Book 1
Hey there,
the intention of this thread is to help ALL translation projects by providing the transcriptions with a uniform layout.
The intention is to have ONLY transcriptions in this thread, NO discussions, NO translations.
This also gives us all the advantage that text passages become easily searchable and identifiable...

BigThanks to Ellipsis, the creator, artist and mind behind this whole Goblins experience.
"Live" translations:
Goblins in Russian
Random collection of other practical things:
Some fonts used by Thunt: (thanks to SpeaksWithMistakes SpeaksManyLanguages )
Standard comic font: (handy - you don't need to uppercase your translations to have all caps)
Not-Walter, some maps, some other things, ...:
A tool to determine the html colour code in an image: (uses html5, so no uploading of the image necessary, works locally)
Pages with the "cast":
Characters by Number of Appearances and Appearance Index, a list made by user Bird (Links to Google Cache, now dead)
Wikipedia Goblins (Comic) site
Wikia page for Goblinscomic
FMK in the Maze of Many: known alternatives
Character list with RGB-colour of IME:
@Thunt_Goblins wrote:These are simplified versions of the characters that are just vague guidelines for the animation design team to consider. Although there's a good chance that a few of their heights may be slightly adjusted for the animation, this is the official character heights for the comic.
IF you find errors, or spot anything else, but don't want to mess up this thread, send me a PM and I'll take care of it. THANKS!