Foray Carnage Turn 50
- NotStickFigures
- Prattles on Unremittingly
- Posts: 3288
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 44
Splinters will do a flanking attack on the bear, again using both weapons.
Vote that misses continues to try for a special shot to a vulnerable area.
Vote that misses continues to try for a special shot to a vulnerable area.
- Game Master
- Posts: 4876
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 44
I forgot my tablet loading power cable and the battery died before i had the update dine. Sorry. Will try to post a proper one tomorrow or a low budget one soon.

- Game Master
- Posts: 4876
Foray Carnage Turn 45
Turn 45:
Defiles acted more agressive, and stoped his defensive stance (timer up).
The bear attacked him with a brutal hit and braught him down on his knees, still raging. Just like Splinters, who stabed the bear into its flank, dealing a deep wound with both weapons. Defiles cut the injured leg, which made the bear try to avoid stepping on it. Then Blindgly set the bear's skin and furr on fire again, just when Missis hit. This time, he was lucky and hit an eye. The bear couldn't see the side on which Splinters was one without turning its head anymore. The animal looked pretty beaten up now. Splinters looked a lot better already, thanks to Kills healing him again. After healing his friend, he also let an arrow fly and scored a regular hit.
-Don't forget about voting for Misses (D34dlock) until he fixed his PC.
-Result proof: Misses hits critical spot (5 success): 1D5 = [3] = 3
.[tabs: Kills the Pain]
Player: Dlover
9/9 HP (6+3)
4.5 DEF (4+0.5)
2 ATK (1+1)
2 RATK (1+1)
Medic [heal 3 hp and stop bleeding (1/turn)]
Spell Combat [Allows you to cast one (1/turn) spell along with an regular attack]
Regrowth [heal over time: 2 hp in round 1 after casting, 2 hp in round 2 (1/turn)]
mark [OATH OF SALUBRITY II +2 HP; grants spell "Regrowth II"; grants "Spell Combat"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
8 silver coins
1 book [How to properly clean and seal wounds]
2 dagger (+0 ATK)
2 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 necklace (human family pictures)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
6 paws
[tabs: Blindingly Ignorant]
Player: Runsaround inherited from ChuckDaRighteous
8/8 HP
4 DEF (2+2)
3 ATK (1+2)
3 RATK (1+2)
5 MATK (3+2)
Sneak Attack [Deal x2 damage against 1 opponent while sneaking. Works only once per opponent per battle (1/3 turns)]
Magic Missile [deals 2 dam per missile / (1+MATK)/2 missiles, rounded down / missiles can be split between targets (1/turn)]
mark [ARTFUL ASSASIN II +2 ATK +2 RATK +2 MATK; grants "Sneak Attack"] PERMANENT
1 dagger (+0 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 chainmail armor (+2 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 amulett of stamina (+2 HP) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
11 silver coins
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
[tabs: Misses Wildly]
Player: D34dlock
9/9 HP (8+1)
4 DEF (1+3)
2 ATK (1+1)
9 RATK (4+5)
Multishot cooldown (3 turns left)
Multishot [Shoot 2 arrows on 1 target. (1/5 turns)]
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 shield (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 longbow (+2 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 dagger (+0 ATK)
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
5 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
6 sets of leather rags
6 straight branches
1 handfull of feathers
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
1 sets of teeth
3 paws
[tabs: Defiles Corpses]
Player: Spiderwrangler
4/10 HP (8+2)
8 DEF (3+5)
9 ATK (5+4)
2 RATK (1+1)
Defensive Fighting [Allows you to lower your ATK to increase DEF to a maximum of 2 points. Lasts 2 turns. (1/6 turns)]
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF)
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
9 silver coins
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK)
2 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
1 sword (+1 ATK)
4 large mushrooms (unknown)
1 damaged wolf skin
1 piece of wolf meat
1 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
[tabs: Splinters Bones]
Player: NotStickFigures
rage: 5/11 (7+4) // 7/7 HP (6+1)
rage: 4 // 6 DEF (4+2)
rage: 10+10 (2+8/2+8) // 6+6 ATK (2+4/2+4)
rage: 2 (1+1) // 3 RATK (1+2)
Rage II (5 turns left)
Rage II [grants 4 temporary hp that are lost first, +4 ATK -2 DEF -1 RATK. Lasts 8 turns. Afterwards you have -2 ATK for 4 turns.] (1/fight)
Two-Weapon Fighting [allows you to fight with a weapon in each hand. 40% chance to miss for each. If Offhand weapon is light, 20% to miss for each.]
