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Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:15 pm
by Perrythepom
"Indeed, I can't tell if that's some witty retort to my desire to eat your ovulations or merely a quirky evolution of language. Either way, it's warming to see you so calm about my request. Clearly, you have evolved a certain decorum and reservedness the former human race lacked!"

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:53 am
by Dlover
"These aren't fish people, you know. Your wording makes a suggestion which would just be barbaric."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:17 am
by thinkslogically
Zoe rolls her eyes and starts casually moving towards the exit and the ashen man. If he doesn't stand aside to let her leave the room when she reaches him, she will stop a foot or so in front of him and look him in the eyes. She won't speak, she'll just keep the eye contact.

If he does allow her to pass through the doorway, she'll go into the next room and see what she can see.

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:42 am
by Perrythepom
Ruprecht speaks in a lower voice, primarily directed at Nathaniel, but loud enough for the rest of the group to hear "All the better to gauge their reaction, then. We have no idea what we're dealing with here, so better to test the waters now than accidentally eat their Pope later on. I say we keep testing their boundaries like this, just to see what to avoid later on."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:50 am
by Dlover
"Alright, if you're really so sure, but I'm not getting tangled up in any confusion."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:04 am
by WearsHats
"'Where harm army?' I'm sorry. I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain?"

"This 'yo momma' stuff aside, I am rather hungry. I haven't had anything to eat in ten thousand years. Come to that, I could use a bathroom..."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:39 pm
by Theis2
"Don't tell me your mother jokes survived 10,000 years.. Is this place some kind of museum for you or are we just a special occasion to have people around here?..

Joergen watches a bit horrified as Zoe presses onward hoping that everyone would stick together as the situation is confusing enough as it is

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:28 pm
by Dlover
Lowering his voice slightly, Nathanial responds to Joergen, "I wouldn't worry too much. It won't be too much trouble to find one of us so long as there's at least one person who knows both languages, with how much we stick out. Besides, a woman that determined can do anything."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:53 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
"Immune? Immune to what? There were groups in our time that some considered a disease to humanity, but the intelligent among us knew they were our equals, and they never referred to themselves as immune. Did something change your kind? Er, if that isn't an insulting question, that is."

ÔÇ£Well we are highly resistant to disease. But saying that in my language is a not very polite word in their language. So we refer to ourselves as immune instead.

We are called disease men from the duexen because they believe we could potentially carry something deadly. They make sure we are cleaned several times before we are even allowed to step into a duexn city. We are able to live in the unprotected cities without any gear with the Avcruvans.

"I can understand the necessity of making sure people are worthy. It's pretty clear that we aren't going to have any money, of course, so how can we prove our worth? Sharing knowledge will be easiest if we can gain access to technology which will allow us all to understand each other clearly."

ÔÇ£It is not up to me to decide if you are worthy and it is very rare for one to obtain technology from worth. I am sure I can purse some of my connections to hear your case.ÔÇØ

"Er, uh... I think that's from another language from our time, meaning something like 'your mother.' "

ÔÇ£Oh my I did not mean that at all! I was certain he was speaking another language."

"Indeed, I can't tell if that's some witty retort to my desire to eat your ovulations or merely a quirky evolution of language. Either way, it's warming to see you so calm about my request. Clearly, you have evolved a certain decorum and reservedness the former human race lacked!"

I suspect it is the last. You eatovals? Shapes? How does one eat a shape? Ah yes scientists think homo saphiens died out because of your aggressiveness.

"These aren't fish people, you know. Your wording makes a suggestion which would just be barbaric."

ÔÇ£Oh! He must be referring to the Oktupodum. We have a low against eating sentient creatures.ÔÇØ

Zoe starts to try to move to the exit.

ÔÇ£Oh wait you are going to run into-ÔÇ£


ÔÇ£Sorry I should have mentioned this sooner but you are in a platx room with circulation provided. You will not be able to leave until you are cleaned, the duexen are paranoid when it comes to diseases. The cleaners should be here soon and then you will be free to do what you wish.ÔÇØ

"This 'yo momma' stuff aside, I am rather hungry. I haven't had anything to eat in ten thousand years. Come to that, I could use a bathroom..."

