As you probably noticed, the old forum theme is gone, and our brave overlords are doing their best to replace it with something more visually updated.
Since the old theme was for a previous version of the phpBB Engine it would need some tweaking to come back, but I think here is a great chance to get new styles done...
Now, I started to create another theme that will have a "green"-ish scheme in the hopes of fitting the old Goblins forum a little - and also because my eyes feel a bit strained by the black theme. I switched back to the prosilver in the meantime, but you know what they say: "If you want something done, do it yourself."
What I've done so far is "backported" the green-theme's (link posted by Mort in the forum update thread) color scheme to the original prosilver skin, and it kind of works, all I have to do now is changing the Logo and the forum icons to something more fitting.
And here comes the part where I require your help:
I'm looking for art from either the comic or your own that is Goblins themed.
If you remember the old theme, it had shields instead of the round text-buttony bits. I want to bring back something similar, but things that are actually more in the style of the comic. So scrolls, shields, whatever I can find in the comic. Obviously, I'm starting to look for these through the archives, but if someone has the patience to get these - maybe even create alternatives -, I would greatly appretiate the help.
So please help me finding adequate pieces by posting a link to the page! My only intent is to use them specifically on theming this forum so I hope I won't hurt any copyright issues with that. If you are good at photoediting, feel free to help in creating the variations of the icons!
An idea for a basic icon set:
- standard forum post: a round shield, just like the old forum
- an important post: a shiny shield of wonder, or an opened scroll with an exclamation mark
- a pinned topic: a shield with an arrow shot in it (or that multiplying bone spear chief had I forgot the name of)
- a hot topic: a shield with a flame logo painted on it, or just a simple campfire (no shield)
- deleted thread: a broken shield
- a locked thread: a shield with chains across, or (with) a lock
I'm also willing to help in creating different themes.
You don't like green or you have your own idea? That's okay, I'd be pretty happy in helping your own theme, assuming our mods approve of this.
I have some ideas for other themes, but first I'd like to create only one to see how much hassle is there with it.
Some ideas in the mean time (spoilered to not distract from the original question):

- If you think this idea is worth more visibility, feel free to re-post it to somewhere more adequate or link to it in a post. I deliberately posted here (where it belongs), risking it might not be seen by artsy/ enthusiastic members who would be able to help but do not check all the forum...
- If you think this is not that good of an idea or downright terrible, feel free in NOT advertising it more (I won't do it), or downright delete the thread. I promise not to re-post it or attempt to create an undesired theme anyway.