blatant postcount spamming

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blatant postcount spamming

Post by Shard » Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:01 am

feel free to completely ignore this, and if i voilate forum rules, then sorry, but i could not care less to be honest.

the is a mysterious post about thunt's posts being moved to a different forum, i lurk here just to get updates on the guy, and am curious about how he is doing, if he is feeling better.
I care for the guy, even though i never met him.

Now in order to acess this subforum i am required to have a certain here goes...

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Wolfie » Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:07 am

Well, at least you're honest about it :P
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by iziiziiziiziizi » Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:16 am

same reason i signed up :P

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Codigo » Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:06 pm

Heh, tought about the very same thing, but i┬┤m more inclined to try and make some "Useful"?? "On topic"??? post. Well, i hope at least this one counts as such.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Rattle » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:06 pm

Yeah I guess I'm going to have to do the same thing, I really like this comic, and I hope THunt is okay.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Rattle » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:10 pm

Does anyone else here actually play D&D?

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Rattle » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:11 pm

Not that I'm really expecting a whole lot of discussion in this thread. Hmm, are random facts okay? Octopi have three hearts!

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Rattle » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:12 pm

Any San Franciscans in the house? #Baylife

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Rattle » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:13 pm

Does this comic have a lot of non-American fans? I'd actually be curious to see which parts of the world generate the most traffic.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Rattle » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:14 pm

Well this is the last one. To the mods, sorry for doing this, I'm sure its annoying to see all these new accounts pop up out of the woodwork. I've been a longtime fan for over a year, I just want to see how THunt is doing every now and again.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Wolfie » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:41 am

Alright guys. Enough. :)

SeeAMoose already posted in the main Discussion forum that post count spamming for the sake of seeing the new forums is really frowned upon. I'm glad you were upfront with your want... so the first person to do it was ok. A whole bunch of you? Not so much. :P

Welcome to the forums btw! :)
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Shard » Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:04 am

Should i take pride in starting a tradition?

Should i feel ashamed it's an annoying one?

Should i feel justified because the vagueness of the situation forced my hand?

... nah, it is wat it is ...

As a suggestion to avoid situations like this in the future: just move the post, and dont even mention it, when a topic pops up asking about it, then explain where it went.
Alternatively, dont mention it was Thunt's topic in the first place, if you just put an announcement entitled "topics moved" with the content "Some topics have been moved to the ... section. We felt they were more appropriate there."
I would not even have wandered over.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by thinkslogically » Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:54 am

That would have happened really fast though in this case cos the threads were already public and pretty active before the move. Your way would probably work well for future posts though :)

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by IfIKnewAName » Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:24 am

Although I can understand the idea of this protective installment, it is a bit annoying for me, since I already posted once in Thunts thread before it was hidden. Now I neither can see any reaction to the post nor correct any misunderstandings if some should have arisen. Spamming posts is unwanted, but 10 quality posts is a lot of stuff, especially since the comic is on hiatus...

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by WearsHats » Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:40 am

10 posts has always been the requirement to see the protected areas of the forum. Specifically because they're protected. A place to talk about things with the established community without having them exposed to the full reach of the open Internet.

Thunt's original posts were coded so that only forum members could see them, and that proved insufficient protection. The posts' content was copied elsewhere. The violation of trust prompted the extra protection.

It's not ideal. Nor is having 10 posts in and of itself a guarantee. But the idea is that you should prove yourself to be a part of the community first, in order to earn some measure of trust. Spamming to raise your post count is the exact opposite of that.
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Rattle » Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:31 pm

Well this is unfortunate. All I really want is to be able to check up on an artist I like. I'm a serial lurker, so the post count thing is definitely an inconvenience, but I understand why its there.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Synch » Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:22 am

If you've lurked for a while, a post here or there each week really isn't a big ask. You could rack up 10 in a single conversation. People shouldn't need to resort to this sort of stuff.