ÔÇ£I will make sure to guide you to the fudge depositary room after you are cleansed, same with food.ÔÇØ

"Don't tell me your mother jokes survived 10,000 years.. Is this place some kind of museum for you or are we just a special occasion to have people around here?..

A your mother joke? I am afraid I do not understand what you speak of what is the joke? You are in the ancient times museum, I am a researcher staffed here.

A hush goes through the crowd and people in yellow suits covered head to toe walk through. They start to set up equipment and attatch the glass wall with a wierd hose like device. A white smokey gas goes into the chamber and forms around them. After a few minuites the gas dispisitates and they hear a noise as they turn off the equipment and get ready to leave. The platx lowers, indicated by a warning light and sounds as it does so.
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Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:25 pm
by Dlover
► Show Spoiler
Nathanial blinks once, "Avcruvans? So there is another race with an immunity similar to yours?"

"Don't mind his strange words. We don't eat shapes. Meat and plant life were our food, he's referring to the eggs of rather unintelligent creatures. Both plants and animals had some forms which could not be eaten due to toxins within them, and it was frowned upon to eat intelligent creatures, though some parts of the world were less civilised in that regard, unfortunately."

"Aggressiveness, hm? I can see that. There were always those who wanted more than they had, and if they already had enough they could force people to fight for them. It had been that way for a very long time, and much of our technological advancements were developed with those thoughts in mind. With the weaponry available, I'm actually surprised the Earth wasn't destroyed."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:31 am
by thinkslogically
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Zoe attempts to recover her dignity somewhat after walking into the glass. After it is raised, she will attempt to leave through the door, acting exactly as before if the grey guy doesn't step aside. Once through the door, she'll look around to see what she can see

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:32 am
by WearsHats
► Show Spoiler
"That's it? We're decontaminated now? What effects will that have on our bodies? Our digestion depends on colonies of symbiotic bacteria, you know."

"Anyway, what's to be done with us? Are we to live in the museum? A living, intelligent exhibit? Or what?"

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:10 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
.....I only have three um....yea... :/

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:00 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
"Avcruvans? So there is another race with an immunity similar to yours?"
They are rather unique. This is not the place to talk about them. Prof Grav leans close to them, in a whisper. Not safe to talk about, eyes and ears everywhere.
"Aggressiveness, hm? I can see that. There were always those who wanted more than they had, and if they already had enough they could force people to fight for them. It had been that way for a very long time, and much of our technological advancements were developed with those thoughts in mind. With the weaponry available, I'm actually surprised the Earth wasn't destroyed."
ÔÇ£It nearly was. The world was slowed down by the massive weaponry thousands of years ago, and the world almost came to a halt. Many brilliant minds made the earth movers and you can still see them working to keep this world spinning.ÔÇØ

Grav makes no attempt to stop Zoe and watches her.
ÔÇØcurious one, isnÔÇÖt it?ÔÇØ
"That's it? We're decontaminated now? What effects will that have on our bodies? Our digestion depends on colonies of symbiotic bacteria, you know."

"Anyway, what's to be done with us? Are we to live in the museum? A living, intelligent exhibit? Or what?"

