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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:27 pm
by M0rtimer
"Begin with clearing the rubble and starting on your blueprints for the castle. The construction and expenditures can come later, but how does three coffers sound for enhanced detailing?"
Go ahead and begin a complete reconstruction, I can help with some demolishing if you do not plan to re purposes the material. However my chambers are all ready complete so work that into your plans. For the castle I believe I am willing to spend two coffers a season maximum."
"We captured a lure wurm recently would you be able to construct a set of armour from the scales? I feel I would like to gift my dragon knight with some new armour .

"Oh, three coffers should be more than enough for me to make things absolutely exquisite, sire- And two coffers per season... We could split it, perhaps? One coffer of gold going towards needed luxuries, the other going towards speeding up progress..? I'll give you a summary of progress at end of the season, and we can determine how we go from there, of course..."

"As for crafting armour... I could most definitely give it a try, yes. Hmm... It's not really my forte, though, I admit. Maybe we need something along the lines of... A court artificer? In each case, there's quite a bit of it all considering the size of the beast- If used well, it could likely be used for a whole unit..."

>The Artisan will take 2 coffers of gold for construction...
"One needs to receive images, one needs to deliver images. We can keep the old orb as a stationary method for sending only speech, to cut expenses. It would be six coffers, then? That is... Manageable."
Three coffers... Fine just make the one that can send images and on to receive them"

"Ah, my apologies lord, allow me to make a minor clarification- I was talking about pairs. Indeed, the two orbs will need a slight variation of ingredients to get the different effects, but I was referencing what I would believe one set to cost... Very well- I'll get to work..."

>The Magister has claimed three major purchases to create a set of communion orbs with vision properties on one end.
"I see. Is it safe for the magister to examine? I wonder whether it is possible to release its effect - not to reveal the mercenary's secrets, but to ensure he has no hold on my court."

"I... Cannot answer that. I am now allowed to let it be seen..."

"How much would you need for this task?"

"Oh, nothing sire- I can make sure to direct efforts even without any gold... But provided, I can make good use of it to try and hasten things- It'd likely take several seasons to reach this gold deposit if left alone, if not longer... But with some luck, we might be able to shorten that drastically."
"I would like you to visit Rhenovia, to see whether they would be willing to share their crops. I do not expect it to come free, even from them, for we can only ask so much on goodwill, but look into their willingness, and the cost."
"Go ahead and see if we can do some trade with Rhenovia for some sweet hops. If the Potash and glass works are on course maybe they would be interested in some of those.

By the way are there any known settlements to the south of Umcilien or are they completely cut off other than Servicius?

"Very well sire- I will see what kind of deal I can arrange..."

"As for Umicilien- They're not completely cut off from the rest of the world having the dwarven settlements towards their East. Technically they also share borders with Gravenrogh, but it's blocked by mountains and only a very small piece of land... Besides that, there is only ocean on their south side."

>The Emissary will attempt to form a deal for sweethops with Rhenovia...
Egg... I got no clue. Hatching it sounds troublesome.
As for the egg i'm thinking either sell it or harvest it for parts once its grown a little now... I like the idea of acid resistant armour for our i believe our main threat was a black dragon who's most common attack would be acid? Still knowing we can change out breath weapon now it might be a one off advantage...if that ever happens.
You're not sure what to do with this egg... Eventually deciding to just let it slowly hatch for now, although likely not intending to keep it- You'll be able to keep it captured at least for a little while after it's hatched... And sell it to some kind of exotic trader in the worst case, or slay it for some meager amounts of scale and acid otherwise.

>Egg hatching will commence...

>The court has received their orders.
>Time passes...

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:40 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
Take the Marshal unwillingly to be tested by magister. Also after egg hatches maybe magister can magically control it so we can send it to enemies.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:46 pm
by Dlover
The magister will be busy this season. I'm also concerned about the results if it's investigated unwillingly.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:05 am
by M0rtimer

>It is the 313th year after slumber.
>It is Spring.

