Special Ranks

For anything related to the Goblin's Community beyond the forum, or for anything that does not fit elsewhere. Newcomers should introduce themselves here.
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Special Ranks

Post by Wolfie » Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:44 am

Special Ranks as Voted By You
As a community, we are some pretty special people. Over the past few months and years, we've come together as a rather large family to share with each other our lives, experiences, tempers, and other parts of us that some would rather we didn't share. :P

Sometimes, these things distinguish us from the rest of the pack.
  • WearsHats
    - In the case of one of our dear friends, and moderators, WearsHats, this caused him to get the rank of CraftsGifts in the last forum before he was raised to Mod status. He still carries the title, it just sits a little behind his other one. :D
  • Zathyr
    - Given the rank of Smiths Silly Smiles for all his hard work in helping to come up with all of our Goblins related smilies that help us through the most difficult posts.
  • Arch Lich Burns
    - We owe Burns much for giving us the seed that started the Controversy! forum, thus was given the rank of Sparks Controversy!
  • LurksInShadows
    - For a more recent example, the Mods came together and gave LurksInShadows the title of CuresLightWounds for his exemplary ways of giving medical advice (part of his chosen profession offline) to us in the Health Thread. (Also a pun since we are all light here on the internet.)
  • BadgeAddict
    - Another example would be a nomination via PM for BadgeAddict to receive one for his help to Aegis recently.
  • BeanDip
    - As a memorial from us to her, we raised our friend BeanDip to Resident of the Sacred Statue Garden, so that she could be forever remembered among the heroes of the clan.

When they come from the community as a whole instead of a gift from those in charge, the ranks mean so much more. So, we open the floor to you, the forumites. Let us know who among you deserves to be distinguished and why.

*Please note* This is for you to nominate others, not for you to nominate yourself. Keep it respectful as well.

Moderators are allowed to nominate others. Their vote weighs evenly with everyone else's.

*This will be moved to Community ... eventually*

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Wolfie » Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:44 am

<reserved for rank list>
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Quarg » Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:19 am

This is a tag...it is only a tag...
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:44 am

I nominate LooksAtYouFunny (LAYF), for all his hard work, multiple games, So much time given to the forum, etc etc....

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by WearsHats » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:50 am

Any idea what title we'd give him?
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And what about Thinks, who has also made multiple games, organized God School, and stepped in more than a few times to cool things down in Controversy! by, well, thinking logically?
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:55 am

Aye, Thinks also, Can i nominate more than 1 person?

Thinks Title: Plays-with-Goblins
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Quarg » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:55 am

Thinks should be the Professor...but not until after Dec 2 when she does her defense...
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by WearsHats » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:07 am

You may nominate whomever you feels deserves it, with whatever you feel is appropriate. Whether the rest of the community agrees is another matter. Anyone whom you feel has earned a special place in the community, and special recognition for it.

(Or, in the case of Asks... Thunt bestowed the title on him, after listening to a few of his stories. Who are we to argue with Thunt?)
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Krulle » Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:45 pm

If Thunt himself gave Asks the new title, that tells us something about Fumbles and Goblinscomic as well....

Anyway, Fumble did not fumble the entrance quiz.... :)
So his new character might do him good. (Although Senor Vorpal Kickass'o didn't start well.... :)
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by WearsHats » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:11 am

Well, to be clear, Thunt himself called Asks "the human Fumbles" and said he "fumbled more than Fumbles," but it wasn't his idea to make that Asks's boards user title. Still, it came from Thunt. (And from the London group.) And Asks has been a core member of the community for some time now.
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by speakslittle » Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:02 pm

For his ability to defuse situation, Carrot. Waters Fires? Segues Quickly? Distracts somethingly?

