Username Explanations

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by thinkslogically » Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:59 am

This one? Found it on keenspot:


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Re: Username Explanations

Post by BlackTygra » Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:40 pm

So, Hi! I've been lurking a while, an avid reader of Goblins for... years. And like most of you have developed a genuine concern for THunt in light of the sudden hiatus, and his health issues (to which I wish a speedy recovery and return to some form or normalcy in his life). Though I'm -very- new to the forums, I liked the topic of this thread. This is my first post, so here goes:

"BlackTygra" started out as just "Tygra" on a text based RPG I played many years ago when I was a teen. Tygra had no real form at the time, I never pictured her as looking anything more than a normal, generic person with "Tygra" as a name, and nothing more. However, during the course of playing on the game, and I got the hang of Role playing, and really enjoying it, Tygra got into a situation with an evil, corrupting entity known as "Blackquill" (who was a friend in real life). Tygra became corrupted by Blackquill, and her name got changed to "BlackTygra" to show his ownership over her.

After many years, and being introduced to D&D, I created BlackTygra as a character. She was a were-tiger who's human form was a very scrawny, pale young woman with jet black hair that reached her ankles. In her tiger form she was a massive black furred tigress with silver stripes. In her hybrid form she was a tall, sleek anthropomorphic tiger with the same fur color as her tiger form and hair down to her waist-line. All three forms had the same sky blue eyes.

BlackTygra is my first choice for any forum I join as I've spent a lot of time and effort in fleshing her out as an entity, not just a faceless name I thought sounded cool when I was a kid. :)

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by errantcoyote » Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:30 pm

ErrantCoyote has been with me for many years, although I don't maintain a big presence on the interwebs. Lurker blood runs strong in my veins...

At any rate the name is a mashup: Errant: wayward and/or wandering- I've traveled quite a bit and my mind ventures to weird places as well. Coyote: coyotes are clever survivors and I admire that quality. I also love Wile E. Coyote and his wacky plans of attack.

So there you have it. Just a moniker created by mashing a word I like with a super-genius scavenger.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by RocketScientist » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:08 pm

I actually saw a coyote running across the road in moderate traffic the other day. In New Hampshire. No road runners, though. Welcome to the forum! :)

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Pipster » Sat May 17, 2014 6:57 am

Pipster is the name I've always gone by online, in some variation.

It's also the nickname my family knows me by IRL.

See, I was a tiny child- an infant, only a few weeks home from the hospital- when my mother found herself listening to the radio at home. One of the disc jockeys made an offhand comment about babies, saying that "the smaller the pip, the bigger the squeak." A simple pun, of course, and one that would have been forgotten, if I had not chosen that inopportune moment to start crying. From that moment forward, I was branded with the nickname Pip.

Pip, over the years, became everything from Pipperoni to Pippermacaroni and so on. Pipster's just the simplest variation, and it's a name I don't really mind being associated with.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by DoodleMoogle » Wed May 21, 2014 5:08 pm

I liked Final Fantasy games a lot when I was young. Art as well. And DoodleMoogle kind of rhymes??? Theres also the fact that I don't think I've ever had to choose another nickname because I've never had this name already taken.
No DoodleMoogle453 or other such nonsense for me.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by SUGauthor » Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:36 pm

It's short for Stand Up Gaming author. It's the name of my webcomic. Originally it was just going to be the name I used when I addressed people on the site, but I had never actually needed to use a screen name before so when I needed to come up with one later I just went ahead and kept it.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Synch » Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:23 am

Welcome to the forum! I'll make sure to check out your web comic.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by spiderwrangler » Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:18 am

I'm a graduate student studying spider behavior, and have been working with spiders in research for the last decade+, so have the name "Spiderwrangler" on most online things. The species I work on we collect by going out at night with headlamps and looking for eyeshine. I've gotten so good at wrangling spiders, that I can catch (in film canisters/vials) over a hundred an hour on a good night. If I were to Goblinize my name, I suppose I should have been "Wrangles Spiders"... :shrug:
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Amara » Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:16 am

spiderwrangler wrote:I'm a graduate student studying spider behavior, and have been working with spiders in research for the last decade+, so have the name "Spiderwrangler" on most online things. The species I work on we collect by going out at night with headlamps and looking for eyeshine. I've gotten so good at wrangling spiders, that I can catch (in film canisters/vials) over a hundred an hour on a good night. If I were to Goblinize my name, I suppose I should have been "Wrangles Spiders"... :shrug:

I still maintain that you have a secret spider ranch where you breed cattle sized spiders, that you don't want us knowing about :V

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by tekiel » Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:40 pm

Well, nothing original about my name. Had a funky dream back in middle school and one girl was named Tekiel (Tek ee el). I remembered it again when I entered college and suddenly needed a username all the time. I first tried spelling it Tequielle, but it was too much like tequilla. So I found a different spelling.