Another season passes, as you know that soon your spymaster might return... A good thing, as you've likely a few tasks he could perform you do not simply entrust to your units. This is, of course, assuming the Mercenary returns swiftly... You hope the scuffle that is still going on near your borders doesn't scare him off- People have been claiming this eternal storm has only been growing bigger, being allowed to spiral out of control, many fishers securing their ships to the dock and refusing to set sail. You're not sure if they are merely growing tired of the constant gloom, or if there's actually something substantial... You are pretty sure the storm has not decreased in intensity, however- The Gravenrogh ships still docking regularly with equally strong damage...


You first turn to the Artisan, seeing how progress goes on the castle... It seems that he is most definitely using the gold well- One coffer had gone to certain luxuries he's sure to use, like more expensive, fancy stone for the tiles of at least the entrance hales, potentially more, what looks like the materials needed to construct a "throne"... You are quite content. And progress is not exactly going slow, either- Foundations cleared by the end of the season, with new foundations already being planned and laid out, materials ready to begin actual construction of the walls and towers as the Artisan delegates what has to go where... The basics are already being put in place- With some luck, it might even be done by next season!

>Swift progress is being made on the castle.


The Magister, meanwhile, spends the season trying to find expensive ingredients for esoteric enchantments... It cost a hefty penny- But did pay off in the end, as you're presented with a pair of the communion orbs- One of these denoted of being able to see what is going on at the other end... Likely something Minerva would be willing to pay a lot for.

>The magister created a new pair of communication orbs.


The Dragonknight and Marshall meanwhile, spend their season scouring the border, scanning for points of interest that could be used to potentially build outposts, watchtowers to watch for invaders. Which is met with... Mixed results. Some spots of interest are definitely picked out, and it would definitely be possible to construct watch towers there, dedicate an unit to keeping them manned, especially if you're considering to expand your standing force soon... But most of your border is simply far too open to ever guarantee being able to hold a proper "chokehold", at least from the south as it is a smooth, often blurry line where you cross from your lands into that of Servicius, marked only by "Where the grass turns to stone and sand"... No proper claim has ever been much made on it, since nothing interesting has ever been found that warranted wanting to define just where the line started and ended, a lot of it considered a "No man's land".

Minerva's presence does make her a bit of a natural barrier, making it a tad harder for troops from the East to come in... Especially since you suspect that you're at least on good enough terms for her to give you an advance warning should anything ever come from that direction, even if she doesn't directly interfere. Of course, that also would mean you'd have to be there to catch the message...

The western pass would be the easiest to secure, given that, with the exception of somehow trekking over the mountains, the northern pass is the only way to go through... Things could easily be monitored by setting an outpost, there.

In each case, a full out border guard along the south, which seems to be the most important cover, seems rather... Cost prohibitive, albeit not impossible. The Marshall's suggestion being that, for now, if you are worried about wanting to know off potential incursions ASAP, to set up a few border patrol stations- And have one or two units of troops patrol between them... But the Marshall does have one more thing to say.

"Your highness... I believe you should be aware of the fact that we've noticed, and some traders have raised concerns as well about Minerva's... Activities. Her... Children seem to be spreading out more, heading out towards nearby forests- It seems they're hunting for wildlife there taking it back, but they seem to have little regard for how much they take... And scaring our hunters in the process."

"We've seen some of their movements while we were scouting." the Dragonknight adds. "It does appear they are intentionally not moving in direction of the city, and only hunting in forests a decent distance away... But that may still spell trouble."

>The Dragonknight and Marshall investigated the potential of border guard...
>Minerva is becoming active again...


The Regent meanwhile, tends to the mine- Doing what progress he can with no coin, his assistance does provide useful, as what troubles the miners have are taken seriously, and what issues can be resolved without (much) coin are done quickly... As he brings his final report:

"Ah, sire... Progress has gone quite well, I'd say. Not extraordinary, but quite well. I expect us to reach gold in about two seasons, maybe three... Barring we put even more effort towards making it happen as soon as possible, of course. One suggestion I've received that could be done without much trouble is to have our forges dedicate a season towards constructing rails and some carts..."

>The Regent has sped up the digging progress.


