Username Explanations

For anything related to the Goblin's Community beyond the forum, or for anything that does not fit elsewhere. Newcomers should introduce themselves here.
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Draco Ex Machina
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Draco Ex Machina » Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:26 am

Well, I'm a mechanical engineer, and I've been a big fan of dragons since I was a small child. I also used to want to be a writer for a long time (and still retain some minor aspirations), and Deus Ex Machina is a pretty common literary trope.

Altogether, Draco Ex Machina makes a certain amount of sense for my username. I tend to use it for just about everything, from games to forums.

613 The Evil
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by 613 The Evil » Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:52 am

My nickname is too old to be able to remember its meaning clearly... Well if I really bothered perhaps... But nah. :)

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:55 am

Evil. luring me to this thread to read your usernsme explanation, and then.... nothing...
Argh, my curiousity is annoying....
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Maelphaxerazz » Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:59 pm

My username started as a character name on a Neverwinter Nights 2 persistent multiplayer server set in Planescape. The character was a Baatezu warlock - by game rules a tiefling, but I spent pretty much all the time in Horned Devil form so he was RP'd as a Baatezu. Maelphaxerazz was chosen because it sounds like a suitably Baator-esque, fiendish name.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by StreetSamurai » Tue Apr 03, 2018 4:51 am

My username derives from a profession in Shadowrun. I've only played in a few short Shadowrun campaigns during my gaming career, but I really enjoyed the cyberpunk setting mixed with fantasy.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:46 am

Welcome the both of you.
How nice to jump in and explain your username.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by crow76308 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:30 pm

I loved the movie The Crow, and fell even more in love with the graphic novel, and I lived in zip code 76308. That simple.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:01 am

That explains a lot, thanks, crow.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by UnabatedBasher » Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:08 pm

Honestly, UnabatedBasher7 was just my auto generated Xbox360 gamertag, and I thought it was cool so I kept using it. I would like something more short and catchy but I'm too indecisive to pick something better, and I've had this one for so long that I'm attached to it :shrug:

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:06 am

That's an interesting story. I never used proposed names, as I always feared too many similar names used by others then.
Nice to know that it does work for some.
Thanks for sharing, UB7. (Do you mind the abbreviation?)

Also, welcome!!
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Complains » Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:30 am

I'm feeling really dumb right now. So I'm 32, you can check my facebook page under ronan.schuck, and I clicked the UNDER 18 button and did my stuff until the end. I obvioulsly didn't want to send a permission letter for my 60 year old dad to sign, so I made an email just for this forum to ask the Goblin Queen to please give a happy ending to Minmax and Kin, as friends at least, or ending up together. I'm going to do it now :D

So yeah... complains is right, I guess :P

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:42 am

Misclicking happens.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Screaming » Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:14 pm

Username explanation: Screaming is short for Screaming At The Small Clouds. My character in pathfinder named himself that when he became a bard and started traveling.
He was aiming for "The soft voice of the heavens" or something equivalent but he hasn't quite gotten the hang of Common yet.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:09 am

Nor of volume control. Nice name.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Velgar » Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:56 pm

I'm mostly going to blame David Eddings for my go-to name.

It does incorporate a small part of my actual name and was very likely inspired by Garion, Belgarath and Polgara. Also was delighted when a past friend said that I "only picked it because it means two spears".

Vel - (Tamil: வேல், lit. 'Vēl') is a divine javelin (spear) associated with Murugan, Hindu war God also known as Vel Murugan.
Gar - From Middle English gar, gare, gere, gore, from Old English gār (“spear, dart, javelin, shaft, arrow, weapon, arms”)

Definitely not planned, but not unwelcome either. Though pity it's two different languages, would work better if it was from one.

I just liked how it sounded. :P
(Still could be my goblin-name, and in very similar fashion as one creature named Two-Edge.. ;))

When I can't get it, I use several different version of it, but lately I've mostly stuck with Velgar Grim. As a small nod to brothers Grimm, who collected the many tales of others and by telling them made them immortal in ways they might never have achieved on their own merits. But also bit to my usual stance towards things. I tend to look through the negative aspects of things before going through the positive ones.

Also it's hilarious to go around with all things fluffy, pink (or my favourite, yellow [loving Big Ears for a few reasons, not to mention the layout of this forum...]) and silly when your nick is anything "Grim". :lol:

Had once Gav Thorpe mention that I should change my name to Velgar Grim, 'cose he thought it cool (one of the greats when it comes to Warhammer-lore) and I even own a book signed for Velgar Grim by him. 8)
Definitely my treasure among treasures, that one.
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:53 pm

Welcome Velgar.
Yes, it's always nice to learn your chosen nickname can have other meanings in other languages...
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Pesters People
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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Pesters People » Thu May 30, 2024 12:23 am

Hi! I tried to make up a goblin name for myself from my job. A lot of my job is calling and messaging people to remind them to do stuff. So I picked this one, Pesters People.

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Re: Username Explanations

Post by Krulle » Fri May 31, 2024 5:53 am

That's a nice name.
Welcome, btw!

(in case you're wondering why the last poster before you was 4 years ago:
there's no link on Goblinscomic page to this forum anymore...
And together with the reduced number of new pages going up, that means nearly no fresh "blood" coming this way.)

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