Thunt, can I use IME in my comic?

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Thunt, can I use IME in my comic?

Post by Calemor » Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:17 pm

I've recently found an artist to help me create a graphic novel, and among other things I've drawn a lot of inspiration from Goblins. In particular, I love the way magic looks in your world, with each spell and magic item being unique to each character because of their IME. It makes magic look so much more fantastic in my opinion! My question is, can I use that concept in my comic without stepping on anyone's creative toes?

It wouldn't be called IME, of course, but probably aura, which Complains says is another name for it in the Goblinsverse. However, I imagine it functioning the same, starting out as a color expressed when the character casts a spell or uses a magic item, then progressing along with the character to include shapes, figures, etc. based on the character's experiences and personality. If that's too similar to your comic for your liking, then I will try to come up with a different artistic approach.

If it matters, I don't know how this comic will be produced. We're just planning on making it, but I don't know if we'll make it a free webcomic or try to publish it, or something else entirely, we're both very new to this. Either way, Goblins will continue to be a great story and inspiration for me!

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Re: Thunt, can I use IME in my comic?

Post by LordWolpertinger » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:30 pm

I think he won't mind, but it's best to try a PM so thatyou and him can discuss it better.
I've done stories with an IME flair but it was more color coded elements, the element you're more apt with. like plants and such earth based magic is green, more plant based the darker green. Fire is red and water is blue. the concept isn't new but I'm sure Thunt woudl love helping you tweak it to be less stealing and more homage

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