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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:32 am
by Synch
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Bjorn sits with Grunt, cross-armed. "Look at them all, chatting and having fun. Pah."
He had grown up in a village with very few children, and all of them working with their parents, so he had little experience in socialising with others his age. Mind you, he wasn't here to chat and make friends. He has a job to do. No idea why the others aren't more focused.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:56 am
by M0rtimer
Bjorn, Alex, Izzy, Drake, Elias, James, Tyke, Phoenix, Irene, Koa
Most affirm to having had their pokemon for a while, Jeremy nodding along.

"That's good, real good. I got mine from my father- He's a professional breeder, and said that if I kept to... The plan, he here should guarantee me that card." he says, giving the blue floating metal eye a small pat.

"Hi! I'm Izzy!, I didn't bring my own Pokemon. This'll be my first time working with any. Well, apart from playing with the wild Pidgey, of course."

"Oh, sorry, of course- I'm Jeremy."

"And... Well, sorry again, but... You better give it all you've got in that case."

"The league doesn't like giving away it's pokemon, you see..."

After a little while, the following groups are starting to come in- Once everyone has gotten their pokemon, the actual tournament should begin...

Everyone roll perception

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:10 am
by Nioca
Elias, still focused on training the Espurr in time for the tournament to begin, doesn't immediately respond to Jeremy. And just as he's about to, the other groups start rolling in, precluding the idea. He instead opts to finish up his training, and as the tournament is about to begin, he recalls the Espurr and makes a few mental preparations of his own, trying to stay calm and collected.

Perception: 5
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:12 am
by Dusk9
"And... Well, sorry again, but... You better give it all you've got in that case. The league doesn't like giving away it's pokemon, you see..."
"Oh, I know I'm probably not going to beat any of you. But I'm still going to give it my best!"

As the other groups continue to come in, Izzy goes back to getting to know her team, though she keeps an eye out for any interesting or dangerous looking opponents.

Per: 13

After a while, however, Kay peeks her head over the edge of Izzy's hat again and gives her a sad face.
"Huh? What's wrong?"
Raising her little clawed hand, the bat mimes putting something in her mouth and chewing. It doesn't take Izzy long to figure it out.
"Oh! You're hungry! Hmm....."
Following a short consideration, Izzy stands up and walks over to the dark-skinned boy with the cooking set and gives him her best sad puppy face.
"Err....hi! You....wouldn't happen to have any food you could share, would you? Only, Kay's starting to get a little peckish from all this waiting around we're doing......"
Charm: 12

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:52 am
by M0rtimer

"Oh, I know I'm probably not going to beat any of you. But I'm still going to give it my best!"

Izzy doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary, besides the glassed boy in front of him flushing up slightly as he continues.

"I... Ah, I'm not sure if you understand, though."

"From... "randomly selected" trainers, only 20% are trainers who have been given pokemon. Statistics don't lie. It's something they watch out for."

"...I'm sorry, I'm not trying to get you... Down or something, I just want to make sure that you're prepared. Sorry, I should get back to preparing my pokemon. Good luck, have fun."

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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:03 am
by Arch Lich Burns
James per: 6

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:19 am
by Nioca
Elias turns his attention back to Jeremy. "My apologies," He says to the kid with thick glasses. "I did not intend to be rude earlier, I just required all of my attention elsewhere at that moment. Anyway, yes, I do have my own pokemon... however, I would prefer to keep Stelour's identity concealed for the time being. I am confident she will perform well, but however small it may be, surprise is still an advantage. And considering the number of contestants here, I believe one will require every advantage they could possibly possess to make it through. Within reason, of course." He offers a small smile to the boy.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:26 am
by M0rtimer
"I did not intend to be rude earlier, I just required all of my attention elsewhere at that moment. Anyway, yes, I do have my own pokemon... however, I would prefer to keep Stelour's identity concealed for the time being. I am confident she will perform well, but however small it may be, surprise is still an advantage. And considering the number of contestants here, I believe one will require every advantage they could possibly possess to make it through. Within reason, of course."

"Yeah, of course, I can understand that. It doesn't matter as much to me since if my plan works I think I'll be fine... Which doesn't mean I'm not going to try of course, and I think I got lucky with Hogan and Ivy here. I... Probably shouldn't name them considering they'll be taken, but still..."

"But yes, the better you do, the greater your chances. Good luck."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:27 am
by Natrivv
Taking a bit longer to respond finishing up her training, Irene gives them a warm smile. "Good job, I know we'll do great. Take a nice rest before then." Then she'll return the Amaura and the Chikorita. Walking over to the group with Spinda "Hi I'm Irene, and this is Rythem. Turns out she likes the TV show pokerangers too, so we bonded over that. You said only 20% of people randomly selected are given a pokemon, but what percentage of people here have a pokemon?"
Irene also looks around following a little voice that told her too.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:34 am
by SuperVaderMan
As the others are all introducing themselves, Koa is keeping busy with his cooking set. He looks up, gives a big smile, and waves a spatula at them.
"Hellooo! I'm Koaaa!"
And then he goes back to focusing on pumping out his food as quickly as he can, before they start calling the trainers or something.