And finally, you turn to your emissary, as he returns from his travels- Meeting you with a joyous smile as he tells you of what he has managed to come to agreement to.

"Ah, sire! I think you'll be glad to know with what I managed to arrange... I managed to come to a quite positive arrangement- It was agreed that it would be a far cry to share as it's unlikely to have a major impact on their markets, we're strong allies... They'll sell us a large enough supply to start constructing our own farms for two gold, as well as help us out for starters in how it's cultivated... It does require some good quality soil I've already been informed, but we have some plots that should work. It's a very good deal, for what it is."

>The Emissary managed to arrange a deal.

.[tabs: Buildings]
Key buildings:
The castle: Disrepair - Being rebuilt...
Docks: Decent shape
Housing: Good shape
Nobility housing: Decent shape
Town hall: Decent shape
Resting chamber: Excellent shape
Cemetery: Becoming too small...

Economy buildings
Market: Decent shape
Guilds: Decent shape
Glassworks: Decent shape (Missing own source - potash)

Resource buildings
Mines: decent shape (provides metal resources)
Mountain mines: decent shape (provides metal resources) - SURPLUS
Forestry: decent shape (provides wood resources)
Forges: Excellent shape (producing steel- Capable of wrought iron and cast iron)

Defensive buildings:
City moat: Decent shape
Walls: Good shape
Barracks: Good shape
Main gate: Good shape, with drawbridge.
Secondary gate: Decent shape, with drawbridge.

Luxury buildings
Inns: Good shape
Theater: Excellent shape
Temples: Excellent shape
Lobster pot addition: Decent shape (provides luxury food)
Mushroom grotto: Poor shape (provides a small amount of luxury food)

Developmental buildings
School: Excellent shape

Additional buildings:
Market statue: Good shape, embedded with a magic stone.
Magister's workshop: Good shape

Utility buildings
Raincatchers (source of water)
Farmland: Good shape (provides food)
Fisheries: Good shape (provides food)
Roof farms: Good shape (provides a small amount of food)

[tabs: The people]
The people are content.

Negative factors:
They lack many "luxuries"

Positive factors:
The townhouse was restored!

Primary needs:
Housing: above sufficient
Water: sufficient
Food: sufficient

Secondary needs:
Entertainment: sufficient
protection: sufficient
Structure: sufficient
Food quality: insufficient
Tools: sufficient
religion: sufficient


Education: mediocre
Craftiness: mediocre
Magic: low
Combat: above mediocre
Health: mediocre
Charisma: mediocre

[tabs: The nobility]
The nobility are content.

All families are not pleased with the appointment of the Libera family as nobility.
The nobility are happy with the theater.
effort has gone into contenting the nobles.

Dunwall family
+Happy from the positive praise.
+The regent has been fairly elected
-The Libera became nobility

Gilden family

Relia family
+The regent has been fairly elected
+The temple has been restored!
-The Libera became nobility

Etrange family
++A member of our family became Emissary.
+The Libera have been disowned!

Libera family
++Very pleased with their appointment as nobility

[tabs: Foreign relations]
Duchy of Morgue (Northwest)
Have no hostile intentions, seem willing to have arrangements for the right price.

Could establish trade if the pass was secured.

Issue with Gravenrogh?

Kingdom Gravenrogh (West, past mountains)
Very much willing to be friends
Have started sending trade ships

Possible alliance with Umilicien?
Do not seem to have any immediate hostile intent.
Are not interested in any form of arrangement.

No known military data - Suspected to be larger than own.

Strong allies.

Known information:
- Do not intend to wipe us out - Yet.
- Powerful army- Estimated to outnumber us 6 to 1.
- Powerful court mage, multiple lesser mages.
- Darilcoth has learned relatively strong magic.

-May attempt to sabotage or steal technology.
[tabs: War]

Current conflicts:

All troops have received basic to advanced training.
All troops have received basic archery training.
All troops have minor combat expertise.

Land lore is known.

Special troops
1 mage with healing specialization.

The army currently garrisons:

1 regular troops.
3 elite troops.
1 unit of spies - Located within Servicius territory.

