Hunters of Letrua

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Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:30 am

So for a while now I've been working on building a game, and progress has come to a halt, so I suppose there's nothing left to do but start and see how things go. I'll warn you now, I can't guarantee quality story writing, or perfect balancing, all I can say is that I'll do my best, and probably have to adapt things to deal with imbalance. I can handle up to eight players, and I'll ask for anybody who wants to sign up to provide their character's name and gender, along with a short description of their physical attributes and personality. This can have an effect on your characters. There are benefits to designing a character with more brain than brawn, or vice versa, but all will be above average in terms of physical capability. I'll be editing in the background story as well as a map soon enough.

A lean young man, standing against the doorframe of the hall used for greeting newcomers, addresses the group of hopeful fighters gathered before him, "You probably know most of this already, but it's my job to run through is with everyone that signs up, so just bear with me, okay? Ahem."

"Some thousand years ago the world was devastated by the creation of an anomalous form of energy for which no explanation could be found, an energy which has since come to be called magic. This we hold to be true, though no records stand from more than two hundred years in the past, when our safe haven, Letrua, was first created. Beyond those two hundred years and the worldÔÇÖs devastation at the event of magic, nothing but rumours remain. Many believe that the world we knew was shattered and corrupted by magic as punishment for venturing where we should not have, while others believe the world we now live within was the origin of magic, separate of our own, and the two worlds somehow came to be linked. Regardless of the cause, though, we humans found ourselves in a world in which we were weak, defenceless. Apparently whatever our original home was like, it lacked Demon-Beasts, and their appearance did a number on us," the man rolls his eyes, as though he thinks it ridiculous anybody could have been surprised by the existence of the dangerous creatures generally known as demon-beasts. "Many died, leaving only the strong, cunning, and fortunate, humans to fight for survival. Among the survivors, the most capable, the true heroes, took it upon themselves to create a place safe from the horrors of this world. None who still live know how they achieved what they did or what they sacrificed for their goals, but they discovered a way to harness the same energy which had decimated humanity, a way to use magic to enhance natural strengths, empower objects, and even manipulate reality. This power was named Enchantment, and with it the heroes forged the land they sought, our Letrua. Thanks to those heroes, average people now live secure lives, while the strong guarantee safety, guarding the border, though some instead choose to keep the populace comfortable with live combat arenas, demonstrations of the strength which guarantees protection. Of course, most of that's common knowledge, and you should at least know that last part, having signed up to become gladiators."

"Now, most of you probably aren't familiar with enchantment, the specifics aren't commonly understood, sooo I'll explain a little. Most people can't handle magical energy without their body reacting violently, but some few of us can tolerate it for a moment, just long enough to channel it through our body and into a symbol or rune which will hold and draw energy to create the intended effect. Each symbol has its own effect and strength, but the most talented of enchanters say the standard runes are just a focus for new students, and it is their own power and intention which creates the effect, and the shape exists to remind the world of that intention, a reference to what the symbol is associated with in the enchanter's mind. Why, I have once seen an enchanter who associated a crude, curling sketch of wind with speed, while another carved a delicate animal she had heard of, and both had equally capable effects. The number of runes an object can hold varies depending on the material it's made of, so if you find somebody to enchant stuff, don't overdo it. It's not unknown to have things explode in the process of enchanting them more than they can handle. Now, these same enchantments can be applied to humans for a short time with no adverse effects, but never try to make one permanent, 'cause the magic would inevitably corrupt and kill the recipient in a couple of hours. On top of that warning, be careful with enchanted objects. A symbol may look like one you recognise, but could have a very different purpose. Most things should be safe to carry if they don't do anything when touched, but it would be best to have someone examine a magic tool before you touch it, let alone use it, if you have the option."

"Now, as gladiators everyone will be issued standard equipment. lightweight leather armour, the minimum requirement for entering a battle, along with the plating enchanted to stick to the leather. Try to fight without your armour and the guards will detain you. You would die without it, unless you think your skin is as hard as magically manipulated leather. You will also have your choice of weaponry, from daggers to great hammers the size of your body. And the last thing you will be given is a medical guidebook containing information on diseases and toxins, and the treatment of such. Anything you fight may have a deadly scratch, so take care of your guidebook and it will take care of you. The back of the book has basic information on various creatures you'll be fighting, everything we've recorded about them. No need to worry, though, your first couple of fights won't be against anything too dangerous, so you'll have time to go through the book without danger, and we have medical staff on standby for emergencies. Now, each of you is going to have to go through a test, to make sure you're capable. Head to your prep rooms, just down that corridor," the man gestures towards a door opposite him, "you'll be given some information on what you're fighting and have a chance to prepare once you're there. And really, don't get beaten up in this test. Even average people should be able to just scrape by." With that the man smirks at the group and slips out through the door, out of view, leaving the gladiators-to-be to their own devices.

And a map of the landmass. You'll get more information about it a little into the game.
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Last edited by Theis2 on Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:38 am

Name: Julius

Gender: Male
Appearance: Has a well trimmed dark beard, hair, and sideburns. He looks to be slightly more scrawny than the average person. He has a a red undershirt with a grey vest with many pockets, along with a long black coat that reaches his knees. He has black pants with many pockets in them.
He has never saw a demon up close, let alone fight them. He wishes to see what weaknesses they have if any by closely observing them. He thinks that the demon's blood and bones can be used for better magic, but this is mearly a theory he has never got to practice or seen practiced.

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by thinkslogically » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:47 am

Sounds cool! I'm in :)

I'll have a think about a character and edit this post when I've got an idea sorted out.


