Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:54 pm

Taking bets on who bites it next! xDDD

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by kurik » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:05 pm

Can I just say, I feel REALLY stupid going back to try and help bring this thing down. If we all live through this, I fully intend to tear Doug (or somebody) a new one. :roll:

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:08 pm

kurik wrote:Can I just say, I feel REALLY stupid going back to try and help bring this thing down. If we all live through this, I fully intend to tear Doug (or somebody) a new one. :roll:
xD Why are you going to tear someone a new one for your own decision?

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by kurik » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:20 pm

Mereneth wrote:
kurik wrote:Can I just say, I feel REALLY stupid going back to try and help bring this thing down. If we all live through this, I fully intend to tear Doug (or somebody) a new one. :roll:
xD Why are you going to tear someone a new one for your own decision?
You're funny, bringing rationality into it. (And I did say "intend" which loosely translates as "If I remember while making no real effort TO remember.") And it's somewhere along the lines of "Why mess with the large, blood-raging horn face when you can just run? We didn't need to eat it, there was no one to protect, standing your ground makes others do the same, blah blah blah."

Mostly it would stem from frustration on my character's part, since I'm basically playing myself. I want to run, but almost everyone I know here stayed it seems, and I just CAN'T leave them to maybe die. It'd be to hard to make new friends anyway. :P

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:30 pm

xD yeah, if you were the only survivor so to speak and had to keep on watching new human-raptors get killed you'd be one depressed velociraptor.

Also, I am rational and irrational at the same time.

Oh yeah, since i'm sure Nikohl is swamped as it is, if anyone does want to commission character art, let me know and i'll point you to a few available artists who I think would do a good job [i've commissioned them in the past for my concept art and such]

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by GathersIngredients » Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:10 am

If I have had my way, I probably would have had Lauren running, too. After all, Doug explicitly ordered them to do so. But it seems she already has a mind of her own, even though she's not even close to be finished, character wise.

From a meta gaming point of view, this is probably better than running, because, if I understood Mereneth correctly, three of the NPCs were to kick the bucket in this first situation, anyways. If we had run, there would have been problems while running (there still might be, e.g. for "zaki"; I don't remember the vote count), and this would probably be a lot more demoralizing for the whole group, than fighting the trike and, while suffering some casualties, ending up victorious (at least I hope we do). This will hopefully weld the group together, make them feel more like a team, and show them they can trust each other to some extend. Also, they will get their first fighting/killing experiences, which will prove helpful sooner or later.

BTW, Is Jorge dead already, or "just" wounded?

Also, I forgot to say this before: You're welcome to use Lauren (or any other char I will come up with, should she die at some point and I can circle back into the game) in your novel, and while getting some credit would be nice, it's not really necessary.
After all, it's not so much that I write her, she writes herself and only uses me as a medium. :P :lol:
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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:54 am

Jorge is not dead. Just a rash idiot.

Personally I hope Lauren survives for what we talked about before.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:47 am

I should hope it goes without saying, any wound you take isn't going to simply go away in a few minutes. It is there for a while to come, like a real wound.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by nikohl » Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:51 am

Mereneth wrote:--Oh yeah, since i'm sure Nikohl is swamped as it is--
I'm not, now. I was busy drawing for the Altsplanations contest for a while, but now I'm free as a bird. I don't always feel like drawing though. I should really learn how to draw digitally, but I never have. Maybe once I've sold my house (soooooon >:D) I'll invest in a cheap tablet and start practicing.

I think I have the basic appearance right, unless you have any further input? So if people want me to try and draw their character, I will. Send me a PM with any specific details that Mereneth's told you about, plus any extra suggestions you have on appearance, and I'll see what I can do. Obviously it won't be as sketchy as the "is this the right shape of dinosaur?" doodle I did, but it's not going to be a masterpiece because I've never got better than "OK" at drawing :lol:

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:08 am

I have created a short reference guide in a Who's who in Raptor at heart, I did not include NPCs though, I like having a handy reference guide, hope everyone enjoys it.
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Current Location: Returning to clearing with Minis following
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Current Location: In clearing
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Current Location: Somewhere in the jungle (Fled Tri-tops Battle)
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Current Location: In meadow
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Current Location: In Clearing
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Current Location: Somewhere in the jungle (Fled Tri-tops Battle)
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Current Location: In Clearing
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Current Location: In Clearing
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Current Location: In clearing (Wounded)
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Current Location: In clearing
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Current Location: Somewhere in the jungle (Fled Tri-tops Battle)
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Last edited by BadgeAddict on Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:20 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BeanDip » Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:51 am

That is extremely handy, Badge. Thank you. :) I initially missed Hoff's name though. I'd forgot I named him Nathan 'cause I (and he) always refers to himself as Hoff. It's a habit carried over from the military. Wait, has he even introduced himself name-wise to everyone or did I forget to do so? I think I forgot.

