Kobold Mine [one slot open]

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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by NewOneAround » Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:53 am

Has not been online since Wed.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by GathersIngredients » Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:04 pm

Well, if KnickKnack can go home, fetch any volunteers, get back in time for the fight in the gnome's third watch AND still do everything else I wanted to do this turn, I'll gladly have KnickKnack make the trip.

-> I'll edit it into my action post.

@ eirikdaude: yeah I noticed they haven't been online. Maybe they are busy and/or enjoying the summer.
But since Ludo has some combat skills (melee, edged, ranged, throw and dodge) he might be up to join the fight. Or not, thinking it's too risky. :shrug: Either way, it's a decision eirikdaude should make themselves.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by NewOneAround » Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:13 pm

Aye. I can only be online irregulary nest week. I can answer questions but will most likely not be able to make a post.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by eirikdaude » Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:33 am

Yeah, sorry for not posting sooner, I have been somewhat busy for the last week or so, and haven't really gotten round to cheking out these forums. Sorry :P

I think I'd like to join in if we are going to fight these gnomes. My only concern is that I don't really have any ranged weapons, my current ranged action is throwing stones, which I suspect isn't very effective. Have anyone else got enough throwing weapons that they could lend me one or two of them?

As for our strategy for the fight, do you think it might be worth it to attempt to rush the camp and kill the officer before he wakes up? While he *might just* be sleeping in his armour, we may get some bonuses for striking in the surprise round, and it is unlikely that he'll get his shield bonus... Assuming we can get the jump on them, we could hope to take down the leader before he can bring his skills to bear on us. If we can take out the guard without waking the others, that would of course be even better, but I am a bit nervous about us waking up the others...

Anyway, actions for Ludo:
A: Join in on the attack (bring along the last spear from the mine and one from KnickKnack)
P: Continue polishing stone
T: Dodge
Last edited by eirikdaude on Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:40 pm

@ eirikdaude: KnickKnack currently has 3 spears, and axe and a javelin with him. He'll be using the javelin and at least one spear (melee) himself, but I suppose he could pass along 1 or 2 spears OR the axe he carries. There might also be more usable weapons back at the mine, which he could take, since KnickKnack is going back to fetch them, anyways.
The spears give +2 to hit (in melee) meaning that you'll get 2 more dice than your skill would give you, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't work when they are thrown (because they were not meant to be used that way). In the spider fight #1 KnickKnack rolled d5-2 (because he had no skill in throwing, dex 5 AND the spears are not meant to be thrown weapons). So I'm not even sure what you would roll with skill 1 (thrown). :shrug:
I also have no idea what the stats of a rock are.
Please let me know if you want the spears/axe and I'll edit it into my action post. :thumbsup:

According to last turn, the gnomes have 1 d4 ('normal ones') and 2 d4 (vice captain) perception.
With all of the kobolds at the camp having at least 1 stealth (Krat S1, dex 5 -> 1d5, Nockit S2, dex6, encumbrance 2 -> 2d4, KnickKnack S2, dex 5 -> 2d5 and Ludo S S2 dex 5 -> 2d5) unless we are rather unlucky and/or the watch gnome is extremely lucky with his roll, we should be able to sneak around well enough to try and overwhelm them, as long as it's not the vice captain who's standing guard.

With his stats & skills ( Strength 2 Dexterity 5 Constitution 4 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Charisma 3, Dodge (Dex): 1, Meele ÔÇô Edge (Str) 1, Ranged - Throw (Dex): 1) it might even be a better idea to have Ludo borrow the axe (1d7 damage! vs unknown with rocks and 1d4 with spear, but throwing penalty) and go into melee. He'll still have a 1 in 4 chance to hit, but if he hits, it's gonna hurt the gnome BADLY. But that's your decision.
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Again, disclaimer: I might have misunderstood any line of the combat rules and/or made wrong assumptions about the gnomes, their skills, stats and equipment (e.g. the axe the vice captain has may have other stats than our axe). I did my best to try and assess the situation as it might likely be the case, though.

