Setting up IRC for the UStream or jtv Chat

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Setting up IRC for the UStream or jtv Chat

Post by SeeAMoose » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:22 pm

Thunt periodically broadcasts himself drawing the comic live on UStream as well as on JustinTV. Currently he is transitioning more to JTV, but there are always people in the UStream chat too.

Both of these broadcasts have chatrooms attached to them where you can talk to Thunt (he uses a text-to-speech program to hear what you type. While both sites include a chat interface on the webpage, they leave much to be desired and you can generally achieve better results for the chat with a standalone IRC client. Now there are a large number of different IRC clients available, and nearly all of them are free. While I am aware of at least 6 different IRC clients used by chat regulars (not counting clients on mobile devices), I am going to focus on two of the simplest, most full featured and most popular clients for the purposes of this tutorial. The first is X-Chat 2, which is entirely free and a highly effective program. The best place to download it is, while there are other sites that offer different versions of XChat, silverex is the most stable and most frequently updated... and it's free. The other option is mIRC, which to me is a more technical option. mIRC is incredibly popular and is currently used to runBotWalter (our chat bot). Either option works perfectly fine once you get them set up, although personally I prefer XChat 2.

XChat 2 Set up Instructions
  1. Click on the xchat drop-down menu in the upper left corner and then select "Network List" (which should be the first option)
  2. Put your UStream or JustinTV nick in the nick name field, and in the username field for simplicity.
  3. Click Add (which should be about halfway down the window on the right) and rename the new network to Ustream/Jtv(or whatever else you want.)
  4. Select the new network and click "Edit..."
  5. There will be a box at the top with newserver/6667 in it, click edit and change it to:
    1. For UStream: (if this doesn't work try and if that doesn't work try replacing the 6667 with 80)
    2. For Jtv: or You must have an account on before you can use an IRC client.
      Once you've done that click somewhere else in that box to make sure the server changes itself.
  6. You may want to check "Auto connect to this network at startup"
  7. Put the channels you want in Favorite channels.
    1. For UStream: #drawing-goblins
    2. For Jtv: #Thunt_goblins
  8. Put your Ustream/JTV password in the Server password field and click somewhere else in that window. (This is done so that you can check and make sure the changes stuck, because sometimes they don't)
  9. Click close, select the server, and then click connect.
    • You can also create a sep
  10. Have fun chatting
mIRC Set up Instructions
  1. Click on the File drop-down menu in the upper left corner and then click "Select Server"
  2. In the Category tree to the left, click on "Connect" (Very first option above "Servers") and put your UStream or JustinTV nick in the nickname field.
    1. For JustinTV, your username must be entirely in lowercase and must exactly match your JustinTV username. Also you must already have a JustinTV account before using an IRC client to connect to the chat there.
  3. Click "Servers" and then click the "Add" button and put either UStream or JTV in the description for the server.
  4. In the "IRC Server:" field:
    1. For UStream:
    2. For Jtv: or
  5. In the "Ports:" field: enter 6667 (works for both).
  6. In "Password:" Use the same password you would use to log into your account on either JTV or UStream.
  7. Click "Okay" and then click Okay again to close out of this dialog box.
  8. To add Favorite Channels go to the "Favorites" menu and click Add Favorites.
    1. For UStream: #drawing-goblins
    2. For Jtv: #Thunt_goblins
  9. When you are ready do "File>Select Server>Connect" again, and choose the server you want to use and then click the Connect button.
  10. Have fun chatting
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Re: Setting up IRC for the UStream or jtv Chat

Post by WearsHats » Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:51 am

Thunt is currently using Twitch.

You can still use an IRC client to connect. Twitch IRC instructions are here. Once you get IRC set up, you'll want to /join #thunt_goblins
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Re: Setting up IRC for the UStream or jtv Chat

Post by Krulle » Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:40 am

I don't think so. It's all been old posts. Never had anyone esle online when visiting the IRC (but then it's been more than 2 years that I tried).
You can try the chat in the new online stream (Twitch is also "old news"): (with video stream, if available) (just the chat)
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Re: Setting up IRC for the UStream or jtv Chat

Post by Olinelooo » Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:05 am

For JustinTV, your username must be entirely in lowercase and must exactly match your JustinTV username. Also you must already have a JustinTV account before using an IRC client to connect to the chat there.????


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