mark [A CRIMSON HARBINGER +1 HP +3 ATK +1 RATK; grants Rage II; grants "Two-Weapon Fighting"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 hatchet (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
6 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 shield (+1 DEF)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
7 paws[/tabs]Possible Loot:
.Mission history:
Turn 45:
Defiles acted more agressive, and stoped his defensive stance (timer up).
The bear attacked him with a brutal hit and braught him down on his knees, still raging. Just like Splinters, who stabed the bear into its flank, dealing a deep wound with both weapons. Defiles cut the injured leg, which made the bear try to avoid stepping on it. Then Blindgly set the bear's skin and furr on fire again, just when Missis hit. This time, he was lucky and hit an eye. The bear couldn't see the side on which Splinters was one without turning its head anymore. The animal looked pretty beaten up now. Splinters looked a lot better already, thanks to Kills healing him again. After healing his friend, he also let an arrow fly and scored a regular hit.
-Don't forget about voting for Misses (D34dlock) until he fixed his PC.
-Result proof: Misses hits critical spot (5 success): 1D5 = [3] = 3
.[tabs: Kills the Pain]
Player: Dlover
9/9 HP (6+3)
4.5 DEF (4+0.5)
2 ATK (1+1)
2 RATK (1+1)
Medic [heal 3 hp and stop bleeding (1/turn)]
Spell Combat [Allows you to cast one (1/turn) spell along with an regular attack]
Regrowth [heal over time: 2 hp in round 1 after casting, 2 hp in round 2 (1/turn)]
mark [OATH OF SALUBRITY II +2 HP; grants spell "Regrowth II"; grants "Spell Combat"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
8 silver coins
1 book [How to properly clean and seal wounds]
2 dagger (+0 ATK)
2 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 necklace (human family pictures)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
6 paws
[tabs: Blindingly Ignorant]
Player: Runsaround inherited from ChuckDaRighteous
8/8 HP
4 DEF (2+2)
3 ATK (1+2)
3 RATK (1+2)
5 MATK (3+2)
Sneak Attack [Deal x2 damage against 1 opponent while sneaking. Works only once per opponent per battle (1/3 turns)]
Magic Missile [deals 2 dam per missile / (1+MATK)/2 missiles, rounded down / missiles can be split between targets (1/turn)]
mark [ARTFUL ASSASIN II +2 ATK +2 RATK +2 MATK; grants "Sneak Attack"] PERMANENT
1 dagger (+0 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 chainmail armor (+2 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 amulett of stamina (+2 HP) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
11 silver coins
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
[tabs: Misses Wildly]
Player: D34dlock
9/9 HP (8+1)
4 DEF (1+3)
2 ATK (1+1)
9 RATK (4+5)
Multishot cooldown (3 turns left)
Multishot [Shoot 2 arrows on 1 target. (1/5 turns)]
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 shield (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 longbow (+2 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 dagger (+0 ATK)
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
5 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
6 sets of leather rags
6 straight branches
1 handfull of feathers
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
1 sets of teeth
3 paws
[tabs: Defiles Corpses]
Player: Spiderwrangler
4/10 HP (8+2)
8 DEF (3+5)
9 ATK (5+4)
2 RATK (1+1)
Defensive Fighting [Allows you to lower your ATK to increase DEF to a maximum of 2 points. Lasts 2 turns. (1/6 turns)]
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF)
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
9 silver coins
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK)
2 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
1 sword (+1 ATK)
4 large mushrooms (unknown)
1 damaged wolf skin
1 piece of wolf meat
1 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
[tabs: Splinters Bones]
Player: NotStickFigures
rage: 5/11 (7+4) // 7/7 HP (6+1)
rage: 4 // 6 DEF (4+2)
rage: 10+10 (2+8/2+8) // 6+6 ATK (2+4/2+4)
rage: 2 (1+1) // 3 RATK (1+2)
Rage II (5 turns left)
Rage II [grants 4 temporary hp that are lost first, +4 ATK -2 DEF -1 RATK. Lasts 8 turns. Afterwards you have -2 ATK for 4 turns.] (1/fight)
Two-Weapon Fighting [allows you to fight with a weapon in each hand. 40% chance to miss for each. If Offhand weapon is light, 20% to miss for each.]
