GAL: Q4 - Completed (please move eventually)

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by Quarg » Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:20 pm

Actually, I will request the wizard's cloak if it will fit over my armor.

And I thought someone requested the Bezerker Axe...Leaves actually.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:54 pm

You know I could have sworn someone claimed it and then couldn't find it when double checking. Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed. That just leaves the slippers unclaimed.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by SaruSama » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:34 pm

If no one wants them ill claim the slippers

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by SaruSama » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:35 pm

Also Thanks Badge for a great game. It was a ton of fun. :)

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by Synch » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:48 pm

We got there in the end, hooray! Thanks everyone, was a lot of fun :)

If any of the items are not magical and we end up selling them, I would be interested in a small portion of the gold to pay for Ralf working on my rat hide and shield.

Side-thought: I wonder if you put the slippers and a trophy ear in the chest, they would fuse to make slippers of soundless movement or something :P
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:57 pm

I think what ever we sell off we'll split evenly 6 ways.

Any yeah, everyone else has thanked you badge, and its somehow slipped my mind to do the same till now. Indeed, I did had fun and thoroughly enjoyed the artwork. The little touches like the look on the mutts face before he bit my ear off made the whole experience amazing. Thanks for GMing.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by GathersIngredients » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:39 am

Erm, I am okay with the general loot splitting (what everyone got in their personal tab/spoiler), but I object to everything that wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Walks
(namely the red ant queen head, the water basin (Soars just put it back onto the nightstand, after finding out what it does) and especially the skull chest and the bone key)
to go to belong to the guild without Walks even getting a say in this. (If that is what Chucks' post is saying.)

I said multiple times already that I would like Walks to own the never-ending basin and no one objected to that. (The GAL HQ can USE it to everyone's heart's content, I don't mind that, but it should belong to her, so, if she someday decides to go and create an oasis in the middle of the desert with it or found her own brewery and supply that with the finest, purest water, she should be able to do that 8) ) I also repeated time and again that I would like Walks getting credit/the reward, if any for the ant head trophy, since she came up with the "master plan" that got rid of the red ant queen in ONE turn, without even having to fight her. I am not even willing to discuss giving up ownership over the skull chest and bone key. If it wasn't for Walks, those would still be in the tower and we would have no idea what they are capable of.
Most likely Walks will allow people to use them (the chest & key), possibly for a small fee or something, but they belong to Walks, even Badge said that.

Sorry if that comes across greedy, but Walks worked hard for those (she had to carry the basin the whole time, unable to defend herself, and she left it behind only when she had to when they climbed the vines because it needed two hands to carry around; she alone remained behind when everyone else went to the red ant lair and later she came up with the plan for the red ant queen's demise) or her incredible pack rat urge just kept the item from being left behind.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:07 am

I should think, that if the Hookah or ants head are given to the tavern owner guy to hang on the wall that it should be the entire group that shares in the reward of it as opposed to just yourself...Although it may have been your idea, that doesn't mean that the rest of the group stood around doing nothing....if there is a monetary reward for the ant head, i would hope that you would be willing to share it....I'm not trying to take away from whose idea it was, but at the same time, you went on this quest as a group, not solo....

If you are to split treasure in this fashion, then everything that the dragon gave william should be williams to keep, because it was his smooth talking that did all of that.....

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by Quarg » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:09 am

GathersIngredients wrote:Erm, I am okay with the general loot splitting (what everyone got in their personal tab/spoiler), but I object to everything that wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Walks
(namely the red ant queen head, the water basin (Soars just put it back onto the nightstand, after finding out what it does) and especially the skull chest and the bone key)
to go to belong to the guild without Walks even getting a say in this. (If that is what Chucks' post is saying.)

I said multiple times already that I would like Walks to own the never-ending basin and no one objected to that. (The GAL HQ can USE it to everyone's heart's content, I don't mind that, but it should belong to her, so, if she someday decides to go and create an oasis in the middle of the desert with it or found her own brewery and supply that with the finest, purest water, she should be able to do that 8) ) I also repeated time and again that I would like Walks getting credit/the reward, if any for the ant head trophy, since she came up with the "master plan" that got rid of the red ant queen in ONE turn, without even having to fight her. I am not even willing to discuss giving up ownership over the skull chest and bone key. If it wasn't for Walks, those would still be in the tower and we would have no idea what they are capable of.
Most likely Walks will allow people to use them (the chest & key), possibly for a small fee or something, but they belong to Walks, even Badge said that.

Sorry if that comes across greedy, but Walks worked hard for those (she had to carry the basin the whole time, unable to defend herself, and she left it behind only when she had to when they climbed the vines because it needed two hands to carry around; she alone remained behind when everyone else went to the red ant lair and later she came up with the plan for the red ant queen's demise) or her incredible pack rat urge just kept the item from being left behind.
First, I disagreed when I was able to finally post on the never ending basin claim...

