Doctor Who!

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:36 am

I suppose hundreds of years worth of Christmas would make anybody old.

And Sam, you're not the only one. I think they're a bunch of lunatics. They make the Doctor look comparatively sane and mundane. Which is... yeah. He's the sane one of the bunch. I would be seriously tempted to leave them in there. Probably makes a better plot line to take them out, though.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:45 pm

Sam, I think the events of the 50th showed that not all the Time Lords/ Gallifreyans are bent on bad agendas. The High Council? Surely. The rest of the population that the Doctor mourned having killed? Nope. Which is his dilemma. Does he dare release his people back into the Universe and thus start the Next Time War or does he condemn himself to remain the last Time Lord knowing that his people are, in fact alive still.... OR does he search for a way to release them without starting another Time War?

Knowing the Doctor, option 3 is probably what he'll attempt. But since he couldn't leave Christmas until now, he stayed and did what the Doctor does: protects the innocent.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by friedkitty » Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:04 pm

Going all the way back to the old series, the Gallifreyans have never been good. They have:
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So every time he has dealt with them, they have not been the good guys. Sure they might have helped, but they are definitely not good. And he knows that. But I think it is like the mom you don't get along with. She's still your mom.

So if they do come back, I think it will be as another foil. Possibly he brings them back, and now he has to run from them as factions try to get even with him for locking them away in the first place.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:47 pm

You appear to have regenerated since the last time I saw you...

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:16 am

I'm a high-functioning sociopath!

I think that it's wrong to condemn all time lords for the actions of the ruling body. They made a point of mentioning that there were innocent civilians, including children, on Gallifrey when it was originally destroyed by the Doctor. Bringing back the timelords will bring back a bunch of powerful assholes, true...but it will also liberate an entire populace of innocent people.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:30 am

Liesmith wrote:I'm a high-functioning sociopath!

I think that it's wrong to condemn all time lords for the actions of the ruling body. They made a point of mentioning that there were innocent civilians, including children, on Gallifrey when it was originally destroyed by the Doctor. Bringing back the timelords will bring back a bunch of powerful assholes, true...but it will also liberate an entire populace of innocent people.
Which was my point.

The High Council of Timelords is full of jerks who want power and are generally in the Jerk category of persons.

The rest of the population is innocent.

It's like condemning the entirety of the Earth to live in purgatory until the end of days for the actions of Hitler and his council. (IMO)
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:48 am

Liesmith wrote: Tennant was sillier, but that dark undercurrent was still there, and would show itself in a subdued fashion from time to time (ie Family of Blood)
I just watched that last night, during my rewatch of the series. I forgot how scary he was at the end of that one. :shock:

And seriously, rewatching series 3 makes me love Martha even more. Again. I don't see any of what you guys see with her being moony or childish. She has a couple of moments where she's like "well there he goes falling in love with a human who's not me." But really, it's more like "oh, FML" than it is anything else. Like she said at the end of Family of Blood, "he doesn't even look at me, but I don't care. I love him to pieces." I think she's back tied with Amy now. (I kind of think of Amy & Rory as a unit, so I don't usually count them separately). And maybe even past Jack. :shock: I don't know. I guess I love Jack more on Torchwood anyway.

As for the Time Lords, I said I'd be tempted to leave them there. I didn't say I'd do it. But once they were out, I might well lead a planetary coup if I were him.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:00 am

RocketScientist wrote:-snip-And seriously, rewatching series 3 makes me love Martha even more. Again. I don't see any of what you guys see with her being moony or childish. She has a couple of moments where she's like "well there he goes falling in love with a human who's not me." But really, it's more like "oh, FML" than it is anything else. Like she said at the end of Family of Blood, "he doesn't even look at me, but I don't care. I love him to pieces." I think she's back tied with Amy now. (I kind of think of Amy & Rory as a unit, so I don't usually count them separately). And maybe even past Jack. :shock: I don't know. I guess I love Jack more on Torchwood anyway.

As for the Time Lords, I said I'd be tempted to leave them there. I didn't say I'd do it. But once they were out, I might well lead a planetary coup if I were him.
I love Martha. She's a very underrated companion. She isn't my favorite, but she's close.

And your suggestion for letting them out would be a fun few episodes to watch
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:17 pm

Yeah, I haven't the foggiest why she gets so much hate. One of my facebook friends literally said "I want to punch her goddam face". Of all the companions, I think she's the only one who never got superpowers at any point. Rose came down with a case of "god", Donna cam down with a brief case of Doctor, Amy was a samurai for a while, Rory was a Roman centurion, and Clara was omnipresent for a bit. Jack is. He's so "is" that it's actually nauseating for the Doctor.

Martha, on the other hand, isn't a badass assassin. She doesn't get superpowers. She's never more than human. She becomes a little bit of a commando at one point, but she works with a team, rather than just being absolutely amazing at everything. She falls for someone charismatic who doesn't reciprocate, gets down on herself a bit because of this...then she gets over it. She doesn't succeed because the writers have to make her Batman, she succeeds because they just make her clever and brave. If anyone wanted a well-written female character in the new Doctor Who series, I think she's the best candidate...though that may just be my shoddy memory.

