PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 7)

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Dlover » Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:41 pm

"Cocky?! This is angry and confused, and you're the only one around to be angry at! If we both get out of this I'm going to punch you myself! Dusk, be ready to catch the bottle!" Alex calls out Roy, "There's no time to explain, but I'm going to have to rely on your help again, Roy. We need to get up there to where the others are."

Athletics: Alex=2, Roy=16

Edit: Actually, if Alex tries to capture Hoopa it'll materialise him for a moment, success or fail, right? So he'll drop the bottle. If it fails, Dusk can grab the bottle and get out of there with it. If it succeeds, Winger could go after the bottle and Dusk can grab the pokeball. Success isn't the main goal here, though, just getting the bottle away. So:

AC: 14, Capture: 85
Last edited by Dlover on Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:59 pm

If mort lets me use my reroll on Dlover's cap roll: Alex's capture roll[1d100-5] = 55-5 = 50

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Dlover » Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:03 pm

I could see using my crit on that to bring it to 10. Success may not be the main goal, but it'd be nice.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SamWiser » Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:56 pm

So Phoenix should have been pretty close to Hoopa still. Could he use Pursuit as Hoopa teleports away? It seems like a situation where that should work.
Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

ÔÇ£Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot him and there'll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland?ÔÇØ
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Theis2 » Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:40 am

Drake throws a regular pokeball to Luna

"Even the pokeballs have been replaced by technology, though some people do still make them from apricorns as the have some other qualities than the manufactured ones"

As to prove his latter point Drake will pick up one apricorn from his bag.

"...You guys weren't just intent on looting this place, right?"

"First and foremost we came here to see if the god slayers were here and if we could figure out what they took. But honestly most places like this will be cleaned out by the league once they've been discovered and reported in. I'm not sure what happens with it afterwards though. I wouldn't mind the chance to look at the artifacts here let alone all the books here.
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SuperVaderMan » Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:59 pm

"...You guys weren't just intent on looting this place, right?"

"Eh heh, uh, yeah, we just came here looking for leads on the bad guys. But then we found this book guarded by statues that came to life and the book looked really cool...," Koa trails off, both in mild shame and making sure Gwynn doesn't hear about the book, suddenly remembering Drake wanted to keep it a secret.

"...So! We should probably go talk with, the... temple?" Koa asks, never actually hearing the temple speak, unlike most of the other trainers.

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SamWiser » Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:54 pm

Now Winger, Get the Bottle! Right after Hoopa drops it. Then get out for your life!

Phoenix climbs up the rope, trying to stay long enough to make sure Alex gets there safely.
Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

ÔÇ£Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot him and there'll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland?ÔÇØ
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Synch » Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:11 pm

"...You guys weren't just intent on looting this place, right?"

"Nah, we found it by accident! There are body bags out the front though, looks like others were here with bad intentions."

The remaining Super Soda Pop in Bjorn's hands turns cold and slowly freezes solid. He stares at it in shock, then tips it upside down and taps it on the table.

"Ah, Luna.... I'm thankful you healed me, but your healing doesn't have any side effects does it?"
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by M0rtimer » Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:09 am

Alex, Phoenix

As Hoopa gloats, Alex merely prepares a pokeball... Hurling it at the ghostly pokemon- A surprised scream suddenly cutting off as hoopa is briefly materialized... And it's ball rapidly rolls down the heavy slope, skipping off the edge. As the bottle, dropped as expected, slides down at it's own steady, but sure rate is sliding down into the depths itself... Although Winger seems ready to chase down the hallway after it, given the order- Even as the hallway seems on the very precipice of collapse...

Alex meanwhile releases Roy as well- And with his aid, manages to get a grab on the rope, after Alice successfully manages to hook around the edge of the ridge- Dave first to climb up slightly, the others grabbing hold on what remains of the rope. Of course, now they'll have to hang on as any moment the floor will simply collapse below them...

(I'll need an athletics or acrobatics roll for Winger if you're gonna try this.)

Izzy, Irene, Koa, Bjorn, Drake, James

"It's so beautiful, thank you Lil Smithe! No we were not intent on raiding the place, but we are not likely to come back here. What else do we need to do Luna?"

