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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Godbot » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:24 am

Born's feet reflexively leave the ground as it starts to crumble more and more - but he pauses before blindly attacking Shame again. That raven lady has been making a big fuss over her impenetrable shield, but the ground has been falling apart this entire time. Seems like as good a way out as any - and if all else fails, destroying the ground is bound to do some damage to Shame and those zombies.

Born aims the Jabbawack almost straight up and fires. The harpoon sails into the air, growing in size with every passing second. By the time it reaches the apex of its flight and starts hurtling back down towards the center of the battlefield, it's the size of a large tree trunk.

Regardless of what happens next, he moves back to protect Ansem.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by M0rtimer » Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:37 pm

Day 6 turn 4

Hears Disembodied Voices and Almost Drowns
"What the f-Cut?!"
"Begone and release those poor birds! They are no toys for you play or objects to sacrifice to keep up your vile game!" Drowns shouts- The raven just "cackling" once more- As Drowns turned around to face the controlled Cut, grabbing him and trying to prevent him from speaking.

"This one is especially no toy for you! Hears, keep the ravens away from Ansem."
"Yeah....right." Hears says rushing over to Ansem- Some of the ravens simply seeming to not care as they begin pecking away at Ansem, ripping open tiny wounds, only stopped as Hears swings wildly at them, killing most of them with one fell swipe. But it hardly seems of matter as more seem to just arrive, taking their place- As a few of the ravens begin flying by him, pecking at him, though not piercing his armor.

Drowns in the meanwhile had managed to grab Cut- As he delivered a nasty bite to his hand, giving him the brief chance to shout at him, draining Drowns of 1HP- As he lays one hand firmly on his head and casts smite evil, the spell not damaging not him, though seeming to have minor effect as Cut becomes slightly drowsy. When combined with purify, the control effect on him seems to become lost as he falls "asleep" again. Up until the raven releases a loud "CAW!" and he springs back to life- Though at least now slightly restrained.

"Oh great Maglubiyet, eternal Herbert, don't let this evil come upon my companions and I, protect us from it and bless this ground we are standing on. We are nothing in your light and fire, but this task might be too important for us to fail, even in your eyes."

"God fucking damnit... You're just going to have your damn crow goons jump in front of every single attack aren't you?"

"...Guess I'll just have to use something else then."
auto-Born says, as he grabs a rocket arrow and shoots at the raven- Once again another raven flies in it's path- But this time, the rocket arrow flew just straight through the beast as it headed towards the big one- It barely manages to sidestep as the arrow pierces one of it's wings. Which makes it NOT happy, cawing wildly- And soon after Born finds himself besieged by ravens, pecking away at him from every single angle, as he is drained of 2HP.

Cut-And-Paste, Studies, Will Go Boom and Born and Raised
"You were the one that made this happen didn't you? You purposely laid this out just in case one of your pawns get out of hand, though for someone who proclaimed that anarchy and chaos is best you do not seem to like it when they get out of order. But that is why you forced me to kill my own clanmates. I was not in control. You have used mind magic, which it seems you are doing at this moment so that I do not have full control over my mind like I should. You have caused Shame to be here, when you forced me to kill them and you have control over it. Which suggests that you have also altered it in some way, to become more twisted, to become a monstrosity."
"Haha, my dear- This was all just a happy coincidence. I saw your cancerous shame and I just knew that you and your little brown friend who considers himself a mind mage would try to fix it. And obviously Ansem here would want to help... So all I did was give it a little bit more power... Enough to fulfill the job at hand. And when you wake up, you'll remember in all the gruesome details, WHY you feel this shame..."
"I hold doubts that we can beat you, even if we can attack you, but by defeating Shame, we will relinquish all that you currently control. But this means this was never my fault. I should feel no shame over this. You are clearly very powerful."

Another laugh echoes, as Ansem speaks up.

"She is, but she's no mind mage- She can only affect what is already here. We stand a chance guys."