Also, the triceratops is facing me. This is awesome! :D
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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by SamWiser » Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:22 am

Yeah, thanks. It's awesome.
Thanks to Arch Lich Burns for the avatar, and Mnementh for the mustache.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:43 am

I will try to keep it updated as new information comes in, and I will also add more information as I think of it or if you would like to suggest any information to add please speak. I've currently added location so that we can keep better track of who is where. Or for example, if one of us PCs get wounded I will keep track of that also.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by nikohl » Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:03 pm

That is very useful indeed! In fact - Mereneth, when you see this, do you think you could link to BA's post in the first post of the game thread? The link, for your convenience, is http://www.goblinsforum.com/viewtopic.p ... 125#p49337

Thanks for doing that, BA, and extra thanks if you manage to keep it updated :D (ps - if you're feeling up to it, can you add the NPCs in a different tab? Some are going to bite it, some are already dead, but some might make it. We only really know names and colours right now but I bet we'll learn more. If you don't want to do that, I'll try and do it later :D)

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:07 pm

Yeah, i'll go through and pull the information for the NPCs, the PCs were simply easier to pull out at the moment. I suppose it would be nice to keep a graveyard of sorts also. In fact (brain gears are buzzing with ideas) I'll add a little competition in the list called Notable Accomplishments So, if for instance the Tri-top is killed, who made the killing shot and who helped? this would (in my mind) be a notable accomplishment. The other thing i will add is a Tab called Memorial - remembering the fallen. I fear that quite a few raptors will die over the course of this story, and i suppose it would be interesting to remember not only who they were but also how they bit the dust.

Example: Allysa - Impaled by an angry male Triceratops

I'm guessing that the color of our skin is technically the color of our audible voice, yes?

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by kurik » Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:50 pm

Very awesome.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Theis2 » Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:58 pm

BadgeAddict wrote: I'm guessing that the color of our skin is technically the color of our audible voice, yes?
I actually just went for my usual colour. I'm not sure bronze is even available on the palette of colours xD
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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BeanDip » Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:34 pm

theis2 wrote:John quickly looks to the ground and looks for a rock or some other heavy object to throw at the triceratop while making a quick and load roar at it.
I'm not criticizing you or anything at all but how does a raptor throw something? Raptor arms work very differently than human ones and throwing with the mouth just seems awkward.
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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:16 pm

BeanDip wrote:I'm not criticizing you or anything at all but how does a raptor throw something? Raptor arms work very differently than human ones and throwing with the mouth just seems awkward.
All actions have consequences; whether good or bad remains to be seen. This is an example of acting with his human mind, to me. Unless it is something like the previous instance when some of you said you were running 'with' the npcs when they weren't even going anywhere yet, I will take advantage of things like this. >:D

The only reason the npc's are managing any type of good running leaps and such are the short amount of experience living as raptors they have over the players atm. It isn't even enough, given Jorge's example.

As to BA's nifty list thing, would it not be more suitable linked to the front of the OOC chat or the recruitment page than the RP page itself?

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BeanDip » Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:58 pm

Oh Hoff. You gonna die.

I think it would be nice in the top post of both the OOC and the Initial games post. I don't think the recruitment thread gets much love anymore but it might be useful there.
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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:48 pm

Oh Hoff, you got...ignored?

I had the entire post pretty much done before I saw Hoff squeaking at the trike xD John, however...

There is also the fact that the raptors who fled the fight....are in a little trouble of their own.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by BeanDip » Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:03 pm

I forget he's tiny :P

That's okay 'cause Hoff forgets too.
NOTE TO ALL THOSE I AM GAMING WITH: Currently gaming with others in the Sacred Statue Garden.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:01 pm

Can see it now. Hoff jumps on the trikes back who proceeds to die from relief at the ultimate back scratch.

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by kurik » Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:57 pm

So it looks like someone, who shall remain nameless, may or may not have gotten drunk and goggles at the same time. :paranoia:

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Re: Raptor at Heart - OoC discussion/chat

Post by Mereneth » Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:07 am

kurik wrote:So it looks like someone, who shall remain nameless, may or may not have gotten drunk and goggles at the same time. :paranoia:
drunk and goggles?

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