The little golett gives a thumbs up, seemingly pleased with the results himself... As the other trainers chimed in on the whole "looting" thing-

"Eh heh, uh, yeah, we just came here looking for leads on the bad guys. But then we found this book guarded by statues that came to life and the book looked really cool...,"

"Nah, we found it by accident! There are body bags out the front though, looks like others were here with bad intentions."

"First and foremost we came here to see if the god slayers were here and if we could figure out what they took. But honestly most places like this will be cleaned out by the league once they've been discovered and reported in. I'm not sure what happens with it afterwards though. I wouldn't mind the chance to look at the artifacts here let alone all the books here."

"Body bags..? You mean like... Corpses? Well, that's... Troubling." Luna says, frowning before giving a facetious smile.

"And yeah, I suppose I'm being a bit harsh calling it looting... I mean... Given circumstances, I'd rather the things down here be in hands I can trust. I'm not sure if I like the sound of this league coming in here to collect everything, though..."

"Even the pokeballs have been replaced by technology, though some people do still make them from apricorns as the have some other qualities than the manufactured ones" Drake says, going further on Luna's comment on technology- Passing her one of the technological balls in question as the girl curiously studies it... Seeming a bit baffled by it, but eventually passing it back without much comment, although looking as if deeply in thought about something.

"Ah, Luna.... I'm thankful you healed me, but your healing doesn't have any side effects does it?"

"No..? It shouldn't at least... Why?"

"...So! We should probably go talk with, the... temple?"

"Yeah... We should." Luna says, as the celebration seems to be rounding off, everyone having had the chance to fill their bellies and let them rest for a bit too... As Luna eventually escorts everyone down the corridor- And standing before the large door, raises her staff.


The massive door obliged- Coming in motion of it's own accord, slowly opening itself once more after a very, very long time... And allowing the trainers to see what lies beyond it.

The door opens up to a massive hall... Although the more appropriate term would likely have been garden, as the whole scene seemed as if it had been pulled from another time. The lush garden filled with vibrant green grass, and a variety of flowers- Some common to you, and others you've never seen before. A few large trees stand to the side, vines dripping down from some of their sides... Although their attention was dragged away by the centerpiece in the room. Having a nice, paved path to it from the door that had just opened, stood a massive, ornate fountain... Or at least it was one, once upon a time. The structure which would turn it from just a pretty pool to an ornate fountain- A natural looking rock spire standing slightly off-center in the pool- lacked the water flow that would be required, something seemingly missing from it...

And this entire room was encased in a large, marble dome, reaching upwards, opening up at the top- Although of course, where once there would have been a vibrant blue sky, now only a rock ceiling could be seen. Although the trainers attention is drawn back to the walls, and it quickly becomes clear they aren't as bland as they might first have appeared... A number of strange figures beginning to appear on them- More unown. In fact, there appear to be... Quite a lot of them. As the entire room seems to become coated in them- Many ripping themselves off the walls, and drifting over to the middle of the room, where these unown quickly began taking a larger form- Forming rings with each other, as these rings served to form a globe, growing in size as it rested above the fountain, spinning in seemingly random directions... And then it spoke- A vaguely feminine, although monotone voice.
Temple Heart wrote:greetings luna

it has been one hundred and seventy six years
eleven months
and eightteen days
since you have last entered this chamber

your renewed presence was unexpected

we are overjoyed
For an being that seemed "overjoyed", it was continuing to sound rather monotone, almost uninterested in voice... As Luna responds to it-

"You shouldn't be surprised... You knew why I was heading in. And that I'd be coming out."

Temple Heart wrote:this was a statement you had made yes

we had however also calculated there was a seventy four percent chance of you using your wish in an alternative way

based on previous experience

now you must have a lot of questions

and we have a lot to say

we believe the most efficient way to proceed is for us to show you what has happened

we believe this will also serve to answer many of the questions you already have

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Dlover » Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:25 am

Alex recalls Roy and Dusk, then clings on for dear life. And until you ask for a roll I will refrain from making any. :P
Last edited by Dlover on Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SamWiser » Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:29 am

Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

ÔÇ£Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot him and there'll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland?ÔÇØ
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Synch » Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:14 pm


"No..? It shouldn't at least... Why?"

