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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:54 am
by Dlover
"That's Monty! He's an Abschir, one of the only kinds of beasts that eat plants. And because they're so big and harder than stone they're normally really calm and gentle. I've heard they keep growing so long as there's enough food, so they can get to be bigger than mountains!"

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:31 am
by GathersIngredients
Lokiwrinkles his forehead with effort and asks. "Lar. You say Rottina big. How big?" He uses his hands to show anything between actual rat size and dog size, watching Lar's face with knitted brows, waiting for him to either tell him when he has the right size, or to tell him to keep going on.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:03 am
by Dlover
"There," Lar responds, while Loki's hands are about twenty centimetres apart, "Fat, not big. Length of the forearm, teeth as long as fingers."

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:20 am
by spiderwrangler
Korga pops her head out into the hallway, looking for one of the others who might be he partner for the trial.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:27 am
by Dlover
Unsurprisingly, nobody is waiting in the corridor. After a moment's delay Tor sighs, "Okay, I guess I'll go make sure they're ready. Alan probably neglected to send out his charge. Lazier than I am, that man. Give me a moment." Stepping past her into the corridor, he pushes his way into another room one door down.

A man steps into the room, a reluctant look on his face, "How are preparations? Just about ready to get going? My rookie seems rather eager to get started."

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:12 am
by Arch Lich Burns
Julius contemplates before he uses his knife to reflect the sun to the creatures eyes, concentrating on making it brighter by attempting to amplify light being reflected and aims the bright light for the creature's eyes in attempts to momentRly blind it. He then uses the bolas to tangle the hind legs of the creature. While it is tangled he quicly concentrates on making a tiny bit of quicksand, or a sink hole where the creature is. He first starts with using the moistiure around him to make the sand soaking wet where the creature's front paws are.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:52 am
by Dlover
Julius enacts his genius plan, but it turns out it's not quite so genius as he may have though. He starts off by reflecting light into the beast's eyes, but even with the enhanced effect it seems to irritate it more than anything. Regardless, he moves on to putting his bolas to use, with somewhat more success, though he soon realises an expert may struggle to wrap the hind legs when the carionite is facing him head on. Instead the bolas tangle the front legs, causing the creature to stumble and fall as is advances. His third and final act, though, is the worst of all. As he tries to draw water from the air around him into the sand he can feel his skin prickling in a dry heat, sweat beading and evaporating almost in the same instant, "What did I tell you? Wasn't the hand enough to tell you things go bad when you don't just cause direct change? You just change something to affect your intention. You don't involve anything else in the effect unless you're enchanting something to make it do what you are aiming to achieve. If you want to set things on fire you can do that or you can enchant a sword to burn things it touches, but you don't make a fire cold so you can use its heat. If you want something to be wet, then just make it wet. Don't go making other things dry."
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:21 am
by Runsaround
"Sounds good."

Eavus happily leaves the room.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:25 am
by spiderwrangler
Seeing Tor returning with another fellow in tow, Korga steps forward. "Hello, I'm Korga. It seems we'll be working together on this one.", she remarks, hand extended in greeting.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:59 am
by Dlover
Eavus and Korga
Tor leads the duo into his room and to a door in the back, opening out into a large arena, "Hopefully you two can work well together." Shutting the three of them into the arena he gives a hand signal to release the felid and a gate rises to reveal a tall, pitch black creature standing on four legs, its long tail, lashing the air behind it, is covered with the same fur the rest of the body bears, with the exception of the tip, which looks to be some sort of carapace or shell which comes to a point. Th felid's legs are remarkably thick, and the paws are almost the size of a head. Stepping into the arena, the felid eyes the pair from a distance, reluctant to approach them head-on.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:18 am
by spiderwrangler
"Not sure what they told you about it, but felids are apparently pretty fast, but not real durable and prefer to ambush their prey, so if we can get some good hits in, we might be able to put it down fast. The paws will do some damage, but the tail has venom that will mess you up, Tor said he'd keep it from killing us, but getting stung can drop you in a matter of minutes. If we can keep its attention divided, hopefully we can keep from getting hit. "

Korga pulls free her throwing spikes, cupping them lightly in her palms.

"Well... you ready?"

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:28 am
by thinkslogically
Olly focusses on the demon in front of him as they circle each other. He keeps his guard up to protect his face and body and prepares to strike...

Timing his attack to coincide with another tongue attack from the demon, he crouches, trying to lure the creature into making a strike against his lower body or legs. As the creature lunges at him again, he leaps into the air, spinning 180 degrees above the creature and bringing both fists down hard on its back, using his own body weight to drive it into the ground and pin it beneath him. If necessary, he'll use his protected forearms to block the attacks from the demon's tongue.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:07 am
by Runsaround
"Must be. Alright, so... what now. Are those for hitting or uh.. what?"

Eavus holds the hammer in too hands and raises it straight in front of him.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:47 am
by spiderwrangler
"If I'm lucky."

If necessary, Korga moves until she's in range, but still trying to keep the beast at a distance for the time being, and unleashes a flurry of thrown spikes at the creature. If it charges her, she'll back up as she's able and try to evade until she has a chance to attack again.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:51 am
by Arch Lich Burns
"you jist said not to include myself in said nchanent, i fogured it would be easier to use moisture." Julius instead concentrates on making the sand around it's front paws wet, aiming to soak it to form some quicksand.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:44 am
by Runsaround
Eavus stands off to Korga's side, ready to strike at the Felid if it approaches.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:26 pm
by Synch
Risu waits, but seeing Monty happily eating she asks, "Um, Gaul? Aren't I meant to be fighting this thing? He seems pretty relaxed, I don't want to pounce on him while he's enjoying his meal. I don't think that would make for good entertainment!"