ÔÇØYes you are decontaminated but it shouldnÔÇÖt affect your eating, it does not affect mine.
Since you have lived in this land, you are grandfathered to be our citizens. Legally we cannot forcibly contain you, you do not have to live here if you do not wish. My suggestion is to explore this world. You have been gone such a long time and I cannot express what we have.ÔÇØ

"Don't mind his strange words. We don't eat shapes. Meat and plant life were our food, he's referring to the eggs of rather unintelligent creatures. Both plants and animals had some forms which could not be eaten due to toxins within them, and it was frowned upon to eat intelligent creatures, though some parts of the world were less civilized in that regard, unfortunately."
Ah you have a similar diet to Duexen then. We have a food court with various foods to the .that direction  Grav points to the left. Uhhh left? I think it was left in your language. Same with the restrooms. I will lead the way. So tell tell, what was your world like? Grav leads them to the food court where there are many restaurants and some restrooms.
There is a wide view of windows which you can see some sort of vechicle objects on a road, you presume to be cars only they donÔÇÖt look like the cars you have seen before, they are arodynamic and much more compact; with exception of larger vechicles. It is hard to tell but it seems that the people are laying down in them, and the cars seem to be very close to each other, almost touching and it seems miraculous that they do not. In the distance you see buildings with strange motifs, almost gear like. Further still is some giant gears in the background along with a transparent whitish dome.

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:25 pm
by Dlover
Nathanial follows along, watching everything around him curiously, "It is difficult to say what our world was like, as we have nothing to compare it to, really... I can say that our cities were not contained within domes, though, and areas away from large populations were often filled with plant and animal life."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:44 pm
by Perrythepom
"Yes, our world had something of a problem with variation between different regions and countries, so it's a tad hard to try and generalise about our entire world. I, personally, came from a lovely town called 'Sneydham' in the countryside. A lot of grassy meadows with hedges dividing it all up, dotted with very beautiful old buildings, made of stone and wood. Whereas in other places, they had huge, bustling cities not dissimilar to this one. Do you get that kind of variation too, or are all settlements like this?"

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:59 am
by WearsHats
"As the others said, it's hard to describe. Much seems to be similar. We had museums and cars and money and cafeterias and bathrooms and phones. More primitive, perhaps, but serving the same functions. I don't know what's different about your world to explain that. If you have specific questions, I can try to address them. But our world was highly varied. We had different countries and cultures and religions and customs and languages. It's hard to pick out things that applied to everyone.

But what's this about world movers and the Earth... stopping its rotation? How is that even possible? How long is a day now?

And where would we live if not here? As you pointed out, we have no currency. We're total strangers here, with no idea what your culture and technology are like. So what are our choices? I don't mind being part of an exhibit as long as I have some privacy and something to do and the freedom to come and go as I need. As you've seen, I'm happy to talk to your children and exchange ideas and questions. ... I don't suppose I could be paid for that?"

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 6:56 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
"It is difficult to say what our world was like, as we have nothing to compare it to, really... I can say that our cities were not contained within domes, though, and areas away from large populations were often filled with plant and animal life."
 I suppose that is a point. What about your culture? How was it? I can say that in duexen controlled cities there are no plants, no wild ones anyways. As for animal life.well there are some pests that are eradicated when someone comes upon them. Or at least that is the way it is in duexen cities.
"Yes, our world had something of a problem with variation between different regions and countries, so it's a tad hard to try and generalise about our entire world. I, personally, came from a lovely town called 'Sneydham' in the countryside. A lot of grassy meadows with hedges dividing it all up, dotted with very beautiful old buildings, made of stone and wood. Whereas in other places, they had huge, bustling cities not dissimilar to this one. Do you get that kind of variation too, or are all settlements like this?"
There are vast differences in civilizations, the Duexen controlled cities are protected by domeshields. Some have grasslands but those are getting fewer and and fewer the more duexens there are in one. Outside the duexen cities there are various types of settlements and animals. Immunexian cities typically are more farmlands with the Acruvians. Immunexians also dont kill pests on sight like the Duexen. That is also why we get along with Acruvians, because Duexens think of them as only pests and not sentient. I wish I could show you an acruvian society but you will need a lot more equipment for that.
ÔÇ£But what's this about world movers and the Earth... stopping its rotation? How is that even possible? How long is a day now?ÔÇØ
ÔÇØWell many melena ago the earth was struck by a large meateor. It caused the earth to slow down considerably. The world movers are a piece of work. They are in the earth, hundreds of units deep to make sure it does not fly off, and use ample force to move the earth. There are multiple in the world, each in the center or near center of fractures so that the plates do not move.ÔÇØ
ÔÇ£And where would we live if not here? As you pointed out, we have no currency. We're total strangers here, with no idea what your culture and technology are like. So what are our choices? I don't mind being part of an exhibit as long as I have some privacy and something to do and the freedom to come and go as I need. As you've seen, I'm happy to talk to your children and exchange ideas and questions. ... I don't suppose I could be paid for that?"
ÔÇØAs to where you can live, you can live at hot-el. Since you have no real skills asides information, generally the more dangerous the job is the better it pays. I know that this place will most likely higher you. But there are other options. Maybe I am not the best person to suggest other careers, but your dna could provide useful for scientists. There is also a constant job for cleaning the dome. ItÔÇÖs not supposed to be white. Due to the large space that the dome is, it will never be completely clean and will be a full time job, itÔÇÖs a bit dangerous though.ÔÇØ

