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- Faceless
- Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:02 pm
by Faceless » Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:18 pm
So I was watching a table reading of a Futurama episode on YouTube, and noticed that one of the actors was wearing a Goblins t-shirt! Nobody else seems to have posted on this, so I registered just so I could pass the love along.
And, if you wanna look up the actor (Phil Lamar) on IMDB:
I figure, if he's going to plug one of my favorite web comics, the least I can do is watch the stuff he's been in.

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- spiderwrangler
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by spiderwrangler » Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:59 pm
There was mention of some Phil related stuff recently in another
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Kroshav Xjindraakvar, a newly confirmed (probationary) paladin of The Five in Rodgeir's
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- UStream Username: BuildsLegos
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- BuildsLegos
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- UStream Username: BuildsLegos
- Location: So rorery in OKC
by BuildsLegos » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:48 pm
And now we know why that is. Although I'm not the type to give money to incomplete projects, I'm very excited for Goblins Animated to succeed.
The only one to pay attention to what happens in Goblins.