So basically I assume a 'normal' gnome has defense 3 (meaning we need to roll better than 3 to hit him), one soak and 4 con (with 4 kobolds we should be able to decimate him in one round), IF they manage to hit us (with 3d1 only possible by them swarming or with 3d2 rather unlikely solo), they hit with 1d4 . The vice captain is the big mystery (more skills, more unknown equip). Possibly also defense 3, but most likely more soak (I have no idea what his armor and shield might give him) and more encumbrance, but also more damage 1d7 if he hits. Honestly no idea what he would be rolling.

Also, their initiative is bound to be lower than ours, so unless we roll crappy we all get to move first.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by eirikdaude » Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:14 pm

Fair enough, though I really don't want that captain to wake up and be ready for us when we storm the camp. I guess we'll see. And yeah, the axes seem pretty awesome, so if I could just borrow one spear from you, I think I'll just throw once, and then rush them and attempt melee stuff. I think that lots of low damage hits are better than a chance of a high damage hit vs. the guard? Unluckily my strenght is quite sucky, so my chance to hit is rather low, I guess I could upgrade that stat when I get a skill to level 3 (or 15 to 1?). Nothing I can do about that now though. I'm about nervous about how well I'll dodge them too :P

Hmm. I guess we should set up custom combat actions for this battle, once we've got a rough outline of how we plan to do it?

A couple of questions, some of these may have been answered already:
- How far away from the camp is the gnome guard?
- Are we using Ozt for this battle? If we're nervous about them spotting him, could we have him stay a while away, and tell him to come running once he hears fighting?
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:36 pm

I agree with Gathers. We are unfortunately short on weapons and there isn't anything else you could throw. I think you're better off using the axe than rocks. With the +2 bonus of the spear, that means 2d2 which against their 3 def is only 2/3 chance of hitting (unless you get the +1 for sneaking in which case, its an auto hit). The axe would also be 2d2 (1skill + 1 bonus) of the axe is also only 2/3 chance of hitting (unless you successfully sneak), but with that 1d7 damage, you could potentially 1 hit kill.

Also for those of us that have high to to hit rolls: don't forget their 3 def means that if we roll 8+ we do +1 damage. I'm almost considering taking off my armor because of this to boost my roll, but since it also applies to them and I only have 3 con, its staying on.
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Also we are not using Ozt, he has 0 stealth skill and is still injured.
Last edited by ChuckDaRighteous on Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by eirikdaude » Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:25 pm

The spear is for throwing, I would guess that even a spear is better than just throwing rocks, and at least for the first guard, which we hope to kill without alerting the others attacking from a distance seems preferable. I'll also have a much higher to hit with ranged attacks, unless I've missed something, so even if I just do 1 or 2 damage, I think throwing a spear is better for that?
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:58 pm

For some reason I thought the +2 for the spear only applied to melee. Went back and checked and it does apply so you are right. Though you still get the penalty for it being a spear not a javelin.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:30 pm

I concur, Ozt should sit this one out.

@ corrections:
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@chance to hit:
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@ advancement:
more str will help, adding to the dice sides, as will more skill, adding to the number of dice that get rolled.

@ weapons lending:
I'll edit into my post to hand one spear and the axe to Ludo. :thumbsup: Please return them after the fight. (There's another spear & axe in the mine, you could have Ludo grab those, if you want to.) Because I originally took the axe to be able to gather wood/cut down trees, and we still have very little of that (thanks to Traknesh :sulk: ).
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by eirikdaude » Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:16 am

I've already got an axe, so I can return the one I am borrowing from you right now :) I'll grab the extra spear from the mine though, giving me the potential of two ranged attacks!

