment... I was a god.
Kin: But... How can a random dungeon door have that kind of magic? It would need more energy than exists in this entire realm.
Minmax: My presence... my godly power... only existed inside this hallway. I don't think the magic can make any changes outside the hallway and any changes we do make, can't come with us when we leave.
pe .ak Fa
Kin: Oh I see. All the effects are genuine, but tightly localized.
Minmax: Being a god sucked. I was aware of so much stuff! Did you know that there's not really a past, present, or future? It's just that mortal minds can only see time in one direction. The past. So it feels like the past has already happened and that the future hasn't happened yet, just because we're blind to it. But all of our actions, past and future, are already stamped into place in one "moment". Except it's not a moment at all, because that's a measurement of time.
Sp... ...k Fa
Kin: But... That would mean there's no free will.
Minmax: No there totally is! Free will exists fifth dimensionally. Every possible reality that could play out, is pre-determined and set in stone, but every decision we make, hops us from our previous reality, to a reality that is exactly the same, except for the decision we'd just made. So we have some control over which reality we exist in. Everything is pre-determined and we have free will!
Kin: That's... amazing.
Minmax: Is it? I have no idea what I just said. I knew lots of stuff as a god, but I feel like I'm quickly forgetting my godly impotence.
Kin: You mean your godly omniscience.
Minmax: Yeah, that. Also... being a god without worshippers is super painful and sucky. So I sorta reached back really far in time and created a universe and made like... a scwillion Minmax worshippers evolve inside of it.
Kin: Wait. You created a universe?! I thought you said your power only existed within this hallway!
Minmax: It did. I put the universe over there. In that bottle.
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-18-2022 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: Wow. An entire universe inside this bottle. It must have its own established set of physics.
Minmax: I call it the maxoverse. I gave the people treasure plants that give them treasure without trying to eat them.
Kin: Oh yeah, I remember that treasure plant that almost devoured you, that one time.
Minmax: The problem is that now the treasure plants grow everywhere. There's whole forests of them. So gems and gold coins are worthless and all over the place. Gold is the most common metal, so it's used in like... everything. Make-up, food, medicine, art... Weapons and tools are made out of diamonds, and they use rubies to make these awesome things called lasers. There are entire cities made from emeralds and opals and stuff.
Kin: It sounds beautiful.
Minmax: And I made it so that people wo are really loved by a lifemate or a best friend or something, can never die.
Kin: Because of Forgath?
Minmax: Forgath and Kickaxo. My best friends keep dying. I didn't want my followers to go through that.
Kin: Well I think that's very sweet, Minmax.
Minmax: It went bad though. Gangs would hold someone's loving partner hostage, and torture them to force the loved partner into working for them. Since a loved partner couldn't be killed, they were valuable assassins or soldiers.
Minmax: Then there were the lonely people who were dying of a sickness or because they were really old. Those people were desperately trying to find someone to love them, just to stay alive. They almost never found anyone, and would die, believing that their death was me, punishing them for being "so unlovable".
Minmax: There was this old lady whose lifemate had dies of a heart attack the day before. That lady prayed to me in treas, "You made a mistake!" she screamed. "My lifemate can't have died! I love her! Bring her back! you made a mistake!" I was like "You didn't totally love her, though. You just liked her lots, because she made you laugh and took care of you." She spent the rest of her life, hating herself and blaming herself for her lifemate's death.
Minmax: I never responded to another prayer after that.
Minmax: Kin, there was and still is so much suffering in the maxoverse. Scwillions of people hurting, sobbing, and dying. And all of it it's my fault. Every bit of it. Because of me.
Minmax: That's why I was screaming when you brought me back. Every moment of suffering from every living creature, felt over the course of millions of years, but also all at once.
Minmax: Kin. I...
Minmax: I can't handle...
Minmax: I'm not smart enough for this.
Minmax: Please help me.
Minmax: I don't wanna be a God.
Minmax: I don't wanna be a God.
Minmax: I don't wanna be a God.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story!
it's fully funded, and all realistic stretch goals reached!
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:35 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page19 wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Kkkkkkkkkk
Big Ears: My goodness.
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (formerly known as Fumbles): Wow, lookit that!
Forhead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: I don't recognize any of these plants!
Vorpal: This is so exciting!
Big Ears: Vorpal, be careful! There might be things in here that want to eat you!
