Superhero Movies

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by DrinksBeer » Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:33 pm

What WastesTime said +1,000. Run, do not walk, to the nearest theater. IMHO the best MCU movie yet. I haven't left a movie with that big a smile on my face since 1977. I may even go back for seconds this weekend, and I haven't done that since '77 either.

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Wolfie » Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:32 am

I'll second, third, fourth, fifth, etc the previous sentiments. Awesome movie and infinitely quotable.
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by errantcoyote » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:59 am

Guardians is the first movie I've wanted to remain in the theater and watch again IMMEDIATELY. Just fantastic, and I hope James Gunn directs ALL the future Guardians' movies. They don't even need to go to Earth to have lots of amazing adventures. In fact, I would prefer that they stay away from Earth-- I don't want their story watered down by mixing with the Avengers! ;)

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by SamWiser » Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:02 am

Everybody's story is watered down a little bit when they are in the Avengers, but let's be honest. The story is not why everybody went to see the Avengers movie. We'll get one movie full of action with everybody else, then back to what we see here.

I thought that Guardians was the funniest Marvel movie yet, and also one of the darkest. The stakes were the highest (well, except for in Thor 2, but it's hard to compete with a villain whose plan is to destroy everything).
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by DrinksBeer » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:27 pm

I found this linked on io9 earlier today, and it's exactly what I was thinking after watching GotG (spoilers warning of course):

Yup...and that's just about every group I've ever gamed with.

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Quarg » Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:33 pm

The question now is...

Should I go see TMNT or

watch grass grow?
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by WastesTime » Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:59 am

Quarg wrote:The question now is...

Should I go see TMNT or

watch grass grow?
Grass it is. At least grass has some amazing acting skills compared to Megan Fox.
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Quarg » Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:31 am

WastesTime wrote:
Grass it is. At least grass has some amazing acting skills compared to Megan Fox.
I always thought Rachel Taylor was hotter anyway...
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by errantcoyote » Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:20 am

Quarg wrote:
WastesTime wrote:
Grass it is. At least grass has some amazing acting skills compared to Megan Fox.
I always thought Rachel Taylor was hotter anyway...

Just saw TMNT. That's quite enough, Michael Bay. Get thee to a nunnery and NEVER MAKE FILMS AGAIN.

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Wolfie » Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:07 am

errantcoyote wrote:
Quarg wrote:
WastesTime wrote:
Grass it is. At least grass has some amazing acting skills compared to Megan Fox.
I always thought Rachel Taylor was hotter anyway...

Just saw TMNT. That's quite enough, Michael Bay. Get thee to a nunnery and NEVER MAKE FILMS AGAIN.
This. This is the reason I didn't go see the movie in theaters, despite my friends telling me "it wasn't bad." They wouldn't, however, answer my query on whether they thought it wasn't bad due to walking in expecting it to Suck to the nth degree or because it actually wasn't "bad."
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by thesilence » Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:58 pm

Both the X-Men and Spider-Man franchises have decreased significantly in their appeal since our first viewing of them. We believe our enjoyment was largely due to their novelty. Conversely, while Green Lantern is not remotely a good movie per se, we find that it remains consistent in its quality upon repeated viewings. For true quality, we have not seen the equal of Batman Begins or Iron Man; Thor and Incredible Hulk were quite decent as well. Much of the rest is overpriced pabulum, and we have largely not regretted our failure to keep up.
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Synch » Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:45 pm

Just leaving this here:

Its relevant.
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Wolfie » Fri May 01, 2015 4:56 am

I went to see the Avengers: Age of Ultron last night.