Another, louder laugh echoes- As Ansem in the meanwhile seems to concentrate, creating a small guy dressed in golden armour- Which Boom recognizes as the leader of the rebellion. It immediately grabs an oversized shield and a tiny dagger, moving between Ansem and any threat.

"'re the one who's mutating shame like this. Maybe if i can just separate them, they will become less powerful? Well, whatever the case, throwing the raven across this place isn't likely to be a bad thing."

He sends forth a giant gust of wind- At first it seemed like the raven was laughing it off though after a while it seems she has some trouble to deal against it's strength- And while not damaged, it seems like she was having more trouble being in control, as Shame and his spawn seem to slow down, seemingly a tiny bit confused. As it releases another roar however, you're guessing that doesn't exactly mean it's friendly- Studies conjures a "knowledge shield"- Shame wastes no time knocking it down, but at the very least that ended up with an attack that wasn't directed at anyone.

Boom in the meanwhile moved to Ansem, "healing" him as the flowers wither- While he feels that in here it's not necessary... It fits him- And helps Ansem a great deal because of it. He does not wield a sword however- Or anything else of that matter. They are all clothed, but something tells you none of it would protect you. Though... Maybe... You think, not much later the mere thought spawning a sword for him.

"That does not mean however, that I will not try to do what I can to stop you."
"No matter what happens, I am proud of you all, you came in here to aid me without me asking, hell even when I asked you not to come along."
Cut says, as he begins to focus- The shards of the shattered pride hammer beginning to fuse together, coming closer to Cut as they begin to merge with him- Creating some form of armor. However, it does not yet seem "done", as he hears a soft voice. "Hah... You... And me... Are a... Perfect fit. No?"

Born in the meanwhile notices the cracking floor- Shooting the jabbawack high, as it becomes larger in the air before slamming down on the floor with brute force- It cracks further, though some barrier seems to help keeping it up, the raven glowing with a dark aura- At least the attack helped uproot a bit more of Shame, damaging it even further. The three "zombies" soon after strike, the buried one having freed itself- Two of them attacking Boom, injuring him as one tries to go for Ansem- Swiftly blocked by his golden protector.

Battle status:
Cut - Injured - Pride armor
Born - Minor injury - Wabbajack
Studies - Minor injury
Boom - Injured - sword
Ansem - Moderate injury

Ansems guardian memory - No injury

Shame - ??? Injured
Raven/??? - No injury
3 zombies: No injury
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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Nerre » Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:05 am

"Damn! We have to get the raven!" Drowns yells, pushing Cut away with another "Smite evil!", hoping this will keep him restrained long enough.
Then he charges at the evil raven, using his breaker blade and massive armor to clear a path so Hears might get a clear shot, and trying to pull the ravens on him and away from Ansem and Hears. Even if that does not work, he might force it to fly away, maybe buying some time this way. Maybe it needs at least a little bit of concentration to controll Cut.

If he manages to hit it, he will try to grab it or bat it down to the ground, so he can use smite evil on it or hit it again without giving it a chance to fly away. "I asked you to stop!"

if he cannot attack him cause he is to high or flies away, he starts to whirl around, trying to kill as many ravens as possible with his sword (the tank ability might come in handy, 3 attacks on the masses!), to buy Hears and Ansem some safety. (This would be +2 def for each of them, right?). "Away from them!"

(I should now have a +1 atk bonus thanks to the justice ability.)

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Dusk9 » Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:11 am

"...alright. Your turn, Voice."

With a wicked grin, Voice charges at the evil raven, thrusting Rhongomiant up into it's feathery face with all his might. If it flies out of range, he attempts to hit it by throwing the spear instead.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by madmartin26 » Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:54 pm

"Oh man, I completely forgot about creating equipment! Wait...I can do anything. I can BE anything. Yes!"

