Special Ranks

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by CooksACarrot » Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:24 pm

I knew it was a place!

Pet whisperer sounds go to me, or maybe Master at Cat.

EDIT: I hadn't noticed my title had changed! THIS IS SO COOL! Thank you everybody! :cheer:
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Lurks_In_Shadows » Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:51 am

:chuckle: Congratulations, Carrot! I think we can say that you've really earned it.

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Wolfie » Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:39 am

Carrot finally succeeded at his Spot Check. :P

That was changed sometime yesterday morning.
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:08 am

Lurks_In_Shadows wrote:we want to reward those who significantly contribute to the forum.
And my Civilizations don't count? :P yes I'm grasping at straws... or savannah grass as the case may be...
Quarg wrote:Thinks should be the Professor...but not until after Dec 2 when she does her defense...
Defense successful, Thinks is now Dr. Thinks.
BadgeAddict wrote:Soap-Box-Preacher is probably more accurate
Agreed. You give off that preacher vibe. Maybe Paladin Preacher?
LAYF wrote:am I to late for this??
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA oh gods that's great. Excellent drawing, LAYF.
CooksACarrot wrote:Calvin was a huge part of my childhood, but I really want to hear this hyena story...
He's referring to me. Have bad asthma, no medication. I'm staying with one of his brothers right now, and he owns two cats and a rabbit. The room we picked was the cats' lair for untold centuries. You do the math. One trip to the hospital later when a mega attack happened (in which I passed out on the way to the hospital and had a weeklong stay in which they kept me an extra day or two because they thought I was a threat to myself, where Lurks and others' chatter here in the forums kept me focused and sane) and... yeah. It was NOT a fun week.
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Krulle » Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:33 pm

How could hospital ever be? (except if you're named "Bolle"'...)

You did well to keep yourself together.
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by CooksACarrot » Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:52 pm

Wolfie wrote:Carrot finally succeeded at his Spot Check. :P

That was changed sometime yesterday morning.
I put most of my points into Search :lol:
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Re: Special Ranks

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:33 am

I propose that Krulles title be changed to "Goblin Greeter"....or something more sparkly..like CarrotTop got.

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Re: Special Ranks

Post by Krulle » Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:24 am

What, and loosing my title as transcriptor?

It's just me hiding my efforts to boost my post count. ;)

How about "most multi-post poster"?
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