"Well, we're out of the soul prison and back in the real world, but my drink just froze! Ah, nevermind!"


Bjorn leans across and whispers to Izzy "Always with the grass and flowers, eh! Hey, does this feel cold to you?" Bjorn removes his hand from his forehead and presses his hand to Izzy's cheek.
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:23 pm

"That sounds pretty cool." 8) "Seriously though it's not too uncommon. Izzy can fly, irene can teleport, koa can rock, you can freeze stuff and I can summon all the glitter."

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by M0rtimer » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:03 am

Alex, Phoenix

Winger dashes through the hallway- Narrowly dodging some rocks as the ceiling is collapsing, and the bottle reaches the edge... Almost going over the side as Winger snatches it- Quickly using it's insect wings to backpedal, as the entrance way they once came through finally collides with the ridge on the other side- Causing another shockwave through the ruins, this time big enough to split the floor in two, more cracks rapidly forming as the floor was effectively falling away from beneath them- As well as everything else, as the trainers braced themselves... Phoenix is left watching in horror as the wall crumbles, slinging the trainers against the ridge wall- And the hallway Winger was flying through falls of it's own accord, tilting down and removing Winger from view- Thoughts of horror filling Phoenix's mind as he sees the stone crumble and collapse...

As miraculously, managing to avoid the carnage- Or most of it, at least, Winger flies out from underneath , dodging pieces of the crumbling wall as he makes his way upwards, soon flying in a safe area- As the trainers meanwhile are slung against the ridge wall, as the rest of the castle falls down. The rumbling sounds continue for a few moments behind them, as together with it more rocks and dirt fall down as well... Until eventually, things seem to settle, the rumbling turning to vague crashing sound emanating from far below them, before that too would eventually silence itself.

"I... Can't believe that worked."
"Pretty sure this was a collaborative effort of our guardian angels..." Dave chimes in, mostly just focused on holding on while still keeping grasp of Alexander, as the trainers silently begin to contemplate about how exactly they were all going to climb up. Thoughts slightly interrupted by a certain familiar, annoying sound coming from somewhere far below them.

"This isn't the last you've seen of me!"

"I'll find you! And once I do?! I'LL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL!"

The voice quickly turns silent though, probably distracted by other things... Such as finding it's own escape without falling in the abyss itself, likely. As the trainers become aware of a cawing sound above them- A few of the ravens in the store circling around, seeming to signal out your presence, as but a moment later a blue, humanoid looking pokemon appears. Quite muscular, and even appearing to wear a belt, it poses for just a moment, flexing it's arms... Before seeming to kneel down in an attempt to help lift up the trainers...

Roll athletics
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Dlover » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:29 am

Shit, and I just put Roy away, too. :roll: My next character will have better Athletics, I swear it! As I swear I will have vengeance on cliffs, for the numerous times they have betrayed me! Stairs shall be carved into all of them! Seriously, I think this is the third time Alex has had a mishap with cliffs and steep ledges now. This boy seriously needs a guardian. Oh, wait, that's literally what Roy is for, and I put him away thinking "Wouldn't want the two most important part members to fall." >:-P To be honest, after shittalking Hoopa so much, this is fair karma.

Alex neglects to make a comment about counting torchics before they hatch or sling a last taunt at Hoopa and his typical villain line, making him the third recurring villain to show up in Alex's life over the past few days, he instead opts to desperately cling to the rope while wishing he had had the foresight to keep Roy present and thanking luck he'd grabbed onto the end and wouldn't collide with the others should he lose his grip.
Athletics: 3

Uh, just to check, somebody did grab Alexander, right? There was no mention of him sliding, and Alex did tell the NPCs to get him out, but I don't remember whether there was anything actually noting his being collected.