Plush: What are these, some kind of moss?
Big Ears: Well... not exactly. They're flowers.
Plush: Flow...ers? All of these colours. So pretty.
Big Ears: You've never seen flowers before?
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-1-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Pawlush: Nothing like this grows where I'm from. I think I really like flowers.
Big Ears: This is the happiest I've ever seen you.
Big Ears: Plush! Your hand!
Big Ears: The flowers must be cursed or something!
Pawlush: No it's okay, Angel. This is my true hand. The way my hand looked, back when my body was solid.
Pawlush: Oh. But it's changing back to being squishy.
Big Ears: Maybe the flowers do something to anyone who's touching them.
Vorpal Kickass'o (formely known as Fumbles): The flowers do who to what now?
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Big Ears: Okay, maybe they only affect you, for some reason.
Thaco: Ears was right, when he said you looked happy a moment ago. Maybe your body reverts to it's original state while you're touching something that makes you really happy. And maybe you just happen to be really into flowers.
Vorpal: Let's find out!
SFX: Fluumph
Vorpal: Oof!
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-2-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Pawlush: That was my wing. My actual wing. How it was before. I wonder if there's a way to permanently cover my whole body with flowers, to get my solid body back.
Thaco: Flowers don't last long, once they're plucked from the ground, they're very fragile. I don't think that's an option, Plush.
Pawlush: I see.
Big Ears: As younglings, we used to make flower necklaces like these. They never last long and would always fall apart, but I thought it might help a bit. Even if it's just for a short time.
Whenever updates are slow, read this!
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story!
it's fully funded, and all realistic stretch goals reached!
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:43 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-3-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: Listen to me. Whatever suffering occurs in the Maxoverse, isn't your fault. You were thrust into godhood against your will. No mortal can properly handle that kind of responsibility. Think about all the happiness you caused for your people. All the good you did.
Minmax: snif
Minmax: You've always been so good at helping me understand things.
Kin: Well... I suppose that's my job.
Kin: To explain when you don't understand.
Minmax: Okay then smart one, what's my job?
Kin: Well your strength is hecuva lot higher than mine, and you can do things physically that I can't. So your job is to be the strong one.
Minmax: I like it.
Minmax: Deal.
Minmax: So I guess we can get through the door by just saying it's open?
Kin: I think so, Minmax. But we won't be able to bring the Maxoverse.
Door: Speak True Speak ...
Minmax: What? But we can't just leave them here. What if someone comes along and smashes the bottle or opens it up and sticks their in, squishing the universe?
Kin: But Minmax, anything we've created in this hallway, can't ever leave. If we try to remove it, it might just cease to exist.
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-4-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: Actually here, I've got an idea.
Kin: The Maxoverse and the bottle it's contained in, are invisible and intangable to all others, unless those others speak the word "Maxoverse" while standing in this hallway. This does not affect the inhabitants of the Maxoverse, in any way.
Door: Spe...
SFX: Porp
Door: Spe...
Minmax: It's gone!
Minmax: Maxoverse.
SFX: Porp
Minmax: It works!
Minmax: Thank you Kin! You did it! You saved the universe!
Kin: oof
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-5-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax:So if we just say that the door is open, it'll open, right?
Kin: Hang on. I hear voices on the other side.
Door: Speak ... ... False
Minmax: You do? What are they saying?
Kin: Gee, I can't tell. But it's more than one voice.
Forgath: What are they saying?
Idle: "I pee my pants in hell. Cause it's more fun, moist."
image, reminder of Forgath's resurrection
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:50 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-6-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Careful everyone, it's getting really muddy in here.
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Monster
Complains of Names: Really, really muddy.
Complains of Names: Wait. I'm stuck.
Complains of Names: I'm sinking! Everyone back up!
Big Ears: Quick Names, grab the Axe of Prissan!
Complains of Names: No way! Every time I touch that thing, I turn more into a demon. Use something else.
Thaco: Here, grab my headband.
Complains of Names: Thanks.
Complains of Names: Okay go ahead. Pull me out.
Complains of Names: Why are you looking at me like that?
uncoloured page, images of the last panel: sketch, black and white, cleaned, some details with colour, final image, fully coloured image;
compare last panel to this last panel
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-6-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Gasp!
Complains of Names: Rrrrr!