Studies realizes that normal restrictions need not apply, and takes the opportunity to fulfill every wish he had of being a hero, at the same time. Since he's dreamed about a lot of different heros, the result is a bit muddled together(It's really hard to tell what class he's trying to be), but hopefully still cool. He creates a magical blue robe short enough to allow freedom of movement(A long shirt, really), with blue pants for his legs. Both are covered in intricate scrollwork and archaic runes, and glow with magical power. He also creates a magical scimitar made out of mithril, A dark blue woven leather belt enchanted to allow him to cast the 'air fists' he's considered before, a long cerulean cape with warding runes around the hem, and a black eyepatch with a large green rune on it, enchanted to allow him to see through it and have greatly enhanced sight in that eye. He isn't sure what most of the stuff does, but it is magical, and will probably give some benefit. Maybe he will figure out the rest of his items' uses later? In any case, one he escapes his own hyperactive imagination/intelligence and realizes the battle is still going on(And if he has time), he flies towards the crow woman and slices at her with the cutlass as he goes by(He thinks he's a good swordsman now, but if he isn't(as is likely) he can still slash, and his air fist should work), and air punching her on the way back out of range of shame. If he can, he tries to drive her away from shape to hopefully break their link.

So yeah, Studies let his imagination go to town, and I had plenty of time. Also, is Harley going to pounce on the bird in the real world, or is he here with me?

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by M0rtimer » Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:17 pm

I totally didn't forget about Harley.


Not about Casper either.

Nor the manikins. (No, I actually haven't forgotten about the Manikins)

Anyways- He's still in the real world.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Godbot » Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:24 pm

Born glances back at the others. Sure enough, Boom is protecting Ansem, who seems to be recovering, and Studies is focusing on interfering with the raven lady. Nice to see everyone making themselves useful. Though, actually...

Nice work, Studies, but stick to gusts of wind. I know you're having fun, but they're going to be a lot harder to dodge than a sword.

And yes, raven lady, I know you can hear me, but I don't care.

With that out of the way, Born turns to face Shame, grinning a little bit despite himself. He hefts the Jabbawack/Wabbajack/harpoon cannon, and rather than reloading, he flies into the air as the chain pulls itself back into the barrel. He stops at about eye level with Shame and rushes down at the enormous harpoon in the ground, slamming the Jabbawack onto the end of it and locking them together. Born focuses for a few moments, and the point where the cannon connects to the tree-sized harpoon changes into a form resembling what Born can remember of the time machine that blew up his house just before they left - a large cube made of lots of gears and motors and moving parts.

It's not important what they do, or whether they work; what's important is that Born remembers very clearly that gears spin.

He pulls a cord on the Jabbawack's new form - it just seems appropriate, somehow - and the machine rumbles to life. Gears start grinding together, and the harpoon starts spinning as extra barbs pop out of the shaft. It moves slowly at first, until Born pulls the harpoon cannon's trigger, sending the whole contraption flying into motion. Motors scream shrilly, sparks fly from the machine, bits of the floor of the maze are sent flying in all directions, and the harpoon noisily drills into the ground - and with it, into Shame's roots.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:51 pm

Cut thinks for a bit and concentrates. He gives everybody armour. He also does an impressive wordsling which I cannot write at this moment for I am writing one of my very own.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by madmartin26 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:16 pm

"Yeah...Yeah, you're probably right. It's really fun, but i can be just as inventive with wind, and i have more experience with it."

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by M0rtimer » Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:08 pm

Day 6 turn 5

Hears Disembodied Voices and Almost Drowns
"Damn! We have to get the raven!" Drowns shouts, dazing Cut as he uses a smite evil to partially weaken the influence controlling him- As he charges the raven. The other ravens don't like it, immediately going into counter-assault, pecking away at him furiously for two damage.

He retaliates by swinging almost all of them out of the air - "Away from them!" - as the birds move away from Ansem, seeming to realize both Born and Hears were charging their "leader" as well. Born fires another shot, which the raven sidesteps once more. But that, together with Harley jumping up and striking one of the ravens out of the air and Casper just barking wildly at them, the Manikins also seeming uncertain of what to do, Hears is granted a straight path to the raven controlling everything. In a seemingly last effort, it raises it's wings a dark shield forming around it- Rhongomiant strikes the shield with all it's fury...