Hardened equipment for: 6 troops.
Regular equipment for: 3 troops
Others: poor quality

Very high
[tabs: Trade]
Trade has resumed

Current average income from trade: 2

Surplus sales
The following resources are created in surplus by the kingdom, and are sold for a raw profit:
Iron from mountain mines: 0.25

Duchy of Morgue (Northwest)
No contact.

Kingdom Gravenrogh (West, past mountains)
Contact made: occasional trade ships add +0.5 major purchases each month usually
Resource connected: Glass (minor reduced efficiency) +0.75 major purchases each month usually
Ongoing war: -0.5 major purchases each month

Hold potential trade goods.
Cancelled trade!

Holds potential trade goods
Has good interest in trading: Provides +1.0 major purchases each month usually.

Marital contacts
Docks are in decent state.

[tabs: Court]
The Marshall
Patience: High
The Marshall is neutral towards the Magister.
The Marshall is very friendly towards the Dragonknight.
The Marshall is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Marshall is neutral towards the Regent.
The Marshall is very friendly towards the Mercenary.
The Marshall is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Marshall is friendly towards the squire.
The Marshall is friendly towards the spymaster.

The Magister
Patience: Very high
The Magister is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Magister detests the Dragonknight.
The Magister is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Magister is neutral towards the Regent.
The Magister hates the Mercenary.
The Magister dislikes the Emissary.
The Magister dislikes the squire.
The Magister is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Dragonknight
Patience: Elevated
The Dragonknight dislikes the Marshall.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Magister.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Regent.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Mercenary.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Dragonknight is friendly towards the Squire.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Artisan
Patience: Very high
The Artisan is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Artisan detests the Magister.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Artisan is friendly towards the Regent.
The Artisan is friendly towards the Mercenary.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Squire.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Regent
Patience: High
The Regent is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Regent is friendly towards the Magister.
The Regent is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Regent is friendly towards the Artisan.
The Regent is neutral towards the Mercenary.
The Regent is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Regent is neutral towards the Squire.
The Regent dislikes the Spymaster.

The Emissary
Patience: High
The Emissary is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Magister.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Emissary has not met the Mercenary.
The Emissary dislikes the Regent.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Squire.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The squire
Patience: High
The Squire is friendly towards the Marshall.
The Squire is neutral towards the Magister.
The Squire is very friendly towards the Dragonknight.
The Squire is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Squire is neutral towards the Mercenary.
The Squire is friendly towards the Regent.
The Squire is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Squire is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Spymaster
Patience: Ordinary
The Spymaster is friendly towards the Marshall.
The Spymaster is friendly towards the Magister.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Spymaster is friendly towards the Mercenary.
The Spymaster dislikes the Regent.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Squire.

[tabs: Items]
Special items:
One bottle of "plague" poison
Three healing potions
12 barrels of black powder
Large piece of "magic" ore.

Lure snake "petals"
Lure snake acid
Lure snake scales
Lure snake egg

Pair of communion orbs: Capable of speech, one-way sight.

[tabs: Magic]
Known magic:
Fire breath
Ice breath
Earth block
Earth control
Wind surge
313 Summer: Spymaster's contract ends.
313 Winter: Gold is reached (Unless progress is sped up...)
314 Spring: Egg will hatch...
315 Summer: Squire's contract ends.
???: Gem mine reached (Not being actively dug towards...)[/tabs]

>The market has produced 2 major purchase.
>You obtained 1 major purchase from the docked Gravenrogh ships.
>The forge produced luxury goods, managing to add another major purchase.
>You have 10 major purchases available.
>The court awaits your orders.

► Show Spoiler

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:35 am
by Arch Lich Burns
Magister to implent a way to control the creature. Since it's a hatchling it shouldn't be too difficult.

Artisan: Castle

Minerva: Ask what she is doing and what trade she'd like for the one way crystal. (keeping one on us for future reasons?)

