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Re: The Island (Turn 17)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:08 am
by I'mBob
Treasure will pick up the dead foot-eating-plant. (If needed, cutting it with his cutlass, trying to get some of it's roots) and then will head to the camp.

Re: The Island (Turn 17)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:34 pm
by Maiandra

"That pouch will come in really handy for storing seeds and the likes! This is great! Oh, and I have to get this book to Write, perhaps she can learn something useful from it. But not now, she seems to have something else on her mind... as do I!"

Swallows turns her attention to the poison needle trap and studies it in the hopes that next time, she'll recognise a similar device and have a chance at disarming it.

All: study trap
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Re: The Island (It's Back!)

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:43 am
by GathersIngredients
ImageKin looks around for something she could use as a needle and/or MAKE into a needle, so she could sew the leather pieces together again with it. Maybe the killed foodnom "teeth" would be feasible? After that, she moves south, whether she found something or not.

Major: look for something that could be used as needle and/or made into a needle for leatherworking WITHOUT stepping onto/into and know danger zones (like the other footnoms!)
Move: south

Pictures, reposted, for everyone's convenience:
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Re: The Island (Turn 17)

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:09 am
by thinkslogically
Thanks for the pictures Gathers, they are now in the 'Players' post on page 1 of the thread.

Re: The Island (Turn 17)

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:14 am
by GathersIngredients
Thanks. That way I don't have to quote it every time. I dunno why exactly Dances' icons turned out slightly smaller than the others and somehow smudged a bit. I assume it has something to do with the missing ear, maybe?

I tried to rectify it (that's why I edited my previous post, I added a row of empty pixels to the pics to make them the same size as the other heads), but to no avail, it seems. :shrug:

Re: The Island (Turn 17)

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:38 am
by lingrem
((Gathers - why not use one of the spikes from the footnom? It obviously had sharp teeth that were clamping on to Silver! At least one of them is bound to still be really pointy!))

Re: The Island (Turn 17)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:37 am
by GathersIngredients
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Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:54 am
by thinkslogically
Turn 18


"Did anyone ever check the other barrel on the beach? I'm going to go get the sail., but if anyone needs any help, let me know."

Dances heads towards the beach where the sail washed up, but he can't get all the way there this turn. He pauses to stare wistfully out to sea as he travels, trying to remember who he is and where he came from, but the effort just gives him a headache...


Write decides she needs some alone time and disappears into the little cave to get it. Which is probably about the last place anyone will want to come looking for her, because it would appear that the big brown pile that fills most of the cave is some sort of guano. Warm, smelly, sticky guano. Ah well. At least no-one's going to want to get too close to her now!

"You okay writes?"

"Maglubiyet...I don't know why you've chosen me to serve you this way, but thank you. I wish I understood it, but I'll try my best to serve you. I am so sorry that I didn't understand until the other Goblins explained things! How can I best serve you? How can I ever thank you? It feels like saying thank you for the blessing is so very little, but I don't know what would please you the most. I have so many questions... Why me? Why now? Why not one of the other Goblins, who's at least lived with our kind? I know that I won't have answers to those, and I don't expect any...but they are all bouncing around in my head right now. What am I supposed to do? I'm just.. so sorry for the rudeness I showed by ignoring your voice. I thought I had hit my head when the ship was destroyed! How can I make it up to you? Thank you for healing Silver, what would you like me to do now? Oh I wish I understood these thing

Calm down little mortal, do not concern yourself with these things now! I will explain everything to you when you sleep tonight. It is far easier for me to talk to you when your mind is open.

Silver investigates the teal coloured plant and notices it has a pleasant, almost minty scent to it. She touches it carefully and is surprised to find that the sap from the leaves makes her fingers tingle a bit and then go slightly numb. Hmm... That could be useful.


Shackled grabs a couple of the blue leaves off the little plant, deciding that trial and error is by far the best teacher. The leaves smell a little minty. He heads right to the top of the ladder, while one of his ants-on-a-stick evidently decides that the stick has learned its lesson now and lets go, disappearing immediately into the undergrowth.

Kin searches the safe areas for something strong that she could use as a needle, including the Footnom's teeth. Unfortunately, they're shaped more like thick thorns than spines so wouldn't be any good. She does however find a couple of [Small, Sharp Sticks] which might do, although they're pretty brittle... Once she's finished she heads south and bumps into Shackled where the pair of them are immediately struck by the horrible smell coming from the area to the right. Eurgh! It's truly disgusting! Neither of them have any desire to head further east and risk their lunches against the vile odour.