Seriously, there are three groups/individuals Alex has met that I'd classify as recurring villains now. The God Killers... God Slayers? God Squad. The God Squad is one group, Hoopa is now another, and the man with the drones is one that I'd classify as "Villanously suspicious," even if he's technically been confirmed as a League associate. I know that last isn't really a villain so far, but I'd label the one League CEO dude we've met as a villain if he weren't Alex's boss. :P
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SuperVaderMan » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:45 am

Koa really doesn't have much to say as the amalgamation of Unown starts 'speaking' to them. It's hard to think of questions when you're stunned at what you're seeing, as hundreds of pokemon swirl around in front of him.

Koa just lets the Unown/Temple voice 'show' the Trainers what happened. Whatever that means.
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Theis2 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:01 am

A sudden realisation comes to Drake as Bjorn starts talking about how his drink just spontanously froze in his hand.. Drake is apparently the only normal person here.. Even Bjorn who despised James for being different is apparently not normal now.. He follows the others, a bit slower and with the feeling of being malplaced by being alongside them. He on the other hand have the "super power" of being a nerd.. Maybe he could convince the others that it's a superpower to be able to see when people leave psychic residue behind, even though all it takes is some training and anybody could learn it. Properly not. Followed by James rubbing it in his face as he tries to comfort Bjorn. Good thing the temple can distract them from how boring he is.

Drake is back to being socially awkward and stands alongside the group in silence as he is looking at the unown forming a cluster and starts communicating.

Dlover wrote:Seriously, there are three groups/individuals Alex has met that I'd classify as recurring villains now. The God Killers... God Slayers? God Squad. The God Squad is one group, Hoopa is now another, and the man with the drones is one that I'd classify as "Villanously suspicious," even if he's technically been confirmed as a League associate. I know that last isn't really a villain so far, but I'd label the one League CEO dude we've met as a villain if he weren't Alex's boss. :P
What about Grim? He's bound to make a return as well and he might very well also turn out to be a villain, kinda :P
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SamWiser » Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:38 am

No, no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!! Phoenix pumps his fist as Winger flies out of the hallway. You go Winger! You're the best!

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Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

ÔÇ£Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot him and there'll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland?ÔÇØ
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Dusk9 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:21 pm

A little awestruck at the sheer number of unown, plus the whole "disembodied voice coming out of the walls" thing, Izzy stays near the back of the group and just watches. In fact, she's so busy trying to listen to Luna's conversation, she almost doesn't notice Bjorn come up to her. Until he puts his ice cold hand on her face, that is.

"Always with the grass and flowers, eh! Hey, does this feel cold to you?"

With a startled squeal, Izzy jumps back about a meter into the air. Hovering just out of his reach, she turns on Bjorn with hushed, angry whispers.

"What was that for! That was freezing!"

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by M0rtimer » Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:55 pm

Alex, Phoenix

Phoenix pumps his fist in celebration as Winger makes it out- Quickly grabbing the rope with both hands again just a second later as he realizes just how dangerous it is to do that in the current situation- Instead holding on tightly as the helpful pokemon starts dragging them up to safety. Managing to keep a tight grip on the rope.

Although not all were being as diligent- Alex far from used to things such as this,having trouble holding on, feeling himself slowly slip away. Soon his hands painfully clench around the knot at the bottom of the rope, and one by one he can feel his fingers give way... Before he comes to a sudden realization he's no longer holding the rope, his senses instead overwhelmed by a dreadful fall...

The others manage to hold on however- Soon towed up onto steady ground, stray pieces of what was once a castle strayed here and there on the other side- A horde of curious pokemon looking from a safe distance. Looking... Uncertain. Likely wondering what is going to happen next- What with the "bone lord's" throne gone, seemingly having been defeated as well... Speaking of said devil, he was nearby, off to the side- Seemingly being taken care off by some flower pokemon.

The trainers didn't really have time for that, though. While Hilary bent over the unconscious Alexander to apply some medicine and bring him back to conscious, the other trainers come to a startling conclusion.

"...Where the fuck is Alex?"