And yeah, on Traknesh, what irks me the most though, is that the final bow was made into a fishing pole, giving me very limited means for ranged attacks once I joined... Oh, well, if I eventually get a sling, that will probably be good :)

My idea for Ozt was that he stayed some distance away from the combat, until he could hear that it's started and then came running, hopefully negating the chance that he's spotted. If he's still injured it may not be such a hot idea though.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by NewOneAround » Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:05 am

Good Evening

If I understand correct you want to attack the gnomes with all active players and this equipment:

1x Shortbow [wood (ash) / bow string [entrails (cave lizard)])]
15x arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)] B60 D2
1x quiver [wood (ash)]
masterwork Magnifying glass [metal(silver) / magical gem (skyclear crystal)] B35 D15
pickaxe [metal (copper) / wood (ash)] B15 D7

Shortbow [wood (ash) / bow string [entrails (cave lizard)])] To Hit: 1 Break: 30 Damage: 1d3 Durability: 2/3
9x arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)] Break: 60 Durability: 2
3x cloth wrapped arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash) / cloth (gigant hanster)] Durability: 2
2x cloth wrapped arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash) / cloth (gigant hanster)] Durability: 1/2
1x fine sword [metal (iron)]
quiver [wood (ash)]
brestplate [metal (copper)]

masterwork backpack [rare wood (floatwood) / metal (mithral) / leather (mounain troll)] Durability 30
2x spear [hard wood (oak), fire hardend] To Hit: 2 Break: 30 Damage: 1d4 Durability: 5
3x good pole [wood (ash)]
2x fine spear head, bone [bone(rat)]
1x axe [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)]
1x good javelin [bone (rat) / wood (ash)]

masterwork toolset, gemcutting [metal (mithral)]
axe [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)]
2x spear [hard wood (oak), fire hardend] To Hit: 2 Break: 30 Damage: 1d4 Durability: 5

Did I miss something?
Do you want to do something before you attack? Perhaps write a combat preset?

I will write out the combat before I make the turn (because all players are involved)
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by Theis2 » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:00 am

For Krat it will be fine.

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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:00 pm

uh.... minor point of contention which shouldn't affect the outcome:

a few turns ago...
Also, I'll put my fire arrows in the spare quiver and leave it for all archers for use in home defense. And restock my quiver back up to 12 normal arrows.
I haven't been bugging you too much about the stats and inventories being off because usually they are right in your notes... so I'm hoping you just missed that due to being buried in other text. But you also missed my + int so I am getting a little worried that your notes might be falling behind.

Gonna make a slight change to my combat setting since there are so many of us now:
Combat - gnome fight:
Round 1: Sneak to a good sniping position
Round 2: Fire upon enemy guard gnome aiming for the throat so no alarm is raised, if others are woken and all allies retreat then run
Round 3: If its still alive and the other are still asleep then finish off the gnome standing watch, if others are woken and all allies retreat then run, If gnome is dead and others are asleep, draw dagger and slit the throats of the sleeping and start looting!
(also all running away won't be directly towards the mine)
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:51 pm

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KnickKnack does have one pole and one javelin head less than you currently display in the inventory. He already made the (good) javelin out of those. But I don't think it will make any difference in this fight.
Oh, and since he heads back into the mines to fetch the others, KnickKnack will take that last piece ash wood with him, so that one doesn't get used for anything other than trading. :roll:

Can I redo my combat preset for the gnome fight to this, or is it too complicated again?

Combat - gnome fight:
WAIT until everyone but the guard is asleep
Round 1: Sneak to a good throwing position
Round 2: hurl javelin into enemy gnome (the one how keeps watch) aiming for the throat so no alarm is raised, if others are woken: try to move into a position where he can only be attacked by ONE enemy and fight them with spear in appropriate way (thrown at range or melee close up)
Round 3: If watch gnome is still alive and the other are still asleep: finish off the gnome standing watch (throwing a spear), if others are woken: try to move into a position where he can only be attacked by ONE enemy and fight them with spear in appropriate way (thrown at range or melee close up), if own con is equal or lower than half the normal value: run

(also: all running away won't be directly towards the mine)
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by Theis2 » Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:39 pm

