LAYFÔÇÖs (practice sketches)

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LAYFÔÇÖs (practice sketches)

Post by LAYF » Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:48 pm


I recently decided to learn how to really draw! And for that, I need practice.. practice and challenges, so therefore, if you run around with a character on your head you'd like illustrated, face or full pose, please don't hesitate to ask...
No task is to big!!
As a rule of tum, only one character per user, unless I have nothing to do.
A month or two after I've drawn a character, I will probably draw it again, maybe new pose or maybe the same... to be able to see my progress.

I will involve you in the following steps of the creation process:
-Reference material (I'll search the web for material to use as reference, I'll show you this and explain how I intent to use it, you may also help and/or say if there are parts you do not like)
-Pose (if a pose image, I'll send a stick pose along with the ref material, and you can ask for changes)
-Rough colored/uncolored(depending on the image I'll make either a single color rough or a mufti color rough before the final line art, when this rough is approved, I'll post all progress here and in my other threads and move one to the final work)

Any character I draw you can use as you will, as long as you give credit, All finished drawings will be posted here, on my twitter and on my devianart account!

LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

So, I was looking through some of my old drawings, and I found a collection of Tattoo drafts I made once.. actuealy sold some of them back then (they paid for my own tattoo).. most are tribal kind of...
And one of them I got myself on my bag (The draong with the five point star, but a bit altered)...

Here they are

EDIT: Sorry.. Imageshack seems to rotate them.. and wont allow me to change them back to normal position :S)

Edit 2: All except newers image in spoilers.... for loading speed.
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IÔÇÖll properly try and clean some of them up... but wanted to show you guys them...

What do you think (note.. they are 7 years old now..)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by TinSoldier » Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:13 pm

I like them. In fact, I almost might like to get a couple of them.

I especially like the dragon one.

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:15 pm

TinSoldier wrote:I like them. In fact, I almost might like to get a couple of them.

I especially like the dragon one.
Oh.. If you do, please post a picture :D (newer got to see the other once that people got... would love to see one or two :D )

3 more of my images i found looking throug old files.... the Angle was for my mom.. The 3 logos was for my company in KFOR, also made another, but cant seem to find it..... and the monster was for a Viking theamed game i ran once...
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by T-RexWithTourettes » Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:37 pm

Damn dude, those first few designs are cool. What are they exactly? Like are they just cool designs or did you draw them with a ceartain culture in mind?
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:42 pm

Mostly just designs from my mind, some with a bit of thought in nordic culture in mind, some with standard tribal... all with a touch of me :P

Oh, and thanks.. any specific you had in mind?
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by T-RexWithTourettes » Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:10 pm

#1, #2, #6-8 are my favorites but they're all good. This may sound stupid to ask but is the first one supposed to be satanic? I feel like a 40-year old protective mother asking that but I honestly just want to know :P and what does the language say/what language?
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LooksAndSmiles » Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:11 am

Nice stuff you got there!

Have you researched into the meaning of the tribal tattooes, or just made some because they look cool? I also see you like symmetrical design, have you tried to make asymmetrical stuff?
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:59 am

T-RexWithTourettes wrote:#1, #2, #6-8 are my favorites but they're all good. This may sound stupid to ask but is the first one supposed to be satanic? I feel like a 40-year old protective mother asking that but I honestly just want to know :P and what does the language say/what language?
Hehe... okay thanks...
and donÔÇÖt feel stupid to ask, many does. The whole "oh no its a pentagram.. its the work of the devil" stuff... but no....
The pentagram is pointed upwards, and if you look around in Europe, you'll even find churches with that on the bell tower, the meaning of the upwards pointing pentagram is that of an ascended being, one who understands the world, and always tries to learn and feel more of it.
The dragon below is meant for strength, and is supposed to symbolize freedom, strength, courage and honor.
The text is a bit hard to translate. but in a "rough" translation it says "Strive to be the best you can be" but in more than just the sense you normally put in the words... itÔÇÖs in every fashion, as a human, as a living, spiritual, knowledgably, passionate, compassionate being.... if that makes sense.... and that is actually the tattoo I have on my back (between my shoulder blades) but without the text... donÔÇÖt know If I'll ever add it...
LooksAndSmiles wrote:Nice stuff you got there!