Izzy, Irene, Koa, Bjorn, Drake, James

The trainers are mostly stunned by silence... The notable exception being Bjorn, still in the process of discovering his sudden new power- Asking Izzy whether or not his freezing hand is actually cold, resulting in some annoyment and some laughs... Although the entity didn't much care for it- Eventually simply continuing.
Temple Heart wrote:i sense your approval

please direct your attention to the pool
The trainers were at first uncertain what exactly was meant by that, although it quickly became clear as the still surface of the pool began to stir with a multitude of colors- Soon beginning to form a concrete picture, as the trainers look upon a place they recognize- The entrance to the temple, on this island... Except it was not abandoned. Standing against one of the walls, almost completely hidden were it not currently the main focus of the vision, stood the temple's stalwart protector. A golem of crystal- Regifae. Although a low groan begins to emit from it, the sound somehow playing in the back of the trainer's mind, although it was easy enough to place- As the golem ripped itself loose from the wall, stepping forward to face apparent aggressors... Said aggressors starting by launching what appeared to be a fucking rocket straight at it.
Temple Heart wrote:approximately 3 months
and 11 days ago

we were attacked

our temple had relied on tactis the fairy type employed for defense

sadly this consisted greatly out of hiding this place

when they found us we had already lost most of the battle

still our final protector fought valiantly

but eventually lost
The unown allow the scene to play out, as the battle quickly escalates- Regifae flinging a massive crystal at one of the approaching boats, sinking it as the occupants are forced to swim- Although meanwhile other boats hit the landing, familar faces- Euler- Running out, guns blazing, trained upon the beast, blasting off chunk after chunk of crystal as it seems to regenerate them almost as rapidly... Keyword almost. Outraged, the golem fires another crystal bomb over to one of the Goser, practically tearing him in half as he rushes over to a group of Euler to the other side, picking one up as the goon is violently crushed down on the pavement. His rage temporarily brought to a halt as a massive, quadraped flying pokemon slams a blue steel fist in it's midst- Causing a shockwave that knocks it back, before in it's rage it deals some hefty damage to the steel pokemon- Before a few large shrapnel blasts from the side take it's attention once more. This time the focus being on a certainly new arrival. One you cannot at first tell what it's supposed to be- Human or robot. On closer inspection you'd say definitely human- Although wearing some kind of metal powered suit, giving the impression it might as well have been a robot... As the warrior fired a shotgun singlehandedly, seemingly managing the recoil of the massive gun with no issue... As under continued assault, regifae appeared to be going down, as the metal figure lifted her other arm. An device attached to it firing a black pokeball- And soon, it was over.
Temple Heart wrote:following his defeat i was set for a dilemma

when this temple was sealed i was given two objectives

the first was to protect the artifact
the second was to protect the sanctity of the temple

however i quickly came to realize i lacked the power to do so effectively
The battle over, the scene seems to be speeding up- People in white coats and overalls appearing, quickly setting up the large installation the trainers had seen, the massive drill assembled to brute force their way in... The deceased Euler simply collected and put aside.
Temple Heart wrote:i had calculated a 99 percent chance these intruders would have the means to break into the main temple

however i also expected an average of 68 percent that given what they wanted

they would leave

i reasoned i had already lost my primary objective

but had a chance to retain my secondary

it turned out i was right
The scene continues- The drill finishes it's job, one man climbing through the narrow hole- Soon returning with the prize within, the mysterious puzzle box- Seemingly a whopping meter in each dimension, judging by relevant size to the man carrying it. As a familiar sight appears- A rift opening up nearby, the expressionless girl a few of the trainers had met briefly stepping through... Though leaving almost as soon as she came- Taking the "science" people with her, only the metal man and Euler staying behind. The scene ending with one Euler left behind, handed some kind of package with what you guess must be explosives... Seeming very contemplative for a long while, before the man eventually slings them in the ocean- Writing a letter on a scrap of paper, depositing it one of the body bags, and leaving.
i am usually able to sense wherever the artifact is

however, after that


opened up that anomaly

i could no longer detect it

it was much later that you too found this place

i was uncertain of how

but not having any reason to trust you i refused entry

i now realize that with data i later gathered

perhaps it was all more than blind luck
The pool now once again turned to a familiar scene. A gloating Goser. Soon, a rather annoyed Goser. And then, an "having his face punched in by rather familiar looking trainers" Goser.
Temple Heart wrote:having a vague understanding of what happened here