Second, it is a bit disingenious to demand a sharing of the spoils but then want to claim because you carried an object (actually the most effective anti-imp weapon we had) while those of us who carried other weapons/objects proceede to divide them up to try and be overall fair to our other members.

Now, if you don't want to turn it over to the guild, fine...but I think we all have a 1/6th interest in it. And we can discuss you (and I possibly) buying out the others share...
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:13 am

And i would also say, that yes, although the skull chest/bone key was "requested" by yourself...if chuck hadn't been nice enough to pick it up and bring it to you, it wouldn't have existed, I added in the special ability for it, after it was well as to spark more intrigue into the crystal heart...and chuck (for bringing it) has as much vested interest in it as you have.

I'm not sure why I'm getting into this.....but, i would hope that things are done fairly without me....i know that the glory feels good, but sharing that glory can feel 10x better.....

All the old war stories that you hear, the ones that are remembered are the ones who accomplished something's rare you hear stories about people who did something alone..

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:20 am

GathersIngredients wrote:I said multiple times already that I would like Walks to own the never-ending basin and no one objected to that.
I only compiled what was after Badge's loot sort post. Anything said before that was ignored. I honestly don't mind you keeping the basin if you want it.

I also repeated time and again that I would like Walks getting credit/the reward, if any for the ant head trophy, since she came up with the "master plan" that got rid of the red ant queen in ONE turn, without even having to fight her.
Trophies once turned in are guild items, which is why they're in that section. To some extent this is to help with the update of the trapper keeper. I wasn't going to put a bunch of stuff that immediately exited our inventory again. You still get credit for the head, and I still want credit for the hookah.

I am not even willing to discuss giving up ownership over the skull chest and bone key. If it wasn't for Walks, those would still be in the tower and we would have no idea what they are capable of.
Most likely Walks will allow people to use them (the chest & key), possibly for a small fee or something, but they belong to Walks, even Badge said that.
But keeping the chest just to charge people a fee to use.... that I do find a touch on the greedy side. The unabridged quote from badge said that while it was currently in your possession, he had intended this to be a guild item. Also Leaves didn't specifically put the chest down, it just didn't go to his inventory the way most things do, an easy thing to overlook on his part. And while you may have suggested taking it was I who did the legwork, since you were already gone. I just don't see this as an "all mine" item.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by Synch » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:34 am

GathersIngredients wrote: I am not even willing to discuss giving up ownership over the skull chest and bone key. If it wasn't for Walks, those would still be in the tower and we would have no idea what they are capable of.
Most likely Walks will allow people to use them (the chest & key), possibly for a small fee or something, but they belong to Walks, even Badge said that.
You know, I was trying my best not to get involved in all this petty finders keepers nonsense, but reading this bullshit got me a bit annoyed, mostly because of how you're behaving.

If you read back on page 26 it was ME who climbed the bookcase and retrieved the chest, Laughs had the key, I asked him to open it. This is why I ended up with the crystal heart. This was all confirmed by Badge.
Synch wrote:Leaves No Trace scans the books in the bookcase to see if any are of any interest and takes any of relevance. He climbs up to get the chest, and then holds it out to Laughs to attempt unlocking it with the bone key, or else borrows the key from Laughs and tries it then returns the key.
BadgeAddict wrote:Leaves goes through the books on the shelves but all of them are in strange languages that he has never seen before. He throws out a few of them in order to climb to the top and retrieve the small chest. The bone key is inserted into the skull chest and as it opens, Leaves, Walks & Laughs find themselves staring at a Crystal heart.
I don't even see how you ended up with it; if anything it should have been in my possession. I never said i dropped it or left it behind, and I wasn't planning to as I assumed I had it. I was just trying to be the bigger person when you started going on about it being yours. After all, its a virtual item and this is a game!

For gods sake people, how old are we here?!

I'm a bit embarrassed really, I'm sorry Badge that there's been all this shit about loot. My only suggestion, through no fault of yours, is that loot rules are clearly outlined before quests to prevent this sort of petty shit happening. Maybe people only pick up one item per round, or a tab gets made for communal items that will be divided up at the end regardless of who finds, uses or holds them.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:53 am

I understand your frustration Synch, and i too would like a better way to handle loot, though this is difficult for items that i never planned to be loot.....

It's sad to admit how little of this part 2 (items) i had already created and planned on...I made a lot up as we went along, typically i would have one of those "oh shit" moments when i suddenly realized that i should have thought of something to be in the chest, and a lot of times, the items in the chest were something that you needed at the moment. I'm sorry if this is heartbreaking to hear that what you own was made up at the last second, but this is what it is...