Treasure digs up the [Dead Footnom] with his cutlass and takes it to the campsite.


"That pouch will come in really handy for storing seeds and the likes! This is great! Oh, and I have to get this book to Write, perhaps she can learn something useful from it. But not now, she seems to have something else on her mind... as do I!"

Swallows is still (rightfully) smug about her success with the treasure chest and sets about studying the trap mechanism. Actually, it turns out to be a very simple thing - the trigger mechanism is connected to one of the bolts within the lock and is set to fire if the bolt is rotated too far (as would happen if someone was trying to pick the lock). That then causes a single little dart to shoot out of a tiny hole beside the keyhole. Now she knows how it works it should be possible to detect similar traps relatively easily. In fact, with a bit more studying, she could probably figure out how to reset it too.


[Blue Leaves]: Mmmm! They smell minty!
[Dead Footnom]: The somewhat mangled remains of a Footnom plant.

Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:57 am
by Arch Lich Burns

Silver licks the minty leaf a bit to see if any effects and chew on it if no ill effects. She puts some in her bag. She looks in the cave if there is a way in...but does not get inside the cave.

Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:07 pm
by BadgeAddict
Dances will head east to the location of the sail and if possible pick it up. If the sail is too big/clumsy he will instead drag it back to the bottom of the ladder that leads to the jungle.

"I hope i will be able to make it back before nightfall, there are big ideas in this little head of mine." As dances walks he begins to think of all of the things he could possibly make from the torn sail. He begins to list them off as he thinks of them. "Thread for sewing, rope, clothing..." Sadly, all of this thinking is starting to give dances a headache.

Move: East
Minor: pick up sail or drag sail if cannot pick up.
Major: Move west

Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:12 pm
by GathersIngredients
@dances: I just read your question about the other barrel: Yes, someone inspected it, and it contained the 12 juicy apples that Kin was carrying around until last turn. Now it should be empty, I think.

ImageKin examines the little purple spots on the ground. If they are berries or similar (pebbles?) she picks up as many as she can. Then she moves south once more.

Major: look at the little purple spots on the ground, optional: collect as many of them as possible while still being able to move the same turn.
Move: south

Pictures, reposted, for everyone's convenience:
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Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:42 pm
by lingrem
Image Writes nods to herself and gets back up. She looks up at the glowing insects and decides she'll catch a few in her hands, with the intentions of studying them closer to see if they have any useful purpose. She'll release it when done, and then examine the guano to see if she can remember any uses for it.

((Writes is trying to see if she's read anything about either of them before))
Action: study insect and guano for uses.

Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:02 am
by Maiandra

Swallows is torn. On the one hand, she really wants to study the trap further, but on the other, it's close to nightfall and she still has to eat before making it to the camp. She decides to try to remove the trap and take it with her before she goes.

Major: try to remove the trap from the chest
Move: if successful, move towards camp, otherwise spend entire round on the removal

Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:51 am
by Theis2
Image Shackled gives all his minty leaves to kin except oneHold these or drop them in the camp, I'm gonna brave to the east with my ant.. Better find the enemy now than we sleep in the camp..
He then sneaks to the east and hold the leaf right up under his nose rather sniffing that than whatever he will find.

Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:25 pm
by thinkslogically
Turn 19

The light begins to fade as the sun starts to dip towards the horizon.


Silver licks the leaf suspiciously. Ohh! It's tingly! She nibbles it cautiously and is surprised to notice that her mouth has gone a bit numb. It tastes pretty horrible and bitter, but there might be other uses the goblins could put it to... After that, she pokes her head inside the cave to see if it goes anywhere but it's just a shallow cave and there's no passageways that she can see.

Write tries to grab a closer look at the little fireflies, but they all dart away just before she can catch them! How annoying! From a distance, they do look pretty harmless though and she's never heard of fireflies being dangerous before, but then again she'd never heard of footnoms either. Turning her attention to the pile of dung, she notices a few big bugs running around in the muck but they don't pay her much attention. Thinking back to her books, she vaguely remembers reading something about how people used to use dung as a fuel for campfires and stuff.