Koa was almost about to put away his utensils when he was approached again, this one with big sad eyes.
"Err....hi! You....wouldn't happen to have any food you could share, would you? Only, Kay's starting to get a little peckish from all this waiting around we're doing......"
"I just ran out!" Koa states exuberantly, with a big smile. "But if you'll give me a minute, I can whip something up for her right away! Which one's little Kay? Lemme have a look at her, see what she needs."

Perception in tournament hall: 2D6 = [3, 6] = 9

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:45 am
by M0rtimer
"Hi I'm Irene, and this is Rythem. Turns out she likes the TV show pokerangers too, so we bonded over that. You said only 20% of people randomly selected are given a pokemon, but what percentage of people here have a pokemon?"

"Yeah, that's a good show... And you're right, it's not many, but that only emphasizes the numbers doesn't it? It makes sense if you think about it-" Jeremy begins, seemingly snapping out of his anxiety for a moment. "The league doesn't want to lose their mons to anything but very skilled or impressive trainers, so most people who are granted a pokemon are denied. Which might actually be a good thing, since most people who are granted pokemon are just in it for the fun, and if they fail they're not going to try again. And if they'd win, they probably wouldn't end up doing much with their privilege. So those who are really determined would then by next time naturally seek out their own pokemon or even try to get a license through other means. It's quite ingenious, if a bit underhanded."

"Of course, most of us do actually have our own pokemon, so I think we all stand a pretty big chance... We're in the same groups, so we'll probably need to compete against each other too. Good luck."

As people start flocking in, Irene barely notices how one of the contestants goes to open a back door in the room, seemingly leading to some toilets further down the hall- But you think it's weird because... You thought that door was locked.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:58 am
by Arch Lich Burns
"Yea, I kind of took the last of the baby food, my appologies.

Wait you said 20 percent right? Well only one person does not have a pokemon and there are...11 people in this group, so there is ...15? 15 percent of people that do not have pokemon in this room, so she should be able to keep hers."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:59 am
by Natrivv
"Yes thankyou, and good luck to you too, though you seem to have a plan already in place." Irene smiles before excusing herself to move to the back door, she wanted to give that horrid women mistreating her pokemon a piece of her mind, but that door was locked, so it couldn't hurt to investigate, and she should have some time... she hoped she had some time anyways.

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:18 am
by Donnigan
Tyke is much to preoccupied with think up Cool Band Names to bother paying attention to anything but that...And it doesn't help that she's probably a bit deaf, what from all the blaring music. She does turn to Jeremy and respond to his question though.

"Hey! I'm Tyke. Yeah. I'm Short. Whatever. Doesn't matter, anyway! This is Crackle, Son, or however that works with Magnemite, of The Great Special Effects Guru T&L! That's my Dad's Magnezone. My Dads Shred, the Lead Guitar for The Rokkit Monsters...You've Probably Heard of them." Imminently certain that her father is more Famous than he probably actually is. I mean, he has to be! They sell all those CDs and they always play to Sold-Out Crowds! Most of the time, anyway...

Tyke Perception (1d6=2)

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:00 am
by M0rtimer

"Hey! I'm Tyke. Yeah. I'm Short. Whatever. Doesn't matter, anyway! This is Crackle, Son, or however that works with Magnemite, of The Great Special Effects Guru T&L! That's my Dad's Magnezone. My Dads Shred, the Lead Guitar for The Rokkit Monsters...You've Probably Heard of them."

"Actually, magnemite are artificially created through a process that... Nevermind. I'm Jeremy and... I'm sorry, I can't say I have..."


Not trusting the situation, Irene decides to go and check it out... Only to find the door locked again!
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:23 am
by Dusk9
"I just ran out! But if you'll give me a minute, I can whip something up for her right away! Which one's little Kay? Lemme have a look at her, see what she needs."
Pointing upwards, Izzy indicates the little bat sitting on her head. Who is watching Koa with great suspicion, as if skeptical that he can provide tasty food.
"Thank you! I don't mind waiting. said your name was Koa? I don't think I've ever heard that before. Where are you from?"
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:32 am
by Natrivv
"Well that's odd..." Irene looks around for some sort of authority figure, or at least a person helping run the contest. "Hey someone went through that door, and it seemed like they were trying to hide, is that normal?"

After informing authorities unless she see's someone go through the door right away. She'll go to Izzy, "Hi you said your name is Izzy right? Could you help me for a second, someone suspicious went through that door, and it's been relocked. I have trouble opening doors with keys, but maybe it's already unlocked, and I'm just having trouble with it? Could you please see if you can open it?"
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:39 am
by SamWiser
Phoenix looks around at his opponents before talking to Jeremy as well.

