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Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:03 pm
by WearsHats
Today is a year since we lost BeanDip. Mrs. BeanDip would like us to share good memories of her. Positive things to focus on, and a look into the part of her life that Mrs. BeanDip may not have gotten to see at the time.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:03 pm
by Theis2
I had some good moments with Beandip when she joined my game for a short while. She gave it a fresh breath and caused some good rp between the players while she was with us.
I still have a pm folder dedicated to BeanDip with a few pm's between us where I tried to teach her danish. I don't know how much work she put in those pms but she were pretty good at it :)

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:32 pm
by spiderwrangler
Theis2 wrote:I had some good moments with Beandip when she joined my game for a short while. She gave it a fresh breath and caused some good rp between the players while she was with us.
That was the only time I really got to play a game with Beandip... and our characters started sparring only minutes after they met... My character made invisible wind people punch him in her character in the face while he was trying to read a book, and... you know what, it's a long story, and I can't do it justice here. Suffice to say, rereading that section has me smiling through wet eyes.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:56 pm
by Krulle
Stories like this one, which she shared with us.
But also the less fun stories I remember her for. I look up to her strength to have been able to share the way she did. (e.g. the posts leading up to this one)
And her hugs and support she shared all around, especially in the health thread...

I did not share played games with her, so I could only read a bit about her by scrolling through her posts...2122 of her 2455 posts are in the games forum... Quite a few of the others were in health, were I met her mostly (although I was mostly only lurking it back then).

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:31 pm
by RocketScientist
Damn, I really miss Bean. I was just thinking the one year anniversary would be coming up, too.

I didn't play games with her, either. I just knew her from the secret lair. Not sure if I should share anything from there. But she had a good soul, and she was always concerned for everyone else, even though she was going through so much of her own.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:21 pm
by WearsHats
I've got a special PM folder just for her, too. We talked a lot. I just reread them all as I wrote this. It amazed me how strong and introspective she was, even as she underestimated herself and fought simultaneous physical, mental, and spiritual battles. She was rare, too, in that, even as she saw herself in an unfairly negative light, she recognized that she was doing so.

Normally, I wouldn't share anything from a PM without explicit permission, but I think, under the circumstances, this exchange (after one of those long, philosophical, introspective conversations) seems good to share:
BeanDip wrote:
WearsHats wrote:
BeanDip wrote:Okay then...

*pulls out fancy couch; hands you a bubble pipe, fake beard and glasses*

It all started on the best sunday of my penis. Whoops. I mean best sexday of my penis. NO! My BREAST SEXDAY OF MY PENIS. NOOOOO!!!!

I see. Fascinating. And how did that make you feel?

*blows bubble pipe thoughtfully*
"Like... I can finally be who I really am..."

*i stand up slowly, peel off my human suit and reveal I am a pandabear! Disco plays in the background as gyrate clumsily and fall out a window*
(Appended to this was a note that the exchange had put her in too good a mood to continue the serious and sometimes difficult conversation we'd been having.)

She also contributed a story to the fic prompt contest and encouraged me to keep it going.

And always made sure to ask after me and my own health and status and offer me sympathy and support, even as she was dealing with so very much.

Oh, and then there was the time the term "pansexual" came up in conversation. I wrote an entire paragraph of my thoughts about people being physically attracted to frypans. She spent an hour thinking I was serious and wondering how to explain the birds and the bees to me before it dawned on her... :lol: We both had a good laugh about that one.

Ooo, here's one I'd forgotten. She'd been planning on starting a new forum game.
BeanDip wrote:It's a game related idea. Or just a game idea, really. I want to be certain it sounds cool before I go further on it. It sounds neat to ME and my wife said it was cool but... it's hard sometimes to see difficulties in a plot without an outside perspective. It's in the spoiler below if you're interested.
► Show Spoiler
so... cool 8) or lame >:-P ?
I wish I could have played that.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:36 pm
by Just Karen
I remember... She started the Transgender thread here. She seemed tentative, scared even - which I can relate to. My heart just went out to her from that first post. I was kind of shocked to see another trans person on the board, while very happy. I tried to do what I could do to help her.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:16 pm
by spiderwrangler
That does sound like an awesome game concept.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:16 am
by thinkslogically
I loved her contributions to the God School but of the forum :) I'm on my phone so can't easily grab the link, but maybe one of you guys could be so kind as to link them? Regardless, they are inventive and pretty hilarious.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:51 am
by Theis2
Here's a link to the god school subforum and then one for Beandips solution to assignment 6

I would also have enjoyed seeing that game become a reality. I also like that Beandip was able to open up to us, with both the good and the bad, I kinda feel honored to be part of a community where that can happen.

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:20 pm
by Quarg
I really didn't wind up in many games with BeanDip besides the occasional oddity here and there. I did get to enjoy her bit of work on building a roaming warrior character for a game LAYF and SRG started once again interfered in that.

Skol, Beandip...we miss thee...

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:06 am
by Theis2
Did mrs. BeanDip see this yet? Do you know how she reacted to it? :)

Re: Memories of BeanDip

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:05 am
by WearsHats
She cried a bit, remembering the flowers. That's as much as she told me. I didn't want to dig, and we haven't spoken much lately. (I haven't really been keeping in touch with anyone this summer.)