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Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:56 am
Okay, simple game in the style of "Butler cut me some milk" "King of the hill", "Acronymphomania!" and "Guessing games"

The game consists of 3(4) phases:

Phase 1: A player (Judge) "opens a case by declaring Case title and the different parties of the case:
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Phase 2: The other players takes turn to represent one of the involved parties, trying to explain why there is a crime or why there is not, making claims, accusations and presenting "proofs" players may change side/party from post to post as much as they wish. as long as they remember to state what party the represent in each post.
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Phase 3 At some point the Judge (The player who opened the case) gives a verdict, based on what side he think gave the most Funny/scientific/scary/weird or what ever proves:
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"Phase 4" any player who at some point represented the winning party(ies) may to post as a now judge. (after 24 hours, anyone may post as a new judge)
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And with that:

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:56 am
We now open case 001 "Sock Gnome Conspiracy"
Cold left feet patients
The Kingdom of House Gnomes.

What are the charges?

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:05 pm
by Patdragon
Freezing Tooties here representing the cold left feet patients.

We declare that the members of the kingdom of house gnomes have been stealing only our left socks from the washing machines as we caught one red handed climbing out of the washer with several of our socks.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:53 pm
by Davecom3
Ah, Conan McDoogle, representin' zee Kingdom oov House Gnooms be.

As Tooties haz juz declared, he an his felloo coold foot patienz have eelleegally zmuggled theeze eelleezeet wares een an oot oov our kingdoom treezureez. Eet eez oonlee propeer tha we zhoold claim a fee oov ah leazt a few zleeping bagz ween we catch one oov theez eelleezeet zmuggleerz in zee act. If zay zhoold ztart accuzin' uz oov zuch criminail activiteez then ve vill have no recourze but to zeeze theer full inventoreez of zmuggled goodz for ze beeneefeetz oov all.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:13 am
Seeing as there is an impressive lack of evidence in this case, It is my verdict as Judge;
That all parties involved clearly have no idea why they are here, but seeing as that mumbo jumbo from short man McDoogle, mad not only me but the whole court laugh out loud as a leviathan! I will judge in favor of his comically cute small pants!
Kingdom of House Gnomes. is free of all charges!

(Dave, seeing as you were the only man on the defending side; your turn to be honored judge)
*lets hope more players will join as the game goes through a few rounds...

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:22 am
by Davecom3
We now open Case 002 "Rewritten Repasts"
Harrington's Huffy Historians
Templeton's Tenacious Time Travellers

What are the charges?

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:53 am
by Patdragon
Ian Matthew Late speaking on behalf of the Templeton's Tenacious Time Travellers or the Four T's

The case today is very simple we ares suing the the historians over loss of profits.

They need to be banned from publishing in the journey of absolute truth, because as soon a historian is published the fact causes a solid truth and the area becomes time locked along the area around it, preventing any more time travel to that time period and location. This is beginning to have dire effects on the amount of timelines and alternate universes we can go to and are losing funds from our customers we take back on day trips. We have had many complaints already about not being able to see key events which used to be our main attractions and are now stuck with side shows and of uninteresting things.

so once again I address the court and say thank you for your time but i must stop.

I.M Late Four T

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:57 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
Henry Hagglehoff honorably representing Harrington's Huffy Historians

H.H.H. would be most honored to present receipts proving we most graciously provided the majority of these travelers business. They should be thanking us for our distinguished patronage rather than suing us like the underclass dogs they are. They were well aware of our intentions to publish our findings on their trips. Now that we no longer need them for research, they are blaming us for their own lack of forethought on what the time-lock repercussions would have on their recreational business. The only reason they're actually taking this to court is because we had the forethought to visit Harrington's monumental founding of our most glorious society so we could preserve such an important event in our history books. In fact we would like to present your honor with a copy of our book so he may be enlightened by the grandiose importance of such a prominent event. If we hadn't foreseen their most devious betrayal of our honorable selves, these rats would have rewritten our renowned founding and caused our demise. Surely your honor can see that any further indulgence in their fantasies of having a higher calling than ours should surely be abolished immediately.

We thank your honor for his patience in dealing with such ludicrous connivers and his wisdom in ending their schemes. We rest our case.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:04 am
*Edit, I move my own post down here and deleted the other to allow for Chucks story to fit :)

Feces of Ramses The dinosaur riding space lord!