As for loot, and in order to accommodate people from other time zones.....i will have to think of a new loot system then what i had created (which was none)

The skull chest was something i made up in order to make my job as trapper keeper easier....when you guys start combining items, it should start using up items in your inventories....I would like it to be a guild item that anyone can use.....without having to pay a fee.....

The water basin, hookah & Ants head are to me all stuff that could be turned over the head of the tavern as trophies....mostly because I'm quite unsure 1. if other DM's would allow you to take the basin with you and 2. what the heck you would do with it anyway...

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by GathersIngredients » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:14 am

Quarg wrote:First, I disagreed when I was able to finally post on the never ending basin claim...
Could you please link to this? I must have overlooked it or something, but I can't seem to find it. Thank you kindly in advance.
And also thank you kindly for refraining from any more unfriendliness in the future. You know what I'm talking about. These last two sentences go for Synch, too.

I was not and am not saying that ALL the mentioned items should be Walks' and Walks' alone. But I objected to ALL of them going to the GAL without her having a say in this. (Again: IF that is what Chucks' post was trying to say, in the first place - which, according to his most recent post, it doesn't seem to be.)
That's all I was trying to say. (Might have not worded it carefully enough to avoid the impression of me going on a bit of a wild tangent with the rest of my last post. Apologies for my part in any misunderstandings.)
Walks even bought that bottle of rum for the WHOLE inn to celebrate when she came back from her first assignment. That was 8 gold. She's not frugal. She's not greedy. And neither am I.

I am all for offering the ant queen's head to the inn keeper, to be mounted as a trophy, but I want Walks to get something out of it. (TL explicitly wrote that the inn keeper was looking for trophies to hang onto the inn's walls and that he'd be willing to pay a pretty penny for it. TBH, glory would be fine, too. But some... recognition of her deeds.) I'm not adverse to the rest of you getting something out of it, too (dunno where you would get an idea like that), but Walks is going to want credit for what she did. She'll probably be happy to just sit down in the inn and recount the tale when they bring it back and possibly again whenever she's there and someone new enters the inn and asks about it.

I don't mind everyone at the HQ using the basin, but even according to Quarg, it is 1/6th Walks' property, and - depending on the offer, if any - she might not be willing to give that 1/6th up to anyone. 1/6th of endless water supply is mathematically still endless water supply, that's nothing to sneeze at. If the rest of you want to give up your 1/6th shares on the basin, gifting it to the HQ or whatever, you are certainly free to do that, but you can't make Walks do the same. That's what I was objecting to.

And on the skull chest and bone key, I figured that since it was empty and no one took an interest in containers so far Leaves would have left it behind, and it was free for grabs. If that's not the case, then that seems to have been a mistake on my part. Sincere apologies to Synch and everyone else who wanted it.
Walks wanted it because she wanted a box that can be locked, that's all. (And I daresay you all wouldn't have given a second thought about this, if those items would have remained what they were. :roll: )

About the fee: even Ralf takes a charge for his crafting (and he doesn't even need the money, he is an NPC that has no costs and nothing he wants to buy) and the beer costs something, too. If people (this can be Leaves alone, Walks & Right or the whole group) offer a great service (combine two useful items into one hopefully even more useful item), why exactly should it be free, badge?
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:29 am

2 or more items = 1 new item...just saying...

at minimum, if we are moving forward on a 1/6 ownership enterprise...then the fee for using the chest (maximum) should cost no more than .1 gold per person = .6 gold per use....that i could live with....though, perhaps the barkeep might want the chest as a trophy of sorts and buy all of you out of it and/or "reward" and then offer it to everyone as a "tavern item" at a cost...I'll let thinks decide that

The reason that NPC's take your money even though they don't spend it on anything is because that's the only way to relinquish anyone of their money...

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by Synch » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:43 am

Wow. Just wow. I would think all the items that can benefit everyone (trophies, magic chest, basin) should belong to no-one and available to everyone (for free) because it's all about the GAL and working together as a group. As much as we are individuals, each quest involves a team that works together, not for personal gain or glory but for the good of the GAL itself. What I take or ask for is to make me a better group member (the rat hide is for me to make a cloak, not a trophy), not to make me look better.