mark [A CRIMSON HARBINGER +1 HP +3 ATK +1 RATK; grants Rage II; grants "Two-Weapon Fighting"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 hatchet (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
6 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 shield (+1 DEF)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
7 paws[/tabs]Possible Loot:
.Mission history:
Last edited by Nerre on Mon May 16, 2016 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

- Dlover
- Game Master
- Posts: 14130
- Location: Somewhere. Probably.
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 44
Kills casts Regrowth on Defiles, loosing another arrow at the bear.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
- spiderwrangler
- Game Master
- Posts: 21091
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 44
Defiles shouts defiantly and charges the bear, plunging his blade into the beast.
Misses shoots the bear of course.
Misses shoots the bear of course.
Games I GM:
Games I play in:
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► Show Spoiler
- NotStickFigures
- Prattles on Unremittingly
- Posts: 3288
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 44
Splinters will continue the same attack, keeping the bear off balance by having attackers on different sides.
Misses continues to shoot.
Misses continues to shoot.
- Converses Frequently
- Posts: 629
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 44
Blindingly circles the bear and tries to missile it from behind.
I have no idea what I'm doing, and IT IS GLORIOUS!
- Game Master
- Posts: 4876
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 44
A biiiiig sorry from me! During our stay the wifi suddenly stopped working after the first few days, so I couldn't check the forum for days. Now that I am back, I am too tired to post it now, but I will try to do it tomorrow! 

- Game Master
- Posts: 4876
Foray Carnage Turn 46
Turn 46:
Defiles was on his last legs, after the bear hit him again for 4 damage. Splintes and Blindingly were on flanking positions and attacked, but Splinters fumbled and hit one of his weapons with the other. Therefore, he fully missed the bear. Blindingly and Misses hit again, and so did Kills after he cast Regrowth on Defiles.
The bear looked very battered and beaten up, limping, half blind and bleeding from several wounds.
-Don't forget about voting for Misses (D34dlock) until he fixed his PC.
-I will make a picture of the bear fight, promise!