Go see it! You have to. You will laugh. You will want to cry. You will cheer. Our theater erupted with cheers and applause a few times. It was awesome. We're going again this weekend. :D
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"This is my therapy dragon, she's for my panic attacks. I attack, everyone panics." (Quote found on

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by thesilence » Thu May 07, 2015 11:08 am

We are cautiously optomistic about the upcoming Fantastic Four movie.
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Synch » Thu May 07, 2015 3:35 pm

Everyone should watch the new Daredevil series, its ridiculously awesome! And so much better/darker/entertaining than the Ben Affleck Daredevil movie.
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by thesilence » Thu May 14, 2015 4:27 pm

Synch wrote:Everyone should watch the new Daredevil series, its ridiculously awesome! And so much better/darker/entertaining than the Ben Affleck Daredevil movie.
We did not think anything was terribly bad about that movie, and do not understand why it is so deeply hated, beyond the fact that it contains Ben Affleck. (On the other hand, we fully admit that the Elektra movie spun off from it was atrocious.)
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by Synch » Fri May 15, 2015 1:28 am

I.. actually really enjoyed the Daredevil film. I own it on DVD, in fact. I just often pretend it was average because I usually get beaten into submission whenever I stick my head up to say it was good!

That being said, this new Daredevil series is so dark and violent. I have no idea how Marvel signed off on it!
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by thesilence » Thu May 21, 2015 3:34 pm

We are vaguely looking forward to the Civil War movie, hoping it will give us movieverse appearances of a wide variety of C-list heroes, who (like Wonder Woman) are never going to have a movie of their own.
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by ZigiZagi » Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:31 am

I can't wait for Deadpool Movie. Oh, I know Deadpool is ani-hero not a hero, but... still I can't wait for it!

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by RocketScientist » Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:20 pm

Eh, he's got a costume. Close enough. I just don't like Ryan Reynolds. At all. And they keep putting him in these movies, like they're trying to force me to like him. Not happening. Didn't like him in Blade, either. Dude must have something on someone.
Synch wrote:I.. actually really enjoyed the Daredevil film. I own it on DVD, in fact. I just often pretend it was average because I usually get beaten into submission whenever I stick my head up to say it was good!

That being said, this new Daredevil series is so dark and violent. I have no idea how Marvel signed off on it!
I also liked the Affleck Daredevil. Other than the anger/violence factor, I didn't see a huge difference between the series and the movie. I guess I liked TV show Foggy better. Movie had better music, though.

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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by thesilence » Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:19 am

RocketScientist wrote:Eh, he's got a costume. Close enough. I just don't like Ryan Reynolds. At all. And they keep putting him in these movies, like they're trying to force me to like him. Not happening. Didn't like him in Blade, either. Dude must have something on someone.
Synch wrote:I.. actually really enjoyed the Daredevil film. I own it on DVD, in fact. I just often pretend it was average because I usually get beaten into submission whenever I stick my head up to say it was good!

That being said, this new Daredevil series is so dark and violent. I have no idea how Marvel signed off on it!
I also liked the Affleck Daredevil. Other than the anger/violence factor, I didn't see a huge difference between the series and the movie. I guess I liked TV show Foggy better. Movie had better music, though.
Agreed on both counts. Affleck is far less offensive than Reynolds. The only Reynolds movie we've ever heard of which even MIGHT be any good is the one where he plays a reluctant madman, constantly hearing voices telling him to go on a killing spree; based on the trailer for this flick (whose name we forget), he actually seemed to be turning in a convincing performance. But he is unquestionably not superhero material (unless it was an intentionally annoying superhero like Speedball, or a male version of Dazzler or Jubilee).
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Re: Superhero Movies

Post by crow76308 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:22 pm

Affleck Daredevil had issues, but it was okay, and pretty damned enjoyable, with Bullseye being the best part of it. Colin Farrell chewed so much scenery and had so much fun in the role, it was awesome! As far as the series, I find it superior to the film, and it set the bar and introduced the rest of the Netflix series, which keep getting better (Iron Fist not withstanding, which is still pretty good, just not as good as the rest).

Reynolds is better than most people give him credit for, but not as good as he thinks he is. That said, he was amazing as Deadpool.
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