Trubbols world is a magical place, filled with adventure, but there are also monsters. Not just the mindless beasts who hunt in the wild, but those who walk on two legs, and their bloodlust infects all those around them.
In a world made of floating rocks, there is only so much room for people to live, so on occasion, when someone wanted to clear a little space, they would hire Typhons spawn, mercenary group who's specialty was destroying all life. They would clear and destroy an island, save for a handful of their young.
When he was a boy, he was forced to watch everyone he knew be slaughtered and worse, and his entire world be destroyed around him. At the end of this carnage, he and his brother were brought together, a single knife placed between them. The two were offered a deal, whoever killed the other would live past that day. He lived, but the person he was did not survive, at least no decent part of it.
In a world made of floating rocks, there is only so much room for people to live, so on occasion, when someone wanted to clear a little space, they would hire Typhons spawn, mercenary group who's specialty was destroying all life. They would clear and destroy an island, save for a handful of their young.
When he was a boy, he was forced to watch everyone he knew be slaughtered and worse, and his entire world be destroyed around him. At the end of this carnage, he and his brother were brought together, a single knife placed between them. The two were offered a deal, whoever killed the other would live past that day. He lived, but the person he was did not survive, at least no decent part of it.
The boy grew up in the ranks of these killers and began to surpass them all in his thirst for blood. He forgot his old name, and took on the name of The boy grew up in the ranks of these killers and began to surpass them all in his thirst for blood. He forgot his old name, and took on the name of Typhon, and lead the monsters into battle on new lands, when the pay was high enough. And he would make that deal with another boy or child.
Typhon took pleasure in taking the innocence of a child and corrupting it, in creating another monster. That is what he does, and there will always be a Typhon unless some hero severs all of the heads, and slays all of Typhons spawn.
My idea for a villain. Well, technically villains, because "Typhon" is a series of cannibalistic mercenaries who will torture and mindrape some of their victims into believing themselves to be the new reincarnation of the character. He would have a sort of mythological supernatural feel to him, but all Typhons are mundane in nature, just monsters of men who have developed their own personal world of blood and madness, and a high tolerance for pain.