and despite no real reason to do so

you tried to do the



only further confirmed by your attempt to save our guardian
the pool once again cuts to a familiar scene- Regifae standing in the middle of the colloseum, fighting pose. Although strangely enough... While Matsudo is lying off to one side- Injured, but ok, you don't see the other guy. This "Prometheus"... Although it becomes clear that the golem is fighting something you cannot see- Throwing punches and pulling dodges, although mostly taking grazing hits, sudden cuts seemingly appearing out of nowhere... Before the strike right through it's core which finished it.
Temple heart wrote:while you were not successful in your attempt

i recognize your effort

and given situation i classified you as

the closest thing as having an ally

and hence when you returned

i deemed your presence within these halls not as losing it has sanctity

i do not however have data on the lady called gwynn

if she needs to be restrained

the jails are an option
"No! No, everything is fine, no need to do anything like that!"
Temple Heart wrote:very well
"So... I guess that's everything huh? Explains what happened, and why you guys were let in..."
Temple Heart wrote:mostly

there has been one new development

8 hours
and 14 minutes ago
The pool once again turned, this time to a decor completely alien to the trainers... A large, circular hall- White, metallic walls rising up high and ending in a dome, the room containing several doors and what appear to be observation windows, as well as several consoles against the wall, giving the entire room a modern look... Although it was what stood in the middle of the room which turned it all from something only modern to something you'd expect to see in a sci-fi movie. A massive machine, containing such a multitude of cables and beams you could never tell what each of their functions could be... Although the main attributes of it seemed clear. In the center, protected by a glass dome, was the artifact- Positioned below a drill, coated in strange crystal.

Although the trainers focus soon shifted from this machine to a man that also occupied the room. Dressed in an ornate, expensive suit- The kind you'd expect Elias to wear, the man was tall, slim, although with relatively wide shoulders. His head meanwhile was rather rectangular- Large forehead and chin giving it said shade, his neatly trimmed, but slightly lengthy beard only adding to that, his hair also as neatly arranged as the rest of his entire attire is... As the man checks his golden watch- Tapping his feet impatiently as if he's waiting for something... Although Gwynn's eyes light up with recognition upon seeing the man.

"I... I know that man."

"That is senator Goodwill. He runs the Loderift corporation- Which is responsible for the vast majority of raw goods and procession..."

The man's impatience soon seems rewarded- An older woman strutting through one of the doors. Dressed in an ornate lab coat- One side longer than the other, buttoned slighty off center, and the godslayers apparent logo- A sword piercing a set of wings to the other side. Her pale green hair was short, and while not messy, not exactly super well taken care off either, likely because she couldn't be bothered- Her expression stern as she goes to greet the man.

"Mr. Goodwill. I must say I am surprised to see you here rather than a representative. A pleasant surprise, mind you."

"You may call me Pearl. And I will be finalizing the agreement we have made."

The man seemingly slightly reluctantly shakes the woman's hand, seeming to mutter a "finally" under his breath, Pearl either not noticing or not commenting, before giving a proper reply.

"Don't think too much of it. I happened to be nearby. It seemed only fitting I saw this for myself."

"Hmm. Vacation?"

"Business, actually. Although I won't deny enjoying some of the sights while I'm here."


"Why, yes. There are still veins of untapped ore on this island. It will be a hefty investment in infrastructure and expanding the harbor, but calculations show we'll be making those investments back in about 5 to 10 years... And profit will be flowing in for years to come after that."

"...Is that truly necessary?"

Goodwill gave the woman an side glance- Almost as if her statement of disagreement or doubt was taken in offense.

"Beg your pardon?"

"Hamachi is a beautiful island sir. Does it's scenery truly need to be ruined by heavy mining operations?"

"Bah." the man speaks, rolling his eyes as if he were a teenager, telling his "yes mom" for the fiftieth time as she was nagging.

