How do I create a signature?

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Mutters to Themself
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How do I create a signature?

Post by Overshot » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:23 pm

I've already checked the FAQ, it doesn't really give me any instructions apart from "do it in your control panel"

I don't see an option..

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:20 pm

User control panel => Profile on top => edit signature on left

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by Overshot » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:08 pm

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:48 am

You were put you on probation, if I remember correctly because (among other things) you were asked to change your avatar to something a bit more appropriate (there is always the possibility of minors frequenting the forums and you know how parents can get), and you have yet to do so.

I'm no expert on this topic, but it's possible that you don't get to have a signature as a result of being on probation.
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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by SeeAMoose » Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:55 pm

As it turns out, you do lose the privilege of setting a signature when you are put on probation. You were never taken off because you never fixed the problems that led to you being placed on probation. I have removed your profile pic, if you set another one that anyone finds at all objectionable, then the best case scenario is that you lose the profile pic privileges on top of not being allowed to set a signature.
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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by Overshot » Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:31 am

1. I never knew this was a problem? This is all news to me.

2. If ANYONE finds my next profile picture AT ALL OBJECTIONABLE I should lose my profile pic privileges? What is this, nazi Germany?

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by LAYF » Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:33 am

1) is incorrect.
You were unformed of this here:

Along with information on other issues.

2) as regarding to "anyone", yes, it does not matter who takes offense.
"At all objectionable", this will of course be reviewed to see if it is a serious concern and not just trolling. As you can see if you follow the link above, or read the forum rules you will know that we do not accept trolling for trollings sake. Any complaints will be reviewed and helt up against the forum rules before any actions are taken.

And I regards to the question, "is this nazi Germany"
No, it is not, and I think many should be happy that it is not. Happy that we are as tolerant as we are.
Only very few has ever been warned on this forum, fewer still banned, our rules are simple and straightforward. And I'd ask you to read them again, and then comply, especially with 1, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10. Thank you.
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Best regards - LAYF.
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by Overshot » Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:29 am

LAYF wrote:1) is incorrect.
2) as regarding to "anyone", yes, it does not matter who takes offense.
I'm quoting the only thing I can't seem to comprehend.

Let me try to make this completely clean in my mind. If ANYONE takes offense to a picture I use, I need to change it?

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by LAYF » Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:44 am

That is fair.

1) in the link I gave above, you are informed that your avatar does not follow the forum rules.
Please note that the index numbers has been updated since.
You yourself, later in the thread I linked responded to the text about your avatar, so we know that you have been both informed and have received/read the information.

2)If you read further, you'll notes that is only part of it.
The meaning with anyone here is, that it does not matter who or how many makes a complaint. Anyone will be heard if they complain.
But, as I say in the continuation, WHAT they say matter.
Of course. If someone/anyone gets offended that your (or anyone's) avatar has a light blue background.
That will not result in any action against you.
But if ANYONE finds that your avatar is offensive because it contains nudity, NSFW or other things that are clearly against the forum rules. Then yes, there will be taken action, regardless of who makes the complaint.
In that instance, you will not have to change the avatar, but will lose avatar privileges altogether, this based on the fact that you had 3 years to correct it in the first place.
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by SeeAMoose » Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:09 pm

To be clear, you can still put up an avatar right now, I recommend something comic related or something about yourself, but I am putting you on notice that if it is objectionable (again, because you were notified that your last one was inappropriate), then I'll just remove that privilege. You can still participate, but another inappropriate avatar will indicate to me that you will do it again and neither myself nor any of the other mods have the time to warn you repeatedly. Like it or not that's the way things are, you can live with it or you can leave, this is a private forum and you do not have freedom to do whatever you would like here.
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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by Overshot » Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:18 am

I've asked you this three years ago, and I'm gonna ask again. How is a topless body of a MAN considered nudity?
Not to mention that it wasn't stated that it was against the rules, you just casually brushed it off as it "bordering" on it. How can you tell me, with a straight face, that saying "your avatar BORDERS on it being nudity" as "you were issued a warning that you have to change the avatar, which you didn't do in 3 years, so now you might be punished if someone decides the new one is offensive to them (keeping in mind that apparently, for example, this picture ... verine.jpg would be just that).

You can't be serious, this is absolutely ridiculous.

Would you consider a guy at the beach wearing only shorts to be naked/nude? I mean, seriously..

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by Krulle » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:30 am

Well, here we are NOT at the beach, nor in a gym, nor in a swimming pool.
There is NO reason to show an uncovered torso in this forum, except for personages from a fantasy settings.
And if you look at the Goblins, yes, their torso is not covered, but they are (by now) nipple-less (e.g. Fumbles in the fourth panel, (at the very beginning, they did have nipples (link), but Minmax was even back then nipple-less (link))

I agree with the mods, that a naked Human torso showing nipples is not suitable for this forum.

