The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Dusk9 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:11 am

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Theis2 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:10 am

So Burns and Badge needs to unite with their reading comprehension, Badge got it right by sticking with simple weapons and Burns with sticking to melee weapons :P

So shortbow and rapier are not available for the fight.

Also each team got their own set of weapons, team 2 are already set.

To make it easier on you I'm going to list what is available
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:12 am

Martin shakes his head and puts down the shortbow which is clearly only present in his mind and not in reality. He grabs the dagger, which he remembers how to use...fondly.

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Nioca » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:26 am

Narok grabs a handaxe silently. Prior to his weapon selection, he had used the hour to make preparations, casting two spells; the first to create an invisible servant, his chants to bring it into service likely disturbing the other cellmates. The second, only just prior to being released, to bolster his own life with necromantic energies.

As he stood now in the arena, he still said nothing, but offered a smile to his fellow combatants that seemed a bit... unnatural. He seemed unconcerned with acting quickly, letting the others take the lead.

Narok [rolls]
--Unseen Servant (Cast as Ritual): Invisible servant can perform simple tasks for Narok for 1 hour.
--False Life: +5 Temporary HP for 1 hour
--Initiative (+1): 3

((EDIT: Okay, I could've sworn someone had asked whether we had our racial and class weapon proficiencies when you brought up gaining proficiencies through practice, but apparently I'm losing my mind instead. But we still have race/class proficiencies for weapons and armor, right?))

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Dusk9 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:29 am

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by thinkslogically » Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:32 am

Viskek grins to Bort as they walk out into the arena, and gives Rez a nod.

"Saw you in the arena yesterday. I'm Viskek."

He shoulders his greatclub. Turning to the wood elf he says:

"Don't remember you though. You new?"

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:10 pm

"Rez'taxkraafarnukrazzk... Rez is fine."
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Dusk9 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:46 pm

The Elf looks Viskek up and down, before....bowing? A friendly, seemingly genuine, smile spreads across his face, as he addresses them with a thick Elvish accent. Surprisingly friendly, for a Wood Elf talking to a Half-Orc, Dragonborn, and strange Human....

"Hello friends! I am Jakar, Son of Our Forest. My apologies for not talking in the...cells? Meditation, you see. Important to save strength for our battles."

"I am to understand that you are also not willing to be in this place, hmm?"

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:02 pm

"Hi green guy! Hi silver lizard! Hi pointy ear guy! Pointy ear guy speak Bort language?"
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by thinkslogically » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:08 pm

"Well met Rez. Good luck today! Fight well."

To Jakar:
"Well met Jakar. are right that I did not come here by choice. But that is a conversation for another day. It does no good to dwell on such things before a fight."

To Bort:
"Morning Bort! Be careful today, I think they're going to send more mean things to fight us. Don't get hurt!"

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Dusk9 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:18 pm

"Hi green guy! Hi silver lizard! Hi pointy ear guy! Pointy ear guy speak Bort language?"

"Ah, you are Bort? Yes, I studied Common many years. My teacher was best in our village!"

"Well met are right that I did not come here by choice. But that is a conversation for another day. It does no good to dwell on such things before a fight."

"You are correct. Let us fight for now, and talk later."

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:39 pm

"Mosst talk too much. Thankss for not adding to that."

"I'm no lizzard, I am Dragonborn."
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by WearsHats » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:09 pm

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Initiative: 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17

Does this mean Karn doesn't get the special rare showy weapon that comes with having been raised in the arena (gladiator background)?

If that's the case, Karn will take a javelin and a spear.

He'll also forgo the armor.

"I am Karn. These others are here unwillingly. I was raised here, for this. I have been here my whole life and I have never seen anyone escape. I fight for glory. I fight to become the champion. I fight to live another day. You can fight for your own reasons. It doesn't matter to me. But fight well, for your life depends on it."
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Dusk9 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:27 pm

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:30 pm

"Nuh uh. Ma say dragons be big as house! Anything smaller is... Oh!" Bort says, audibly smacking his forehead as he comes to an apparent realization.

"Dragon... BORN! Baby dragon! Babies are smaller! Sorry, baby dragon!"
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by WearsHats » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:31 pm

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Mostly offline/inactive due to chronic health issues. PM me if you really need attention.

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Dusk9 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:41 pm

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:46 pm

Rez groans inwardly.

"Actually... ah... Ssure, I'm a baby dragon."
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:54 pm

Dusk9 wrote:
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Samuel. Not that he'd live for the next fight! :lol:

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Theis2 » Tue Sep 19, 2017 1:24 am

Yeah, sorry about the elf confusion

Team 1 initiative.


Team 2 initiative

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by M0rtimer » Tue Sep 19, 2017 1:26 am

Bort picks his nose (and readies an action) while waiting for these enemies to show up.

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:12 am

Martin readies a spell.

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Theis2 » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:15 am

Which spell and what are you getting ready for?
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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:16 am

Eldritch blast. Someone... Or something to round that corner and get blasted.

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Re: The gladiators! (Open to join between every battle)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:23 am

Reading a fire bolt when the things come out in plain sight and I am going to use tides of choas on it.

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