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Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 34

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:53 am
by Jibjib
Turn 36


While Licks picks himself up and readies an attack, the dretch turns its attentions on Sees, who bravely overcomes his fear of the monster to both heal his friends and land a hit. Soul uses Ember again, while Worf makes a leap of faith straight onto the other demon, sending them both crashing through the ramp! Both are a little battered and bruised by the fall, but its nothing serious, and while Worf is light enough to clamber back up the boxes, the second dretch will be stuck down here.


Dodger jumps onto the blue button, which responds with a loud 'click'. He hears a whirring of machinery as the rising liquid sends the floating chest up the tube on the far wall a ways.

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Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:11 pm
by CroverusRaven
Dodger moves off the blue button and jumps onto the green one.
If the chest continues to rise he'll then jump on the red one.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:18 pm
by I'mBob
Soul repeats using Ember, this time on the other dretch.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:59 pm
by Nerre
"Ouch, that really hurt."
Sees hits the monster again and runs behind Licks before he can get hurt again.
Then he heals Licks and himself for 1 hp each. (he corrupted 2=>1, me not 1=>1, right?)

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:04 am
by GathersIngredients
Licks uses his new ability "charge!" and attacks the demon thingy twice.

@team: all you other players should get another action this turn from his ability, too, so maybe attack twice also, so we can finish them up faster? :idea:

@ GM: I just remembered that Licks might have picked up some bracers, too, something with runes, that didn't give any DEF bonus (yet?). Is that correct?
Also, could you please explain how the sonic crystal in the armor Licks is wearing works? I forgot, and there is no place I can read it up, I think.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:56 pm
by Nerre
OOC: If sees can do something twice, he will heal twice instead of once. so 2 hp for licks, 2 for sees.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:04 pm
by CroverusRaven
OOC: I'm technically 2 rooms away, do I still get the extra turn?

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:12 am
by Runsaround
Worf tries to finish off the Dretch with another axe-swing.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:28 am
by Jibjib
To answer a few questions: anyone in the same room as Licks (in this case, himself, Worf, Sees and Soul) can take another action this turn, be it attacking, healing or moving. As healing is a minor action, Sees may heal twice and attack. Dodger is one room away diagonally, so can make an additional move this turn; he can for example, move twice to get into the same room as the others, then attack, or move three times. However, for Dodger, the additional action must be a move action.

@Gathers: Hah! I knew there was something I'd forgotten! That explains why I had to write something in for no reason I could remember :P I'll add them to Licks' Inventory and remove that thing :) Thanks

Also, Licks' crystal works by absorbing sonic attacks in the same room, e.g. if a Vargouille screams in a room containing you, Soul and Worf, none of you will be affected, and the item gains one charge. When you choose, you can unleash the stored charges as a blast, damaging anything in the room, for 1 damage per charge. As the crystal is delicate, it has a chance of breaking when you are hit in combat and unleashing the effect anyway. It currently has 3 charges stored up.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:10 am
by CroverusRaven
I'll use my bonus move action to move onto the purple button after he has tested the red and green ones.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:39 am
by GathersIngredients
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Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:09 pm
by CroverusRaven
I'm just now noticing I have very little loot compared to everyone else. How did the rogue end up with less loot?

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:34 am
by Nerre
Jibjib wrote:As the crystal is delicate, it has a chance of breaking when you are hit in combat and unleashing the effect anyway. It currently has 3 charges stored up.
Sound rather like a mage item, maybe it would last longer with Soul than Licks?