"Your turn, Voice."

And as Rhongomiant automatically tries to purge the evil, it smites straight through the shield- And then piercing the weak possessed bird.

Immediately, a presence seems to disappear. Cut collapses back on the floor, as the ravens who were attacking just a fraction of a second ago suddenly look as if they've seen a ghost, flying away from you. The few ravens that were further away seem equally confused, either landing or simply flying away.

You were about to begin rejoicing scaring away whatever evil that was. When you notice Ansem still hasn't awoken. And another loud "CAW!" suddenly sounds- All ravens suddenly snapping back into their trance as a new one became controlled by the malevolent force. But now, they simply all sit down upon the ground, staring you down. As you start to get the impression that you were indeed successful- In making someone, or something very, very angry.

A loud sound, almost that of an weak explosion- A "rapture" of some form appearing, a dark twisting shape seeming to distort reality, as suddenly a metal arm of some kind flies out of it- Somehow "grabbing" one of the rapture's edges, pulling it outwards. More of the arms appear, grabbing the anomaly and pulling it outwards, seeming to cling to something on the other side, as it "flattens" and starts becoming a smooth, spherical shape. And something on the other side starts becoming clearer.

An aged man greets you on the other side, smirking as he sees you- You don't get too much time to examine either him, or the place he's in- Besides that it seems HUGE and dark, as suddenly a large, "camera" pokes it's head through the portal, blocking most of the vision- As he is quickly joined by long thin, metallic arms, 4 of them sticking out and approaching the group- As one carries a saw blade, it's NOT with friendly intent.

Cut-And-Paste, Studies, Will Go Boom and Born and Raised

The battle is suddenly interrupted as the raven unleashes a hellish scream- Seeming to fade away, as Shame seems to "shrink", and the zombies seem to fall into shambles- It eventually fades away, the raven solidifying once more- Looking weakened, but pretty pissed.

"...Change of plans. You die. Now."

On that note, both Shame and his spawn turn on Ansem- His guardian memory jumping of the way of Shame's main attack, blocking it- But being absolutely pulverized by it as well, as the zombies start to approach him- Cut barely manages to conjure a shield around the entire party- Seeing that giving everyone "armour" while still making said armour effective would take too long, the added bit of defense being BARELY enough to prevent Ansem from going down.

"Oh man, I completely forgot about creating equipment! Wait...I can do anything. I can BE anything. Yes!" Studies says, immediately transforming into a superhero-look- Sadly for him, he doesn't exactly crit this time- Making most of what he created only look amazingly cool, not actually be amazingly cool- As he tries to charge at the raven lady, but somehow manages to trip over his own cape. Ansem in the meanwhile, focuses again, conjuring the image of an elderly woman, smiling amiably, holding a spoon and baking bowl in her hands- As Born goes in the offensive, shooting the jabbawack at Shame- As the harpoon hits the entire jabbawack reforms in a shape he vaguely recognizes as the machine that blew up in his face, and pulling a lever, proceeds to do that once more- Dealing substantial damage to Shame's main body, the ground starting to creak as the roots start to shrivel, Shame starting to look worn down.

Battle status:
Cut - Injured - Pride armor
Born - Minor injury - Wabbajack
Studies - Minor injury, thinks he's a superhero
Boom - Injured - sword
Ansem - Critically injured

Team shield active
Ansems's mother memory - No injury

Shame - ??? Heavily Injured, weakened
Raven/??? - No injury, weakened
3 zombies: No injury, weakened
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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Nerre » Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:18 pm

OOC: Thanks. Nice update, also I am kind of frightened what we should do now. 2 versus some kind of terminator-doctor octopuss.

Any idea, Dusk?