Sorry high judge! Henry Hysteria Hanson also of the Harrington's Huffy Historians here.

Pardon my language, but what Mr. I. M. Late is saying is utterly nonsense, and sadly my esteemed colleague Mr. H.Hagglehoff is also a bit off and not referring to any truth, but his little fairy tale is with the best intentions I am sure. But I will ask for this case to be closed on the fact that there is no case at all.

Trough my forty three years as a historian I have found so absolutely no proves that any time travel have ever occurred! and as such, the Templeton's Tenacious Time Travellers cannot be loosing any income on a job that cannot have had any in the first place!

To prove my point I will try to convince the honored judge by giving examples.

Example one, in our diggings around the pyramids in Egypt we found a 4800 year old super computer, and looking trough it it has no mention of time travels what so ever, not even in its archives of the twenty first, twenty second and twenty third century! We find it that when the Egyptians had so advanced machinery and have not recorded anything on time travels, there simply cannot have been any time traveling occurring at all.

another example, When the Nazis tried to conquer the Mayan moon empire during the great space war of 1252, don't you find it a bid odd, that if the time travel was possible, why did the world war II Nazies not send help to their friends? If they had won the moon back then I'm sure the outcome of WWII would not have ended in Hungary taking over all of Europe and force der F├╝hrer, aka "The king" aka "Elvis" to seek asylum in Hollywood new holland?

I find it unlikely that not one single find through history in any ways points to the existence of time travel, and even with the few things that may if one is really willing and twisting a few facts be interpenetrated as a find I can just as one of my coleuses said.. a doctor I think, but do not remember who he was ÔÇ£Never ignore coincidence. Unless, of course, youÔÇÖre busy. In which case, always ignore coincidence.ÔÇØ and any true historian is always busy!

I... do not remember what it was I wanted to prove with that last thing...
Sorry your honor!

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:51 pm
by YourNewOverlord
Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and two more people, a child and a very old man, appear in the courtroom.

*In unison*

We are Mr. Late's past and future selves, here to support him in this very important trial.

Well, more accurately, Future Late is here to support Present Late, and he just dragged Past Late along for... some reason...

Anyway, our very existence and presence at this court hearing PROVES that not only is time travel possible, but that we win this case! For, if we, Templeton's Tenacious Time Travelers, do not win this case, then we could not be here! As this is such an important event for our historian opponents, if they won, they would clearly mark it down in their precious history books to prevent us from changing it so that they lose, as we are doing right now. However, as we are here, this is clearly not a time-locked space, meaning they did NOT mark it down in their history books. And the only way that could happen is if they lose the case and are BANNED from writing down anything related to history, as we want them to be.

Ergo, Your Honor, you simply must declare us the victors of this lawsuit, lest you rip apart the very fabric of time and space with a paradox.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:07 pm
You honor, if I may?

Henry Hysteria Hanson again.

See.. that is exactly what kind of mumbo jumbo I'm talking about... clearly this is all just a case of smoke, mirrors and clones.
Either Time travel is possible and MR. Late has lied to us about who he is, as if using the made up principles of time travel, Mr Late would in fact be future Mr. Late. while as out Mr. Late would be Mr. Present, and the last Mr. Late from the history would be Mr. Past, but since they are all here they would all be Mr. Present who was far to Late when he was Mr. Past.
And if Time travel was possible and Mr Late knew that Mr. Present would not be jailed he would have no reason, quiet the opposite to travel to the past to get Mr. Past to Travel to the future which would be the Preseent to present himself Mr. Late and Mr. Past as the Defense of Mr. Present, because if he did so he would be interfering with a historical moment, thus breaking the law sending Mr. Present who would be his own Past to Jail, thus presenting Mr. Past with a future that would be counter productive to Mr. Late's wishes for his own Present!

Or. Time travel is Impossible and Mr. Late has simply cloned himself and pretends to be himself in three different instances.
Either way there is clearly evidence of fraud, impersonating in front of a judge as a minimum and if Mr. Late is right about time traveling he would just have made himself guilty of altering a moment in his own history, as as you know, all case in court is recorded for Future reference!