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:55 am
by BadgeAddict
Artisan: Good work so far on the castle, continue. If you have a spare minute, could you see if you could create a device to attach this orb (talking one) into a harness that I could place near my ear when I travel, allowing me to take it wherever I go.
Magister: Thank you for the communication orb, I'm sure that the benefits in its creation will stretch much further than the cost to make it.
DragonKnight: I ask that this season you travel throughout the extent of this country with a unit of our special soldiers and ask about any troubles or criminals that might be lurking in our lands, once found, do away with them and/or solve whatever problems you find.
Marshall: I think it would be beneficial to look into the pieces of siege weapons which we scavenged after our brief spat with our enemies. There is no better time than now to look into these weapons and see how we might either use them for ourselves or create a weapon to destroy them. Perhaps the "gunpowder" that we've acquired could be used for such a purpose as war.
Regent: Construction of Rails, Carts and perhaps some better tools as well is a good idea for efficiency of the mine. For the meantime, could you continue watching over the mine, or find one of the miners who you can trust to act as foreman. I would like the mine to be as safe as possible for the workers. (How far a trip is it from city to mines?) We may in the future look into new methods of transferring the products from the mines into the city.
Forges: Instruct them to create items and tools for the new mine.
Emissary: The ability to not only add an additional source of happiness for my people but also a potential source of income, I don't see why two coffers of gold should hold us back from investing in these sweethops, make the arrangements immediately as I'm hoping we are able to plant some this season yet.
Oh, and another thing. Given that our two neighboring countries are at war with one another. I think that we should open our borders to any refugees that want to flee from the war, the boost to our population would do wonders to rebuild our military as well as provide us with more laborers for farms and growing of our economy.

Minerva: I have had my magician, such as he is, create something that might interest you. A communication device, not unlike the one you already have, with the added bonus of granting you the ability to see out of the paired device. I understand your wishes not be seen and this orb only creates images one way, allowing you to view the outside world that I can show you with...ease. Do you have any interest in purchasing the orb? And while I have your attention, some of my men noticed that your people are collecting food from the forests away from the castle. If food is what you need, we may be able to come to some arrangement. My citizens create food required for an entire city and more farms can easily be created to feed more than we need, possibly even including meat from such animals as cows and pigs which we have in great herds.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:34 pm
by Patdragon
Artisan: "Good work. Continue with the castle building and training up the apprentice."

Minerva: " Your viewing is complete to send to you. However I need to have a small word about some concerns the people have as you have expanded your hunting grounds. We may need to discuss some protocol and temporary boundaries to avoid future problems."

Emissary/Regent: "The artisan gave me an idea to acquire a court artificer and I agree completely as it would assist us with ideas for weapons and defenses I've had in mind for a while. I'd prefer to organize this myself before the Mercenary returns and offer me another deal I can't refuse. Where would be the best to recruit from? Do we have any potential in the city? I thought i might try sending the Emissary to the dwarven kingdom to make alliance and fine one. What do you think? "

Also have the forges create materials for the mines and have the hops assigned to farmers who have the correct soil to grow it properly.

Marshal/ Dragon Knight: Have them teach some "Exotic" weapons training for the troops, preferable cavalry training.

Magister: Thinking-

I'm fairly sure having the magister testing him for his mark is very unwise. As I thinking the contract magics prevents any talk about their work with the mercenary. I believe we had a similar talk with the spy master at one point

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:39 pm
by thinkslogically
Yeah let's find out what Minerva is doing. Hunting is fine, but we don't want it to cost us either in morale or food as our own populace grows.

Set the forges to producing rails and carts, and begin work on the western Outpost. You never know...

As for the Magister... I've missed the big about egg hatching so if he's better spending time on our new monster pet so be it. But I'd like him to start working on an "alert" type spell that could be implemented across the southern border. Perhaps buried magical gems imbued with magic so he doesn't have to maintain the watch himself? Is that possible?

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:41 pm
by Patdragon
We have four whole season until it hatches we have time to think on it.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:45 pm
by thinkslogically
sweet, thanks!