I will definitly purify Ansem to heal him a little bit, using one of the healing catalyst to boost that spell. Can you try to do a ranged attack on the spider drone, going for the camera or saw blade arm?
As my second action I think I will cast smite evil on it to check if it is only a robot mechanism or controlled by an evil will/force.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:08 pm

Before he says anything, he heals Ansem as much as possible. "Awww is someone having troubles concentrating? A bit too much for you? Are your pawns being disoderly and not doing what they are told? Are they being too anarchic?" Cut tries to get under her skin. He gets ready for their attacks and then makes a ward right before they hit. "None of my allies are going to die if I have a say about it!"

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by madmartin26 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:06 pm

(Heh, wasn't quite going for superhero, but it fits pretty well anyway. By the way, that 'superhero suit' is going to be how he tries to make himself look when in a mind from now on, though he's going to try and actually make his stuff work, when he has the time)


"Ugh, dammit, how can i trip on my own cape in midair!?...Whatever, you're still going down."

Studies concentrates all his knowledge of the winds and his experiences with them(Which is quite a lot, especially with his 'wind sense'), and concentrates it all on making the most powerful tornado he can around shame, and the raven perched on shames back. The tornado isn't very big, since otherwise it would hit his friends, but it is as intense as he can possibly make it.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Godbot » Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:22 pm

Was what I did with the Jabbawack too elaborate? I'm not arguing with your decision to change what I did in my post, but I'd really like to avoid having that happen again.


Born retracts the Jabbawack's chain, pulling the now-reforming time machine on a chain off of Shame, and fires it again, bending the heavy chain mid-flight and wrapping it around Shame to weigh it down. Then he pulls the lever again, causing the time machine to explode again.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Nerre » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:21 am

I think I will stick with this until another idea comes up:

I will definitly purify Ansem to heal him a little bit, using one of the healing catalyst to boost that spell. Can you try to do a ranged attack on the spider drone, going for the camera or saw blade arm?
As my second action I will cast smite evil on the bot to check if it is only a robot mechanism or controlled by an evil will/force. If it come for ansem or me I will try to evacuate him.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Dusk9 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:06 am

"Well now, what's this shit?"

doesn't attack immediately, opting instead to back up slightly to Drowns (getting the defence bonus from his Protector ability) and prepare a Preparation Strike for next turn. If he was going to attack this thing, he wanted to make it the most effective attack he could manage.
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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by M0rtimer » Thu May 02, 2013 6:07 pm

Day 6 turn 6

Hears Disembodied Voices and Almost Drowns
"Well now, what's this shit?" Hears says staring at the machine- As a creaky beep starts sounding, shortly converting into legible sound- An old, slightly raspy voice coming through "Oh, this? Well, I'd say this is what happens when you manage to piss a demi-god. And then sends her trusted engineer to deal with it- Now, I'd rather not see too much damage to my maintenance drone- So let us just get this over with, shall we?"

On that note one of the arms grabs Drowns as he tried to get in reach of Ansem- As the sawblade ripped through him, being more than enough to knock him out- Weren't it for a divine favor barely leaving him conscious, the camera staring at him in apparent confusion as it's calculations tell it that clearly should have been enough to knock you out- Getting ready to fix this error with another swipe, as Drowns discovers that while smite evil doesn't seem to have any effect, the machine not being intelligent enough to differentiate between any such thing... Ordinary attacks work just as well- As a swing of his sword chops of his sawblade arm. Though it's other arms continue to hold him tight... And it pulls out another arm- Carrying a blowtorch.

Cut-And-Paste, Studies, Will Go Boom and Born and Raised
"Awww is someone having troubles concentrating? A bit too much for you? Are your pawns being disorderly and not doing what they are told? Are they being too anarchic?"
"Maybe I should take away some of their choice on the matter then, should I?" the raven replies, on irritated tone- "This is futile. You couldn't defeat me if you wanted to. I could have all of you killed in the real world just by saying one word. So stop this. And. DIE."

On that note Shame came down for Cut- As he conjures a barrier at the last second, absorbing most of the damage.