"That comment always has to appear, doesn't it? Sure, perhaps it'll ruin some of the landscape... But people stop complaining once they realize the job opportunities it brings- The influx of wealth and money into everyone's pockets. Once they realize that, it always stops rather suddenly. And this island for sure could use it- Nobody comes as tourists anyways... Too dangerous to travel. Can't walk 5 feet without risking angering some pokemon. Meanwhile this island deals with a work shortage."

"Registered work. Many locals simply fish or hold a small farm, trading among each other for these goods."

"The more they'll appreciate being given money like a decent person."

"Regardless... Just realise that this time, you're doing it in a community where all women can breathe fire and all the men sling rocks."

"...Duly noted."

"Now, on to business. Firstly... You promised research data?"

"Of course." "Pearl" replies- Fishing a small usb-drive out of one of her pockets- Passing it to the man.

"That contains the instructions that were agreed upon. Have your researchers verify it is all there. It is unlikely you understand it's contents yourself. No offense."

"None taken. I know this stuff is not my field." he says- A brief silence falling as he eventually continues.

"So... This is your... Base, isn't it?"

"No. Just an auxiliary lab."

"Auxiliary..? If this is auxiliary, what's your main base like?"

"I believe that isn't among the data we promised to share."

The man scoffs- Clearly not amused by the refusal of answer, but not going further in on it... Although it is now that the woman turns a question on him.

"I will be honest in that I am surprised you accepted the deal in the first place."

"Well... If the made claims can be fulfilled, it's a worthwhile deal. Only 4 out of the 6 of us voted yes however, so it was close."

"Hmm. Who voted no?"

"I believe that isn't among the data we promised to share?"

the woman can't help but give an brief grin as her retort is turned on her, although soon turning back to her stalwart expression.

"Anyways... I would very much like to see those claims put to the test."

"Certainly." the woman says,turing around to face a console facing the machine in the center of the room- Beginning to enter commands as she continued conversation.

"Mr. Goodwill, do you know what we stand for?"

"Judging by what I've seen, you hunt rare pokemon for sport."

"An unfortunate route we have taken, yes."

"But never the main drive behind our research and actions."

"Man has for the longest time researched matter and physical properties of objects. This has worked fine, and provided us with the great benefits. And undoubtedly, there lie even more advancements down this path. However, this is undermining a fundamental truth about our universe- Not everything can be explain by physical properties alone."

"We know for a fact magic exists. We know for a fact an afterlife exists. And we even have accounts for both of them. However, these are things that are hard to grasp. They are not as objective as regular science. One cannot measure these things as one could measure length. It simply occurs naturally to it's users- Ask the people of this island HOW they do what they do, and none will be able to give you an scientific answer."

"However, while these matters are far harder to put an objective basis on, we believed firmly that it's working COULD be unraveled. And we did. Breakthrough after breakthrough we discovered more and more. And now we've reached a stage that we can generate and manipulate this magic energy ourselves- And we have only began scratching the surface of the potential this brings."

"It was here we encountered a problem, however."

"The process is incredibly inefficient and current knowledge seems to suggest there is little room for improvement. It takes the power consumption of entire cities to produce enough to manifest even the tiniest noticeable effect."

"And it is here this comes into play."
the woman says- Gesturing towards the artifact in the machine, as the drill was rapidly beginning to spin up, as clamps secured the artifact in place.

"This item is, according to our initial studies, an generator of magic. Fairy magic to be precise- Which can be deluded into things such as healing, love, compassion...Perhaps even eternal life."

"In it's current state, it's not giving this magic freely."

"But that doesn't mean that we can't extract it..."

"If we just use..."

"A bit of force..."

"You might want to not look directly at the globe."

As she's speaking those last few sentences, the drill begins to lower onto the artifact, spinning so fast it appears to be standing still... As the glass globe almost seems to explode as the drill touches the cube- Bathed in vibrant, changing pink light, as the machine churns away at processing it all- After a few seconds the release command seems to be given, things rapidly turning back to normal as the drill slows down.

"...I've helped work on these projects for nearly 15 years now. We're yet to show much for it... But the things we will be able to do once we have attained full control of these energies- It will herald a revolution greater than even the wheel did."

"...Lofty claim."

"But is it? We already tested the extent of this item- Broken bones? Gone. Common cold? Gone. Cancer? Gone. Mortality..? That remains to be seen."

