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The Forum Update Is Nigh!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:26 am
by admin
Hello everybody,

we'll be updating to phpBB 3.1 fairly soon.

Unfortunately that update will most definitely be incompatible with all mods and styles we are using so far.
That being said, I am sure all the functionality we enjoyed can be restored with new mods and I'm sure we'll find a nice new theme/style to please our eyes.
It might take a while until everything is back to normal so please bear with us and don't shy away from reporting any weirdnesses in the Forum Issues Thread. ;)

The emergency update from 2 days ago already kinda ruined the advanced bbCodes, so pretty much all [xxx] yyy [/xxx] tags are broken atm.
We won't try to repair that since the big update will kill it alltogether again anyways. So for now be careful with spoilers. :P

Theme suggestions would be welcome btw.! If needed we can opt for a commercial theme if we all throw together in a paypal donation pot for that.

I'll let you know here once I know when exactly the update will be installed.

Thanks for your attention and patience! <3


Re: The Forum Update Is Nigh!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:54 pm
by Synch
I could try my hand at designing one? Although I'm not sure how to design a phpBB theme, would probably take me a while to investigate and learn.