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Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:55 pm
by SuperVaderMan
And as a reminder, Grimm's plan was to lure Prometheus into a meeting with promise of one of the cube artifacts, and then to push him back into Babylon?

The plan we're convinced that, even in the best case scenario it works and he gets tricked back into Babylon, it wouldn't accomplish much since, as far as we're aware, there's nothing stopping him from just hopping back into our dimension?

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:26 pm
by M0rtimer
Grimm remains unconvinced that he'd be able to just return like that. Even if he could, that it wouldn't be an instant thing, and that getting rid of Prometheus is the only effective way to destabilize the Godslayers. "Agree to disagree."

In each case, he concedes that no matter what, the Hamachi base may give them some much needed intel. the question is if it turns out to be a dead end what'll be happening next, and he's making clear what his own intention is. I am going under the assumption none of the trainers have quite agreed to it.

The short being that unless you guys decide(d) to do something drastic to try and stop him, he'll be showing up here regardless because he has his own interests in the place.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:42 pm
by Dlover
Honestly, if we hit a dead end Grimm's plan doesn't seem that bad. Doesn't involve sacrifices, and so long as it works it gets Prometheus out of the picture. Since he's the one that kills gods, sounds pretty good.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:57 pm
by The Lost
If they been tracking us, would they find out about the secret base? If so we need to add protections there too

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:07 pm
by SuperVaderMan
The base is pretty deep underground, and the pokedexes probably can't get a signal down that far.

In addition, the only time we physically walked to the base was prior to our encounter with Goser - every subsequent base trip was done by way of book teleport. So, I think there's a good chance they wouldn't know that we're using the temple as a base (yet).

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:25 am
by M0rtimer
There's no actual need to post if you don't have any insightful feedback just yet. This was all I could crank out for now, so I figured I might as well split it up and give a chance for feedback/questions, before Grimm finishes.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:42 am
by SuperVaderMan
Just a quick note: it's the other way around. The Patron is the one doing the giving, not the one receiving. So Giratina would be the patron :lol:

Interesting stuff, though, that there's a connection between here and Babylon through this 'land of the dead'. It'd make sense if that's where the dead from both dimensions end up going.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:52 am
by M0rtimer
Obviously, Giratina bowed to the great majesty that is Grimm. :shifty:

I can also say that if Grimm were to be pressured on that topic, he would respond that he believes it may be the case, in a sense. From what Giratina has told him, all creatures have their souls directly tied to their body in his realm, much like ghosts, meaning there is no afterlife as soul and body are destroyed in tandem. In each case, connection might be a bit of an overstatement given how it seems impossible to cross.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:41 pm
by SuperVaderMan
Oh right, everyone else is convinced that Giratina is a bad guy, including Grimm. That makes Giratina being Grimm's patron kinda weird, huh.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:55 am
by Dlover
I mean, Alex isn't convinced *Giratina* is a bad guy, it's just that *every single one of his followers* that Alex has met has been a bad guy. And Alex has been ready to throw hands at every godly thing we've come across other than Diancie, and he hardly interacted with her.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 4:04 am
by M0rtimer
For being on the gods side, he sure wants to throw hands with them a lot.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:21 am
by Dlover
I'm pretty tired, so I'm gonna ramble about Alex's attitude. And since I'm just rambling, I'm gonna put it in a spoiler to not smack people with a wall of text.
► Show Spoiler

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:27 pm
by SuperVaderMan
Yo can I make an Intuition check on this? The info all lines up, but this is at least twice now that Grimm's pulled the wool over the trainers' eyes about some pretty important stuff. Koa can't really take Grimm at face value at this point.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:44 pm
by M0rtimer

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:03 am
by SuperVaderMan

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:15 am
by M0rtimer
Koa seems pretty sure that he's telling the truth this time. It does seem like he's intentionally trying to be as thorough as possible to make up for not (being allowed to) telling in the past.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:18 pm
by SuperVaderMan
So I know we're handling battles narratively now, but since we're gonna be going into a battle with a lady in an exosuit, I feel like this is my time. :cheer:

Koa also has an exosuit in the form of Kinhe. While the initial high he got the first time she bonded with him freaked him out, it's still something he wanted to work on with her since it's a powerful and useful ability. Maybe she could get to the point where she doesn't get him high whenever they bond?

Regardless, mechanically speaking it's something I've been wanting to do:
- Koa has the Defense, Kinhe the Special Defense, and they can intercept for each other for free
- If any big attacks come their way, Koa can Wide Guard it
- I planned on leveling Koa so he can make Leftovers to mitigate the drain he'd be taking per turn
- I've been raising Koa's Focus so he can safely decouple from her even after using the Possession to pump his stats a few times

So yeah, Koa would plan to be on the team that tackles the Fairy Box room and getting into a 1v1 mech fight with the exosuit lady :lol:

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:37 pm
by M0rtimer
Good intel! Yes, when we get to the battle, I'll try to include such information when given, just like how burns mentioned Haley being able to hack robots.

And it might not be completely flavor text either... I was considering adding an element of "risk" to some potential outcomes. Basically, depending on how difficult a path you choose. The path of least resistance I'd keep effectively risk free (unless some really dumb actions are taken), but, without trying to spoil anything, as an example you may be given a hard and easy path, with the harder path carrying more rewards, but having a % chance of triggering a bad event, based on how prepared I gauge everyone to be. Triggering it... I'll probably make some kind of "bad thing" list. Killing pc's likely won't be on it, but maybe there can be injuries of some kind.

Now, npc's on the other hand. >:)

On a serious note, what do you guys think about this as a solution to making the more dangerous choices still feel more dangerous?

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:53 pm
by SuperVaderMan
I mean, yeah, I don't see a problem with it. It lets us know we can't just get away with doing whatever and it'll all work out. Seems fine

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 7:02 pm
by SuperVaderMan
I don't mind moving on towards base raid time

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:30 pm
by M0rtimer
Anyone not assigned to a team yet can still do as they prefer.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:12 am
by Dlover
Alex will just go with whichever team has the least manpower, since I haven't seen any indication of one team or the other needing a talky person in particular.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:35 am
by M0rtimer
Probably team tech? Considering the only npc's there are Jeremy and Isabella who are still "average".

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:42 am
by Dlover
Works for me.

Re: Trinity Isles OOC

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:08 am
by SuperVaderMan
Isabella still has the heavy armor from the Vault at least, but yeah, they probably needed a little more manpower.

Coincidentally, 13 seems to be over there. If you wanna get talky then there's an opportunity.