I find your allegations of "ridiculous" rather ridiculous and offensive towards the moderating team.

If you're guest at a party, be polite and do not try with all might to stand out with negative behaviour, or do not be surprised if you're being addressed because of your behaviour, and when not responding, being asked to leave the party.

And yes, I tend to side with the hosts. It's their party, and they get to set the rules, and interpret them.
Get over it, life is that way. Be happy that from what I'm seeing here they are handling your case with remarkable restraint.
With me as mod, your discussion would've been over by now.
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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by thinkslogically » Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:02 am

To be fair, there was also a woman's stiletto'd, fishnet-wearing leg sticking up in the air and I suspect you [overshot] are fully aware of the fact that the avatar was taken from one of the sex scenes in American Psycho... Knowing the context, IMO pushes the boundaries of acceptability from "some dude's torso" towards a deliberate attempt to rile people up...

To speak to a more general scenario however, I think setting a hard rule on this kind of thing would be extremely tricky to do esoecially because we culturally seem to view violence as less upsetting than even mild suggestions of sex (more so in the US in my opinion, somewhat less so in Europe). A question to the mods / admins then would be: in a comic that displays graphic violence and horror (and more than a few lewd images of its own), is something like overshot's avatar or a Wolverine photo really so much worse?

Edit: I accept the point that if someone raises a complaint over a specific avatar then it should absolutely be reviewed, and I have no issue with what you guys in the mod team do or decide. I was just curious :)

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by GathersIngredients » Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:27 pm

I'm saying the following as a user:
For some reason at some point in history people who are surely dead by now agreed upon that in my country it's okay for a man to run around topless, even publicly, but if a woman does it, it counts as indecent behaviour and is legally punishable with a fee and/or prison up to ONE YEAR. And guess what? I don't see a reason behind this law/rule and I don't agree with it.
Guess what else? Even though I live in a democracy, nobody feels the need to explain/justify to me why this law/rule is as it is and I still can't run around publicly with naked upper body without getting into trouble, when caught (except in areas explicitly dedicated such).
Sure, I could move to a country where they don't have a problem with females revealing their upper bodies publicly. But I don't wanna do that. So I have to stick with the laws/rules of the place I am living in. Or face the consequences.

You got caught, you got asked to change your behaviour/avatar by the authorities, you didn't do that and now you have to face the consequences whether you like it or not. That's life. Get used to it.

and PS: You comparing this forum here with THIS, whose leaders were - among other things - responsible for the genocide with the highest estimated total death toll, just because you might soon not be able to have a little pic representing you - through nobody's fault but your own - in one tiny corner of the Internet any more, THAT is ridiculous. :roll:

Or that you, after such a question/accusation towards the people who are trying to keep this a pleasant place for everyone as much as is humanly possible, expect from the very same people whom you were accusing better treatment than e.g. I get from executive, legislative, and judiciary in real life.
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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by Overshot » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:07 pm

It was a MALES upper body, not a females.

The forum rules state no NUDITY. A topless male is NOT nudity!

It's widely acceptable that things that most people find sexually arousing should be covered up, that's why it's frowned upon for females to be topless in public. (In response to GathersIngredients)

Again, I had an avatar of a topless MALE. And I wasn't warned, it was pointed out that it boarders the rules.

It was obvious someone did this on purpose because they didn't agree with my criticism at the time, and couldn't find anything else to issue a punishment for.

If the avatar was the problem, change the forum rules to better indicate that.

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by LAYF » Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:21 pm

sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, whose purpose is to elicit sexual arousal.

Or if you want it more defined:

Definition of pornography
: the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
: material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
: the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction the pornography of violence

Using those definitions
(taken from here:
And here BTW:

And analysing your avatar. Eg a male, flexing while supporting a pair of female legs in stocking on his shoulders. Taken from a sex scene clearly meant to create arousal as a way to intensify the movies actions. We can concluded that the image is, in fact NSFW, partial nudity and clearly bordering pornography.
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: How do I create a signature?

Post by SeeAMoose » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:37 pm

Overshot, your profile pic was a problem and it was inappropriate. You damn well know it was taken directly from a sex scene and even though it doesn't show anything explicit, it absolutely implies much more than just a topless male and you know it. This is a PG-13 forum for a PG-13 comic and we do get young readers in here.

Pick another profile pic that is appropriate, or don't. I really do not care which route you go, but just know that if you put up something inappropriate again I will remove that privilege. You also seem to be operating under the impression that you have free speech rights here. We're not a government agency and we have every right to limit things we don't want to see on our platform. We typically try to use a fairly light hand until something becomes a problem, but in this case it absolutely was. Don't like it? That's fine, go start your own forum and you can post whatever you want, use whatever avatar you want, and dictate terms of use, but you can't do that here.
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