Have you researched into the meaning of the tribal tattooes, or just made some because they look cool? I also see you like symmetrical design, have you tried to make asymmetrical stuff?
I did some back then.. but most are only inspired by the basics behind tribal and Celtic knots, then with a touch of me :)

I've made some asymmetric stuff over the time... but that has mostly been logo designs and such.. not many tattoos... I.. just have a love for the symmetric styles... I'll see if i can find some of it next time I have my art maps out :)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:29 am

T-RexWithTourettes wrote:#1, #2, #6-8 are my favorites but they're all good. This may sound stupid to ask but is the first one supposed to be satanic? I feel like a 40-year old protective mother asking that but I honestly just want to know :P and what does the language say/what language?
I'm a 43-year-old mother, and I wouldn't have asked that. :P

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by T-RexWithTourettes » Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:48 pm

Sorry, I just didn't want him to think I was asking that in a dissaproving way, so I just thought of an stereotypical group that's usually very dissaproving :P
And AHHH THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME MEANING. I'm gonna have to PayPal you for that one day, whenever I get a PayPal...I dig it enough to get it on my own back, seriously. Then we could meet up one day and be tattoo buddies <3
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:04 am

T-RexWithTourettes wrote:Sorry, I just didn't want him to think I was asking that in a dissaproving way, so I just thought of an stereotypical group that's usually very dissaproving :P
And AHHH THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME MEANING. I'm gonna have to PayPal you for that one day, whenever I get a PayPal...I dig it enough to get it on my own back, seriously. Then we could meet up one day and be tattoo buddies <3
Oh.. That'd be awsome :D

And you dont have to pay me, just promise me that IF you get it made, You'll post a picture here :D
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:49 pm

Well... I guess this is kind of fan art....

I've for a long time wanted to remake the realm map Thunt made... just for fun... here is the result...
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:26 am

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-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:23 pm

So... i tried to use Paint and a mouse to draw a character....

All in all.... I'm okay with the result.... could have gone far worse...
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:02 pm

Okay, received my Wacom Companion yesterday, And I'n in love... serious, my wife is jealous!!!

just joking...

Anyway... So, so far I've only made two serious attempts at drawing, but that will change... and for that... I'll ask for your help...
anything... any single thing you'd like me to draw as I practice? please say so...

My plan is to have some drawings that i do on a daily to weekly basis... bit also, id like you,to ask me to draw stuff... no matter what it is, I'll give it a try, and when I've made it through all your "Requests, I'll start over... of cause using any input you guys gave/give me... I really hope you'll all help...

her is my skill level currently.... (roughly 1› hour each)
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Any and all input is appreciated!!!
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by askstoomuch » Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:31 pm

how bout a cool new avatar for good old asks ?

I love that green monster dude btw
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:04 pm

sure... still a gentleman goblin, or do you have something else in mind?
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by askstoomuch » Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:26 pm

like I could ever change =p
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:49 pm

*pokes LAYF* The characters in the Civ thread. :P

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:12 am

sure, but, i'd like the premission and description for each character/player :)

ask, here is my sketch... what do you think???
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-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by askstoomuch » Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:54 am

that looks AWESOME

the monoloce chief symbole is awesome !, I like the whole more goblinish feel, though the nose and teeth make him seem real creepy
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:53 am

cool.. I'm glad you like it...
here is the finished product..

please comment and tell me what you'd like to have different in the next version....

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best regards LAYF
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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by nikohl » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:16 pm

Oh, ooh, oh! Do you remember "Shouts at Rabbits"? I'd like it if you could draw her again!

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by LAYF » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:23 pm

Yep, I still have her profile image...

So.. As a Dr draw.. Full body or profile image?

*warning, if full body it will probably take some tries before it's any good... Im not proficient at body drawing yet.. But practice makes the master as they say...
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: LAYFÔÇÖs Doodles and Tattoo scribbles.

Post by askstoomuch » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:58 pm

I absolutly love it, just one tiny thingie if I can be so rude to demand a do over even if I love it ?
could he have a suit ? =s I absolutly love it I look like a creepy sex offender in a good way but, asks without his suit is well a batman without the ears =D
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