.[tabs: Kills the Pain]
Player: Dlover
9/9 HP (6+3)
4.5 DEF (4+0.5)
2 ATK (1+1)
2 RATK (1+1)
Medic [heal 3 hp and stop bleeding (1/turn)]
Spell Combat [Allows you to cast one (1/turn) spell along with an regular attack]
Regrowth [heal over time: 2 hp in round 1 after casting, 2 hp in round 2 (1/turn)]
mark [OATH OF SALUBRITY II +2 HP; grants spell "Regrowth II"; grants "Spell Combat"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
8 silver coins
1 book [How to properly clean and seal wounds]
2 dagger (+0 ATK)
2 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 necklace (human family pictures)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
6 paws
[tabs: Blindingly Ignorant]
Player: Runsaround inherited from ChuckDaRighteous
8/8 HP
4 DEF (2+2)
3 ATK (1+2)
3 RATK (1+2)
5 MATK (3+2)
Sneak Attack [Deal x2 damage against 1 opponent while sneaking. Works only once per opponent per battle (1/3 turns)]
Magic Missile [deals 2 dam per missile / (1+MATK)/2 missiles, rounded down / missiles can be split between targets (1/turn)]
mark [ARTFUL ASSASIN II +2 ATK +2 RATK +2 MATK; grants "Sneak Attack"] PERMANENT
1 dagger (+0 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 chainmail armor (+2 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 amulett of stamina (+2 HP) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
11 silver coins
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
[tabs: Misses Wildly]
Player: D34dlock
9/9 HP (8+1)
4 DEF (1+3)
2 ATK (1+1)
9 RATK (4+5)
Multishot cooldown (1 turn left)
Multishot [Shoot 2 arrows on 1 target. (1/5 turns)]
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 shield (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 longbow (+2 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 dagger (+0 ATK)
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
5 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
6 sets of leather rags
6 straight branches
1 handfull of feathers
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
1 sets of teeth
3 paws
[tabs: Defiles Corpses]
Player: Spiderwrangler
2/10 HP (8+2)
8 DEF (3+5)
9 ATK (5+4)
2 RATK (1+1)
Regrowth (1 tick left)
Defensive cooldown (5 turn left)
Defensive Fighting [Allows you to lower your ATK to increase DEF to a maximum of 2 points. Lasts 2 turns. (1/6 turns)]
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF)
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
9 silver coins
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK)
2 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
1 sword (+1 ATK)
4 large mushrooms (unknown)
1 damaged wolf skin
1 piece of wolf meat
1 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
[tabs: Splinters Bones]
Player: NotStickFigures
rage: 5/11 (7+4) // 7/7 HP (6+1)
rage: 4 // 6 DEF (4+2)
rage: 10+10 (2+8/2+8) // 6+6 ATK (2+4/2+4)
rage: 2 (1+1) // 3 RATK (1+2)
Rage II (3 turns left)
Rage II [grants 4 temporary hp that are lost first, +4 ATK -2 DEF -1 RATK. Lasts 8 turns. Afterwards you have -2 ATK for 4 turns.] (1/fight)
Two-Weapon Fighting [allows you to fight with a weapon in each hand. 40% chance to miss for each. If Offhand weapon is light, 20% to miss for each.]
mark [A CRIMSON HARBINGER +1 HP +3 ATK +1 RATK; grants Rage II; grants "Two-Weapon Fighting"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 hatchet (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
6 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 shield (+1 DEF)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
7 paws[/tabs]Possible Loot:
.Mission history:
Turn 46:
Defiles was on his last legs, after the bear hit him again for 4 damage. Splintes and Blindingly were on flanking positions and attacked, but Splinters fumbled and hit one of his weapons with the other. Therefore, he fully missed the bear. Blindingly and Misses hit again, and so did Kills after he cast Regrowth on Defiles.
The bear looked very battered and beaten up, limping, half blind and bleeding from several wounds.
-Don't forget about voting for Misses (D34dlock) until he fixed his PC.
-I will make a picture of the bear fight, promise!