"None of my allies are going to die if I have a say about it!" Cut yells, as the three zombies continue to swarm on Ansem- As he conjures a needle, stabbing one of the assaulting zombies- Doing very little damage, but making it look even weaker. His memory than grants him a cookie- Healing him slightly and barely neutralizing the damage dealt to him. It was hardly going to matter however- As studies sent forth a whirlwind, targeting both Shame and the raven as Boom "reloaded" and fired his harpoon- The chain twisting around with the whirlwind Studies is creating. Snapping tight around it as it formed back into the familiar shape... And exploded.

Bringing down Shame with it. And as it collapsed on the floor- So did the floor, everyone crashing down into a black void, including the raven- As everything turns black. Slowly a scene starts to begin to take shape- As one thought comes on your mind.

"Fire. There's fire- I need to get back- Back to the village." you think- Seeing yourself running through the forest, your heart pounding- And briefly stopping when you saw your village going up in flames, the corpses of your friends littering the floor- As you spot a familiar face hiding, jumping out as she sees you.

"Longname! We need to run! It's humans! I don't know why! I thought we were friends wi- Aaah!" She screams as she suddenly trips- You rush over, trying to get her up, at least let her escape- As you notice she didn't just trip, but vines had sprouted to enstrangle her one leg. As you look back up, a wooden club hits you in the face.

"Hahaha! Two more here!" The brute screams, standing over you with his wooden club- Raising it for the fatal blow. You barely notice that he carries a perfectly fine hammer- But that would just be too easy, wouldn't it? The club swings down, hitting the ground straight next to him- As he was distracted by the goblin girl suddenly lunging upwards with a dagger, jamming it into his leg.

"Ow! You little shit!" he screams mostly out of annoyance rather than pain kicking her away, and then drawing the dagger out of his leg- Bowing down over her, keeping the dagger close to her face as she tried to turn away, crying.

"You think your tough bitch? We'll see how tough you are when-"

"Thor! That's quite enough don't you think?" another man suddenly yells, dressed in blue robes- The barbarian turning to him- "What's up, you wuss? Starting to feel goblin sympathy here?"

"Heh... No. You've just been stealing all the fun- I've been dying to try out this new spell."

"...Fine." The barbarian says, reluctantly stepping away as the mage came closer. Your not sure what you were wishing he would do- But once you heard what spell he was casting, you wished he would just have killed you.

"Greater suggestion:"

"Take the knife."

"And kill her."

You feel your body move on it's own accord- You try to resist but can't stop your arm for reaching for the dagger- The barbarian, laughing loudly, teasing you by keeping it just out of your reach as you slowly come ever closer. Eventually grabbing the dagger, clenching it into an iron fist you desperately try to unlock, as your hand moves above her, hovering, shaking- The barbarian behind you shouting- "Come on! COME ON! Do it you wuss!" as the mage seems to become a bit strained giving the last mental push. As she turns to you-


The dagger plunges down into her chest- She chokes up for a bit as you slowly let go of the dagger. And then she falls silent. And you fall unconscious as the barbarian, laughing, delivers another devastating kick.

"...NO. I... AM... NOT! GIVING! UP!"

Everyone wakes to find themselves in the scene they had just seen through Cut's memory- Besides in their own form- As the three adventurers suddenly turn around, the barbarian once again laughing horribly- "Look! Even more goblins! Hey! Apparently my kick didn't kill the blue one!"

The barbarian picks his wooden club back up- the druid and mage seeming to prepare spells. A clearly exhausted raven perches itself on one of the treetops, silently watching.

Crying can be heard from somewhere- As Borns Jabbawack suddenly seems to develop a strong pull towards it's source somewhere in the burning village, almost ripping itself out of his hands.