I have no more to add you honor!

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:14 pm
by YourNewOverlord
Okay I, Future Late, time travel on a regular basis and have NO CLUE what you just said. Go take a class on "Talking About Time Travel," and come back to me when you've mastered the twelve different tenses involved.

Your Honor, the fact of the matter is, while cloning isn't possible, time travel obviously is. And while it's physically impossible to interfere with a historical moment, this place only becomes a historical moment if we lose. As of right now, when we haven't yet won or lost, the moment is in flux, but allowing us to lose would result in a reality breaking paradox.

The point is not whether or not we SHOULD win the case. It's just that you don't have a choice but to give it to us, or end all reality.

So this is a sort of temporal extortion, I suppose, but since I am from the future, it's far out of your jurisdiction.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:31 pm
You honor, may I have the word?

Tom Trats, former member of Templeton's Tenacious Time Travellers, here to speak in defense of Harrington's Huffy Historians.

As have been mentioned before, Time travel is impossible, I myself quiet Templeton's Tenacious Time Travellers due to the fact that they could not provide what they said.

To prove my case, the "Future" Mr. Late claims to be Mr. Late from a preset future, and that the timeline is set. now I want you to look at "Future" Mr. Late's left palm. see any scars? no, good.

Mr Late, if you will be so kind as to place your left hand palms up... thank you SNIKT *sound as Mr. Trats stabs Mr Late in the hand, quickly he is arrested by two police officers and carried out of the court screaming: "Look, the universe still exists!!!! So either "Future" Mr. Late is lying about you not having a choice because you risk oblivion or his hand will now have a scar, thus he would be lying about you not having a choice because the future is set! Or lastly, he is a clone!!! Either way.. he is lyyyyiiiiing..........."SLAM!

**All remember that you may play multiple persons, even represent both sides if you will with different characters, as long as you do not double post...

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:44 pm
by YourNewOverlord
See, you still don't understand this, do you? This point is not fixed. The future is NOT set in stone. And, as you can see, I now have a rather painful scar on my hand.

However. The reason that the OUTCOME of THIS SPECIFIC TRIAL is fixed, your Honor, is because I could only be here if a certain outcome happened. Now, Mr. Psycho over there could have stabbed my past self... could somebody get him a doctor? Yes, thank you. Anyhoo, he could have stabbed my past self, your present self, regardless of whether I was here or not- it had no impact on the future, nor any impact on whether or not I would arrive here. However, since time travelers cannot go to places that have been written in the history books, and I am here, clearly this case was never written in a history book, ergo, we win. The future generally isn't fixed, but I have set this specific circumstance up in such a way that the result of this court case is, in fact, fixed.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:59 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
Your honor, Hagglehoff again.

Ahem, the mere fact that this future Late, deemed it necessary to unceremoniously interfere with your esteemed proceedings should be proof enough that you would not rule in their favor. As to why we have not locked this moment in time if we win, the argument the devious late is so crudely trying to deceive you with, is a simple matter of the time it takes to publish. We do not take our profession lightly. We must have everything perfect. Nothing less will pass our standards Allow me to educate in our process.

First we must select The historian who will write the event. We must hold committee to determine who is most qualified to right on a subject. Upon selection we send out conformation forms to our members so that they may consent to our decision. This process takes about 2 weeks. We want our members to have plenty of time to consider our choice. If we do not have at that point a 95% approval we start the process over again. It usually takes 5 to 8 iterations before we agree. Then we repeat this process with our Co-writer. Then with our fact checker. The our Co-fact checker. Then the editor. Then the researcher. Finally the Co-editor. At which point Writer has the write to veto any member of the selected group, in which case we start their approval process over. The years it takes to get just the right party together is essential to making a truly great historical novel.

Then the writer starts the first draft. Which is then rewritten by the co-writer. Which is passed to the fact checker. Then back to the writer who makes necessary adjustments. Then its off to the co-fact checker, then co-writer, then the editor, then co-editor, then to the researcher, before finally going back to the writer who then has permission to start the second draft. Anyways I could go on and on about the perfection of our process but we wish to wrap these procedings quickly, will just say we accept no less than 237 drafts before we allow our product to go to print.