The best part about my name was that I was a friend of Brandon Sanderson during college. While he was writing Mistborn he asked the writing group if he could use some of our online names in his book for non-important parts (back when we had the Timewasters website). I let him use mine, and it ended up as one of the "Houses" in the city. Never seems to have much luck in the books, though. I should reconnect with him about that. . .

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by RocketScientist » Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:31 pm

That's pretty cool. He seems like a decent (and busy) guy. I bet he'd love to reconnect with an old friend if you got in touch with him.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Whooh05 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:54 am

I was an avid wrestling fan back when I had to choose a handle. I chose Whooh because of Ric Flair's WHOOOOOH. I don't even much like Ric Flair, but it always sounded fun to me. 05 is my favorite number. Strangely enough, there are other Whoohs out there. So I picked 5 for obvious reasons.

My name is mispronounced all the time.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Poziom » Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:25 am

Poziom can be easily translated to english as "Level" but it won't be good translation since "Poziom" is just a short form of "Poziomek" which translates to "Wild Strawberry". Yeah... had this nickname since Sailors Camp long time ago and it kinda got stuck to me wherever I went so i started using it and after some time people started using the short form (which is much better, believe me).

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by CooksACarrot » Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:41 pm

I'd been a fan of the comic since around 2006 or so, but it wasn't until the Great Goblins Update Freeze of 2014 that I felt compelled to check out the forum and see what was going on. But what name to choose? I saw a lot of people choosing names similar to the kinds of names given to goblins in the comic, names that would indicate something about the person or about what they would do in life. I thought, what do I do well, what defines me? For the past several years I have put a lot of time and energy into teaching myself how to cook. I'm no chef by any means, but I can follow a recipe like nobody's business, and I make the best maple-glazed carrots So that became my name.

I did a quick Google search for carrot pictures, and one of the first ones to turn up was the Flaming Carrot. I was a big fan of the movie Mystery Men, made from comics in the same universe as the Carrot, so I thought it was perfect. It was only later, when I developed a reputation for deliberate distractions and non-sequiturs, that it was pointed out how perfect a choice such a bizarre character was.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by WearsHats » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:15 pm

I loved that movie.

And thanks for bumping this thread. I hadn't realized it had dropped off to the second page of the forum.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by CooksACarrot » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:39 pm

Maybe it should be pinned.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by WearsHats » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:44 pm

It is linked in the forum rules as one of the official places to make your introductory post. Which is part of why I was surprised it had fallen so far. This is one of the longest threads in this subforum.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by gilleyvanweirden » Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:55 pm

I thought that I needed a pen name a while back, so I put this together from a line in David Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust":
Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilley and the Spiders from Mars.
And so the two overlooked musicians became Gilley van Weird and live on in my name. Still jamming good :confetti:

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Wesley Foxx » Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:06 am

I got this name way, WAY the frig back when you used to play stuff like Starcraft through

I was one of those guys who would hang around in Town Square and just chat rather than playing the game. This was back when I was a teenager, so I got all my awkward teen roleplaying obsession stuff out of the way in a non-permanent medium so I don't have to look back and be embarrassed about it. :V I've never been talented at names (Complains would loathe me) so back when I was going by something like ReddFoxx (completely without irony or intending to reference a comedian) like a total furry geek.

Some teenage relation drama went down, we move from USEast to USWest to escape it, and the other person gives me the cover name Wesley. I loved it because Westley from Princess Bride is a BAMF. So I took that name with me when I got out of that dying drama pit and became Wes(ley) Foxx pretty much everywhere else ever since. There are probably so many people who think my name is actually Wesley.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Hates-fun » Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:28 am

I don't know if I want to go in depth on the long, boring and pretty dumb story behind this name but it's like a reference to complains-of-names and how ridiculously sensible I can be
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:48 am

Well, Fun, we here have found a compromise, one that works well in real life too.
If you read something and feel offended by it, or even insulted, sit back bit, try to read it differently (e.g. could there be something positive in it? Was it written as if it's observing facts (while the author can't possibly know it all)? Does the author know evrything why you came to such a conclusion? ), and interpret it the way which is the most positive one, as the author surely didn't mean it negatively. Give him/her the benefit of doubt. Point out how it could have been interprted, and that one could take that different interpretation as negative, and that the author should in future please take care to avoid accidental insults...

Anyway, in my youth I was also known to be a spoil-sport, ...
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Hates-fun » Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:11 am

I- um, thanks for the advice I suppose. Did I say something wrong or weird? I don't mean my name to be maliciously intended, I'm so confused, sorry!

I don't totally understand where you're coming from.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:24 am

Hates-fun wrote:I- um, thanks for the advice I suppose. Did I say something wrong or weird? I don't mean my name to be maliciously intended, I'm so confused, sorry!

I don't totally understand where you're coming from.
You pointed out that you're sometimes ridiculously sensitive and that that could destroy fun.
I interprted that (sorry for my bias) as something I've seen happen all over the 'Nets: that you're prone to misinterpret something written....

Anyway, have fun, Fun.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by WearsHats » Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:55 am

So... you were having fun with Fun?
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