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (formerly known as Fumbles): Complains, wait! I think it hunts by sensing vibrations and sound. Keep very still and very quiet.
Forehead Vorpal (Fumbles): Monster
Complains of Names: And what are you basing that off of?
Thaco: Sshhhhut up. I think Vorpal is right. I think that all you have to do, is not complain about anything for like... one or two rounds, and you'll survive.
Complains of Names: So suddenly you two have skill points in Knowledge: Tentacles? It makes zero sense that either of you know anything about...
Complains of Names: Gaahh!
"flatpage", final page
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-8-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Monster: Grruuaaah!
Complains of Names: Mmmf!
Big Ears: Hold this, but don't use it.
Forehead Vorpal (a.k.a. Fumbles): Monster
Vorpal Kickass'o (magic): Shield Other!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-9-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Shchonk
SFX: Shlucc
Complains of Names: Rrrrrrr!
SFX: Chuncc
Thaco: Complains! You need to activate your barbarian rage!
Complains of Names: I know! Don't monksplain me!
Big Ears: Give me your hand!
Complains of Names (magic): Rrawwr!
Big Ears (magic): Lay on Hands!
SFX: Fwoom
uncoloured image
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:20 am
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:36 am
[*] not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-15-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: That was... a terrible battle against a hideous creature.
Complains of Names: And yet... Am I any different? I'm slowly turning more demonic. I can feed my soul rotting away. Emotions like compassion and kindness are becoming harder to experience. I worry that soon, they'll be distant memories. I worry that...
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (formerly known as Fumbles): You got something on you.
Complains of Names: What?
Forehead Vorpal: MONSTER
Vorpal: It's just on your right side, there.
Complains of Names: Did I get it?
Vorpal: No. It's not your face. Like... Just go like this.
Forehead Vorpal: MONSTER
Complains of Names: Like that?
Vorpal: Almost. It's further back.
Complains of Names: Like here?
Vorpal: No. Look at me. Just like, do what I'm doing.
Forehead Vorpal: MONSTER
Complains of Names: I got it, right? Is it gone? What is it?
Vorpal: Here, let me just... There.
Complains of Names: Oh. Oh I see. Thanks.
Vorpal: Yeah, no problem.
Forehead Vorpal: MONSTER
Complains of Names: I worry that soon there will be nothing left but a soulless demon and...
Complains of Names: Sigh Forget it. The moment is gone. Let's just keep moving.
unshaded image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-16-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (fka. Fumbles): Wow. These hellstrands are getting worse. They're starting to cover up the dungeon's puzzles and stuff.
Complains of Names: It's the Axe. We have to get it back to hell before the demon deity breaks free.
Complains of Names: Well if you know where to find any open gates to hell, just let us know.
Vorpal: Weren't we gonna pray to the Goblin God and ask for help?
Complains of Names: I told you, he only answers chiefs
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: Oh wait. That Goblin Angel made me chief.
Vorpal: Yeah. Plus, she taught you the correct way to pray to him.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Thaco: Hey that's right. I wonder if that's a coincidence. Could be part of some divine plan.
Complains of Names: I really doubt that.
Complains of Names: Okay whatever. I'll just pray to our god and ask for help. Easy.
Big Ears: He looks nervous.
Complains of Names: I'm not nervous!
Complains of Names: Okay, here I go.
Complains of Names (Prayer): Hey Goblin God, we've got this demon deity called The Sacred, inside this thing, the Axe of Prissan, which is getting weaker by the moment and turning this whole realm into a new layer of hell. Once that happens, The Sacred will come out of the Axe and, well... pretty much kill every Goblin in the realm. So can we get some help with this?
Complains of Names (Prayer): Well? Are... Are you gonna respond, or...
Complains of Names (Prayer): Hello?!
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names (Prayer): Listen Buddy, this is more your problem, than mine! So how about you get off your ass and fix this!
Complains of Names (Prayer): Helllooo! Hey! I'm talking to you!
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
unshaded image, first posted image with spelling errors in panels 1,4 (brakes free, coincedence
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-17-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Plush: Hey.
Complains of Names (Prayer): You see this? This is about to kill all of your Goblins! I know for a fact, that the less followers you have, the less power you have! You're basically influencers! So do something to fix this problem, right now!
Big Ears: Hey careful, chief.
Big Ears: If your demon flesh touches the Axe, it speeds up the whole hell process, and turns you more into a demon. I don't think you should be...