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:37 pm
by Dlover
BadgeAddict wrote:Artisan: Good work so far on the castle, continue. If you have a spare minute, could you see if you could create a device to attach this orb (talking one) into a harness that I could place near my ear when I travel, allowing me to take it wherever I go.
I think the orbs are a bit big for that? Maybe one could be carried, but from what I remember they're about the size that they just fit in our (dragon) hands.
Patdragon wrote:Marshal/ Dragon Knight: Have them teach some "Exotic" weapons training for the troops, preferable cavalry training.
I think we still need to build the stables and better barracks before training troops beyond Elite?

Also, I'm all for having the forges produce some equipment for the mines for a season.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:44 pm
by thinkslogically
Oooh... Cavalry would be interesting and extremely useful (if the Lord of the rings movies taught me anything at all)

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:50 am
by Patdragon
My thought was if we train them next season we have the artisan and apprentice build the barracks and then finally we can have a standing army. As I feel we've done only a tiny rebuild of our forces compared to what I think our southern counterpart has done.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:15 am
by Dlover
Standing army is based on expenses, rather than training and housing. We don't really have the funds for a larger standing army. Something like two coffers a season, while increasing army size would cost... I think it was something like one coffer for a couple more units. We'd need to spend more than we're earning to match the Umilicien forces. Beside that, fixing up the castle is going to take a while. We can get that handled to boost our reputation, get the farms from the Rhenovia plants running, and start producing our own potash. At that point we may have enough income to field a suitable army for matching them. If I remember, their force is roughly three times the size of ours? So with three coffers a season for the standing army we can probably challenge them fairly evenly number-wise.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:43 am
by thinkslogically
That no man's land... Can we suggest Minerva moves on that direction? An alliance with her spider forces would be awesome and could do real damage to an approaching army if they all suddenly burst out the ground on them. Might be too Sandy to go far, but maybe she can mind our border?

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:48 am
by Arch Lich Burns
Or have her set another nest there? That could work...

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:56 am
by BadgeAddict
So, with the viewing orb that we had the magister create, I think that we could get a really good deal out of Minerva...and I think that having her giving her access to this "No Man's Land" is about the best idea I've heard yet. Heck, Servicillian?? isn't exactly an ally of ours, and who cares if she's pillaging food from them instead of us. Not to put her people directly in danger of course, but she may be the best wall for our southern border.

And I think they're ants, no spiders.

However, any thoughts on coming up with a meal plan, in which we trade her food for either magic stones or the gems...oh...ohhh...the mines...and silly of me.

I wonder if she might be willing to trade some of her workforce for the things we have. Her minions could make short work of the iron mine, getting us to the gold and that chasm within one season...instead of "awhile"...if that was something we wanted to do.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 6:13 am
by Dlover
I'm kind of surprised she's hunting in the first place, considering I thought the magic metal was their food.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 6:25 am
by Patdragon
She does now have some human...pets perhaps she just doesn't know how much they eat yet ;)

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:12 am
by Dlover
Ooh, that's a good point. I forgot about that.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:16 am
by BadgeAddict
well..the orb should replace her need for....pets.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 6:29 pm
by Dlover
Eh, it supplements, not really replaces.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:08 am
by M0rtimer
implent a way to control the creature. Since it's a hatchling it shouldn't be too difficult.
I'd like him to start working on an "alert" type spell that could be implemented across the southern border. Perhaps buried magical gems imbued with magic so he doesn't have to maintain the watch himself? Is that possible?


"Common misconceptions, sire... I'll forgive it since I've not tutored you in these fields, but things are not as easy as you might believe them to be."

"Firstly is that it's a magical beast... It's magic resistance will be higher than that of a common man. It will be substantially more difficult for me to control... And secondly- You're making a quite logical conclusion out of the fact that, indeed, it is harder to gain control of exceptionally smart people... But it goes towards the other end as well, becoming harder for exceptionally dumb creatures, too. Consider it like... Part of the control process is remapping what's there to suit your needs. If a person is smart enough, there'll be so much that it becomes too hard to remap. If there's too little... There might not be enough to make any kind of control spell work- You'd likely end up with only a vegetable."