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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:46 pm

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Krulle wrote:My bad memory allows me to enjoy positive news far more often!
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by eirikdaude » Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:20 am

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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by NewOneAround » Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:57 pm

@chuck: stats and skills are in my notes. Inventorys not. Thats why I asked ;)

So... I feel like beeing friendly

Temporary Combat Preset
Round 1: Sneak to a good throwing position
Round 2: Hurl spear at guard gnome, if others are woken: try to move into a position where he is next to one of the other kobold and can only be attacked by ONE enemy.
Round 3: If its still alive and the other are still asleep then finish off the gnome standing watch, if others are woken and all allies retreat then run, If gnome is dead and others are asleep, sneak in and slit their throats with my AXE! and start looting!

Temporary Combat Preset
Round 1: Sneak to a good throwing position
Round 2: hurl javelin into enemy gnome (the one how keeps watch) aiming for the throat so no alarm is raised, if others are woken: try to move into a position where he can only be attacked by ONE enemy and fight them with spear in appropriate way (thrown at range or melee close up)
Round 3: If watch gnome is still alive and the other are still asleep: finish off the gnome standing watch (throwing a spear), if others are woken: try to move into a position where he can only be attacked by ONE enemy and fight them with spear in appropriate way (thrown at range or melee close up), if own con is equal or lower than half the normal value: run

Temporary Combat Preset
Round 1: Sneak to a good sniping position
Round 2: Fire upon enemy guard gnome aiming for the throat so no alarm is raised, if others are woken and all allies retreat then run
Round 3: If its still alive and the other are still asleep then finish off the gnome standing watch, if others are woken and all allies retreat then run, If gnome is dead and others are asleep, draw dagger and slit the throats of the sleeping and start looting!

General Combat Preset
1st Round: Run away.
2nd Round Run away. If being held gravel for mercy.
3rd Round Run away. If being held gravel for mercy or try to bribe the enemy.

Is this correct?
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:13 pm

Agh you taunt me, for a second I thought we had the fight started. Been waiting too long. I'm presuming Krat's combat plan won't be run away but instead the "sneak up and shoot it" one. But mine is correct.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by GathersIngredients » Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:44 pm

...and you just added to that taunt, Chuck, because I figured you wouldn't post until there was an update. :P o:)

Anyways, as he wrote above Theis is in London currently and has none to extremely limited Internet access. Can we please vote for him to use another combat preset for THIS ONE FIGHT so we will FINALLY learn if this was a good idea or not? 8)
If yes, I vote for this (I just copied it from Ludo and edited the weapons):
Round 1: Sneak to a good sniping position
Round 2: Fire arrow at guard gnome, if others are woken: try to move into a position where he is next to one of the other kobold and can only be attacked by ONE enemy.
Round 3: If its still alive and the other are still asleep then finish off the gnome standing watch, if others are woken and all allies retreat then run, If gnome is dead and others are asleep, sneak in and slit their throats with my pick axe and start looting!

If no,
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by Theis2 » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:45 pm

I agree with gathers preset
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by eirikdaude » Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:55 am

Looks good to me.
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by NewOneAround » Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:55 pm

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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:28 pm

doh, hmmm... well that was an obvious hole in my preset that I missed.

Since I have the armor and highest defense...

Turn 4: Nockit will draw his sword and run up and stab the sleeping kobold in the throat before the captain can wake him, taunting the captain
Turn 5: Nockit will try to parry attacks regardless of who they're aimed at with his sword, if wounded retreat
Turn 6: Nockit will try to parry attacks regardless of who they're aimed at with his sword, if wounded retreat, if other kobolds retreat do the same.

What tool(s) add to your armor and shield roll? (And where can i get one?)
Not that it would have made a difference but why didn't we get preparation bonus for stealth?
How did the perception tied with stealth play out?
From that it seems they were not spotted but he was alerted?
Did them being spotted (of if they had) would that cause the whole group to be spotted? (hence the no prep bonus)
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