Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by GathersIngredients » Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:34 pm

I don't think he ADDED the diplomacy thing, more so he swapped intelligence score (which e.g. Kin had a high one and MM had a low one, and Oblivious would give you a bonus of X minus the char's intelligence score; don't remember the value of X here) out for it.

But that's just nit picking on my side.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Sessine » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:34 am

I caught some of the live session. He mostly had the wording layer turned off because he is still tweaking it on many of the cards. The few I did see... sorry, can't remember any quotes, but I did notice several that made me lol. So there's that. This game's going to be a riot to play.

He also spotted, and fixed, a mistake. There are three icons just for the Klik character. Metal items are marked with an M - "Klik can eat this." There's also a Klik-picture meaning "Klik can wear this." (Because he has no body or feet, just head and hands.) And then there's a no-blood-drop icon meaning, "This monster doesn't bleed, so Klik won't take damage from killing it." The mistake was a Klik-picture icon appearing on a plant-monster card. Catching little slips like that is going to be a huge job.

He talked about maybe setting it up to run online ... under Steam, I think he said?
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:49 pm

@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:There's a simplified version of The Goblins Card Game going to be played on my Patreon and Twitch. Players can try to collect all this loot!
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:37 am

@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I've finally started building the Goblins Card Game in Tabletop Simulator, so people can test it out. (The Hello Kitty backs are temporary)
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:It's still a ways from being ready, but it continues to proceed, slow and steady.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:23 am

@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:For the past two days, I haven't slept. I've been working on the Goblins Card Game.

You guys... I...

I think I'm finished.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Of course there's more playtesting and tweaks needed to smooth it all out, but the artwork and everything is... well it's just... Complete.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Danielle and I have been playing it today and it feels like a well rounded, complete game. This feels so weird.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Very soon, I'll have a web page set up to keep you up to date on the game and showcase the rules and artwork, etc.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I know a lot of you have a lot of questions and I want to answer them all soon. Apologies for the lack of comic updates, lately.
EDIT: The big enws update blog post: BIG news update, "Goblins - Animated", discussion thread http://www.goblinsforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1778.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:54 pm

Accidentally posted in the twitter thread, repeating here:

Even more updates:
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Currently resizing all the Goblins Cards so they fit into the Tabletop Simulator format. There's like a scwillion cards. This takes forever.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:This card is kept out of the game, unless the Axe of Prissan is destroyed. Then it's shuffled into the encounter deck.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Any Tabletop Simulator experts out there, know how to create a deck bigger than 70 cards?
Reply given by @Tam_Troll: Make two decks then put them together.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I'm just about ready to try a game of The Goblins Card Game via Tabletop Simulator and Twitch. Maybe as early as tomorrow!
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I 'think' the game is ready for its first trial run on Tabletop Simulator. But I'm exhausted & need sleep. 1st game gets attempted tomorrow.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:34 am

2[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I'm going to be running games of Goblins: Alternate Realities (beta card game) Monday on Tabletop Simulator. I'll post times here.
If anyone participates, I would love to hear a small report about it. Even if it's just "we had to abort, it was too buggy to play"....
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by brnforce » Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:12 pm

That Sacred card is scary. o_0

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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:37 am

Indeed. Hence take good care of your Axe of Prissan.

Anyway, a few further tweets:
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Some of you have seen me spend hours drawing one hand. So it should come as no surprise that I just redesigned all the classes in G:AR.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Gonna run a private test game with the new class system. If it works, I'll add the graphics and run an online game in Tabletop Simulator.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Okay, been reworking parts of the game all day. If anyone is interested, I need 3 people with Tabletop Simulator to play a test game with me
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:There are a couple points that I think 'may' be game breaking, but they might also work really well. Also, I've never played anything on TTS
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:The server I created is called Goblins: Alternate Realities and the password is this word... The Axe Of *******
[url=https://twitter.com/Thunt_Goblins/status/907491613554786304]@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins[/url], [b]about three hours later[/b] wrote:
https://twitter.com/Golthan/status/907489902157225984 wrote:@Thunt_Goblins Had fun. Play again some other time! o7
You rocked the Casbah as Big Ears! I'm actually look forward to playing it again tomorrow.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:G:AR went really well! Minmax, the level 4 cleric (who'd gained green wings made of his I.M.E), succeeded in rezzing Saves A Fox, who was...
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:...killed by Dellyn. Saves (a Ranger) later set a trap for Dellyn and lured him into it, killing him and winning the game!
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I'll need more players tomorrow. You'll need a copy of Tabletop Simulator from Steam. I'll post times on here.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:32 am

"What is G:AR?", blog post by Thunt, he apparently intends to keep directly linked on homepage in the future.
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Maybe this image would be a good thing to link in OP?
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:10 am

The "What is G:AR?" has been heavily expanded by Thunt, you may want to take a look again.