Battle status:
Cut - Heavily Injured - Pride armor
Born - Minor injury - Wabbajack
Studies - Minor injury, thinks he's a superhero
Boom - Injured - sword
Ansem - Critically injured

Team shield active
Ansems's mother memory - No injury

Raven/??? - No injury, weakened
Druid memory- No injury
Barbarian memory - No injury
Mage memory - No injury
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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Thu May 02, 2013 6:17 pm

Cut clasps his hands together. "It was never my fault, it was someone elses. I do not feel any more shame in an act that I had no control over. I tried to prevent myself from harming her, but I was already under his spell. It is time to rectify your acts, but first. But first friends, come here. And be healed." Cut lets loose an aura of healing to allies near him, healing himself the most he concentrates and focuses on the wounds that surround him, and heals them. "Alright guys, if this doesn't heal you up then try to heal yourselves. I will not let another clan member die."

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by madmartin26 » Thu May 02, 2013 10:08 pm


"Yeah...Yeah, these asshole adventurers deserve it, even if they are just memories."

Studies uses a wind gust to throw the barbarian high into the air, and then uses another gust to slam him into the ground as fast as he possibly can. Not especially imaginative, but brutally effective(Hopefully).

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Dusk9 » Fri May 03, 2013 12:19 am

"Talking time's over. It's smashing time now, motherfucker!"

Charging forward, Voice unleashes his Prepared Strike on the machine thing. The first hit stabs straight into the goggly eye thingy, as his second cracks down on the blowtorch arm. He then jumps backwards, hopefully out of melee range.
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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Nerre » Fri May 03, 2013 1:20 am

"Let me go, machine!" Drowns yells and brings down his sword (with justice) on the blowtorch-arm, trying to cut it of or at least cutting lose the tube with the fuel. "Help me Voice!" If Voice is quicker, he will instead go for another arm or the battery/motor of that machine. Maybe he can cause a short circuit or cut off it's power.
If he still can do it, he will also heals himself as quick as possible after the attack, using one of the focus gem shards.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by Godbot » Sat May 04, 2013 12:17 am

As the shock of reliving CaP's past trauma wears off, Born is struck by several thoughts all at once. First of all, fighting Shame didn't work. The raven lady and her pretty great soundtrack just pulled them in deeper and conjured up something else for them to fight. Second of all, the Jabbawack seems to have developed a mind of its own.

And third of all, the last time Born was in a memory of a deserted village that was burning to the ground, he found the embodiment of the Heartbound Connection, which turned out to be a way out of his own sealed-off mind. (And he met Hats, and got the coolest bow ever.)

"I-I think the Jabbawack is trying to tell me something," says Born. He lets it turn back into its usual bow/quarterstaff shape and begins to hover a few feet above the ground. "It's never done this before. I think it could be a way out," he adds quickly, already floating towards the source. "You can handle them, right? I'll be back as soon as I can!" He impatiently flies away before anyone can really respond, letting the Jabbawack guide him.

Edit: Oh, and I'm going to vote for Boom to rush the mage and attack him before he can start casting spells.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by madmartin26 » Mon May 06, 2013 7:59 pm

Is everything alright Mortimer?

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by M0rtimer » Tue May 07, 2013 3:18 am

Sorry. School has been burying me under work again lately, and I can't really justify taking the time to work on an update for a while. They'll come back as soon as I'm able to, which may be a while.

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Re: Threads of reality - We will survive!

Post by M0rtimer » Wed May 22, 2013 5:01 pm

Day 6 turn 7

Hears Disembodied Voices and Almost Drowns
"Let me go, machine!" Drowns yelled, swinging his sword upwards at the blowtorch arm- As it strikes downwards as well, their blows colliding. Once again, the frail arm snaps off like a twig upon being hit- But so does Drowns.

...Or at least that's definitely what it's internal calculations is saying should have happened- But instead the fire simply seemed to "bend" off from him. Once again it intends to rectify that mistake- Pulling out yet another "tool" out of it's toolbox- A drill this time- As Hears takes his chance and charges up, having pumped himself up for one big attack.