So your father is a pokemon breeder? Does that mean he has more of those floaty things around? Do ya think he'd be ok with selling one or giving it away to a new trainer? After I win my license of course.


Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:45 am
by Donnigan
"Ohh...Well, you're totally missing out! Here!" Tyke says, ripping her headphones off and slapping them around Jeremy's head. She then starts one of their better songs, "Hounds of Doom", forgetting to turn down the Volume to something that would be good for a not half deaf person. "...Oops...Lemme fix that for you. "
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:16 am
by M0rtimer

Not trusting the situation, Irene decides to report the strange event to someone responsible- Addressing one of the guys in white coats that seemed to have been "stationed" there.

"Hey someone went through that door, and it seemed like they were trying to hide, is that normal?"

"Hmm? That leads to the toilets... We got it locked so nobody is doing anything fishy back there, unless they actually need to go but... I sure as hell don't remember giving my keys to anyone."

"...I'll check it out." the man says, keeping a strict eye on the door while he picks up a small transceiver, asking for some help- Not much later an officer jenny arrives on the scene, the man opening the door as they both go to check it out.

And come out not much later, the guy- Who Elias recognizes as the smug one from earlier, suddenly not so smug anymore- kept strictly under control by the officer and escorted outside, as the tournament helper goes back to Irene.

"You did a good thing there... Apparently the guy got a vacation job here and snagged some keys- He kept some pokeballs hidden in the back and was planning on switching out to more powerful pokemon. How exactly he managed to do that we'll have to see, but... Cheaters never prosper."

"...What was your name again? I didn't catch it."


"So your father is a pokemon breeder? Does that mean he has more of those floaty things around? Do ya think he'd be ok with selling one or giving it away to a new trainer? After I win my license of course."

"Well... He would as it's his job and all, but... These aren't exactly hatched. My dad called in a favor for me since I once saw one of these in a battle and decided I wanted one. They're actually quite rare and don't breed like regular pokemon. Much like that magnemite. In fact it's unknown how they usually recreate in the wild, though a popular theory is that... Sorry, I'm trailing off again. As I said, he could maybe arrange something, but it'd be a big favor... You'd probably be better off trying to find one in the wild, though... That's quite dangerous."

Tyke is successful in almost making Jeremy half-deaf as well, before he idly comments that it "isn't bad."
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Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:27 am
by SamWiser
Phoenix walks around the floating eye. You have good taste. The red eye, the claws on it's butt, the blue steel. This thing is awesome. I can't imagine the crazy moves it must know. Do you know where they are in the wild?

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:33 am
by Natrivv
"I'm Irene, Irene Dove, and I suppose I was just lucky. I seem to be lucky from befriending my spinda, to getting Amaura, and spotting that guy. I just hope my luck will hold up during the tournament." :)

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:33 am
by SuperVaderMan
Koa glances Kay over. "OK, uhh, bat. Let's see, that means we need some meat aaaand fruit, so lets do the meat first."
The junior chef takes out a portable meat grinder and wrapped package of raw meat, and grinds out a small bit of minced meat. Maguma, not needing the order, lights the portable stove again and Koa sets that to cook, occasionally moving the meat about.

"Thank you! I don't mind waiting. said your name was Koa? I don't think I've ever heard that before. Where are you from?"
"Hm? Oh, I'm just from down in Southern, like most people here, probably. My grandparents, though, they're from Kwanaui, one of the outer islands. Has this great big active volcano and everything. My grandparents moved here about... thirty-forty years ago? My Ma was still a little kid back then. And, well, she wanted to name me something traditional, so I'm Koa! I like the name, and I plan on naming my pokemon names like that, too, like Maguma," he says, gesturing towards his Magby, who waves.
"What about you? Izzy's a fun name! Is it short something?"

As he's explaining, he takes out some assorted fruits (not hold-berries) and sets to work chopping those up. Once all that's done he the meat and its juices out of the pan into a bowl, along with the fruit, and begins mashing it all together.
"Ya gotta grind it all up to let out the nutrients, see? Helps the little ones take it all in and grow faster."

A few minutes later after starting, Koa has a juicy blend of fruity-meaty pate, and he sets it out on a plate.
"There ya go, one nutritious plate of baby-chow. It'll help him grow faster and everything!" He says with a broad smile. "I charged the other guy $75 for his share, so I guess that's the going price. But I can just set up a tab for you if you'd like."

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:33 am
by Arch Lich Burns
James backs up when the bat is pointed out. "It's not going to eat me is it?"

Damn ninjas. All of you

Re: PTU: Trinity Isles

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:39 am
by Nioca
Elias takes note of the athletic person getting led away, raising an eyebrow. "Hmmm..." He comments to Jeremy and whoever happened to be standing near him at the time. "The gentleman who just got led away... I thought he looked a little too confident to just be another trainer, figured he would likely be one of the serious contenders in this contest. Doesn't look too confident now, though, does he? I wonder what he was up to..."