"But imagine a world where one simply walks in a clinic, presses a button, and all these ailments are healed?"

"And that is just for this one thing. There is so much yet in store."

"...And that is where we run into a problem once more."

"These items- They're the key to achieving all this. And we know there's more of their kind out there. But the gods... Our so called 'protectors'... They refuse. They are actively working against us. So we said fine. If you think we are not worthy, we'll prove we are. And we'll simply take it."

"Hmm. Impressive."

"But I'm gonna side with the majority of my colleagues. This is a mess we do not want to get involved in."

"That is fair enough."

"As promised, you may make use of this facility as well, and do your own research. I do hope you send over some of your own researchers. It will be good to have some fresh ideas stream in."


"Will that be all then? If so, I'll have you escorted outside."

"...Yes, I guess so. I have this data to deliver."

It is there the vision ends, the pool returning to it's regular self... And the temple speaks again.
Temple Heart wrote:such abuse


it must be stopped
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:14 pm

James is taken aback, not sure what to say. He stares at the pool, quivering. "...I...I can't ....there's no way I am going to work for those.....monsters anymore. I'm sorry I can't. I don't know what I can even do...."

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Natrivv » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:36 pm

Irene's face contorts in visible disgust. "They're worse then spoiled children! The gods haven't withheld all of they're magic, otherwise there be no one capable of throwing rocks or flying or any other supernatural thing. Have they thought maybe it was this greed and misuse might be the reason it's so rare?"
Irene shakes her head hands rubbing her temples.
"Gwen who said that guy was a senator right? He used the word colleagues, so there are other senators who while not openly supporting, are not interested in even trying to subdue the God slayers. Which means I have to treat the very league supporting me as an enemy, sorry Gwen but it's true, and I'd appreciate that if that statement didn't leave this room."

sighing Irene faces the pool, uncertain where else to talk. Temple? I agree these people need to be stopped immediately,but I'm just too weak right now; I can train and become stronger, but we don't have time for slow steady progress. Is there some sort of training hall or trail room here?

So what are you planning on doing Koa? Isn't that where you are from?

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SamWiser » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:51 pm

"...Where the fuck is Alex?"

What? Phoenix looks around, then down the cliff. No! What the... I was too busy worrying about the stupid bottle to watch out for him. Winger, hand me the bottle, then try to look around down there!

Winger Perception=5+1=6
Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

ÔÇ£Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot him and there'll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland?ÔÇØ
ÔÇò Terry Pratchett

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by SuperVaderMan » Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:05 pm

Koa crosses his arms and watches silently as the temple shows them what it's seen of the Godslayers' activity. If the presence of this research facility on Hamachi had any impact on him, Koa doesn't make it readily apparent.

"It looks like they're not happy with what people already have, so they're taking what these... god-pokemon have, too. And they're alright with killing them for it." Koa shakes his head. "What they're saying sounds like something you could get behind, like they're trying to help everyone, but that's only for this Fairy-box thing. What happens if they get their hands on like a Fire or a Fighting artifact? Something a little more dangerous?"

Koa is silent for a moment, thinking.

"But... that's only half the story, yeah?" Koa looks cautiously up at the swirling ball of Unown. "What did happen to all these god-pokemon? It sounds like you use to be able to see them, sometimes, but now they're not around anymore. Like... why is this temple buried in the ground? Why is everyone hiding?"

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles (Day 6)

Post by Synch » Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:01 am

To Izzy, "Sorry Izzy, I'm not sure whats going on! I think Luna's healing triggered something in me, or fixed something I didn't know I had. I have no idea."

After seeing the display, Bjorn slumps as he sits down and talks sadly, seemingly to himself.

"Why did this all have to get so hard? All I wanted was to be a pokemon trainer. Maybe get a few badges, y'know? I come from a simple village, I haven't seen most of the pokemon we've seen ever before let alone all these other sights and now I've fought clones, seen a legendary pokemon, found an underground temple and escaped a soul prison. Why not just save the world while we're at it?
I'm sure being a trainer isn't supposed to be this complicated...."
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