SFX: RRRRuuuuuummmmmmmbbbblllleeeee
Complains of Names: Oops.
first posted image, sneak preview on Twitter of Thaco uncoloured, coloured
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-18-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Vorpal Kickass'o as Fumbles: Orcs gots big muscles and can like... punch ten scwillion.
Complains of Names: Okay?
Fumbles: Trolls gots fast healings and even get better if ya cut off dere head.
Complains of Names: Uh huh.
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Fumbles: Dragons gots fire bweth and can fly!
Complains of Names: Yeah, so?
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Fumbles: So goblins can't do nuffin. I hate being a goblin.
Complains of Names: Goblins gots powers.
Fumbles: Like what?
Big Ears: Uhhh...
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Big Ears: Goblins can hug!
Complains of Names: yeah! Goblins can hug!
Fumbles: Dats not a power.
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Complains of Names: Is so. It's in dah monster manual. Goblins can hug ten scwillion!
Fumbles hee hee
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Fumbles: Ha ha! I love being a goblin!
Big Ears: Ha ha!
Complains of Names: Ha ha!
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Big Ears: I love being a goblin!
panel is a memory of Complains of Names from youngling times
Complains of Names: I love being...
Complains of Names: ...a goblin.
first posted image, sneak preview of panel 2, sketch of baby Big Ears of panel 2
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:47 pm
* not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-19-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Chief?
Thaco: Are you... are you a full Demon now?
Complains of Names: I think so, yes. But I still have a Goblin soul. That's not good.
Big Ears: Why isn't that good?
Complains of Names: Demons feed off of a soul's pain and suffering. Without it, they'll eventually starve to death. I think it's why stories tell of demons collecting souls. They keep them to torture as a source of "food". But unlike other demons, I have a soul. Which means my own torment should sustain me.
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (fka Fumbles): Neato! You're a goth!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o: Hey you okay, Ears?
Big Ears: I'm sorry. He smells so bad. I have to take a few steps back.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Plush: So does this mean that demons are not automatically evil? If torture is the only thing they can eat, it could be argued that it's not really their fault.
Complains of Names: I don't know. I don't think that demons have a sense of compassion, since they'd have no use for it. Imagine a demon trying to torture their lunch, but they keep feeling bad for the pain they're causing.
Vorpal: You'd have vegan Demons.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Vorpal: Hey, I heard that some demons can summon other demons that show up and start killing everyone.
Complains of Names: Really?
Vorpal: Yeah, try it!
Complains of Names: Well... okay.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
Complains of Names: Wait.
Complains of Names: No.
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
first posted image, sneak preview of panel 1, sneak preview of last line of panels, guide for Complain's new horns
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-20-2023 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Thaco: Now that you're full Demon, can you open a portal to hell?
Complains of Names: That's a good question. Lemme try.
SFX: Ba-Wimf
Complains of Names: Sonuva crap, I did it! I think I just poked a hole directly into hell!
Senor Vorpal Kickass'o (fka Fumbles): Hooray! Now we can dump the Axe down there, before it spits out the world-ending deity!
Thaco: So your finger is in hell right now?!
Complains of Names: I think so. I...
Complains of Names: Something has me.
Thaco: What? What do you mean, something has you?
Complains of Names: I don't know how to say it any simpler than that! Something! Has me!
Complains of Names: Something has me! It's pulling me in! Something has me!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
first posted image, official image,
sneak previews of last panel: 1, 2, 3, series,
HUGE wings and HUGE tails, change of portal to hell design, shading done live on twitch, last boop of 2023, final image announcement
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:49 pm
* not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-1-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Fffffwwwwww
SFX: wwuuuuuuuuuuusssssssshhhh
Forehead Vorpal (formerly known as Fumbles): Monster
SFX: Fffwwwww
SFX: uuuuuuuuu
SFX: uuusssssss
SFX: poyp
Thaco: Complains, what are you doing?
Complains of Names: I'm going to open another portal to hell. A bigger one.
Complains of Names: I'm takin the Axe into hell. Once I'm down there, I'll find a way to reach the lower levels, where the demon deity can't escape. I'm the only one who has a chance of surviving down there, so I'm going alone.
first posted image
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-2-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Thaco: Complains of Names, wait. This isn't something that you just should jump into. This is huge. Let's talk about this.