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:49 pm
by Dlover
"Many of our cities would have parks, large areas of plant and animal life. There would also often be small clusters of plants near the streets, so it seems like Deuxen cities are very different to what ours were."

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 10:19 pm
by WearsHats
"I, for one, would be willing to live and work here, depending on the specifics. What would I have to do? How much of my time would you require? Would I have a private place to sleep? Would I have access to technology and information? I'm presuming you still have something like the Internet."

"Wait, a meteor strike powerful enough to slow the Earth's rotation? I can't imagine what the impact crater from that would look like. The dust cloud from it must have blotted out the sun across the planet. The shockwaves would have been like earthquakes all over the place. The devastation... it's amazing anything survived that. Is that what happened to humanity? I just... wow."

"But these Earth movers... surely they've done their job by now? How long is a day?"

"So in Duxen cities, there are almost no plants or animals. Where does their food come from? Where does their oxygen come from? Where does the carbon dioxide go? In the cities of our time, there were usually parks and trees. And with no dome the wind could bring in fresh air. Of course, the air in the cities was still polluted. And, small urban farms and gardens aside, pretty much all the food had to be brought in from far away. I suppose the Duxen could buy food from Acruvian farms, but would they trust it? Or are they producing food in some other way?"

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:50 am
by thinkslogically
All right, I'm still a bit confused about where we are exactly, but zoe is not going to be a cleaner. She'll turn to the creepy guy and ask him :

"so who are you working for then? That guy said we should explore and I'm going to take him up on that, but I could use a guide and you seem the least boring. So, want to show me around? "

Zoe will (hopefully) leave with the silent creepy guy. If she can't or he refuses, she'll leave on her own and start exploring the city a bit too figure out how it all works.

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:55 am
by Dlover
Right now? We're in the cafeteria of a museum, within a city contained in a dome to keep it the conditions the Deuxen can survive in.

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 2:11 am
by WearsHats
And our options are to live in the museum or a hotel and to work as dome cleaners, museum exhibits, or cannon fodder (unskilled labor sent to do unspecified dangerous tasks). We're free to roam the city, but currently have no money. Also, we don't speak the language. There's apparently a translator app, but we'd need money to afford a phone and city residents outside the museum might not know how to talk to us (and probably wouldn't want to). We might have better luck with one of the other societies, but we can't get there yet.

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 2:30 am
by thinkslogically
"Yup. Right now. Well, maybe after breakfast..."

Zoe will take any food that's offered to her (for free), and then head outside. This place is weird and she'd like to see it for herself for a bit, however much she might or might not understand.

OOC: We have a job to do, and it involves getting the hell out of here and back to our own time. Zoe is not one for sitting around chatting when she could be doing stuff, however useful the discussion may be.

Re: Time Capsule

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 2:32 am
by Dlover
WearsHats wrote:We might have better luck with one of the other societies, but we can't get there yet.
And so far it seems like the Deuxen are very similar to humans, so the environment outside the domes could easily be lethal to us.