Name: Ollrith Bowman
Sex: Male

Lean, fast and strong, Ollrith is a talented fighter for his 18 years. He grew up hearing tales about how his grandmother once fought demons along the Letruan border, and the strange sights and creatures she encountered. Ever since then, the desire to follow in his grandmother's footsteps has driven him to try and a place of his own amongst the guards. He has happily dedicated himself to honing his fitness, and learning to fight. His parents were never completely comfortable with sending their son into such a dangerous profession, but when it became apparent that there was absolutely nothing else in the world that held his interest, they instead did what they could to help him prepare for life as a guard, however difficult it might be to actually achieve. Having studied martial arts as a boy, he has a preference for hand-to-hand fighting styles that allow him to get close to his opponent and take them down with a precision strike. With twin younger brothers, he has certainly had plenty of wrestling practice... Now, he hopes he'll be able to prove himself in the gladiatorial ring and get himself noticed by a recruiter.

He's not the smartest guy in the world, and he has almost no interest in academic learning. But, he has a passion for learning anything and everything he can get his hands on about demons and runes and magic. His ambition is what drives him, and has given him a confidence and cheerfulness that comes with the absolute certainty that he will eventually achieve what he wants.

Physical description: About 6 feet tall, tanned with sun-bleached light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Last edited by thinkslogically on Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by GathersIngredients » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:04 pm

name: Loki "Boarstrangler"
gender: male

short description: Loki is quite tall and a hunk of man (though he says he's the runt of his family), with muscles all over his body, shaggy long untidy (think rasta locks) hair that might have been bonde, but it has been dyed - with the blood of his enemies, as Loki claims - to a darker color. His piercing blue eyes are quite watchful and attentive and to the patient observer betray that he's more than the dumb brute he likes to pretend to be sometimes, so people will underestimate him.
He's always on the prowl, always looking for weakness, for that little chink in the chains, a flaw in his opponent's behaviour, or their technique, or even their morales - Loki will use pretty much any means to gain the advantage - that will give him the little edge over an equal or even stronger opponent.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:17 am

Oh, I should mention that while I would hope to expand the world during the game, if there are any questions about setting or system I'll do my best to answer.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:57 pm

Ah, I missed that you had started this! After going back and forth in the other thread while you were in the planning stages, I'm interesting in playing now that it's happening.

I do have a question that will inform my character choice.... will players have any potential for casting or magical abilities? Or are we pure melee? Most of my characters seem to tend to be chaotic neutral combative types, I'd be interested in pushing myself in a different direction.

If it WERE possible, I'd be interested in a more cerebral route, taking on the role of the party's equipment tinkerer, being the one who knows something about Enchantment sigils, versed in lore, able to modify existing enchantments, etc.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:26 pm

I suppose it's fairly likely to be missed without a post in the chatter thread, but I've already got too many posts in a row there, even if there are days between each.

One character will start with the ability to enchant (The use of magic will generally be referred to as enchantment), and others will be able to learn over time, provided they can build up a resistance to magic. Who exactly starts with the talent will be randomly selected from the characters appropriate for it.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:57 pm

Hmmm... well, even if I don't get it off the bat, that would be the direction I'd want to take my character.


Korga is disciplined in all aspects of her life, tending towards the bookish, but maintaining a nimble and lithe physique through daily exercises. Her studies in the small village she grew up in outstripped the available learning resources... just as her interest was getting piqued. She is driven to excellence, seeking a deep understanding and mastery of any task set before her... occasionally to her detriment as she becomes so focused on one aspect that she tends to be blinded to other issues. She hopes through joining the gladiatorial games that she will have an opportunity to expand her experiences and learning... as well as a chance to use and examine concepts and materials that she hasn't been able to experience first hand.

Her combat style would tend towards being as well prepared as possible, and favoring speed and agility over brute strength and power.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Runsaround » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:37 am

Eavus Kelsnaus

Eavus is the 6th son of a rather minor lord. Sent away after he killed three of his brothers in a riding accident, he's a little aimless now. Well-conditioned and a decent swordfighter, the blonde scion seeks his fortune as a gladiator.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:17 pm

I'm planning to kick things off tomorrow. I've got to prepare for enrolling to university and don't want to mess around with that, but once it's done I should be able to start. Until then, applications are still being accepted. Sorry for how long you've had to wait.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Synch » Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:43 pm

Name: Risu
Sex: Female
Physical description: 14 years old, 5 feet tall, lithe, with a short black bob haircut and grey eyes.

Background: Risu grew up one of the many street urchins of Hirakuya, but unlike the rest she refused to resort to crime and thievery as the majority of her peers were prone to do. She earnt the coin she needed to survive through acrobatic street performances, and onselling vendor items. Her onselling, although legal, often earnt her the ire of merchants and their bodyguard, which through necessity led to a heightened skill in climbing and evasion. This in turn spawned her nickname of Risu, meaning 'Squirrel', in the absence of any given birth name, or one she knew of. She is not a gladiator by choice; instead serving a punishment doled out by a greedy merchant enraged with Risu undermining his profits who finally caught the Squirrel, but too cowardly to kill a child himself.

Personality and attributes: Risu has all the street smarts of an urchin; skeptical, shrewd, untrusting and cunning. She has excellent acrobatic skill, having performed as a gymnast and contortionist, and is also an excellent climber.

Combat style: Risu favours evasion wherever possible, if not hiding or avoiding the fight completely then at least staying out of range and using her speed and agility to find an advantage. She utilises small weapons she can conceal, and ranged weapons eg. hand crossbows, throwing daggers, kukris, stilettos, shiruken etc.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:07 pm

Okay, well, I'm done with screwing up my foreseeable future, so it's probably time to start this. I should have the first post up soon.

Okay, so "soon" turned out to be two hours, because I wasn't satisfied with giving everyone the same introduction and got carried away with most of them.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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