@Crovers: Maybe cause we split up so much in the beginning? I don't know. But I think we will forward what somebody else really needs, worked good so far. :)

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:55 am
by CroverusRaven
I like the sounds of that rapier.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:28 am
by GathersIngredients
CroverusRaven wrote:I'm just now noticing I have very little loot compared to everyone else. How did the rogue end up with less loot?
Probably because you were busy checking for traps a lot? :shrug:

I know Licks has so much gear, because he picked up everything that lay around at least one turn without anyone taking it. (Like the wooden spear, that one of you threw, but showed no intention of ever getting back...) And I hate things going to waste. You never know when you can use something like that again. But if you would like something from his inventory, feel free to ask for it. :D I'm not set on hoarding stuff.
CroverusRaven wrote:I like the sounds of that rapier.
What rapier are you talking about?
Jibjib wrote:Also, Licks' crystal works by absorbing sonic attacks in the same room, e.g. if a Vargouille screams in a room containing you, Soul and Worf, none of you will be affected, and the item gains one charge. When you choose, you can unleash the stored charges as a blast, damaging anything in the room, for 1 damage per charge. As the crystal is delicate, it has a chance of breaking when you are hit in combat and unleashing the effect anyway. It currently has 3 charges stored up.
In that case, Licks releases all 3 charges for good measure. These things need to go down before they corrupt anyone else. UNLESS "damaging anything" means ALLIES (in other words "friendly fire"), too. We don't want that.

Oh, and is it just me, or does the goblin look a bit naked? Did his leather armor turn invisible? :P :lol: o:)

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:49 am
by Jibjib
Hush :P

Waiting for a pm about an individual character before the update, but the earliest it will be is 9pm GMT as I'm off to work in a minute :)

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:58 am
by CroverusRaven
Sorry, I mean the Razor-sharp Cutlass

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:34 am
by Jibjib
Turn 37


Licks unleashes a mighty warcry, lending haste to him and his friends. Sees uses this advantage to heal himself and Licks in quick succession, while Soul, in a move I fondly imagine is called "Double Dragon" or something, attacks with a pair of Embers. This combined assault causes the Dretch to fall, disintegrating back into a pool of infernal mud, which seeps back through a portal that appears in the floor, winking out of existence as you watch.

Worf continues his attack with a pair of axe strikes that bite deep into the other demon, but he gets a heavy punch in retaliation, costing him 5hp!

Meanwhile, Dodger jumps on to the green button....


.... and then on to the red one, which gives way underneath him, and he falls down into the pool of [Green Funky Mutagen]!


He feels his skin begin to ripple and stretch, but he manages to jump out and scrape the worst from him before anything happens. However, the two liquids have returned to their original positions.


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Red Soul grew to level 2!

He may add 1 to either his attack or defense, or 2 to his total HP.

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Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:11 am
by Nerre
Sees quickly runs down the ramp, jumps on the top crate and heals Worf for 3 hp, hoping he did not catch "corrupt healing" like Licks did.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:28 am
by I'mBob
2 to max hp please.

Soul will use ember again but on the other golem this time, moving if needed.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:38 pm
by GathersIngredients
CroverusRaven wrote:Sorry, I mean the Razor-sharp Cutlass
Well, come and get it when you have the time. ;)
The right order for the buttons seems to be blue, green, purple, red. (If you need to press each button exactly once in some sequence, that is.) I hope that liquid wasn't harmful and/or you find an opportunity to wash it off a.s.a.p.

Since you didn't write anything about the crytal being used, jibjib, I am going to assume that it would, indeed cause friendly fire too.

Licks will carefully make his way down the ramp and down the chests and attack the other mud demon.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:45 pm
by Jibjib
Tis in the OOC spoiler :)

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:27 pm
by Runsaround
Worf retreats back up the crates and calls for assistance.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:16 am
by Nerre
GathersIngredients wrote:The right order for the buttons seems to be blue, green, purple, red. (If you need to press each button exactly once in some sequence, that is.)
I think it is rather staying on the blue long enough and all others are possible traps, since the liquid is blue.

Re: Clan Altogetha: Turn 36

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:59 pm
by CroverusRaven
But nothing happened when I jumped on the 2nd one, only when I jumped on the red.

Dodger tries the buttons in order: Blue, Green, Purple, Red. He prepares himself to catch the edges if he starts to fall through again,