Since I won't deny your honor the pleasure of such a riveting subject as our breathtaking process, I will present your honor with a copy of our amazing book on the matter. I assure you its quite an amazing read. In fact it was written by my very nephew.

The simple fact of the matter is your honor, you shouldn't waste any more time listening to the drivel that comes out of conspiring mongrels. We know a man of your esteemed reputation would not want to indulge this pitiful circus act any longer. I implore you to please settle the matter.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:06 pm
by YourNewOverlord
Bah! I'm from the future! I'm 237 years old, due to time travel, relativity, and a whole bunch of stuff from the future that I won't confuse your petty little present-day heads with. Besides! If you fix this point at any point in time, it's still fixed! Time isn't linear! The only reason I could be here is if this point is NEVER fixed! Why, the only reason anyone can travel ANYWHERE in time is because eventually, even all the fixed points become un-fixed- again due to time travel! We win this case so well that we completely break the concept of history or history books, and retroactively remove them from existence! This case needn't even happen since technically YOUR COMPANY DOESN'T EXIST! As soon as we win, we shall win so completely that we never had a reason to win or lose because none of it ever happened!

Gods I love time travel!

*Rides a cyborg moon dinosaur out of the courtroom*

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:11 pm
"See! even his transportation system is in sync with our year 2014 standards! He is not from the future!! there is no proof of time travel!!!" yells Henry Hysteria Hanson!

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:13 pm
by YourNewOverlord
Don't be absurd, I'm simply using modern technology to fit in with this day and age a little better. Although technically the non-interference act hasn't yet been passed in my time, there are still time police from when it has been passed who cause all sorts of problems.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:33 pm
by Davecom3
The Judge must rule you last three out of order, as you failed to state what side you were on in your posts.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:36 pm
*Uhhh.. he keeps it going :P ... hmm... must think up a character who is for the time travelers! hmm.. will be back >:D ....

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:37 pm
by YourNewOverlord
I did not. I stated what side I was on when I came to this courtroom, and it's not like I'm going to spontaneously transform into some other person, nor would I, Mr. Future Late, switch sides in the middle of such an important, (and, I might add, fixed) trial. Why on Earth would I need to remind everyone every three seconds what side I'm supporting?

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:41 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
Your honor, Hagglehoff here yet again.

I find the future Mr. Late's comment interesting. If in the future, they create laws against interfering with the past, then it should it in fact since it deal with transgressions occurring in the past, it should also apply retroactively to past transgressions. Therefore Mr. Late's very interference with these proceedings against the law. That includes the young past Late as well since he should not be here. Which obviously means the present late has in fact also previously interfered. I demand all three be taken into custody immediately and their comments be stricken from the record as they are in clear violation of the law!

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:43 pm
by Davecom3
The rules of the game must be adhered to. This ruling is final. "as long as they remember to state what party the represent in each post."

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:49 pm
by YourNewOverlord
Ah ah ah.

"players may change side/party from post to post as much as they wish. as long as they remember to state what party the represent in each post."

As I have not yet changed sides, there was no need for me to state which side I was on.

Also, I'm in clear violation of a law that does not, for you, exist. It's out of your jurisdiction. Now, if you were a time traveler from the point where the law existed, you might have a point, but you do not. That law technically doesn't even apply to me, but it saves me a lot of hassle to follow it anyway.

And it's more "don't bring future technology to the past" than anything else.

Re: Conspiracy Judge! (A fully open to all game)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:55 pm
Howdy Mr. White Wig!

Elmo of Gunslinger Range, here to talk for Templeton's Tenacious Time Travellers!

Honored Judge, I say you just let them boys be boys and outlaw that damn Historian Hugly puflies or what they called them self! Today they may just be trying to take our ability to time travel away, but what about tomorrow? will they be trying to take our right to bare lags? or try to tell you we cannot marry our own daughters because of a "history of inbred problems" they just made up? er will they try to tell you that earth is not shaped like a banana?

Se judge the problem is, either the historians is right and there is no problem at all....
...or.... Or! We time travelers are right and you'll have angry revengeful gunslingers and time criminals from a theoretically endless amount of timelines and realities out to get you for bad judging!

I am of course in all respect not threatening you or even implying to threaten you! I'm just saying that some less lawful people might not like it if you judged wrong you honor!