Martha, what do you think?
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Couldn't have said it better myself.

Also, I want Freema to play Vixen in a Justice League movie or TV show. And I want Gina Torres to play Wonder Woman, dammit. sigh....what were we talking about, again?
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:22 pm

Exactly. Also, Martha marries Mickey, which is completely awesome. I never saw that coming, but then it made so much sense. They're perfect complements to each other.

And I also love Gina Torres. I've been a fan of hers since Hercules. I vote to put her in everything. I kind of wanted Miracle Laurie to be Wonder Woman, since she looks quite a bit like Lynda Carter. But Gina is good. I'd be very happy with that casting.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Liesmith » Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:14 pm

Man, I felt so bad for Mickey early in the series. The poor guy's girlfriend is swept away from him by a time travelling alien with a Northern accent...I can totally relate (BARRRROWMAAAAAN!!!!). I vaguely remember Rose trying to invite him along, but the Doctor not allowing that accurate? Or did Mickey have a genuine chance to come along with Rose, but chose not to because he's a scaredy mouse?

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Miracle Laurie, but I do know that Gina could probably believably punch someone through a wall with minimal special effects (at least according to all the Firefly and Angel fanfiction I've studied). What do you think of the woman (Gal Gadot) who was chosen to play her in the upcoming Batman/Superman movie? I haven't seen her in anything aside from context-free clips of Fast and Furious 26: Back in the Habit, where she was playing a character that was as far from Wonder Woman as you can get before changing genders or species. I'm trying to to pre-judge her as an actress based on the writing of a character she portrayed, but I am having a really tough time visualizing her in the role.
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed."
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:06 pm

I *think* Mickey told Eccleston he was afraid to go, so he pretended that Mickey wasn't allowed to come along.

Miracle was Mellie on Dollhouse, if you've seen that.

I really don't know anything about Gadot. Not a Fast & Furious fan. Googling her picture, I can't really see it. But at least it's not Kristen Stewart. Ugh. She is completely unwatchable.

Today I rewatched Fires of Pompeii. I would love to see them retcon that episode as Two Doctors, where Capaldi had lost his memory and lived life as a regular guy for a while. I mean how many ancient Romans would think "hey, a Tardis/giant blue box! I will buy that and put it in my living room!" :lol:

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Unlucky-for-Some » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:03 pm

You are quite right RS - the Doctor even suggested to Mickey that he could come and he was all "I can't", so the Doctor covered for him by telling Rose that he wasn't allowed.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:38 pm

Anyone have an opinion on Capaldi's new outfit? ... er-capaldi#

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:03 am

My only opinion on Capaldi is this: Hurry up with Series 8 damnit!

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:22 pm

Yeah, I feel like they're taking their sweet time with that. I'd like to watch it while I'm still feeling nervous yet optimistic, rather than impatient and annoyed.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by lingrem » Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:31 am

I like it. But I do tend to go towards "Hipster Magician!" when I see his clothes.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by friedkitty » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:46 am

Yeah, but Matt was 1960's college professor. They all have to have a unique look and this is unique without being wierd. (Colin Baker) And in answer to RS, yes i have, thanks for noticing. My avatar coincides with whatever dr I'm on in my chronlogical rewatch of the entire series.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:20 pm

Slight necro-post, but Peter Capaldi -- I like him. I think this is going to work. 8)

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Jibjib » Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:56 am

Agreed - loved the new doctor, loved the story and loved the new opening titles :) as usual, didn't really get on with Clara as a character, and didn't like the new sound effects, but overall, really liked it :) 7.5 Jibs out of 10
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by Wolfie » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:37 am

I want the "eyebrow" rant as a ringtone. There were so many things to quote in just that first episode. He makes me want to run away with him in a way that Matt Smith never did.

Jib, did you know that the opening title was worked by a fan and the BBC requested the rights to use it because they liked it so much?
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RocketScientist » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:08 pm

Fantastic! I liked the opening, too.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by RobotSamurai » Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:26 am

I enjoyed the opening episode and I think Capaldi could be a great Doctor. My concern with Doctor Who at the minute is that they are overusing the Daleks. In the episode "Dalek" with Eccleston they seemed powerful and unstoppable, not forgetting making them a bit scary again. Now they seem too easily defeated.

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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by lingrem » Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:37 am

I really liked Capaldi! He seemed like a fun combination of many of the past Doctors...

I'm not really a fan of the new opening credits though. Just not so keen on them.
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Re: Doctor Who!

Post by wutzibu » Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:34 am

I'm Currently watching the third episode and Boy, the new Tardis Interior looks slick! aso the doctor seems to know what he is doing when operating the Tardis (he still left the handbreak though, maybe he just likes the sound?).

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