.[tabs: Kills the Pain]
Player: Dlover
9/9 HP (6+3)
4.5 DEF (4+0.5)
2 ATK (1+1)
2 RATK (1+1)
Medic [heal 3 hp and stop bleeding (1/turn)]
Spell Combat [Allows you to cast one (1/turn) spell along with an regular attack]
Regrowth [heal over time: 2 hp in round 1 after casting, 2 hp in round 2 (1/turn)]
mark [OATH OF SALUBRITY II +2 HP; grants spell "Regrowth II"; grants "Spell Combat"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
8 silver coins
1 book [How to properly clean and seal wounds]
2 dagger (+0 ATK)
2 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 necklace (human family pictures)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
6 paws
[tabs: Blindingly Ignorant]
Player: Runsaround inherited from ChuckDaRighteous
8/8 HP
4 DEF (2+2)
3 ATK (1+2)
3 RATK (1+2)
5 MATK (3+2)
Sneak Attack [Deal x2 damage against 1 opponent while sneaking. Works only once per opponent per battle (1/3 turns)]
Magic Missile [deals 2 dam per missile / (1+MATK)/2 missiles, rounded down / missiles can be split between targets (1/turn)]
mark [ARTFUL ASSASIN II +2 ATK +2 RATK +2 MATK; grants "Sneak Attack"] PERMANENT
1 dagger (+0 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 chainmail armor (+2 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 amulett of stamina (+2 HP) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
11 silver coins
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
[tabs: Misses Wildly]
Player: D34dlock
9/9 HP (8+1)
4 DEF (1+3)
2 ATK (1+1)
9 RATK (4+5)
Multishot cooldown (1 turn left)
Multishot [Shoot 2 arrows on 1 target. (1/5 turns)]
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 shield (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 longbow (+2 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 dagger (+0 ATK)
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
5 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
6 sets of leather rags
6 straight branches
1 handfull of feathers
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
1 sets of teeth
3 paws
[tabs: Defiles Corpses]
Player: Spiderwrangler
2/10 HP (8+2)
8 DEF (3+5)
9 ATK (5+4)
2 RATK (1+1)
Regrowth (1 tick left)
Defensive cooldown (5 turn left)
Defensive Fighting [Allows you to lower your ATK to increase DEF to a maximum of 2 points. Lasts 2 turns. (1/6 turns)]
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF)
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
9 silver coins
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK)
2 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
1 sword (+1 ATK)
4 large mushrooms (unknown)
1 damaged wolf skin
1 piece of wolf meat
1 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
[tabs: Splinters Bones]
Player: NotStickFigures
rage: 5/11 (7+4) // 7/7 HP (6+1)
rage: 4 // 6 DEF (4+2)
rage: 10+10 (2+8/2+8) // 6+6 ATK (2+4/2+4)
rage: 2 (1+1) // 3 RATK (1+2)
Rage II (3 turns left)
Rage II [grants 4 temporary hp that are lost first, +4 ATK -2 DEF -1 RATK. Lasts 8 turns. Afterwards you have -2 ATK for 4 turns.] (1/fight)
Two-Weapon Fighting [allows you to fight with a weapon in each hand. 40% chance to miss for each. If Offhand weapon is light, 20% to miss for each.]
mark [A CRIMSON HARBINGER +1 HP +3 ATK +1 RATK; grants Rage II; grants "Two-Weapon Fighting"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 hatchet (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
6 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 shield (+1 DEF)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
7 paws[/tabs]Possible Loot:
.Mission history:

- spiderwrangler
- Game Master
- Posts: 21091
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 46
If Defiles can back away from the bear without triggering the equivalent of an Attack of Opportunity, he'll do so, and then shoot with his bow. If he's gonna take the hit, he'll stand fast and swing with his sword.
Invigorated by Kills' healing aid, Defiles spits in the bear's other eye and runs his sword into the beast.
Invigorated by Kills' healing aid, Defiles spits in the bear's other eye and runs his sword into the beast.
Last edited by spiderwrangler on Mon May 16, 2016 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Games I GM:
Games I play in:
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- Dlover
- Game Master
- Posts: 14130
- Location: Somewhere. Probably.
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 46
Kills uses Medic on Defiles and shoots again.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
- NotStickFigures
- Prattles on Unremittingly
- Posts: 3288
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 46
Splinters, undeterred by his two handed fighting mis-steps (he figures he'll need to keep trying to get good at it), once again attacks with the bear from its side.
Misses vote, shoot at head with an arrow.
Misses vote, shoot at head with an arrow.
- Converses Frequently
- Posts: 629
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 46
Blindingly continues volleying missiles.
I have no idea what I'm doing, and IT IS GLORIOUS!
- Is Heard Often
- Posts: 373
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 46
Old PC not fixed But I have a new comp now. Sorry it Took forever.
Misses Attacks the Bear.
Misses Attacks the Bear.
I'm still reading shifters.
- Game Master
- Posts: 4876
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 46
Great to have you back, D34dlock! 