Personally, I don't think much of people who will read everything but refuse to contribute. Everyone has something they can add. Each to their own though I suppose.
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Krulle » Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:23 am

double posting is impolite, yet it happens very often on this forum. (There's a guy who has a thread where he alone, and no-one else, posted 240 posts! full! Ugh! Incredibly disrespectful of the Netiquette of that guy!)
But doing this? And to circumvent specific protections?
It's not that hard to get to ten:
  1. Newcomers Check-in!
  2. Username Explanations
  3. a tidbit of discussion on the current comic page thread (1-2 posts)
  4. a bit of random guessing in the guessing threads, or just post in the random threads (easily 5 posts without double-posting)
  5. wellwishing in one or several threads (twitter-thread, Ice-cream sandwiches and Thunt-hugs,... (another 4 posts at least without double-posting)
IMHO, no double posting is necessary to get to a post-count of more than 25. Plus, at the same time, you'd be a contributing member, instead of just spamming the board.

I know sufficient forums where double-posting is forbidden, and some where it has been made "impossible" by introducing limiting features on the server side/forum software.
I personally already frown when someone posts something with a quote, then makes a new post with a different quote. While I can understand that (because it's so easy to do), when I am accessing the forum with a keyboard-device (or my wife's pearpad), I write the second post, mark all, copy, go back (without posting) to thread,find my own post (which should still be the last post), and edit that to paste the stuff I wrote in the second post.
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by thinkslogically » Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:38 am

Krulle wrote:double posting is impolite, yet it happens very often on this forum. (There's a guy who has a thread where he alone, and no-one else, posted 240 posts! full! Ugh! Incredibly disrespectful of the Netiquette of that guy!)
:lol: Took me a minute to find the thread you were talking about!

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Krulle » Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:03 am

Yeah. I vote that this guy gets BANNED! Ó▓á_Ó▓á

Or we might ask him first what he has to say.
I wonder if he has a good reason why it does not violate the Netiquette...
It's not as if a character limit per post forced him to do THAT....
Last edited by Krulle on Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by gamecreator » Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:07 am

Krulle wrote:double posting is impolite
Because of people like you, many people stress unnecessarily about every double-post. Double posting is not always impolite. The only impolite thing about it is rapid double posting (a variant of which you described).
Krulle wrote:I write the second post, mark all, copy, go back (without posting) to thread,find my own post (which should still be the last post), and edit that to paste the stuff I wrote in the second post.
More so, editing new info into your post post factum is impolite, even more so if it is not the last post in the thread.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Krulle » Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:11 am

That's why I wrote "which should still be last"...

Either way, you can't always do it right...
If someone posts a post in the meantime, I indeed go back to posting a second post (depending on topics).

On forums, the posting speed may be so high that I cannot reply to all I want to reply something in one go, so I work with editing posts.
If someone posted in the meantime, when I get around to commenting on more, I indeed do create a new post.
But if noone replied in the meantime, I do edit the previous post.
And indeed, sometimes it happens that my edit gets ninja'ed....

(And just because I frown at it being done, does not say I comment on it within the threads, which I need a conscious effort to not do.)
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by gamecreator » Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:13 am

You can't always do it right, but you can do it more right.

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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by Krulle » Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:16 am

And deciding what's "more right" depends on personal preference....
I acknowledge that you should double-post if you continue the discussion after 24 hours of thread inactivity, but below 12 hours you should edit your previous post if it's still the last one in the thread....
But you never know when someone comes around the corner and ninja's your post or edit.... And then you're always in knee-deep... :(

But something like this second post should never happen and should be edited/deleted by the user who apparently accidentally created the second post. (last example I really stumbled over this morning.)I even pressed the report button (to have mods delete the obvious erroneous double-posting - but that would have been impolite towards the mods), but aborted the reporting
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Re: blatant postcount spamming

Post by gamecreator » Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:23 am

Krulle wrote:you should edit your previous post if it's still the last one in the thread
This is still impolite, fooling people like that. Better to remove last post and make new combined one.