@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I just added all the location cards to the Goblins Card Game page. http://goblinscomic.com/gar/the-goblins-card-game
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:So tomorrow, I'm going to start the process of updating the info for all the G:AR backers. First, I need to set up an email service... 1
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:...for this purpose. Then I'll mass email and announce (many times) that ppl who think their old backer info is out of date, can email... 2
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:...and we'll confirm who you are (there's a bunch of ways to do this, so don't worry). There's close to 3000 backers, so this will take... 3
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:...awhile. There's no time limit, so it's impossible to miss out on this, if you were a backer. We're still aways from shipping games... 4
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:...but we're still moving forward as best we can. Keep an eye on this page for updates on the game and progress.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by DragonTurtle » Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:19 pm

G:AR Backers, if I could please direct your attention here: www.goblinscomic.com/gar, there is a note that concerns you directly.
I am always me, but go by many names, depending where you find me.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:35 am

@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote: I'm ordering the physical prototype of the Goblins Cards Game (G:AR). I've got my fingers crossed that it happens before ECCC, so we can play it out there.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Wow! The Goblins Card Game (G:AR) has already been created and shipped out! It looks like we'll be able to play G:AR with Goblinites at ECCC!
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I should specify that I'm talking about the G:AR prototype copy.
(the first tweet above was sent a day earlier than the other two, so a certain clarification may have been necessary)
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Sessine » Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:23 am

Krulle wrote:
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote: I'm ordering the physical prototype of the Goblins Cards Game (G:AR). I've got my fingers crossed that it happens before ECCC, so we can play it out there.
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:Wow! The Goblins Card Game (G:AR) has already been created and shipped out! It looks like we'll be able to play G:AR with Goblinites at ECCC!
@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I should specify that I'm talking about the G:AR prototype copy.
(the first tweet above was sent a day earlier than the other two, so a certain clarification may have been necessary)
Great! A major step forward!

A physical prototype is not a final product, but it is definitely a huge milestone on the way to a final product.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:40 pm

Playtesting with others, who were not nvolved in the development is also a major thing.
Hope no-one finds the game breaking combo of stats and character....
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Shardstorm » Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:02 pm

I hope that someone does, so it can be fixed before release.
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Krulle » Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:59 am

@[color=red]Thunt[/color]_Goblins wrote:I can't wait to play the G:AR prototype with folks at #ECCC, next week!
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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Shardstorm » Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:59 pm

Zamotzny wrote:so sad
Sweet first post, can't wait to have you in the community. I'm personally happy to see Thunt pull something salvageable out of this, even if he's now dealing with the reality of how to make the physical copies and get them to the backers without going broke.
- ANZ based gamer and reader.

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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Groo_the_Wanderer » Wed May 01, 2019 10:44 am

Personally I would be fine with either the option to download the cards / files and then print them ourselves OR (better solution probably) just letting us pay him to have it printed and shipped to us.

Personally I don't blame them for getting in bed with a bad partner (who looked very legitimate at the time). I don't miss the $ laid out back then because it was so long ago so if he said for $50 he could have a copy shipped even in the plastic bags like the above then I am all over that like white on rice!

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Re: Well, shit... (G:AR Kickstarter)

Post by Sessine » Thu May 02, 2019 1:52 pm

Groo_the_Wanderer wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 10:44 am Personally I would be fine with either the option to download the cards / files and then print them ourselves OR (better solution probably) just letting us pay him to have it printed and shipped to us.

Personally I don't blame them for getting in bed with a bad partner (who looked very legitimate at the time). I don't miss the $ laid out back then because it was so long ago so if he said for $50 he could have a copy shipped even in the plastic bags like the above then I am all over that like white on rice!
It's been more than a year since we've heard anything about this at all. Thunt is probably still vaguely thinking he'll get to figuring out some sort of solution for distribution, but there isn't anything easy or obvious that's good enough to satisfy his perfectionist streak. At least, not one that wouldn't cost him a whole bunch of money and time. He doesn't have a warehouse to do order fulfillment... even if the partner hadn't been dishonest into the bargain, the KS would still have failed because the economics of bulk printing / order fulfillment is a hard job, and the partner firm had been failing at it and robbing peter to pay paul for quite a while.

The creative part of the game is done. Solving nearly-insoluble business-related problems is not his long suit. My guess is this project is now on a back burner, and will stay there indefinitely.

Me? I don't mind if that's how it goes. I wrote the KS money off years ago. He never did owe me a card game. As for all the creative work he threw into it since then... well, that's his sunk cost, not mine. Life happens. I've moved on, too. I can live without Goblins:AR.

Or... you never know. Maybe he'll do something. On-demand printing from a place like The Game Crafter would mean all the people out there who really, really want one could order it. But someone would have to do the work of uploading all the cards into their system... I've done it (ED: for a different indy game where I'd been mod since forever - see my sig), but I am six years older now, and anyway if Thunt doesn't do it himself (he should), it would have to be someone he actually knows personally, and trusts -- not me. He'd also have to get over the idea that it's wrong to ask people to pay a second time.
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