Kin investigates the purple patches on the ground and discovers they are little clumps of mud. Ah well. She heads south to the campsite where she meets Treasure who's spacing out. Probably staring at the beautiful sunset that's in front of him. I would be too if I was him - it's definitely in the top ten sunsets I've ever seen. Wow. Wish you guys could see this!


Shackled gives his blue leaves to Kin and sneaks to the right with his ant-on-a-stick and a tingly leaf shoved over his nose. Stepping into the new area he is immediately battered by the most disgustingly nauseating stench he has ever smelled!


He promptly retches up the contents of his stomach and staggers back to the west. Just as well he hadn't eaten anything yet today! His ant decides that enough is enough and disappears back into the jungle. He is left with a boring and ordinary stick.


Swallows has a good look at the lock to see if there's some way it can be removed, but it's been carefully worked into the wood of the chest. Without tools, there's no way she'll get that out any time soon. The chest is light enough to carry though, so she picks up the whole thing and heads towards the campsite. She bumps into Dances, who is dragging the ship's sail behind him. It's really awkward for one goblin to pull around by themselves though and he's only going to be able to move it one area at a time on his own..


So's you know, you will still be able to act normally on Turn 20. Nighttime comes afterwards as an 'interlude-type' update.

Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:44 pm
by lingrem
Writes, despite the slight feeling of grossness, grabs a few of the minty leaves and uses them to gather a handful of guano. She'll head to the camp with them.

Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:05 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
Silver heads over to where the chief puts up camp.

Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:50 pm
by Maiandra

Image "Oh, Dances... do you want help with that?"
Swallows whistfully glances down at her trapped chest... but the sail is no doubt going to be much more useful during the night. With a sigh, she puts her chest down behind some of the trees and helps Dances drag the sail back to the camp. Once there, she settles down with a rumbling tummy and decides that first thing tomorrow, she's going to catch herself a nice, big breakfast of ants.

Minor: put the chest back down
Major and Move: help drag the sail to the camp

Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:56 pm
by lingrem
((Tomorrow Writes wants to go fishing!!))

Re: The Island (Turn 18)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:30 am
by Theis2
Image Yuck.. I'm dissapointed in you minty leaf..
Shackled moves to the South of the camp
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Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:49 am
by GathersIngredients
Image "What a beautiful sunset! And thanks to Maglubiyet we made it through our first day here alive, even if beaten up a little on some accounts... Hopefully we can get through our first night without too much trouble as well."
If Swallows and Dances can make it back to the camp with the sail AND the box on their own, Kin will try to make a little part of this camp more fit for sleeping. Like cleaning away the worst bits of dirt, rocks, seashells etc. from an area in the sand big enough for some goblins to sleep (preferably all 7 of them, but time may be the limiting factor here) and, if there is still time maybe form some kind of nice hollow or something comfortable to actually sleep in or make "pillows" out of sand. Create a bit of an homely feel, if possible. If she happens to find any needle material or other useful stuff in the process, she keeps it.
If Swallows and Dances can't make it back to the camp this turn with the sail AND the box on their own, Kin will move south and help with the sail, moving back north again, so they all can reach the camp by nighttime.

If necessary, move south to help Swallows and Dances get themselves, the box AND the sail into the camp (move north again) by nighttime.
Else: Full turn: try to prepare the area for 7 goblins in need of sleep as good as is possible for now. If any useful material is found in the process, keep it.
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Pictures, reposted, for everyone's convenience:
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Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:53 am
by Theis2
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Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:20 am
by thinkslogically
Re Sleeping & Eating:
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Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:36 am
by Theis2
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Re: The Island (Turn 19)

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:03 am
by BadgeAddict
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If nighttime happens after turn 20, then Dances will make it to the camp in 2 moves and get there before night. (If this one is true, please allow swallows to continue taking her chest back to camp)

If nighttime happens on turn 20, then Dances will happily accept help from swallows in dragging the sail back to camp.

"Thank you for your help swallows, this thing is...huff....really heavy....hrrmmph..." Dances hums a little song (he was taught as a child but has forgotten this) called "The little dwarf that could" that went something like this:

The little fat dwarf looked up at the hill.
There was something on top he had to kill.
He was tired and small, and the hill was tall,
And his face blushed red as he softly said,
ÔÇ£I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.ÔÇØ

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