This need for personal gain, credit or acknowledgement is just astounding. I have no idea what sort of self worth you have but acting all vainglorious and narcissistic in an online forum game I shake my head at. It's like demanding that people like your status on Facebook. I don't know about you, but I play these forum games for fun, to take part in the GAL, and to help others out. Period. And I think niceties went out the window when you critiqued people for wanting to share stuff with others, and demanding individual credit.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by thinkslogically » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:38 am

GathersIngredients wrote:even Ralf takes a charge for his crafting (and he doesn't even need the money, he is an NPC that has no costs and nothing he wants to buy) and the beer costs something, too. If people (this can be Leaves alone, Walks & Right or the whole group) offer a great service (combine two useful items into one hopefully even more useful item), why exactly should it be free, badge?
Hey! Ralf has hopes and dreams and bills too you know! Savage didn't just let him move in for free :)

Anyway, to clarify a couple of things - trophies are things that are really only intended to make the GAL look cool. They'll probably have minor effects on how some "outsiders (NPCs)" will view it, so if you fill it with candy floss, you'll likely get a different reaction from folk than if you filled it with skulls and built a blood-fountain out the front, but it's not intended to be a major mechanic. The entire point in the GAL is to run mini-quests, not a campaign, so it's largely flavour and an accumulation of reminders that you did a bunch of badass stuff :)

Anything you earn from a trophy will be split between the entire returning group unless there's unanimous agreement to reward particular people for some reason (maybe someone was truly heroic or took down a monster solo or something. Again though, it's up to you).

I am going to step in and rule against selling or trading the water from the unlimited fountain. Having an in-game Thing that produces an unlimited amount of a Commodity for free is one thing, but if the distribution of that commodity is controlled by a single player or group, then it's basically a licence to print / mine your own money / gold which goes against the spirit of the game (which is largely "wing it and have fun"). So, you don't have to allow anyone else the use of it if you don't want to, but you can't trade the water. I have no problem with you selling or trading individual items though (including the fountain if you want to keep it for yourselves, which is also totally fine).

The magic box... I'll leave that one up to you guys, just don't expect to run a business on Savage's property without paying him a cut :) But whatever, if that's what you want to do, it's your stuff and you can rent it out if you want to, same as for anything else you own. I will also just point out now that whatever you decide to do will have absolutely no bearing on the mechanics of the item. I am a lawful neutral GM and this is your game to play :P

Other than that I don't really care what you do with your loot, but you're welcome to continue this discussion in the GAL if you want some NPC input :)

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:44 am

Because, technically, the dragon was gonna drop you off back at the tavern....

...only slightly ripping off one side of the building in its less-than-accurate landing....i suppose that will have to be rebuilt...perhaps making a "trophy" wing off to one side...oops

so, unless you were arguing about how to split the loot the whole way back, you could now assume that you were back in the tavern..which is missing one wall...most likely the rightmost wall...

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by Quarg » Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:56 pm

Gathers: I apparently wrote it at some point then deleted it when dealing with Just take what you apologies for that mistake...
But I was trying to establish a system for equal distribution of all the items.

Now then, it was Williams plan to use the water basin to support a brewery and bath house addition to the tavern...for weary members of the GAL...and increase our personal revenues. Especially from Non-GAL visitors...(drinking water will be supplied free of charge)

(I very much doubt I can participate in another adventure until after August)
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:00 pm worries Quarg, as I will be taking a break till september for rest and then a weeks vacation i plan on taking in august....and unless another DM comes along...and/or patdragon's quest is completed through either 1. completion or 2. party're stuck with me.... >:D

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by Quarg » Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:18 pm

BadgeAddict worries Quarg, as I will be taking a break till september for rest and then a weeks vacation i plan on taking in august....and unless another DM comes along...and/or patdragon's quest is completed through either 1. completion or 2. party're stuck with me.... >:D
Ah...but it is my plan to finally create....

Hats...The Tomb of the Mad Hatter...A GAL adventure...
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by spiderwrangler » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:01 pm

All the bitchiness and squabbling is making Laughs feel stabby. He giggles as he strokes the blade of his axe lovingly. What is 1/5 of a pile of loot worth in today's market?
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:27 am

Have you guys figured out what everyone gets? if so, put it together and i will add it to the trapper keeper. If you would like to start throwing items in the chest to make something else, type up what you want in the Main GAL page and either Thinks and/or I will roll for you to see what you come up with.

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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed (please move eventually)

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:19 am

I'm fine with the division that Chuck put forth, except I don't have a need for the old journal, so will dump that into the pot. As far as the items for the guild/selling, I think having Costa and his magic seeing lenses look at anything we think might be magic would be a good idea... at that point, if someone wishes to claim it, we can handle it then.
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Re: GAL: Q4 - Completed (please move eventually)

Post by Quarg » Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:45 am

I think there are a few items currently in Limbo that Gathers wants as her own...
I asked for the Wizards Robe if it could go on over my chain mail but go no response back on that...
Really...why are you reading this?

Eileen Ap'Fyretorr

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