Complains of Names: There's no time. The entire realm is dying. I have to act now.
Thaco: Well you're coming back, right? You can open a portal that takes you home?
Complains of Names: No. Demons can get into hell, easily. But getting out, really isn't possible.
Thaco: Then don't.
Complains of Names: But I have to. If I don't get this axe out of our realm and into a deep enough layer of hell, everyone in our world burns.
Thaco: Then let everyone burn!
Thaco: Don't go.
Thaco: Please.
Thaco: Please don't leave me, son.
Complains of Names: I'm sorry, there's no other way. I have to save everyone. I have to save...
Complains of Names: you.
Complains of Names: Tu dae Fadda.
Big Ears: Chief...
Complains of Names: No Big Ears, you're not coming with me.
Big Ears: That's not what I was going to say.
Big Ears: Alright fine, that's totally what I was going to say.
first posted image without backgrounds
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-4-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Ffffwwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuuuusssssssshhhh
Forehead Vorpal Kickass'o (formerly known as Fumbles): Monster
SFX: Fffffwwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuuuusssssssshhhh
Thaco: Wars, hang on!
Big Ears: I'm trying!
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
SFX: Fffwwwwww...
SFX: ...wwuuuuuuuuuu...
Forehead Vorpal Kickass'o (formerly known as Fumbles): Monster
SFX: Ffffwwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuuuusssssssshhhh
Plush: Angel!
SFX: ...usssssssshhhh
SFX (fading out): ...wwwwuuuuuuuuuu...
SFX (fading out): ...uusssssssssshhh...
SFX: Poyp
Forehead Vorpal: Monster
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-6-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Krrrrrr
Big Ears: Huff
Big Ears: Huff
Big Ears: You.. You saved by life. But you've doomed yourself.
Big Ears: We're both going to die now.
Big Ears: Why did you do that?
Big Ears: Plush.
Big Ears: Why did you do that?
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:01 am
* not an official chapter
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-7-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Saves a Fox: We'll never find a way across this damn river. Not with this one-legged tree trunk, here.
Biscuit: I keep telling you, you can leave me behind. I don't mind.
Saves a Fox: No. If we leave you in this condition, a Viper warband will track you down and kill you.
Biscuit: That's not correct. I killed most of the Viper warcamp.
Saves a Fox: Okay then, some orc-eating beast will find you, I dunno.
Biscuit: Wait. Is there actually an orc-eating beast?
Saves a Fox: Biscuit, you have a wisdom of like, ten scwillion. Howcome you can't tell when someone's lying, but you can't tell if someone's joking or being sarcastic?
Bisctuit: Deception is easy to see. Social cues are hard.
Biscuit: Hang on. Are you doing a sarcastic right now?
Biscuit: Are we in a sarcastic?
first posted image,
fully coloured, "flat" image,
fully shaded image,
tweets showing the progress: 1, 2,3,4
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-8-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: So here's what I don't understand, Biscuit. You don't ever feel a sense of loss.
Biscuit: Correct.
Dies Horribly: So then why did you climb all the way up that mountain to get your axe back?
Biscuit: This axe is an excellent weapon that I use well. I don't feel loss, but I do know what a valuable tool is.
Saves a Fox: Hang on. The hell is that?
Biscuit: It... looks like a big booger with teeth.
Saves a Fox: I think it's a mimic?
Dies Horribly: I thought mimics always look like treasure chests or doors or something, to lure adventurers and eat them.
Biscuit: Maybe this one can't shape-change.
Mimic: coff
Dies Horribly: I think it's sick.
Saves a Fox: You do? What's so cool about it?
Mimic: Gasp
Dies Horribly: No, I mean... I think it's ill. It's not feeling well.
Saves a Fox: Oh. Well how would you even know what a sick mimic looks like?
Dies Horribly: Well have a look at it. It's having trouble breathing.
Biscuit: Maybe it's starving because it can't turn into something that attracts prey.
Saves a Fox: What are you doing? Don't feed it our fish.
Dies Horribly: We can easily catch more fish. Besides, these ones are getting kinda old.
Saves a Fox: Well be careful. That thing will devour you, if you give it a chance.
Mimic: Wheez
SFX: Chomp
panel 3, mimic: rough sketch, the parrot disturbing Elli's work, b&w, coloured,
b&w detail,
"the tense fish",
panel 1 sketch, coloured
url=https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-9-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Saves a Fox: There, you fed it. Can we go now? I'd like to find a way across this river, before nightfall.
