10th June 2013: BROW

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Re: 10th June 2013: BROW

Post by apotato » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:12 am

EatsAPeach wrote:I think Oblivious is Kore-kryptonite and will last until MinMax vs Kore, but heck, anything can happen. This is a world of wonders, marvels, miracles, and horrors, woven with elements of humor, dismay, delight, and despite; just ask the Talking Wall if you have a few minutes to spare.
i have serious doubts oblivious will exist outside of the MoM.

it uses oblivion to function, but Psimax's oblivion is based on the MoM limited laws of existence, not the full multiverse laws of existence. on top of that it exists outside of the laws governing time in a plane where time is non-linear.

in short minmax needs to grab a sword from the treasure room as oblivious probably wont work outside the maze. it may be what saves complains, if the following location is the Kore fight. minmax attempting to grab oblivious makes him look like a buffoon and prevents an unnecessary combat situation when GAP really doesn't need another one

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