"Still, I would not claim it's impossible... Just that unlike most humans, I'd dare not say I guarantee success. And we'd likely want to keep it for at least a year or two to grow up, to try and guarantee it's mental capabilities have evolved to the point a proper control enchantment would stick. Even then I'm not sure it'd be the best of ideas, since the thing still needs to eat. In each case, it's not relevant now- Thing has not even hatched yet."

"Regardless, some kind of... Magical alarm system? It's too much ground to properly think of carving runes- It's far too menial a task for me... But I can set up some scrying spells that could get a similar result, if you wish. Only real bad thing about them is any magic user can smell it from miles away, though..."

>The Magister will set up scrying spells along the border.
Good work so far on the castle, continue. If you have a spare minute, could you see if you could create a device to attach this orb (talking one) into a harness that I could place near my ear when I travel, allowing me to take it wherever I go.
"Good work. Continue with the castle building and training up the apprentice."


"Of course, sire. Shall I take another two coffers this season as the last? As for the device you're talking about... It should be easy enough to construct a harness of sorts- I shall work on that in hte downtime."

>The Regent will continue construction of the castle...
Ask what she is doing and what trade she'd like for the one way crystal.
I have had my magician, such as he is, create something that might interest you. A communication device, not unlike the one you already have, with the added bonus of granting you the ability to see out of the paired device. I understand your wishes not be seen and this orb only creates images one way, allowing you to view the outside world that I can show you with...ease. Do you have any interest in purchasing the orb? And while I have your attention, some of my men noticed that your people are collecting food from the forests away from the castle. If food is what you need, we may be able to come to some arrangement. My citizens create food required for an entire city and more farms can easily be created to feed more than we need, possibly even including meat from such animals as cows and pigs which we have in great herds.
" Your viewing is complete to send to you. However I need to have a small word about some concerns the people have as you have expanded your hunting grounds. We may need to discuss some protocol and temporary boundaries to avoid future problems."
Yeah let's find out what Minerva is doing. Hunting is fine, but we don't want it to cost us either in morale or food as our own populace grows.

"Have my children been a bother..? I have told them to try and steer clear from your city..." Minerva responds to your worries off her "children"'s activity... Before she offers an explanation.

"I'm indeed collecting food for the new subjects you've provided... Meat seems like a good enough thing for them. If this bothers you, I suppose I am willing to make some kind off arrangement in which you would provide the food. I will note one thing on the matter, however- I understand it is a service, and some compensation would be required... But I do not intend to pay generously for something I know I could do myself."

"As for this orb you've created... I realize it must have cost a lot, so have little doubt there I am willing to pay it back... If it is gold you want, I can likely grant you this- My children tend to collect a lot of valuable gems as they dig their cave systems, so I could pay you generously with those. Or... I suppose I could grant you more of the metal we possess. So far you've been using it responsible, I suppose..."

"But we can also lend services, I suppose. If you want us to dig out this new mine you're creating, I can lend service of some of my children. It should be an easy task for them... You'd have to give them specific instructions, however. They tend to not know what to do when encountering certain situations otherwise..."

"Or we could try and arrange for something longterm... What is it you said you wanted..? A border patrol of sorts? I can't really move our nest, but I suppose we could... Expand in that direction. If that is really something you want... Perhaps this is the kind of service we could perform in return for you providing food?"

>Minerva is interested in the stone...
I ask that this season you travel throughout the extent of this country with a unit of our special soldiers and ask about any troubles or criminals that might be lurking in our lands, once found, do away with them and/or solve whatever problems you find.

"Understood, sire. I shall do my best to cleanse any signs of corruption."

>The Dragonknight will search for any hostile influences within the kingdom.
I think it would be beneficial to look into the pieces of siege weapons which we scavenged after our brief spat with our enemies. There is no better time than now to look into these weapons and see how we might either use them for ourselves or create a weapon to destroy them. Perhaps the "gunpowder" that we've acquired could be used for such a purpose as war.

"The gunpowder should be relatively easy to be used... It's simplest use is to light a fuse and get out of the way- It's just that we have a limited quantity of it, and I do not think our kingdom holds the required resources to create more of it..."