Biscuit: To be honest Dies, I'm surprised you're not afraid of this creature. I thought everything frightened you.
Dies Horribly: Well... I guess this mimic kind of reminds me of Klik.
SFX (sick Mimic): Munch Munch
Saves a Fox: Dies. I miss Klik too, but that thing isn't Klik. It's a wild monster. It'll take your head off, if you give it a chance.
Dies Horribly: Yeah. Maybe you're right.
Saves a Fox: Let's get moving.
Saves a Fox: Careful. Keep your distance from it. Walk around it.
Dies Horribly: And by the way Biscuit, I'm not scared of everything.
Saves a Fox: Dies, I've seen you jumpscared by a leaf. A literal leaf.
Dies Horribly: It was a maple leaf! Those things look like huge, funky spiders!
sketches of the mimic in panel 2: 1, 2
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:24 am
* not an official chapter
page 10 2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Villager 1: I dunno, this celebration just seems to be in poor taste.
Villager 2: What are you talking about? The whole realm almost turned into a layer of hell. Now that everything's returned to normal, the town wants to celebrate. What's wrong with that?
Villager 1: Well I mean... People died. Undead demon cats made of eyeballs, started crawling out of the town well, and tearing people apart. Plus that one tree grew teeth made of broken glass, and ate poor Mrs Harolds.
Villager 1: And like ... why did it suddenly stop?
Villager 2: I dunno.
Villager 1: Exactly. No one knows. What if it starts up again?
Villager 1: Maybe we should all be preparing, instead of putting on silly costumes and throwing a party.
Villager 2: Look. A group of mid to high level adventurers probably saved the day, somewhere. You know how these things tend to go. Some angry war god or whatever, makes the skies rain blood, so a group of five or six adventurers go behead
Villager 2: him and everything returns to normal.
Villager 2: We're NPCs. Have a slice of cake and ignore the weird stuff.
Villager 1: yeah. I guess. Hey, you ever think about becoming an adventurer? Becoming more than what we are? Saving the world and stuff?
Villager 2: You outta your mind? Nine out of ten adventurers die before they reach level 3.
Villager 2: No thanks. I'll just sit on this safe bridge, outside my safe town, badly playing ma safe, out-of-tune lute. No adventures. No dungeon crawls, and no monsters.
Villager 1: Hey, what's that?
SFX (Junior): Klik
progress of panel 1 (bridge): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
sketch of panel 2 (Villagers on bridge): 1,
progress of Villagers in panel 6: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-12-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: No way, That's too dangerous. That's a human-made bridge, next to a human-made town. If we try to cross the river here, we'll be covered in human-made arrows.
Saves-a-Fox: Well I don't see any movement. Look, the sun's gone down and humans are weirdly blind at night. I bet we could sneak across the bridge, unseen.
Biscuit: I wonder if the have any food. Gods, I miss human food. They cover it in these amazing spices or sometimes they have really sweer cakes and stuff.
Dies Horribly: Wait. Is that... Are the... dead?
Saves-a-Fox: What the hell happened here?
Dies Horribly: Most of their body parts are missing. Like they were all eaten.
Saves-a-Fox: The blood is still wet. Whatever happened, happened recen-
SFX: Crunch
SFX: Munch Munch
half drawn Biscuit
sneak preview, nearly done
https://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/page-13-2024 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: Well, whatever caused this battle, I think we need to just get far away from here.
Saves a Fox: I agree, but this was no battle. None of these humans were armed. This was a massacre.
Townman: Evil Monsters!
Townman: You will pay for slaughtering these innocent citizens of Bumptown!
Saves a Fox: We did not kill these humans!
Dies Horribly: Yeah, we're just passing through!
Townman: Looking for your metal, green master, no doubt! Well, he may have gotten away, butyou will not!
Townman 2: Wretched fiends! You! Will! Die! Huzzah!
first published image, final image
sketch of townman on the right in last panel
sketch of yelling townman in panel 2 and in the ]last panel
sketch of the group in last panel
(the Huzzah guy is from the video series is "Playing an RPG for the first time" (the first time, the second time, returning to)
Last edited by
Krulle on Mon Dec 02, 2024 3:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story!
it's fully funded, and all realistic stretch goals reached!