"Help me Voice!"
"Talking time's over. It's smashing time now, motherfucker!" Hears shouts, delivering the devastating blow straight to the "camera" to which all of it's 8- Now 6 remaining limbs are attached. Unlike it's arms, clearly not meant to take a serious beating, the head does seem more fortified- Still, the massive blow is more than enough to deal substantial damage, cracking it's lens. It's not down just yet, however... And as you can hear cawing behind you, it seems that raven isn't liking the fact this "maintenance droid" is getting hurt this bad and is taking her chances- Some of the ravens once again trying to go for Ansem. Harley immediately tries to pounce on them, though is quickly becoming overrun...

Cut-And-Paste, Studies, Will Go Boom and Born and Raised
"It was never my fault, it was someone elses. I do not feel any more shame in an act that I had no control over. I tried to prevent myself from harming her, but I was already under his spell."
"What tha hell your talking about you stupid goblin?" The barbarian bellows. The mage quickly answers-"It appears he's talking about the spell I put him under as if it's a thing from far in the past. Something is odd about this situation... Where did those other goblins come from. Or that human for the matter."
"Who cares! Can't have anyone go squeelin to tha town guard, so we're killin' him too!"
The druid simply remains silent and stares- Giving a glance at the raven sitting in the tree, seemingly only observing.

"It is time to rectify your acts, but first. But first friends, come here. And be healed." Cut says, bathing the group in an aura of healing- Though only managing to heal everyone slightly, himself a tiny bit more.

"Yeah...Yeah, these asshole adventurers deserve it, even if they are just memories."

"YOU are about to be a memory!" The barbarian shouts, laughing as he comes in a bull charge- Before he even gets close however, Studies flings him up in the air with a burst of wind, sending him down quickly after. Not as effective as he had hoped... It seems that raven is now trying to "lessen" your powers- Though only succeeding to a certain extent. With another gust of wind, the barbarian crashes down on the ground, slinging insults at you all the way as he receives some damage from the fall.

Ansem in the meanwhile, conjures some bandages and begins wrapping himself up. The bandaging disappear as snow in the wind, but so does his wounds- As his mother's memory yet again hands him a cookie, restoring a great amount of his HP.

The adventurers don't seem intent on allowing it to stay that way however- As the mage, seemingly confused with what is going on, lobs a massive fireball at Cut- His armor absorbing a great deal of damage, but still taking some damage. A wolf then suddenly lunges out of a nearby bush, clinging onto Ansem's arm, as some vines suddenly sprout from beneath him and entangle him.

Born in the meanwhile, decided to play along with what the jabbawack was trying to "tell" him- Alerting the others from what he believe may be the jabbawack trying to show him a way out. He flies, allowing the jabbawack to guide him, as it leads him closer and closer to the source of the "crying"- And eventually finds it.

A crying baby goblin. He very much looks like Cut- He very much looks like Shame... But unlike the Shame you encountered, this one doesn't look monstrous. Just... Disfigured. A cancerous growth spread over it's face, causing it to cry in pain. Before he gets much of a chance to do or say anything, the jabbawack pulls itself free from his hands and comes in contact with the growth- Sucking it up as the jabbawack itself fizzles and fades, seemingly taking damage. In the blink of an eye the cancerous growth has disappeared, as the baby closes it's eyes and turns to peaceful slumber. The jabbawack looks... Weaker, somehow, after that.

"What a mess, isn't it."

The voice sounded from behind him- Turning around he could see the elf he had seen before- The hitchiker.

"It's this way out-" He says pointing to a trapdoor next to one of the village shacks. "Order is waiting for you to get in and stop this, apparently. Now we're here though- Let's go ahead and settle what we wanted to do in the first place?"

"If you would kindly kill shame once and for all."

Battle status:
Cut - Heavily Injured - Pride armor
Born - Minor injury - Wabbajack
Studies - Minor injury, thinks he's a superhero
Boom - Minor Injury - sword
Ansem - Moderate injury, entangled

Team shield active
Ansems's mother memory - No injury

Raven/??? - No injury, weakened
Druid memory- No injury
Barbarian memory - Light injury
Mage memory - No injury
Wolf familiar memory - No injury
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