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by GathersIngredients » Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:28 am

speakslittle wrote:For his ability to defuse situation, Carrot. Waters Fires? Segues Quickly? Distracts somethingly?
hrm, what about "defuses dynamite" or "professionally off-topic" :lol:
Or maybe something about "dispels explosive runes", perhaps?
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by WearsHats » Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:05 am

If anything, I'd go with "Ut!" or something. Flaming Carrot is known for being very random and surreal, and Carrot's technique here on the boards is to defuse tense situations with random silliness. A title that makes sense... just wouldn't make sense. ("Ut!" is Flaming Carrot's battle cry. It's the syllable no one uses anymore to refer to what we now call "do" - as in "do, ray, me." As a battle cry, it makes even less sense than "SPOON!")
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by GathersIngredients » Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:12 am

heh, why not make it "Ot!" instead? (can stand for "off topic" AND is a nod to the flaming carrot without any copyright infringements)
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Wolfie » Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:46 am

GathersIngredients wrote:heh, why not make it "Ot!" instead? (can stand for "off topic" AND is a nod to the flaming carrot without any copyright infringements)
or On Topic... since he likes to meander people back to the topic at hand. :)
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by WearsHats » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:28 am

For the record, "ut" is in the dictionary. Handy two letter Scrabble word. So there's no copyright infringement. But it's also in his avatar. So... *shrug* I just figure if he's getting a title for random distractions and named himself for a character who embodies the random and surreal, the title should reflect that.
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Synch » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:00 pm

No offense to Sir Carrot, but do we really want to reward a prestigious title just for providing forum diversions? I appreciate Carrot defusing arguments etc, but its nothing above and beyond like Badge's rescue or Lurks' professional advice.

Although in saying that, I suppose it is a notable feature/quality regarding Carrot so...

Meh, I don't make the decisions! :P
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Guus » Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:03 pm

I like the idea for Carrot. I like the guy. He defused numerous firestarters and smothered quite a few flames in the months that THunt was MIA, and he most definitely had a fun way of doing this. Without him, I seriously doubt the conflicts that happened would have ended as (reasonably) well as they have.

Just remember: I'm completely unbiased, objective and I know exactly what is right for everyone! :P
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Lurks_In_Shadows » Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:54 pm

I guess the question is "How high do we set the bar?" On the one hand, we want to reward those who significantly contribute to the forum. On the other hand, I'm guessing we don't want this to devolve into a popularity contest. (For the moment, I'm keeping my 2 cents to myself. I'm trying to decide if I'm unbiased enough to make a fair decision. I also feel a little...awkward as I'm one of the recipients of a special rank. We might want to avoid the appearance of a "club" that elects it's own members).

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Krulle » Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:14 pm

I've been observing the discussion for a while now.

While I do not mind if the bar might be considered to have been set low, I personally find these random, very offtopic posts annoying.
Granted, during certain discussions they proved wonders, but in other times they passed unnoticed.

Do we want to "reward" being offtopic, when we encourage others to stay on topic?

Personally I don't care wether Carrot gets a persoanl title or not.
And I'm pretty sure Carrot has seen thisnthread and the discussion about him already. So it will not come as a surprise anymore. We need to be faster saying yes or no....
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Guus » Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:43 pm

It's not really meant as a real surprise anyway though, is it?
I do get your point Krulle, but usually the topics were degraded already anyway, so in this case I don't think it would matter, mainly because Carrot most likely knows that general off-topicness is discouraged in normal situations.

But hey, it doesn't really matter anyway :P
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Lurks_In_Shadows » Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:49 pm

Knowing Carrot, he's probably amused to be generating this much discussion. :chuckle:
He doesn't even have to have said anything to prove distracting. He has become distraction personified. :) Maybe in his case we're going about this wrong. We may want to give him an appropriate title as fair warning to others on the thread. A sort of "truth in advertising", sort of like Asks.

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by GathersIngredients » Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:50 pm

This thread is public and hence not meant/feasible to surprise anyone. We could do that when we came up with custom user titles in the Mod forums, but we figured it would come across somewhat elitist, if we (the mods) bestowed all the custom titles at our whim(s).
So we made this thread here to give everyone the opportunity to suggest user titles for other people. But thusly, the element of surprise had to be "sacrificed". It's still a good trade-off IMHO.
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Krulle » Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:10 am

Lurks_In_Shadows wrote:Knowing Carrot, he's probably amused to be generating this much discussion. :chuckle:
He doesn't even have to have said anything to prove distracting. He has become distraction personified. :) Maybe in his case we're going about this wrong. We may want to give him an appropriate title as fair warning to others on the thread. A sort of "truth in advertising", sort of like Asks.
"Knows how to distract"?
- or -
"Distracts Timely"?
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by WearsHats » Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:17 am

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