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:25 pm
by Dlover
Olly takes a protective stance, once again preparing to evade the initial attack, but it seems the carionite has other plans as it lunges straight at him, tongue rolling into its mouth as it snaps as his bleeding leg. His timing thrown off, he barely manages to leap over the attack, but as he twists to strike it bites again, sinking its fangs into his leg, sucking blood from him. As he lands the Carionite is knocked loose in the middle of its feeding, his weight driving his fists into it and down toward the ground, though it continues to snap at his leg as it falls.

Olly HP: 85%
Carionite HP: 65%
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Korga & Eavus
The pair eye off against the felid opposite them, until Korga takes the first action, taking several weighted blades and throwing them at the creature. The felid immediately shows its agility as the large creature manages to weave between the projectiles with ease, only one finding its target, and barely grazing it. Recognising that the humans can attack from afar, the felid charges the pair as they back away, its significant speed bringing it almost into striking range.

Eavus HP: 100%
Korga HP: 100%
Felid HP: 99%
► Show Spoiler
"That I did. Maybe I was too hasty about this." Julius switches his approach as the carionite limps towards him, its front legs tangled in the bolas. It takes a moment, but the sand just in front of the Carionite starts becoming damp, and a few seconds later it seems the objective was achieved as its paws sink knee-deep in the sand. "Or maybe I was not." Heedless off the struggle, though, the carionite begins shuffling to one side, towards dry sand, keeping its eyes on Julius the entire time. It's a sudden shock to realise that the beast is not so thoughtless, though, as its tongue seems to be pulling at the bolas and working them free of its legs.

Julius HP: 99%
Carionite HP: 100% [tangled, slowed]

"I thought you didn't want to fight, though? It's my job to test you, not make you fight. Somebody else will probably do that if Marie doesn't get you out right away, though. For now, try climbing up onto his back, so I can see how agile you really are."

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:51 pm
by Synch
Risu's mood lightens as she exclaims "Oh? I thought we were being thrust into combat! Well, that's a relief!"

She jumps to her feet and takes off at a sprint, running from bush to tree to bush before arriving at the Abschir. She dodges in and out of the behemoth's tree trunk -like limbs, rolling to the side whenever he shifts his feet. She reaches a hind leg and begins nimbly climbing while maintaining a firm grip in case he kicks out, trying to distance the fact that she is climbing a stone monster and imagining scaling an ivy covered wall back in the bazaars of Hirakuya. ((If Monty is moving his feet too much to let her get a grip and begin an ascent, she will climb a nearby tree and leap onto his back that way.))

If she reaches his back, she skips along his back with arms outstretched as if walking a tightrope before reaching his neck and slipping down into a mounted position, gripping Monty's neck tightly and waving to Gaul.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:55 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
Julius begins to make more of the sand wet and then attempts to force it's jaws to shut on it's tongue if that does not work then he shoots at the tounge

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:40 pm
by Dlover
"Well, you're not meant to be here unless you want to fight. But you may have to fight, eventually, to earn your food."
Risu easily ducks around the enormous legs as Monty shuffles around, and manages to catch hold of one of his legs as is comes down, pulling herself up his side. She soon finds that his rocky shape makes climbing easier, providing solid handholds and even an occasional spot to stand, which is a great help to keep her from being shaken loose as he moves. Despite these conveniences, though, it quickly becomes apparent that climbing is far more difficult when the surface is moving beneath her, and she finds herself out of breath only half way up the leg.
Leg evasion.

The pool of quicksand gradually expands outward as Julius works the area outwards. He then switches his focus to the tongue, forcing the mouth closed and making the carionite thrash its head at the unseen force, but it looks like almost as soon as he took his focus from the sand it began to dry.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:41 pm
by spiderwrangler
Korga moves back and puts some space between her and the other fellow... If it goes for one of them, the other might have a chance to strike.

Does she have any throwing spikes left?If so, *EDITED actions below*

She will see if she can keep her distance and hit it again, this time trying to throw anticipating its likely dodge attempts. She'll expect it to charge forward once again, and will focus on anticipating its lunge and avoiding any tail strikes, then pulling her blades, holding one in a forward and one in a reverse grip.

If it closes to melee distance with her, she'll try to position herself so she can avoiding the tail by attempting to tumble under the beast and rake at at its belly the next chance she gets while hollering for her companion to attack as well.

If it goes for him, she'll try to flank it before daring in to slash at the base of the tail, damaging and slowing it even if she's not able to sever it entirely.[/s]

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:55 pm
by Dlover
spiderwrangler wrote:Does she have any throwing spikes left?
https://hunters-of-letrua.obsidianporta ... ters/korga
They're listed as throwing knives. One round of attacking with them expends one use.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:56 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
Julius concentrates on the sand again, this time trying to get the hind legs of the creature as well. After the creature sinks he attempts to make the sand superheated so that it will turn to glass.

Re: Hunters of Letrua

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:22 pm
by Dlover
Julius turns his attention back to the quicksand, ensuring it keeps its hold of the beast, then switches to heating it, the extra moisture vaporising in an instant, blasting the carionite with steam, making it flail as it tries to escape the burning heat. Unfortunately, this flailing foils Julius's objects, as the creature's legs come free of the burning sand before he releases the enchantment, and the carionite finds itself standing atop a small patch of smooth glass.

Julius: 99%HP
Carionite: 85% HP [tangled]