Much discussion has been had on translating our favorite novels onto the big screen. I know we have some big LotR/Hobbit fans here. And I imagine plenty of Muggles building their March Madness Quiditch (spelling?) Brackets enjoyed the Harry Potter big screen series as well.
What are your thoughts? What books do you want to see made into movies? What movies destroyed the book you loved so dear!?
Personally I am a Tom Bombadill fan and I'm so sad he didn't make the LotR cut. I also wished they had the scouring of the Shire at the end of "Return of the King". It was one of my favorite parts! I enjoyed them as movies, but not sure if I like thinking of the comparison to the books.
EDIT: I'll change topics about every week unless the topic dies early or seems to be alive and thriving longer than a week.