"But we can take a look at the equipment, sire. Like I've said before, I don't believe we're the best when it comes to these more technical aspects... But we can certainly give it a try."

>The Marshall will investigate the broken siege equipment.
For the meantime, could you continue watching over the mine, or find one of the miners who you can trust to act as foreman.

"Off course, sire... With that and the forges working, we might be able to reach the gold vein much sooner than expected!"

>The Regent will assist the mining efforts...
Instruct them to create items and tools for the new mine.
Also have the forges create materials for the mines and have the hops assigned to farmers who have the correct soil to grow it properly.
The forges heed your command, and switch production once more...

>The Forges will switch to constructing mining equipment...

The ability to not only add an additional source of happiness for my people but also a potential source of income, I don't see why two coffers of gold should hold us back from investing in these sweethops, make the arrangements immediately as I'm hoping we are able to plant some this season yet.
Oh, and another thing. Given that our two neighboring countries are at war with one another. I think that we should open our borders to any refugees that want to flee from the war, the boost to our population would do wonders to rebuild our military as well as provide us with more laborers for farms and growing of our economy.
"The artisan gave me an idea to acquire a court artificer and I agree completely as it would assist us with ideas for weapons and defenses I've had in mind for a while. I'd prefer to organize this myself before the Mercenary returns and offer me another deal I can't refuse. Where would be the best to recruit from? Do we have any potential in the city? I thought i might try sending the Emissary to the dwarven kingdom to make alliance and fine one. What do you think? "

"Excellent! I shall have word delivered that we accept the agreement, and have a ship with the required gold sent out towards them. As for your other questions... We've not really secured the pass, so given the situation I'm more surprised that we haven't had any potential visitors trying to seek refuge with us yet... We can keep them open if you'd wish, although I would exercise some caution that an influx of refugees can bring more trouble with them than it could good... At least at first."

"As for an artificer... Yes sire, I'd be inclined to agree- I am sure we could find a skilled person locally, but if it is a master we require, we would likely want a dwarf. Many kingdoms do just that, hiring one of them to serve as the court smith... I shall visit them- Although I would urge you on two matters... Firstly that part of the journey will take me through Servician lands, which we're still unsure off as to their allegiance... And secondly, it is a longer journey than before- I'd likely not return this season, and if my intent is to acquire an artificer as soon as possible... What would you be willing to provide for one of their services, sire?"

>Rhenovia trade is accepted for 2 major coffers. (Free action)
>The Emissary will visit the dwarven kingdom... (Will take 2 seasons)

>The court has received their actions.
>Time passes...

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(How far a trip is it from city to mines?)
Around a week going on a regular pace by cart.
And I think they're ants, no spiders.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:05 am
by Patdragon
Artisan: Yes another two coffer for the castle.

Minerva: Trade the stone for more magical ore and have her expand for border control at cost of us providing human food.
Also i'll have you return the old orb system once the new one is delivered as I believe I can use it else where.

Emissary: AS for what we could offer a dwarven artificer... Well as it sounds like a common practice what would be a normal offer?
I think if dwarves are the way a I remember them they like riches and drink. Mention we have just acquired hopps from Rhenovia and will be beginning our own
brew soon. We can offer similar benefits as we did the spymaster, a decent home and such. Perhaps as an artificer he'd be willing to join for one season a month working on his own project that we fund, as long as we could benefit from it at one point as well of course.

Take some luxury items with you to trade as well so i'll assign a unit of guards to go with you as well.
Personally not sure about the Magister and Dragon knights tasks I think i'd prefer the dragon knight to go with the Emissary and the Magister to create something with some magical ore.

Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:36 am
by Dlover
"The regent will continue construction of the castle"
We have a doppelganger! OHNOES! :p

I'm in agreement with Pat on pretty much all of that. Maybe we can have the dragonknight head the escort and the marshal oversee seeking out criminals, since he's not confident with assessing the weapons? Though he should really have a basic understanding if he's a decent military mind, since he'd otherwise be likely to expect more than our own siege weapons can handle.