Your char survived and did fine based on the suggestions of your team. Recently there was a level up. Please check if the values I picked for you are okay, if not I will change them retroactively. Most upgrades were fix, but you received a few points you could distribute yourselves.

Your char survived and did fine based on the suggestions of your team. Recently there was a level up. Please check if the values I picked for you are okay, if not I will change them retroactively. Most upgrades were fix, but you received a few points you could distribute yourselves.
After having healed himself, Blindingly and Splinters, he stepped up to heal Defiles. Just when he was finished, all their marks started to itch and glow. They changed a bit. Having shifted a line of symbol here, added or removed one there. A feeling of increased power came along with it.
Each of you can spend 2 stat points to buy attribute upgrades on top of the upgrades the marks provide. Each point can buy:
1 ATK or RATK or MATK or DEF
2 HP
Misses Wildly:
Multishot [Shoot 2 arrows on 1 target. (1/5 turns)]

- Is Heard Often
- Posts: 373
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 46
Ranged Attack & Def are fine for stat placement.
I'm still reading shifters.
- Game Master
- Posts: 4876
Foray Carnage Turn 47
Turn 47:
The bear looked very battered and beaten up, limping, half blind and bleeding from several wounds.
Kills quickly patched up Defiles' worst wound, before the bear could attack again. Then, in a last upsurge of power, the bear charged forward quickly. Kills jumped back and fell on his back, while Defiles spit out a quick prayer and stepped forward, his sword pointed at the beast with both hands, his head ducked underneath the approaching teeth. The bear impaled itself on the sword, then crashed onto Defiles, crushing him into the ground. The strong scent of the bear and its thick furr all over him almost suffocated him. The hard ground and the overwhelming weight on his chest caused him excruciating pain.
His friends shot and hit the already dying bear until it stopped moving. Then, slowly, they pushed it aside and free the trapped Defiles.
Kills took good care of his heavily injured friend, and slowly the pain waned.
Then, Kills healed all of them back to full health.
This took about a half hour. The group felt refreshed again, not only from the sleep, but also from the healing. The goblins were ready to proceed with their mission.
-Nice to have you back, D34dlock!
.[tabs: Kills the Pain]
Player: Dlover
9/9 HP (6+3)
4.5 DEF (4+0.5)
2 ATK (1+1)
2 RATK (1+1)
Medic [heal 3 hp and stop bleeding (1/turn)]
Spell Combat [Allows you to cast one (1/turn) spell along with an regular attack]
Regrowth [heal over time: 2 hp in round 1 after casting, 2 hp in round 2 (1/turn)]
mark [OATH OF SALUBRITY II +2 HP; grants spell "Regrowth II"; grants "Spell Combat"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
8 silver coins
1 book [How to properly clean and seal wounds]
2 dagger (+0 ATK)
2 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 necklace (human family pictures)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
6 paws
[tabs: Blindingly Ignorant]
Player: Runsaround inherited from ChuckDaRighteous
8/8 HP
4 DEF (2+2)
3 ATK (1+2)
3 RATK (1+2)
5 MATK (3+2)
Sneak Attack [Deal x2 damage against 1 opponent while sneaking. Works only once per opponent per battle (1/3 turns)]
Magic Missile [deals 2 dam per missile / (1+MATK)/2 missiles, rounded down / missiles can be split between targets (1/turn)]
mark [ARTFUL ASSASIN II +2 ATK +2 RATK +2 MATK; grants "Sneak Attack"] PERMANENT
1 dagger (+0 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 chainmail armor (+2 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 amulett of stamina (+2 HP) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
11 silver coins
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
[tabs: Misses Wildly]
Player: D34dlock
9/9 HP (8+1)
4 DEF (1+3)
2 ATK (1+1)
9 RATK (4+5)
Multishot [Shoot 2 arrows on 1 target. (1/5 turns)]
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 shield (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 longbow (+2 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 dagger (+0 ATK)
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
5 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
6 sets of leather rags
6 straight branches
1 handfull of feathers
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
1 sets of teeth
3 paws
[tabs: Defiles Corpses]
Player: Spiderwrangler
10/10 HP (8+2)
8 DEF (3+5)
9 ATK (5+4)
2 RATK (1+1)
Defensive Fighting [Allows you to lower your ATK to increase DEF to a maximum of 2 points. Lasts 2 turns. (1/6 turns)]
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF)
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
9 silver coins
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK)
2 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
1 sword (+1 ATK)
4 large mushrooms (unknown)
1 damaged wolf skin
1 piece of wolf meat
1 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
[tabs: Splinters Bones]
Player: NotStickFigures
7/7 HP (6+1)
6 DEF (4+2)
6+6 ATK (2+4/2+4)
3 RATK (1+2)
Rage II [grants 4 temporary hp that are lost first, +4 ATK -2 DEF -1 RATK. Lasts 8 turns. Afterwards you have -2 ATK for 4 turns.] (1/fight)
Two-Weapon Fighting [allows you to fight with a weapon in each hand. 40% chance to miss for each. If Offhand weapon is light, 20% to miss for each.]
