Sorry if it's lengthy and completely random on topics, I'm not editing it much, just writing as it comes.
I've been travelling with the family a lot, mostly in our home country (wellness weekends, sightseeing, etc.), but we also went to the U.S. (cities like L.A, San Francisco, Las Vegas, but mostly a lot of national parks in between these) and last year to Cyprus.
Working got more intense, at least more interesting and challenging than it used to be, and although the payment hasn't improved much, I can't complain.
I keep practicing kung fu (started around 2010), but for the past three years I also picked up salsa dancing. Because, you know, the internet is a cool thing for building communities, but it does a terrible job for finding significant others... At least in my case, heh.
The original reason I stopped coming here was twofold:
1. My old lap top broke and along with it my credentials to log in here (and to some email boxes that may or may not have been related to password recovery).
2. I have a sickeningly terrible record of sticking to schedules and expectations. And as some of you probably experienced, GMing is mostly consisting of schedules, and expectations... (at least in my head). Don't get me wrong, I genuinely had fun while playing or GMing, it's just I know I could not do it at a level as satisfying as I expected it from myself. So avoiding the forum kind of also meant not having to face it? (face you? face me?)
In any case, I'm not really in the posession of my old GMing stuff
(lap top and several hard drive failures saw to that), and even though I'm still full of game ideas
(along with creating an online tool to make phpBB GMing quicker, or necro the God School and write a tutorial), I'm now all too well aware of my limitations.
That being said, life is busy. The daily work->train/dance->play games/read comics->sleep routine is already demanding most of my time, which is even more filled with other events occouring around me, including but not limited to spending time with my girlfriend... So yeah.
I hope each and every one of you can find some shareable nice things in your near past/present, and you'd indeed do so!
I love this community, and wish you all the best!
p.s.: Now back to ad-hoc lurking. Sorry to stir the water. But write me some lines, pwetty pweease?