Well, besides from being a fantasy nerd and overall a gigantic geek I am also an art student.
Obviously I have an unhealthy obsession for fantasy creatures and characters and therefore I draw that stuff all the time.
Would you like to look? Let's do this friend.

We're going to start with some goblin art. I have a D&D character that I will most likely never get to play because of my social anxiety and the
fact that it's hard as hell to find people to play with in Finland. My character is a goblin rogue by the name of Scabbs.
This character is actually right there as my avatar. (Unless this is the faaaar future and I've changed it in which case this is kind of awkward and makes me look like an idiot.

[thumbnail]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/ ... 7j5i7f.png[/thumbnail]
We're going to be going through an evolution of this character. This picture of the character is from, ohh... Two years ago? Sounds about right.
[thumbnail]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/ ... 5mb5od.png[/thumbnail]
I am not sure how long there was between the works but we're going to see the character change drastically. I eventually find a desgin that I like a lot. It's not this one.
[thumbnail]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/ ... 638zxn.png[/thumbnail]
In this piece I found one of the design choices that I've stuck with this character since this piece. It's the placement of the two daggers.(Yes, they're daggers. He's tiny.)
One across Scabbs' shoulders and the other hanging at the right side of his hip. There is just something I love about the asymmetrical placement.
[thumbnail]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/ ... 62dtb7.png[/thumbnail]
Nothing exciting. Basically the same picture as the previous one, only in a different style.
[thumbnail]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/ ... 63i80u.png[/thumbnail]
This piece actually is related to Scabbs' backstory. As a giant nerd I've of course written a lenghty backstory for my D&D character.
I've literally designed a city just for this one character. Yeah...
[thumbnail]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/ ... d63ec9a.pn[/thumbnail]
I'm not very happy with this one, but it has Scabbs in the picture so I feel like I need to include it in this list of this characters appearences.
[thumbnail]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/ ... 7j5ids.png[/thumbnail]
It's actually a lot of fun to go through these pictures of Scabbs. I get to see so many different ways I've drawn the character. Some are kind of awful.
[thumbnail]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/ ... 77ribw.png[/thumbnail]
This one is very recent work at this point. After taking a lengthy break from drawing this character I came back to him and made some changes to his design.
Clothes mostly. I chose to go with a darker color for his tunic as I flt it just looked better with his bright skin.
It's actually kind of funny how the color of his clothes has had a complete pigment change over these pictures.
[thumbnail]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/ ... 7j0q9l.png[/thumbnail]
I drew this basically yesterday. I really like the way the lighting turned out.
I don't draw enough backgrounds in my pictures and that usually means there is not a light source that affects my thinking. It's kind of a bad habit I have.
I've been trying to fix that by adding at least some basic background to most of my pictures.
Well then, I think that'll do for now. I have some other fantasy art that I'd love to talk about so I'll probably throw some more up in this topic when I feel like it.
Hope you've enjoyed this. I certainly have.