mark [A CRIMSON HARBINGER +1 HP +3 ATK +1 RATK; grants Rage II; grants "Two-Weapon Fighting"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 hatchet (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
6 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 shield (+1 DEF)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
7 paws[/tabs]Possible Loot:
.Mission history:
Turn 47:
The bear looked very battered and beaten up, limping, half blind and bleeding from several wounds.
Kills quickly patched up Defiles' worst wound, before the bear could attack again. Then, in a last upsurge of power, the bear charged forward quickly. Kills jumped back and fell on his back, while Defiles spit out a quick prayer and stepped forward, his sword pointed at the beast with both hands, his head ducked underneath the approaching teeth. The bear impaled itself on the sword, then crashed onto Defiles, crushing him into the ground. The strong scent of the bear and its thick furr all over him almost suffocated him. The hard ground and the overwhelming weight on his chest caused him excruciating pain.
His friends shot and hit the already dying bear until it stopped moving. Then, slowly, they pushed it aside and free the trapped Defiles.
Kills took good care of his heavily injured friend, and slowly the pain waned.
Then, Kills healed all of them back to full health.
This took about a half hour. The group felt refreshed again, not only from the sleep, but also from the healing. The goblins were ready to proceed with their mission.
-Nice to have you back, D34dlock!
.[tabs: Kills the Pain]
Player: Dlover
9/9 HP (6+3)
4.5 DEF (4+0.5)
2 ATK (1+1)
2 RATK (1+1)
Medic [heal 3 hp and stop bleeding (1/turn)]
Spell Combat [Allows you to cast one (1/turn) spell along with an regular attack]
Regrowth [heal over time: 2 hp in round 1 after casting, 2 hp in round 2 (1/turn)]
mark [OATH OF SALUBRITY II +2 HP; grants spell "Regrowth II"; grants "Spell Combat"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
8 silver coins
1 book [How to properly clean and seal wounds]
2 dagger (+0 ATK)
2 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 necklace (human family pictures)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
6 paws
[tabs: Blindingly Ignorant]
Player: Runsaround inherited from ChuckDaRighteous
8/8 HP
4 DEF (2+2)
3 ATK (1+2)
3 RATK (1+2)
5 MATK (3+2)
Sneak Attack [Deal x2 damage against 1 opponent while sneaking. Works only once per opponent per battle (1/3 turns)]
Magic Missile [deals 2 dam per missile / (1+MATK)/2 missiles, rounded down / missiles can be split between targets (1/turn)]
mark [ARTFUL ASSASIN II +2 ATK +2 RATK +2 MATK; grants "Sneak Attack"] PERMANENT
1 dagger (+0 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 chainmail armor (+2 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 amulett of stamina (+2 HP) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
11 silver coins
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
[tabs: Misses Wildly]
Player: D34dlock
9/9 HP (8+1)
4 DEF (1+3)
2 ATK (1+1)
9 RATK (4+5)
Multishot [Shoot 2 arrows on 1 target. (1/5 turns)]
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 shield (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 longbow (+2 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 dagger (+0 ATK)
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
5 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
6 sets of leather rags
6 straight branches
1 handfull of feathers
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
1 sets of teeth
3 paws
[tabs: Defiles Corpses]
Player: Spiderwrangler
10/10 HP (8+2)
8 DEF (3+5)
9 ATK (5+4)
2 RATK (1+1)
Defensive Fighting [Allows you to lower your ATK to increase DEF to a maximum of 2 points. Lasts 2 turns. (1/6 turns)]
