Goblins infected?

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Goblins infected?

Post by DuIstalri » Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:59 pm

This morning, I opened up the Goblins website, to get a report from Norton (yeah I know Norton is awful - a temporary installation was free with this computer, and uninstalling it is a pain, so just running out the clock on it.) that it had blocked a "Web Attack: Exploit Toolkit 4". I reopened the page another couple of times to verify it was Goblins and not something else causing the alerts.

"Network traffic from <b>ads.thehiveworks.com/delivery/spc.php?zones=181|182|185&source=&r=66656685&charset=UTF-8&loc=http://www.goblinscomic.org/ad3.html&re ... ic.org/</b> matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME4\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\FIREFOX.EXE."

Hopefully, if the site or ads are an issue, it can be resolved before someone actually does get a virus/malware from it?

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Occams Meataxe
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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by Occams Meataxe » Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:43 pm

Chrome gives me the same warning.
So do my antivirus programs (Avast and Ad Aware)
So stay away from the comic, boys and girls.

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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by admin » Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:51 pm

There was an attack on the Ad Network this morning and the connected sites got flagged including Goblins. No actual malware was being distributed though and the problem has been solved.
The flag takes a while to get retracted, but it is safe again to visit the site.

Thanks for your keen eyes!


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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by Krulle » Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:37 am

Thanks, Duke.

Side note: my FFox settings also locked me out of this site....
A few days without, but since we still don't have ads on the forum, I can still get my fix... :)

Edit, the "infected" flag must have been removed, I can access it again. That went quicker than with most sites I frequent. But then most sites I frequent have much less visitors.
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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by Newter » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:17 am

I recently got this message as well, is it something on Chromes end or is it something with the website itself?

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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by Wolfie » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:32 am

Newter wrote:I recently got this message as well, is it something on Chromes end or is it something with the website itself?
It was connected to the ad site, not Goblins. It should be all cleared up now.
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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by Newter » Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:06 am

Thank you Wolfie, sorry for the confusion, it's just always bothered me not knowing. It hasn't happened in a bit now.
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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by Hobgoblin » Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:18 am

I'll post in this thread, if you don't mind: Google informed me that goblins had a malware.
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Re: Goblins infected?

Post by Krulle » Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:33 am

When visiting a site, and you get such a warning, don't shut down your anti-virus software!
It may always be that a site got hacked.
As was the case with Goblinscomic back then.
(Nice necro, btw).

If you get a warning, react accordingly by avoiding the danger, not by shutting down the warning system.
When your fire alarm goes off, I expect you to either leave the building, or if you see no indication of a fire, go and check for smoke,....
I don't expect you to take out the batteries of the fire sensors.
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