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF)
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF)
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
9 silver coins
1 two-handed sword (+3 ATK)
2 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
1 sword (+1 ATK)
4 large mushrooms (unknown)
1 damaged wolf skin
1 piece of wolf meat
1 large axe (+3 ATK; too large to use, human size)
[tabs: Splinters Bones]
Player: NotStickFigures
7/7 HP (6+1)
6 DEF (4+2)
6+6 ATK (2+4/2+4)
3 RATK (1+2)
Rage II [grants 4 temporary hp that are lost first, +4 ATK -2 DEF -1 RATK. Lasts 8 turns. Afterwards you have -2 ATK for 4 turns.] (1/fight)
Two-Weapon Fighting [allows you to fight with a weapon in each hand. 40% chance to miss for each. If Offhand weapon is light, 20% to miss for each.]
mark [A CRIMSON HARBINGER +1 HP +3 ATK +1 RATK; grants Rage II; grants "Two-Weapon Fighting"] PERMANENT
1 sword (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 hatchet (+1 ATK) EQUIPPED
1 leather armor (+1 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather bracers (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 leather hood (+0.5 DEF) EQUIPPED
1 bow (+1 RATK) EQUIPPED
1 bottomless backpacks (There is a warning label on it "DO NOT ENTER" - "DO NOT FILL WITH LIQUIDS" - "CANNOT CONTAIN ANY INTERDIMENSIONAL ITEMS" - "ONLY HANDWASH" - {GAO} - Generic Adventurer Outfitter)
6 silver coins
1 hatchet (+1 ATK)
1 shield (+1 DEF)
1 slightly perforated wolf skin
2 piece of wolf meat
3 sets of teeth
7 paws[/tabs]Possible Loot:
.Mission history:

- Dlover
- Game Master
- Posts: 14130
- Location: Somewhere. Probably.
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 47
So, what was the plan? Cross the river, circle around the human settlement?
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
- Game Master
- Posts: 4876
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 47
As far as I remember you did create false tracks to misdirect the humans. You created it from the north-south path towards the river, then you returned on your own track and went east, a bit uphill towards the mountains in the far east. Think you wanted to circle the town.
But you were too tired and had to rest, so you decided to rest a bit behind the street, so you could still hear things going on there, but without getting spotted. Then the bear surprised you, except for the last one keeping watch.
So far, you could not hear any movement on the road before or after the bear fight.
But you were too tired and had to rest, so you decided to rest a bit behind the street, so you could still hear things going on there, but without getting spotted. Then the bear surprised you, except for the last one keeping watch.

So far, you could not hear any movement on the road before or after the bear fight.

- Converses Frequently
- Posts: 629
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 47
So circling around to the settlement is the plan?
I have no idea what I'm doing, and IT IS GLORIOUS!
- Dlover
- Game Master
- Posts: 14130
- Location: Somewhere. Probably.
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 47
Yeah, let's carry on with that.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.
My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)
- spiderwrangler
- Game Master
- Posts: 21091
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 47
Defiles is grateful to the others for saving his life after the beast fell on him.
(Any bear loot?)
(Any bear loot?)
Games I GM:
Games I play in:
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- NotStickFigures
- Prattles on Unremittingly
- Posts: 3288
Re: Foray Carnage Turn 47
Splinters is ready to follow on with the plan.